OCR Interpretation

The Caucasian. (Clinton, N.C.) 188?-1913, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068245/1912-04-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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No. IS.
a -
Mr. Taft's Campaign jMariager Claims 389 Votes and Col.
Roosevelt's Manager Claims 239 Votes New York Herald's
Estimate Gives Mr. Taft 381 and Col. Roosevelt 201 Some
L'ninstructed Votes.
,.,thr Candidate Has Secured a Suf-j
i irnt Number of Votes to Secure
Nomination States Where the
trH Must He Gotten Managers
,,f i:a! Candidate Gives Out In
t .rating Statement Colonel Hoo
wrlt Must Secure Majority of Del
rates Vet to le Selected to Secure
Nomination The Caucasian Will
Both Sides Each Week.
A mi ruber of ours readers have re
v,,. ;.?! us to give an analysis of the
f,nf-st between Taft and Roosevelt
to date, and also to express our
,vs about the possibilities in favor
of :u h candidate. This is very dif
ficult to do, because the claims by the
Taft and the Roosevelt managers are
wry wide apart.
First, there are a number of con-t-s!-d
delegates, and of course no pne
can tell the merits of these contests
or how they will be decided by the
nrional Committee. Each side is
claiming that the majority of the Na
tional Committee is favorable to
them. We believe that up to date no
one knows how the National Commit
tee stands.
Take the case of Mr. Duncan, the
member of the National Committee
from this State. Does anybody know
whore he stands? When he is in
Washington he swears eternal loyalty
to President Taft; when down here
he is mum as an oyster, unless he
talks secretly to some of his friends.
The number of contested delegates
amounts to 160, It is claimed. This
teing so. it will place the balance of
power, when the convention meets,
probably in the hands of the Nation
al Committee..
Other Elements of Uncertainty.
Another element of uncertainty in
the situation is the large number of
uninstructed delegates that have
been elected up to date. The num
ber is not less than 118. It is thought
that a majority, if not all of these
uninstructed delegates, are for Presi
dent Taft, or favorably inclined to
him, or are in favor of a third candi
date. One thing Is certain, that Sen
ator Dixon, Colonel Roosevelt's man
ager, has not so far claimed any of
these uninstructed delegates; on the
other hand, Congressman McKinley,
President Taft's manager, is claim
ing all of them.
Another puzzle in the political sit
uation is that Taft's manager claims
a solid delegation of twenty from the
State of Mississippi; on the other
hand, Senator Dixon claims a solid
delegation of twenty from Mississippi
for Colonel Roosevelt. What the
grounds for the claim on each side
are nobody knows, but one thing is
certain, and that is, that somebody
is badly mistaken. These delegates
were not instructed.
Senator Dixon, Colonel Roosevelt's
manager, is claiming that they have
up to date 239 delegates. It is de
nied by Taft's manager that he has
that many. They concede him only
153. In order that our readers may
have both sides and judge for them
selves as best they can, we have de
cided to publish in full the statements
and claims just issued by both sides
Claims for Colonel Roosevelt.
Senator Dixon has just given out
from his Washington headquarters
the following statement:
"The campaign for the nomina
tion of the Republican candidate for
tne Presidency has now proceeded far
enough to render it as certain as any
future event can be the nomination
of Colonel Roosevelt at Chicago next
June. Rpariine's nf th nnlitiral h?rr
CD w- w
Steter in Renublican States from
Maine to Oregon all point unmistak
atiy to that result. Therefore to any
one who gives even reasonably close
attention to the political develop
ments of recent days the situation
sum be thoroughly clear. It is ap
parent to all that the great bulk of
me delegates claimed hv th man
a?ers of1 Mr. Taft's candidacy come
"om southern States, which have no
cst an electoral vote for a Republi-
VciQ Since the davs ftf roonnctniAfinn
Ahe voice of the Republican States
f the North has been overwhelming-
- ior colonel Roosevelt.
"The favor which his candidacy
nas received has manifpstart t if
not.in any Particular spot.' The
vU4auc Loas and the Pacific Coast
spoken alike, and the Middle
ties nave ioined with ir.
Sw a solid delegation of twelve to
Colonel Roosevelt, and Oregon Joins
with ten. Pennsylvania contributes
seventy of her seventy-six delegates
to the Roosevelt column at Chicago.
Nebraska gives all of her sixteen. Il
linois gives fifty-six of her fifty-eight.
In Missouri the elections to Congres
sional District and State Conven
tions have proceeded far enough to
show that Colonel Roosevelt will
have all but two of the thirty-six
delegates to the Chicago convention.
"West Virginia Is In line with a
solid delegation. North Dakota and
Wisconsin are solidly against the
Taft candidacy.
"These nine States send an aggre
gate of 260 delegates to the Republi
can National Convention. The most
Mr. Taft can hope for from them is
ten delegates. His candidacy has
States twenty-five to one. From the 1
States which have thus voted so over
whelmingly against Mr. Taft's candi
dacy, Colonel Roosevelt has 224 dele
gates. The Republican voters from
these States who must be relied upon
to carry the party to victory at the
November election have declared in
favor of Colonel Roosevelt. Thes?
nine States cast 130 votes in the
Electoral College. There will be 531
votes In the next Electoral College,
making 266 necessary to a choice.
States representing practically half
of the electoral votes necessary to a
Republican victory have declared al
most unanimously against the Taft
candidacy, and in favor of Colonel
Roosevelt's nomination."
Claims for President Taft.
Congressman McKinley, President
Taft's. manager, has i just- given out
from his headquarters in Washing
ton the following statement:
"Despite the hub-bub and the fur
ry displayed by the Roosevelt man
agers during the week just ended, the
campaign developments continued in
their calm trend toward the nomina
tion of Mr. Taft in June. Exclusive
of the Illinois delegates, whose pref
erence was determined by the pri
maries of a fortnight ago, sixty-six
delegates were chosen last week. Of
these Senator Cummins received 2,
Colonel Roosevelt 30, and President
Taft 34. The latter came from Ha
waii, Missouri, Kansas, South Caro
lina, Connecticutt, and Colorado. Mr.
Roosevelt took Nebraska and Oregon
and a district each in Michigan and
."President Taft now has 389 dele
gates, giving him 12 in Pennsylvania.
Colonel Roosevelt has 195, Senator
La Follette remained stationary at
36, and Senator Cummins has 6, all
in his home State.
"Iowa, in Its State convention, and
Rhode Island, State and districts, will
take their stand this week.
"President Taft will have at least
thirty delegates from Texas on the
first and only ballot in the Chicago
convention. The Cecil Lyon machine
in that State has been smashed to
bits, and Lyon himself is now beg
ging the Taft men to let him go to
the Chicago convention as a dele
gate. Unless Lyon can slip himself
in as a delegate from some one dis
trict or by some trick, he, like Pearl
Wight, of Louisiana, will have to vote
for Taft at Chicago or stay at home."
These statements are so conflicting
that no one who has not the inside
information which these managers
have or ought to have can say how
much of these claims on both sides
are well founded. However, in this
connection, it should be stated that
five of the delegates already elected
in South Carolina, and instructed for
President Taft, have sent telegrams
to Senator Dixon declaring that they
will vote for Colonel Roosevelt. They
say that the sentiment in their State
and districts is for Roosevelt, and
that they were elected before the Col
onel announced his candidacy, and
therefore they feel justified in mak
ing the change. We publish in an
other column these two telegrams.
If a number of other Southern dele
gates would take the same position it
would materially alter the situation.
The New York Herald's Poll.
In every, campaign, for many years,
the New York Herald has kept a poll
of the votes of contesting candidates
of both sides. So accurate have been
the statements made by the Herald in
the past that politicians have come to
look upon them with considerable
confidence. For this reason, and on
account of the wide difference in the
claims of the managers of the - two
sides, we have decided to , give . our
readers the benefit of the poll made
by th New York Herald and Juil
Criclel to Taft by .New York Her
ald. Instructed for, pledged or favor
able to President Taft:
Alabama fall but one district).. 22 j
Alaska 2
Colorado (delegates at large and
one district) 10 j
Connecticut (complete) 14 ,
Delaware 6
District of Columbia 2
Florida (complete) 12;
Georgia (all but one district) ... 2 )
Hawaii 6
Illinois (Fifth District) t
Indiana (elgkt districts and four j
delegates at large) . . . 20 j
Iowa (four districts) 8
Kansas (First District) 2;
Kentucky (four delegates at large
and all but Eleventh and half '
of Fifth District) 23 :
Louisiana (delegates at large) ... 61
Michigan (six delegates at large ;
and six districts) 18
Mississippi (complete) 20
Missouri (eight districts) 16
Ww Mexico fnarn f, i
- y m - - ' -
vt . -r 1- it 1 n . l !
ew iurn. uuur ueiegaies at large
and 39 1-2 districts) 83 ,
Oklahoma (one district) 2 ,
Pennsylvania (four and one-half
dstrict8) 9
DMH.n,. !
x iiiiiyiucc .................. . i
South Carolina (complete)
Tennessee (eight districts) 16
Vermont (four delegates at large
and one district) 6
Virginia (complete) 24
Total for President Taft
Conceded to Roosevelt by New
York Herald.
Instructed for, pledged or favor
able to Theodore Roosevelt:
Illinois (all but Fifth District).. 56
Indiana (four districts) 8
Kentucky (Eleventh District and
half of Fifth) 3
Maine (complete) 12
Michigan (two districts) 4
Missouri (five districts) ..... 10
Nebraska 16
New Mexico ( part) v 2
New York (three and a half dis v
tricts) 7
Oklahoma (three districts, ten
delegates at large) 16
Oregon 10
Ppnnsvlvania (27 1-2 distrirts . . 5?
- J - ' - ,
Vermont (Second District) 2 j
Total for Mr. Roosevelt 201
; - - ' " mu-uiiius, ui l li r at; oiaits.
, j reach the scene of disaster, and which: He is already assured of thirty-
I It will be seen that the Herald !"escued sev?n hundred of the passen-' four out of thirty-six votes in Mis
Uuts down the claim of Congressman "rs and crew who were stiil afloat souri. The primaries in New Hamp-
! Me.. X. a... 4 V. i .....
McKinley from 389 for Taft to 381.
and it cut down the claim of Senator
Dixon for Roosevelt from 239 to 201.!once subpoena the surviving olF.cers.;
The Herald also admits that there are
a few uninstructed votes that no one
has been able as yet to tell how they
would vote.
It will be notised that if the Her
ald's statements is correct, that it
will be necessary for Colonel Roose
velt to get 339 more votes to be nom
inated, while it will be necessary for
President Taft to get only 159 more
votes. It will take 540 votes to nom
inate States Where Votes Must Be Cot
ton. Now, the question arises, where
are these votes to come from? In
order that our readers may figure
this out themselves as best they can,
we will give the States and the num -
ber of votes in each State that are yet I passing upon contests, most of which
to be elected. Some of these States ! Il is nw certain that this Govern- jare from Southern States,
have already elected part of their j pent will take prompt acthon in pass-; Demonic Situation,
delegates and some have elected ! inS a Iaw prohibiting any vessel from ;
none. The number we place opposite 1 touching or sailing from any port of j The contest for the Democratic
each State are yet to be elected: ! tne Ua.ted states that is not properly ; nomination for President is assum-
f equipped to make the recurrence of (ing a lively and interesting shape.
Arkansas 18 j such a disaster impossible. j Speaker Clark is in the lead, with
California 20 j In addition to the criminal negli- Professor Wilson following as sec-
Idaho 6gence and neglect shown above, itjond. So far Speaker Clark has much
Kansas 1Si,qc, , v,w, v.of
Maryiana it
Massachusetts 32
.Minnesota zz
Missouri 10
New Hampshire jeach night and not return to duty un-icratic convention are yet to be elect
New Jersey 24 til 7 o'clock the next morning. The led. Therefore, there is stiil great
North Carolina 24
Ohio 46
Rhode Island . . 8
South Dakota .- 8
Texas 36
Washington 10
West Virginia 14
Wyoming 6
If our readers will keep this table
and check up the votes of each of
these States as they are elected from
now on, they will be able themselves
to keep an accurate check on the
progress of the Presidential contest.
The Caucasian Will Give Both Sides
Eac h Week.
In order that our readers may have
the latest facts up to date each week,
we have decided hereafter to publish
the weekly statements making the
claims of Senator Dixon for Colonel
Roosevelt and of Congressman Jf-V
Kinley for President Taft in full. We
will also give, in addition to their
claims, the tabulated statements of
(Continued on page 3.)
; Ou. . ,t
He is Showing More Strength
in the Race for the Pre-
More- Light oo the Tltantic !Hater
--The Grrat Loa of Life Waa Due
to Criminal NVglUetic Conner-
sionai loTcMl&aiioit The Senate
Directs the I-opcnlng of the To
bacco Trut Cae One of the I
31ot Ileniarkable lulls Erer Pre
mtel and Iaed by the Senate.
(Special to The Caucasian.)
Washington, D. C, April 23, 1912.
During the past week the horrible
disaster in the sinking of the Titanic
in mid-ocean, with fifteen hundred
souls lost, and the wonderful victories
beine- irain hv rvi r-,. i I
i oviug gained oy colonel Hoosevelt in .
his campaign for the Presidency. have8ure that no Icr can l ncoun
, been the overshadowing topics of con-! tered in lhe future
o j j vviuu. 1 i KJJ&Z cr k IU
1,1. . m . . .
" vumpaign ior ine 1'resiaency, have
been the overshadowing topics of con-!
ersation. !
1 T.
lore Llht on th Titanic Cta-
. f j
It was pointed out by this writer ;
w a. icuci iu ie Caucasian last
icuer io ine Caucasian last
week, written immediately after the!
uco ui uie l name 8 catastroDfte. i
r a nx t .
that the terrible loss of life was dne;,ly. In the meantime, a number of
;io criminal carelessness and neglect, j dlstrlcU In West Virginia have taken
Attention was called to the fact thatjaction( and the state Convention of
I the Tltanip vae tint eniu.i ttu . . ... .
. DU'k,"cu ",l"tiiat State win soon meet. It now i
iiie-ooats enough to save more than;seem8 certain that Colonel Roosevelt
one-third of the crew and passen-ini nt ujla n,. r th!
gers; that the vessel was traveling
at a recklessly high speed, in the
midst of a known dangerous ice-field,
which could have been avoided if the
j vessel had taken the southern course
! about two hundred miles to the south.
It was further pointed out that the
Titanic was not equipped with search
lights, which would have enabled the
officers on the -bridge and in the
crow's nest to have seen the enor
mous iceberg in time to have changed
iircourse and missed the fatal , col
lision. Since that time, all of these glar-
! tag and inexcusable wants of precau-
; tion have been pointed out and com-
tnpntort n nnr hv v .. i
" " vijvrii u; uic vOO Ul IUC f Q JJJ TIVI
country generally. j It is certain lhat Colonel noosevelt
Jmmediately upon the landing ofSwiH carry a iarge majority, if not
the Camathia. the first
111 uie seuaie appomtea a.
' L'ommlUee to to New ork ad at
crew and passengers, and take their . The next State that the politicians
.Impositions to ascertain the cause of are looking to with the greatest con
the disaster and fix the responsibil-! cern is the State of Massachusetts,
ity where it belongs. It is proven I It holds Its primaries on next Satur
;hat the Senate acted wisely in tak- day. That State has thirty-two votes,
ing such prompt action, because the land is considered one of the surest
surviving officers and crew of the Ti-j States, next to Rhode Island, for
tanic had arranged to be shipped ! President Taft. Colonel Roosevelt and
back to England the next day in an-j his friends are making a vigorous
other boat. They were all, however, fight to carry that State. If Colonel
subpoenaed and were brought to j Roosevelt carries it, or any substan
Washington and are now being ex-tial part of it, it will be one of the
amined thoroughly. j severest blows that President Taft as
The investigation has proven prac-jyet has received in this most remark
tically every charge made by The j able campaign.
Caucasian a week ago, and has shown j The outlook now is that Colonel
that these were the chief causes of j Roosevelt will secure enough votea
the disaster and the great loss of lifej from these States to secure his nomi-
j and property.
! rw tzamnnt Tt. inirm
uao aiou V U lS4SU&ui vuv -v
t passenger vessels are equipped with
i only one wireless operator, and that
this ooerator is Dermitted to leave
his duties and reUre at out 10 o'clock
operator on the Carpathia, which res -
cued the survivors of the Titanic, had
fortunately stayed up a little later
than he was required to do, and was
j just preparing to retire when he re
ceived the distressed call from the Ti
tanic that it had struck an iceberg
and that it was going down. If the
wireless operator on the Carpathia
had retired ten minutes earlier, not a
soul on that greatest of ocean liners
ever built would have been saved,
and to-day and foiever hereafter the
details of the honlble disaster would
have been unknown to the world.
Two Wireless Operators Necessary.
It is certain that Congress will pro
vide that all vessels hereafter shall
carry two competent wireless opera
tors, and that one or the other shall
be on duty all the time.
The investigation has brought out
the fact that this Government has
never made any effort to regulate the
rules governing passenger vessels car
rying a foreign flag heretofore. The
.;Tita&k uatt-4 a BrttUh fa
It ha develeixtl li.! e are afc4rf
treaty stipulations miih tlsf'.as J aft 4
other tor Ira coti&trie by hlh me'.
;win lttlr ..j
' rule an 3 reralatiosa rtr&ic ait .
! irel are SU-4 by tie Losos U-ar4
lot Trade, aad it hat Junker 4e!sH
ed that the Ios4on Hoard ti Trade 5
fixed, forty or fifty year apo. tfc
condition and require taenta coter- '
!ltJK aa ocean-User, mbea there waai
' t Tfwl aoM 0fiflh Urc ;
the Titanic, and that the rtilea
and regulations roTernlcc life boats'
and other modern appUa&c for j
safety on board ocean vetseU have;
not once been changed.
This is a most astonishing condl-
tlon of affairs, and the whole world;
has been startled by the recent dia&a-1
ter, not only aa to such gross neglect j
on the part of the steamship ronxpa-j
niea but also on the part of the re-
sponsible governments. It has alf
ready been announced that all ot the!
,Mamg n"ip lines nave astee
1 Dereartr thlT will take
the southern course, which will make
tered in lhe future i
j The iYefldential Cntrt.
The IYe.ldential Content.
I Following the remarkable victo-I
! ries of Colonel Roosevelt in Illinois
and Pennsylvania, the next twoi
State8 to act ag to the Hepubiican!
, v-i
Oregon; both of these State having;
fourteen votes of that State.
While, according to the most con
servative accounts, even these victo
ries don't put Colonel Roosevelt quite
even in the running with President
Taft, yet it Is realized that these vic
tories mean similar victories in most
of the States and districts that are
yet to act. The other States which
have not yet acted, or which have act
ed only in part, that is. through one or
more Congressional Districts, are Ar
kansas, California, Kansas Maryland,
Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri,
Ww HsTnnshlr Wv JonuY- Nnrth
Carolina. Ohio. Rhode Island. South
noto toto wocjrt wv.
1 ' '
shire are being held to-day.
H Eyes on .MasKachutt.
t nation, unless it is prevented by the
1 action of the National Committee In
T iav ivUf suu v w ww m w a p a a. a-w
would be nominated by the Demo
cratic convention at Baltimore. How
ever, over two-third of the delegates
necessary to nominate at the Demo-
i uncertainty as to future develop-
The Senate Direct the lie-opening of
the Tobacco Trust Case.
One of the most remarkable bills
j ever presented and passed by the
Senate of the United States is one in-
troduced by Senator Cummins direct
ing the Attorney-General of the Unit
ed States to re-open and appeal the
Tobacco Trust decision of the United
States Supreme Court.
It will be remembered that while
the Supreme Court held that the
American Tobacco Company was a
trust in violation of the Sherman
anti-trust law, yet the case was re
manded to the lower United States
Court in the State of New York to
execute the decision. The action of
the United States Court of New York
has been criticised, especially by the
independent tobacco concerns of the
United States.
Following this, the stock of the
(Continued on page 3.)
Federal Officeholders and
Tfceir Leaders Tried to Break
up Convention
The Ctcttrtti itrt ls tt .laulitar
lata Tfee4ar a4 wa tlrgwlar
Yfelr!i 13erteS 90 lrirclc
to tle Ktte aad IVmcrewalaaval
tn e!io Mr. Mrrbmr Al
miaUtratloai lladur l4rr
Hatter lle-elert rl Ctxmty Oiair
tnjL-!U)trr Hold Another Meet
ing. The Wake County Repatikan Coa
ve&tlon met tn Halricb'a &w audi
torium Tuesday soon after the nooa
hour. The Convention aa called to
ord-r by I-eter F. Hatler. the County
Chairman. Mr. F. N. Gallia was call
ed upon to met as secretary and Mr.
J. J. Hacdea as aaalstant fexretary
The ecrtary then called a roll of the
townships and voting preelcrta to se
if every township was represented.
After the credentials from the vari
ous precincts had been handed to the
tweretary. the roll of townships was
called to see if there were any coo
testa. During the meantime Meaara.
Loge Harris and Charlie Wildes wre
continually jumping up to make mo
tions which were ruled out of order,
but Mr. Harris staid out of order
most of the time and showed no re
spect to parliamentary rules. Final
ly when there was a lull in his talk
contests were noted from Panther
n ranch, Neuae, St. Matthew's, Second
Division of the Third Ward, First Di
vision of the First Ward and Bec
ond Division of the First Ward.
Messrs. Harris and Wildes continued
to interrupt the proceedings of the
convention. The chair then appoint
ed a credential committee consist
ing of five members, one from the
city and four from the country, who
were asked to retire and hear the con
tests and make their report to th.
A motion waa then made that the
convention take a recess for half an
hour to give the credential commit
tee time to hear contests and make
up their report. Thia motion waa car
ried. During the recess Mr. Lose
Harris approached Chairman Dutler
and told him if the chair ruled a cer-
i tain way on a certain question that
j he and his friends would use fist force
! in that convention.
Chairman Butler told Mr. Har
ris he v ould make the proper ruling
and walked away from Mr. Harris.
Mr. Harris knew how the chair would
rule because Mr. Harris had been to
National Republican Conventions and
knew what the customary ruling was
on such matters, and it was vory evi
dent that Mr. Harris made his threat
for the purpose of Intimidating the
County Chairman, but his threat did
not frighten any one. It was nearly
2:30 before the credential commit
tee had finished their work and re
turned to the hall. The Chairman
called the convenlton to order to fin
ish the further business of the con
vention. The secretary was ready to
read the report of the credential com
mittee when Mr. Charlie Wildes an
nounced that his ward had been con
tested and he had not been heard
before the committee. The chair an
nounced that there had been plenty
cf time In which he could hare been
heard, but that the credential com
mittee could retire again and hear
Mr. Wildes, or any others. If they so
desired. The chair stated that he
knew the reason the committee was
ask ed to retire again was for the par
pose of delaying the convention until
most of the delegates from the coun
try, who were friends of the or
ganization would go home, but that
he was willing for every one to have
a fair hearing and that he would
abide by the result of the convention.
Mr. E. T. Banks said he wanted ev
ery one to have a fair hearing and
moved that the committee again re
tire and hear Mr. Wildes and others.
The committee retired and gave all a
full hearing. Mr. A. V. Dockery, who
seemed to be in a hilarious rondltlon,
had motions or resolutions that he
wanted to put before the convention
every few minutes. The chair told
Mr. Dockery that be was out of or
der, but that he would be allowed to
make any motion be desired after the
report of the credential committee
had been received.
When the credential - committee
made their report they stated that no
primary was held in Pansier Branch
and, therefore, there could be no rep
resentation In the convention from
that township. (Mr. Bytham Steph
enson, the chairman of that precinct,
and others stated that no primary
was held, bet that the papers were
fixed up elsewhere at a later date.)
Neuse was not allowed representation
(Continued on page 2.)

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