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iffte THE GLOBE IS j CUSSED and DISCUSSED, 'f ) me cioni: is ;; i NEVER A TOMBSTONE. I KlIOENCK I'KOSFEICITY. j T " HIS iU)NK FOR UVE ME.N. J XOU. III--NO. .DO UURIIAM, N. C, WhuNJiSUAY EVENLG, DECE.MDKK J J, 1891!. PRICE FIVE CENTS. in Where can I save money enough on SET CHRISTMAS PRESENTS to extend my list to my friends ? fTTM v At the Holiday Goods Emporium . AS WELL AS THE EMPORIUM OF Dress Goods, Trimmings, Cloaks, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries ! LC?"" Everything you need at Christmas or at any other time in the season. 5 iDlJ-LVL-hli ' JinVLEXjT STJaG-ESTIQIsrS I g5 IJaiKlkeicliiefs and Gloves are always necessary and acceptable. We have them in all styles and prices-beauties. Also every variety of Handkerchief and Glove Case, Sachets, Leather Goods, etc Baskets are other indispensibles, so are Book Shelves, Pictures, Toilet Sets, Mirrors, and Photograph Stands, Frames and Easels FOR THE CHILDREN! ooua-,af SS?rfSSS"JSH5t !5S2t3SxDROM' FOR THE CHILDREN! Down Pillows, Cushions and Head Rests, with a variety of stuffs used for covering them. Screens and Umbrella Stands. We have made a Specialty of Holiday Goods, therefore our Prices are Right, our Stock Com plete, our Sales People Competent. SAVE YOURSELVES, YOUR MONEY AND YOUR TIME BY MAKING AN EARLY SELECTION AT J3 to. IIKllliHW OEULDREK !j ll;nt' ;i Little S-rap Tu-day at the! Court House. A Lot stuff Which Should Not Have Happened. ABE GOLDSTEIN THE AUTHOR OF IT ' )l W In) l'oim and ;o lirh f Hrevi tirs of Intcifst to All Keiiders f Hie ;iole. When 'Squire Angier a!ked, of Mr. SunniKTilelil. was Le ready for trial, Col. I'runk Fuller said he was not guilty. TU'ti Colonel Abe Goldstein and Col vuil UcfiKstene and Colonel Enoch, were "worn. Squire Angier told ihem to take " iln-ir liats. They said, through Colo- The Connotation of Matrimony. 'jS ill II " THE BELLSAGAIN! Colonel Cupid Does Big Business This Afternoon. CLOSING BUT SALE 1BPE T Two Brave Boys and Two True (iir)s I Inited. THE WINTER MONTHS ARE NEAR : Two Keautiful Weddings aud Vlower j aud (iood Wishes Are Many This Day. And the bells again wedding bel!s i joyous sound. She I suppose yon would have been ! To-day in Durham has been, or will be, happier if you had not married me? 90me hppincss cemeted for an age-for He Yes, darling; but 1 wouldn t have known it.-Life. eternity. Thetc are two weddings to occur now the case was a family affuir and upon . . f !. rmtr, 1... C. fi rA I nu l.oone their attorney, that they could ' J .... .. i . . . . ' lhi pasfi was dismissed. This was the "rji lou.i enough with their hats on. I; 4h,,i .i . .i . i . . ii war the case should have ended before ----- n awuu iw mm n just about an hour, and as both occur AT- C. Siimoierfift The Entire Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods Our Carpets are tlie Town Talk. Such New Color- jins and Exquisite Patterns liave never been shown -on Ml (I (in Ci"s ina,c anc those who have seen them pronounce 111 VJU W them by far the handsomest ever seen. Between 75 and 180 rolls of Ingrains and Brussels to select from all t s j kinds of patterns scroll and floral designs If you fail I to see our Carpet and Bug department you will abso lutely regret it. through their hats. Mr. Uerns-tene told his story explained that tiny the Jews, were at the syna v. He asked that the minutes be rt- l and Summertield said that he was t! pr., of a female dog and called upon the wrath of (Jod to damn him. happened but once because the aboruie mischief maker, Colonel Al '-ohUtein, and a Mr. Max ta''ht a chair that Colonel Summertield and with which he proposed to 'i-i' the mateiial frame of the said Mr. llrrnvu- Shoes, Hats, Etc. Select Your Carpet at Once! having been brought yet it never should ' have been introduced in court. j liernstene did not sit down and as ! above related a chair was pulled on him j and he got out. j Don't delay; always be on time, for prevention is better than cure. All coughs and colds and such affections of the throat and lungs as lead to consump-f lion are cured by Dr. Bull Cough Syrup j OTIS RONEY BURIED. Mr !;, ne said that he would give to i-eo Summerlield buried "'-Mtne had joined the business. ' u; kU'A nothing of the rules. I"( -i l.i!kin, Schwartz, and Summer- weic .-worn. Mr. Schwartz took the stand. N'aiu said that they had a special i: 'trr.- i:l the minutes were approved, then iame in aud wanted the rc;al and Summprtipld told l5c:r'r to sit down. L:ilk:!l 'ue on and told his story. e ' iotit.e.l all to attend the special fcu-tiiijj. came some other witnesses. Al,e ,;hitein amused the crowd. U-n Lawyers Fuller and Boone, in Irud aud terrible words, told it all. tve0 lLi 's'iUire ouud SummerGeld er- Afterwards it was decided that At Haw Kiver This Morning a Verj Ie- servlnc Voting Man Wa Laid to Ket. j i ham people went tc see their friend and fellow companicn Mr. Otis Roney buried at Haw lliver. The pall bearers were: E. L. Thomp C. A. Jordan, T. J. Walker, T. W. Harris, W. M. Vearby, P. J. O'Brien. Those who went as spectators were: Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Dnke, Mr. G. W. Watts, Miss Annie Honey, Ilev. II. C. Beaman, W. II. Wortham, C. M. Hutch j I) MU10) LIUI) Sfust be Sold-SS Regardless of Price. In order to Close Out our stock wc have made such Reduction in Prices never before heard of in the town of Durham. The Goods Must be Sold. ' ' itrvv iioom xilVJil.UIC clllll WUl Vill JH n A I I U of Charge, Guaranteeing a Perfect Fit. THIS IS THE STYLE OF THE BUCKET ! McnV Suits wo have sold at $).((, are selling now at $12 at the same time, we cannot, we a single Men's Suits we hive sold at $15.(.'0, i i man to day, cannot go to both of them at are selling now at $10.00. j once' Men's Suits wc have sold at 810.00, However: ! mo .ollin nnu- nt ST i At the Presbvterian church Miss Mag-' 1 1 gie Watkins, daughter of Dr. Watkins, of this city, w ill be united in marriage to Mr. B. Lewis, of Milton. Mr. Lewis may ings, Charles McGary. The mother and j think th.t he is a lucky man but we Mens Suits we liave M.d at S7.o0, j W X rf: VJLC J are selling now at $:i '.'0. ! j. 0iQ. 50 per cent Reduction on Hats. i 4 X&JM & A ''11 4rl i other relatives were also present. Good evening ! Have you used Ah! there is no need of my saying anything further, I am sure you will hereafter use nothing but the Famous Blush of Hoses know that Le is. gence and of culture. for your complexion. Yours with best . Mr. Lewls is a business man of Milton wishes, r lor a A. Jones, M s T. 1 4 " per cent Reduction on bhocs. ; A,y'yfj Miss Watkins is one of . . i ! 1 'tr'T Dorhams most charming daughters: . - , , JJ JT' , . , , nishing GocmIs, ! , v f . she is a lady of appreciation, of intelli- .?ir: And all other gooJs in proportion, j v y fis 1 A h I mim .'7. 'if "B 0 ' South Bend, Ind. P. S Call this eve please at W. M. Yearby's and learn the particulars. You may all Blow your llonj-.ljut wc have jrrij th? (irij on the Limb of Low Prices aiid tn- to Shake Dovn RjraitJM in Heavy and Fancy om You Are Thinking About Christmas presents. Shall we help you ? We will, materially and cheer fully, if you will call at the Dub n am Supply Co. TMr nnnnn iiiit nr oni r . ; a TOUD? man from whnm will hf r I nt UUUUO MUO I Del OULU. fA. , . ... , Gr0C3iiei, Frnits, Cm.uc-tinTie Stuff Torjactvi ami Clears- uUt n (' later on and in this happy union The Knn ,r v i, p,.. . r J ',acu", H . ai. a i Glorr know, ,h.f miM.i,. fi ' i n Call Earlv an.l Secure Bar-ains. i plete Ime of Ainad Goo.1-. roj., Do ? Fancy and Pla.n CWkery. Ulobe knows that no mistake has been s tar-CxU mid rn ... ....i We throw our shoes the old i W. II. PRO CTOR, Corner Main and Manaum Streets. made. shoes you know, after them, and wish : (). SUMMERFIELD & CO., for them on life's journey the most pleas-! Continued on Fourth PCe. DUHHAM, X. C.