Newspaper Page Text
1JLLB OUUHAM OAllV JLOJUlK. WENESA.Y, IXECEMBKH 14 ihc Durham Sailg SIobc. By AL FAI B BROTHER. l nsOLOBK is published every day (Sunday excepted) acd delivered by carrier at $6.00 a year, or 50 cent a month- Thk Globs circu late throughout North Carolina. The Wzzkly Globe is a large eight-page paper, containing all the news, and is sent by mail at f 150 a year in advance. Ofhcc Corner Main and Church streets. Globe telephone. No. 76. ALVERTrSIJfO KATES. Mpji.ce for one week 6 centa per inch per issue, when over 5 inches are taken. ;?ptce per month, i per inch. Heading matter 10 cents a line each insertion. flusinrss notices 5 cents line each inser- ion. All advertisements and notices continued until ordered out. Address all communications to THK GLOBE, Durham. N. C. Thk Gt-oiiK Is entered at the ostoiIice. Dur ham, N. C. as mail matter as the second class. WEDNESDAY, DECEMHEK 11,1692 THE OLOIJK Foil 1892 Will call things by their real naincH and name them properly. It guarantees to advertisers more than double the combined circula 1 ion of all other papers. It will not waver in its tight for the development and prosperity of the Xcw South, and it asks the lutronasre of all honest men. This Date in History Dec. 14, 1503 .Michel de Nostradamus (Notredame i- French) the famous French prophet, hoi n; died "' puhlixhed the first almanac with weather predictions. 1.1 Tyeho IJrahc, Danish astronomer, horn: died H')Ol. 1711 Charles Wolfe, poet, born in Dublin; died in Cork 1700 General Anthony Wayne died at Fresque isle, on Lake, Ki ie; born 171"). 17'.! --George Washington died at Mount Ver non; lorn V'.V'. 1H0 - Alabama formally admit ted into the I'nion. lWd I'riuce Albeit Frani-i Aiiu-tus Ciiai les Kmaimel of Saxe-Coburg-(iotha, husband of Queen Victoria, died at Windsor, aged t. b.U -William III, kim,' of The Netherlands, died at The Hague, aged Cholera epi demic reached its climax in Guatemala: 1,'iu) deaths in four weeks. Mr. Farncll started on his lat election tour: many fac tion tights occurred. 1M1 Franco broke utF diplomatic relation; with Bulgaria and openly assumed he io hition of Kussiji' ally against tl, rest o Kurnx. That new Jiotel is a mikei. and that emls it. Tin: First Xational h:ni. buiMini: is gelling there and is a humnur. Wk kkmakkkp yesterday that some tiling was going on. It i the clock. Thk county commissioners have nude a'bad break in the matter of sewerage. Ir C h ins r. mas is coming, and they tell us that it is, people generally should wait for the Christmas Gloiik Thk tue company lias not yet received its five hundred dollars, and nothing is new concerning that business YVkki: there no faults in t lie world there would 1-e no gool. It takes vice or crime to show us the difference. Santa Ci.aus has taken lots of space in the Christmas (Ji.ouk, and of couise Santa Clans knows w here to advertise 'Sii:iKK A m;i Kit decides that a chair is a deadly weapon and those who carry chairs should see that they are not loaded. Thk Old Man -yesterday passed the thirty-second mile post on his journey of life The Great Conductor has not yet Put Him Off. Whkn a weather prophet dies he, per haps, goes to heaven, but even if he goes to the other place, it ii well enough to know that he has gono somewhere. AN OUTSIDE OPINION. The Lincoln (Neb ) Herald, by J. C. Caliioux, as good a democrat as ever shot lead through blue uniforms him self a southern man says : Every lover of a good pipe of tobacco has smoked with great enjoyment many a package of the Durham product bear ing on the sack the name of W. T. Blackwell. The man who invented the tobacco that gave comfort to every smoker in the land is now poor. He failed in business, but he failed honestly, and surrendered every dollar and all his property to his creditors. He Is now a candidate for postmaster of the city of Durham, X. C, a place that would have been to day a crossroads village but for him, and there are men mean and small enough to try to step between him and the office and take it for themselves. If the people down there do not rise as one man and confer that postoffice oil old man Blackwell, the whole world should unite in a boycott on every brand and kind of tobacco that has the name of the trwn on the label. GUNK AGAIN. All the Methodist ministers ate to con ference. What a life they have ! They are sent here and sent there. They make friends they get fairly started in the act of 'keeping house" and some wie old fel low tells them that it woat do and they are sent to another town sent to a strange place, and new friends must be made new neighbors must be met. It is an eternal clog dance on the face of the earth and yet they are a! way a jolly, clever set of men. There is no lit tle home for them no place where a green vine grows which they planted no trees which are their own ; no associa tions. It is trunks and boxes it is go ing and coming and going still. Their lives are certainly lives of devo tion of self denial and cannot be filled with pleasure. Yet they are in the work they are striving to make the world better, and they accomplish much. They prove the truth of the assertion that a rolling stone gathers no moss. Yet they are laying up an inheritance for an other world they are ministering angels. They call at the bedside of the sick and give comfort to those who are distressed. While the life is not pleasant, viewed from a worldly standpoint, it must be pleasant indeed, viewed in the grander and broader light. It is to be hoped that all will like their new charges and Durham wants to see her men returned. A PUSHING FIRM. What the Home Paper Says About a Con cern Now in This City. The Goldsboro Daily Argus in talking about a furniture company which has recently opened in this town, has the following, which tells its own story: So well and favorably are they known and so universally popular have they be come by reliable dealings and courteous attention to the orders of their custom era, that were the Argus to ask the ques tion, to what firm does the above head ing apply, the general reply would I e Messrs. 1 toy all & Borden. Well, that is the correct answer. Messrs. Koyall k Borden since they opened up a furniture business in Golds boro have made marvellous progress a:vj still thfy go forward 'J.'iVk sagacity they managed thei. business and so diligently have they kept themselves abreast of the times in steadily extending their trade and keep ing their stock supplied with all the modern novelties as well as the substan tial articles of household furniture, that to day they command a territory not confined to this state alone, nor restricted to the retail trade. The- buy chairs, safes, bedsteads, tables, etc , in several car-loads each, packed in parts, and put together by skilled workmen in the fac tory department of their business here, so that by large purchases and Idsv freight charges in bulk, they are enabled to supply the wholesale trade in this state and elsewhere at prices cheaper thau the same goods can be pur chased ready for use iu the northern markets even in the very factories of construction. And especially are the country merchants, who buy in restricted quantities, as the demands of their trade require, finding this out, and the conse quence is Hoyall & Borden are getting their orders, and Goldsboro is receiving the benefit of their trade. In fact, these gentlemen have extended their trade with such steady growth throughout the state, based upon inher ent merit, that for months they have successfully conducted branch stores at Ilaleigh, Fayetteville and Durham, which they found necessary to open in order to bring themselves in direct touch with their increasing army of customers and thereby the more readily comprehend their wishes and the more satisfactorily supply their needs. This company, now opposite the Glote warehouse, w ill move down town the first of the year. An announcement of their location will be made. Mr. Miles Goodw in, Jr , is the manager of the Durham branch, and is a clever man to deal with. It. A. Lindsay, late of No 3 Engine Company, Baltimore City Fire Depart ment says tht the members of his com pany have used Salvation Oil in cares of sprains and soreness with most giatify ing results. It is the best. Only 25 cts. "" A Momentary Delay. At first blush it would seein to be an impossible feat for a pedestrian a poor, defenceless woman, at that to success fully bar tiree entrances to the Brooklyn bridge. It took pdace on the Brooklyn gide one morning last week, when the wage workers were hurrying to the metropolis, and a large assembly was kept in a state of suspense for minutes that seemed ages. To explain the feat accomplished, you remember how the entrances are ar ranged a ticket office on either side, be tween them two iron parallel bars to guide on through. Between these rail ings is a space through which you pass on to the "chopping boxes, where tickets are deposited, but if you have to pur chase them you pass between a rail and the box. She was a gray haired old lady and she wished to buy a ticket. There would have been less difficulty had it not been for the umbrella. It was thrust under the old lady's arm as a man poses his umbrella when going up the "L" stairs point to the rear and breast high. The old lady stepped into the middle space, and while the umbrella swung round like a tollgate bar, closing the space behind her, she reached over to the ticket office and calmly proceeded to open her purse, fumble a roll of bills, finally select one, and with both arms stop the passing of pedestrians until a disgusted lot of humanity was dammed. With the umbrella posed like an in fantryman's bayonet fixed to repel caval ry the old lady and her gray hairs held the fort. At last her pennies and tickets had been picked up one by one. She gave way and the crowd surged around her like the floodtide around a shad pole in the North river. New York Herald. The Great Rule of Ufe. We have to be governed very largely by the analogies of nature whenever we venture into the realm of the possibili ties and Hie unknown, and there is no analogy in nature of something being given for nothing. The seed has to push through the ground to find the sun; the tree has to draw its sap up from un seen sources to whirl forth its buds; the bud itself has to force its way through obstacles of bark and fiber; the bird has to build its nest with careful endeavor and many journeys ere it feels the little wings beneath, its breast; the gold has to be mined, the precious stone dug from the matrix; the diamond has to undergo fierce processes of grinding and scouring before its facets shine like living light. Struggle is the rule of life. Were it otherwise it would seem as though we might all of us have been put upon the planet in conditions of luxury and ease and eminence that would require no effort on our part, and leave us free for all the enjoyment the world affords. But what soft, untempered, worthless metal we should be in such case! It is the fire that tempers the steel; it is the hammer that welds it; the grinding, whirling stone that brings it to an edge. Harper's Bazar. A Poor Folk's Garden. So early were collectors in Calif . rna and so universal was the interest felt ii" Europe over the new plants of the Pa cific coast, that many trees of sequoias and other superb conifers were planted in the parks of England, France and Italy long before the discovery of gold. Wealthy Calif ornians, as early as 18'j.j, visiting Europe, were surprised to find how popular were the brilliant annuals, flowering shrubs, vines and trees of their own state. Returning they often urged neighbors to cultivate more of the native plants, but with little effect. In Alameda county, a plain, unedu cated Englishwoman of Lancashire yeo man stock was one of the first persons in all California to make a home garden of wild flowers from field and hill. 1 remember in my boyhood the passionate devotion that she showed to this pursuit. "It do be the best land the sun ever shone on," she declared, "for poor folk to have a garden. Charles H. Shinn in Century. The J nice of the Pa paw Tree. In his "History of Barbados'' Griffith Hughes mentions that the juice of the pa paw tree is of so penetrating a nature that, if the unripe peeled fruit be boiled with the toughest old salted meat, it quickly makes it soft and tender. Ker sten also tells us that boiling meat with the juice of the pa paw is quite a com mon thing in Quito. Captain S. P. Oliver, writing in Na ture, July 10, 1870, says, "In Mauritius, where we lived principallj on ration beef cut from the tough flesh of the Malagasy osen, we were in the habit of hanging the ration under the leaves themselves, and if we were in a hurry for a very tender piece of fillet, our cook would wrap up the undercut of the sir loin in the leaves, when the newly killed meat would be as tender as if it had bt-en hung-for a considerable lime' Chain! ers Journal. A Karniiet as a Constable. Among the constables in the Royal Irish constabulary stationed at thedepot in the Phenix park. Dublin, is Constable Sir Thomas Echllu, Bart. According to Debreit's baronetage the Echlin family is of ancient k'C tch origin, and formerly possessed princely estates in Scotland, and also large domains in the counties of Kildare. Carlo w. Dublin and Mayo. The third baronet dissipated a large por tion of the family estates, and the fourth, tifth r.:ul sixth barvnet managed to get through with the- remainder. Then the present baronet found himself landless and entered the Roval Irish constabu-larv.Yank'jc- B!ade. Tl.e (.iunf Organ. One of the- most interesting feature! of the Giaut's causeway is "The Giant's vjrgau. iui:j huge "instrument con- sistsof a group of pilars of varans ifijms er apart on the or the maiu elirf. The larger columns being in the center hn l th" smaller ones taperinjj otf :i either sik-. ;fter the fashion of crgiti pipes'. ntlmirrJily sustain the idea which :ii9 name "Giant's organ" conveys. St. Louis Rn nl lie. LINGERING LETTERS. A Lit of Letter Waiting Owner in the Durham Postoffice. List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Durham postoffice, advertised De cember 10, 1S92: A Adams, Mr ; Amey, Miss Fannie; Alston, Berynor. B Bampass, Charles; Balden, Ger trude; Blackwell, Lucy. C Carter, M. L. F Fitts, Marina. D Dodson, W. D. F Fowler, John T. G German, Mary; Green, Lear; Gar land, 11. D. II Hamilton, D. II ; Hargrove, Wil lie. J Johnson, Walter. K Kesk, William. L Lewis, J. A ; Lowery, D. Q ; Lasi ter, Katie. M Morgan, Mack. N Night, Mathew; Norwell, Thomas. 1 Powell, J. II., 2; Perry, Bettie L ; Peaks, Emerline; Powe, Ed K K Robinson, W. S. S taunan, Adie; Scott, Huthy; Suit, Lallie; Shaffer, Lular. T Thomas, Frank. W. A. Albright, P. M. THEY WILL MEET. The T-adier Will Hold Their Associa tion iu a l ew Days. Regular meeting of the association will be held at the court house, Satur day, December IT, at 1930 a m. PKCOHAMME. Origin of Language, Miss M. E. Carter Teaching Orthography, Prof. E. L. Middleton Leacher's Library, Prof. E. S. Shepe Teaching IIistory Prof. E. W. Kennedy First Steps in Numbers, Prof. J. E. T. Massey Papers will be brief; discussions al lowed. These meetings intend to invite teachers to look in succession at the principal problems they have to solve; to consider the subjects they teach and the reasons for teaching them; and so by bringing together the results of expe rience, we shall do much to make the work of honest learning and of noble teaching simpler, more effective and more delightful to the coming genera tion. The presence of every teacher in the county is desired. Executive Committee. Some Foolish People, Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in most cases it wears them awray. Could they be in duced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would im mediately see the excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial size free. At all druggists. Happy and content is a home with " The Ro chester ; a lamp with the liht of the morning. Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co.. New York. Is your blood poor ? Take Beecham's Pills. Mr. Ceo. TT. Coofc Of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Like a Waterfall Creat Suffering After the Crip Tremendous Hoar lug in the Head Pain in the Stomach, " To C. I. Hoot! & Co., Lowell, Mass. : ' Two years ago I had a severe attack of the Grip, which left me iu a terribly weak and de bilitated condition. Ist winter I had another attack and was again very badly off, my health nearly wrecked. My appetite was all ftone, I bad no strii-th. felt tired all the time had disagreeable roarum noises in my bead, like a waterfall. I also had severe headaches and Severe Sinking Pains in mv stomach. I took medicines without ben efit, until, having heard so much about Hood's fSarsaparilla, I concluded to trv it. and the re sult ii very gratifying:. All fhe disagreable efiects of the (Jrip are gone, 1 am free from pains and aches, and believe Hood's Sarsaparilla Is surely curing my catarrh. 1 recommend it to all." Geo. W. Cook, SL Johnsbury, Yt. HOOD'S PILLS cure 'aaaea. Sick Headache, Indigestion, EiiiouiseM. Sold by all droggista. SEND FOR CATAIOBUL LAWN TENNIS. BASE BALL, Tins UUILL lta.riMr rSEClATIC Safety Lb 81... 0. C SaHk lumCu. IS n.. H Ito.i LM lilt X 30. DIAL 6!eLK 4.C1. It jr 80 Is- M 0.6 I Li IH1X luiwrtm. if .. Ik.. LfetSMh IH 33 CH :.C. MEACHAM ARMS CO.. ST.lCtilS.U j ; University of North Carolina! Instruction b? offered in four general course of study, six brief courses, a l&rsre number of special counts, and in Law. medicine and en , rineeinl Tbe faculty includes twenty teatb- p t C r. bcnoiarshipsanri Joan fund are available for needy youn men of talent and character. The next eion Ixvins September 1. For catalogue with full information, addre PKK&IDENT WIN8TOX. Chapel Hfll N. C. Fall and ClfOTHIJsTG For Men, Youths, Boys and Children, Cannot Be Matched Anywhere In North Carolina, in point of make, finish and perfect form-fitting qualities, as well as elegance of ma terial. We will match them with any stock, and know that ours will bear off the palm. Our stock also includes the finest assortment of Oenl' IiiiiiiIiinj; Goods, Hats, soft and stiff, ever shown in Durham. A full line of Boots and Shoes. Trices Hed Koek. W. A. SLATER & CO. LEADING CLOTIIIEKK. Seeing as oeiievinjr- must be simple; vhcn it is not simple it is iif,j! not cood. iwA?, words mean much, but to will impress tne trutii more torciDiv. Ail meiai, tough and seamless, zr.d made in three pieces only,:.:.:;: it is absolutely jaand unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar velous light is purer anil brighter than pis liht, softer than electric light Loolc for this stamp Thk Rxmi ci kr. If the bn:rleilrr han't the cnnlm Rochester, and the stvle you w int. -nl t u for mr i;-.-w illustrated catalogue, and we will send you a lamp s.iiclv bv ex tre-s your choice of over i,UU0 varieties from the fuirgnt J.jni Sutf in the ll'otid. IlOCIIKSTI'ISl X,A!ril CO., M Park Place, Ner Vork City. KEANICH & Received a Special Award at the N. C. State Fair, October. 1890. (This year there was no award, as only one maker exhibited.) Here it is: "Krauich Upright Pianos, exhibited by the North State Music Co., and not placed in competition, should receive a special award, as they are the best pianos on the grounds in every particular detail." (Signed), " DR. AUG. KURSTK1NKK, V. C. ROYSTER. We claim that the Kranich & Bach will stand in tune longer than any other make and last longer; that they have more improvements of value than all others combined. They hold their tone and never get tinny or metalic. An inspection investigation will convince. Sole Agents for North Carolina. NORTH STATE MUSIC COMPAQ! G. G. STOPJE, lYZiLIffAGER, EALEIGH, 2S7. C. 1S17.1 MANUrACH'KKH.'i ! AM) VHOI.i:S.n,K DKAI.KItS ! All Kinds of Material and Tools FOH MACHINISTS, PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, CONTRACTOUS FOB 1 Heating by Steam or Hot Water. MANUFACTURERS OF All the Host Modern Sanitary and Improved Appliance!. DURHAM 13!-AJrOM S, A. HOL31AN, Manager, Vhere a full Stock of all such Goods will ha kept constantly on hand acl for i- at lowest Richmond prices. SPECIAL NOTICE! Pinrr.-hin Gas and StesLirL fitting-. iacked by the long and extend experience of the above named gentlem I prepared to contract for all Uinds of I'iumbin, Oaa and btean Mttlnfr. to execute tb.e same with the assistance of the raot f kiLci Mechanics from their establishment. Give us a call. S. W. HOLMAN. Manaqer. Main Slrc-i, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, DRY GOODS! Having been in Durham over two years, I have c-staUkhcd a rq utat-f for SQUARE DEALING, and people know me, and know that what I gay oe-. Come and see my stock, pet my prices and you will be convinced tUt in it tor the FALL TRADE. Winter ! And a good aw f Js(iuifu, (joca these see "The Rochester" tz and more cheerful than either. in "The Rochester." BAOH PIANOS -o- Main Street. Durham, N. C. Durham, X. C.