Newspaper Page Text
r JLLK JD U RH-AM 1AIL,Y Vt!N fcS A V, JKOKLBKlt 14 CARTERTOJBE IN IT ! Indications That He Will Kepre sont Montana. Senator Sauders Inclined to Help Him FEATURES OF THE NEXT CONTEST leader. Confident That the LeCiiaiure Will Keturn a Republican Other Wanhinston Jjtwi Notes. jt Wasiiixgton', Dec. 14. Special In- formation received here to day from Mon- t ina indicates that Chairman Thomas II Carter, of the republican national com- mittee, will be elected to the United States senate to succeed Senator Sandeis. The latter u quoted as having said this week in a private conversation that he himself j would assist Mr. Carter in the latter's eWtmn if it anoeared that the full strength of the republican membership of i lift leirislature could be thrown to the chairman. Senator Sanders finds opposi tion to his own re election within the lines of his party and is not a candidate. Mr. Carter i3 not only popular in his own party, but has friends among the inde- pendents and democrats, who, it is said, mih. help in certain contingencies. 1 he republicans are confident that Montana will elect a republican to the senate. The indications arc now that the demo- crats will not be able to reorganize the Tnfi :ntr fcpnntp after the 4th of I w v v s v ------- - - I March. Much depends, however, upon the outcome of the struggle going on among the parties in Kansas. There will be no Christmas trees, no music nor romping at the white house two weeks from to night. The three little tots who inhabit the executive mansion will not find Christmas as en joyblc this year as they did last year Then there were electric lights through out the great house and every member of the family blithely romped around and in the distribution of gifts made as much pleasure for every one as was possible. Mrs. Harrison was very fond of children and she took the greatest de- light in arranging the gifts for her little grandchildren and making as much as nossible for them of the festive day of a the year. The great griefs which have come to ilm fjimilv will not admit of the custom- ary festivities this year, for there are heavy hearts at the White House yet Mrs. McKeeand Mrs. liussell Harrison, , . I however, have been quietly preparations during the past week for the little ones. They have made numer- ous purchases ot gilts and secreted tnem away from the tiny eyes, which always .... i s iOW so much curiosity and anxiety about Christmas time. Two weeks from to-morrow morning the children will be rtu I jllVIl 11JV J - I VOVU ") iiv (lUCtlUA J i tt.ll I ties will remind them of the sadness which possesses tue older members cf the family. There will be a Christmas dinner w hich will be attended by all members of tho president's immediate family. The recognition of the day will end there. It has been generally expected by those most intimate with the family that all social occasions would be omitted, and no public reception will take place at the White House on New Year's day or the , . r , . ,, , ceptions have by official notice been set aside, and there will be no state dinners So far as society is concerned the White House will be closed till the 4th of March It is expected that Vice President and Mrs. Morton and Secretary and Mrs John W. Foster will hold a number of public receptions and give some state dinners during the season. At none of 0 thee will the presidential family appear. Mrs. McKte and Mrs. liussell Harrison are receiving privately iiieir mends now almost any hour of the day they call, i t r i I usual, to go west and spend the holidays ... : i. i - i i. i - i niiuucr i'a.fu,,, uui ai me picMueni a solicitation she has decided to remain 1 ... 1 ....... .1 ..i . i ue re insieau, mat me inree cnuarcn to the household might have a Christmas together and make each other happy The special committee of the house on the World's Columbian exposition will probably be called together some time this week to take up in earnest the ques tion of the opening of the World's fair on Sunday. There is no doubt whatever that a strong fight will be made to per mil tLe gates of the exposition to open on Sunday, and that the prospects of huecess are at least fairly good. Chair man Durburrow of the committee is at present waiting to learn the wishes of t! o fair directory before moving in the matter, and it is probable that word will be recelyed as to exactly what they wish by the first of next week. Mr. Durburrow La3 introduced resolution on the subject in the ... i house. An effort will first oe maae to take up an act on tlm resolution, Ltca(1 of mtelDg u e fight hy way of an amendment to the general ap propriation' bill. The whole subject has been thoroughly discussed so that mem tlio mipatinn nnrl 1 - - . . unless an effort be made to delay a vote, ought to take very little time for the expression of the will of the house to be matje known. If obstructive tactic should prevail the appropriation bill will )e available as a means for forcing tke matter to a decisive vote Information was received here to-day 0f the death of Hon. George II. Harrin t0n, formerly assistant secretary of tLe treasury and minister to Switzerland Iln,ier President Lincoln. He died at sea on tjie .-5th jnst , while on his way from ve York to Ilambunr. P. S. II. LIVE LOCAL LINKS. TJie I)ay.H Kecord of cuirent Kvents iu the city and vic inity. stovcs and ranges make elegant Xmas present. See those at Lloyd's UoHJay goods in great variety at the ; Dukiiam Supply Co. The best razor a man ever put on his face can be had at Lloyd's Hunting coats, leggins, game bags, cruns. etc.. at Lloyd's Vase lamps at all prices at Lloyd's Hardware Store The opera this evening will not com raence till a quarter to nine giving all i .. . .... i an opportunity 10 auena. Just received one car load of ceiling and flooring and one car good heart shingles at Jas. W. Jones & Co -We have the largest assortment and best quality shears and scissors at Lloyd's Hardware Store -Christmas presents, new, stylish, cheap and desirable Durham Slitly Co Hand and mantle mirrors, pictures l(1 photograph frame9 al the Dukiiam Supply Co Thiuk of tljoge 1)eautiful goods that are marked so low at the Durham Supply Co Mr. Iiagby, a missionary to lirazil, vju talk at the First Baptist church this evenimr. His lecture will be worth hearing One hundred thousand lot of dry, clear boards, also carload of ceiling and flooring just received at C. 1J. Hicks lumber yard -You need a good carving knife and fork for vour Xmas turkev. See the sock of lhege ,g ftt Lloyd's Hardwire Store ah ,:nn..,n,0 c,n lows, drapery silks, glove, collar, cuff and handkerchief cases at the Dukiiam Supply Co. Our stock of library and hall lamps is complete and of tho best and cheapest qualities at Lloyd's Hardware Store. -The little child of Mr. Moseley, men tioned yesterday, died &t the Yarborough house, Raleigh, this morning. This com munity extends to the bereaved parents its profound sympathy. ..Heretofore there has not been in Durham adry goods house commensurate with the size and style and steady growth of the town- Tbe Durham Supply Co aspires to fill this need, add for that rea- son it is ft success Look at their holiday o0jg Dr. L P. Michaels, of Richmond, is now with Michaels & Co. Dr. Michaels has had charge of the Richmond dispeu sary for three years. He is a regular graduate in medicine, and will be a most valuable assistant in the.popular store of Michaels & Co. Mr. Gabe Barbee lost this morning a valuable colt. About three weeks aro he ,ost the mothcr of tLe colL This ig bid on Mr. Barbee, as he is a poor man u womu seeni mat some ci uis fronds and ceighb-rs should help him I :. 11 e v '. out in the way ot a subscription, which we all know should be received with f!lvor Yox a mild tonic, gentle laxative and invigorant take Simmons Liver Regu- inti'i- AS WE GROW. I"h Itoom Now on Those Who Are in the l'rocessiun. Now that it i? given up by every one lhat a big boom is about to be inaugurated ia Durham and that property is com pelled to advance to double and treble its present value, it is the duty of every man, old cr young, who expects to ever own a home, to secure it now while it is within his reach. Dr. J. L. Watkins is building houses on very desirable lots and selling on easy terms to a number of our young business men. If you want a home, and what man or woman does not? See Dr. Wat kins and even on a small salary he will make it possible for vou to own one. THE BELLS AGAIN ! f Continued from First Page. i- I ant places. And as they deserve it, they will surely find them. . , . Rev. II T. Darnali ties ti.e siiKen Knoi, llt' 1 i and Miss Mamie Heartt and Mr. Mayo j Lewi?, f Milton, will be the waiters. ( The ushers arc : Mr. M. Irving, of Mil- n Mr. J. Cobb, of Danville ; Mr. John . i -r t l ,.r mcumonu, oi .umuu, w, gouth Boston. The bride was dressed in a gray travel- ing suit, and the bridal party will take supper in Greensboro. The church was handsomely decorated by Mrs. D. L. Duke, of this city. Mollv Smith Married. At the same hour, and Cupid, you know, flits about, Miss Molly Smith was mar ried to Mr. A. Y. Bond, of Georgia The marriage was a family marriage very pretty and there were present, Mr. J. R. Brown, of Washington city ; Miss Maggie Clegg, of Greensboro; Mr. II. A Holt, of Danville; Mr. E. E. Btett, of Raleigh, and a brother of the bride, Mr. C. D. Smith, of Richmond, and this apart, of course, from the Durham friends. Rev. L. L. Thompson tied the knot. Miss Molly was attired in a blue travel ing suit and the happy couple started for Atlant t to night. Miss Smith has been the popular tele phone "girr and she has always been a most popular young lady. She will make a good wife for Mr. Bond, and we hear that he, a3 a prosperous business man will make a good husband for her. The Globe does not stint the truth when it wishes for them much happiness Malarial fever and its effects quickly give way to Simmons Liver Regulator. LOOK AT THIS. A Fine Chance to Get a Home at Low and Reasonable Prices. The Trinity Land company who, it will be remembered, bought the T. B. Lyon land -near Trinity college only a few weeks ago, have already had the property laid off and platted into nice streets and lots, and are now ready to sell the lots to any person desiring to build. It is the intention of the company to build up a nice community out there. Lots will be sold reasonable, as it is not the purpose of this company to try to make a fortune out of it. For prices, etc., apply to J. B. Warren, general manager, or C. A. Jor dan, secretary and treasurer. If your blood is impure regulate your liver with Simmons Liver Regulator. A Jolifr Among IJirds. The bluejiiv is the most persistant practical joker in the feathered king dom, lie will coTioen! himself iu a clniiip of leaves near the spot where smnll birds are accustomed to gather, jmd when they are enjoying themselves in their own fashion will suddenly frighten them almot to death by screaming ont like a hawk. Of course they scatter in every direction, and when they do so the mischievous rascal gives vent to a cackle that sounds very much like a laugh. If he confined his pranks to such jukes as this, however, he would not be such a bad neighbor to birds smaller than himself, but when he amuses himself by breaking the eggs in tlit-i; nests and tearing the young to pit ct.s with his bill lie becomes a pesti lent nuisance, and they often combine their forces to drive him out of the neighborhood. The- do not always succeed, for he is as full of fight as of mischief, but a severe conflict teaches him that th-n', too, have their rights, and this induces kim to mend bis nfhnners. Toronto Mail. I'iliing for Sponges. The British consul in his report on tho trade of Tripoli remarks that the sponge fishery on that coast is entirely in the hands of Greeks, and is carried on bv means of numerous small craft, employ ing about ?0s men among them. The fi.-hing takes place in the summer months onlv and is effected bv machine boats provid d with proper diving apparatus, or by trawlers and harpoon boats. The divi:;:: machin . as the divers have time to s'. b ct ami cut them, naturallv secure th b---t sp: :i ,es. but the trawl nets and li iriK. ;'! boats, which can onlv fish in com iarativi I y shallow waters, to a great er ov le - e.T'.tut damage the sponges by tearing th . from the "oortom. The l-.jst -"po-:ges are found to the westward of Vripoli, the quality lxcorn- :n; infer; -r toward the ea-t. The div' n - r dangerous, owing to the presence ef .-h. jj-ks. and other accidents to 1 met w;;:;. sucw a remaining too long und ;I:e water or diving leyoud the projr mtif. v.iui a often e:;hants the diveis and proves fatal to tie-m. Englin Mechanic. tr.Hv ;u iii.raits A '"i:iri was Siwii'' a c '::ctit be- fc.-rv tt-.e putituts of tlu insane ho.-:.ital j drop me postal and I will come to see and va.- si. yin a lau.iVr into a rather j fO'1 nit. ;vn fnl i.: l r e arid a Enlued it- ! "S5T The lowest prices guaranteed, frain. The u.iiiiem-r. with the l-t of i srrrriA new discovery h :;rd i' to tii- bitter eii-l. an-l when it j lasT r' t" 1.,1 lit-t an-.Mv an il Loly xviih;;v I,:.-.. u aud digu:h-d ;.ir of hi NADING'S SURE PILE CUBE icvt-rc::t. () ; to e tl.i-in. for tlx y kl.'-w net rtl.;t tuey uo." Lewi.-tou Juurr:ul j Pains in the region of the kidney, are ' cured by Mmrnona Liver Heulator. WHAT TO GIVE. A Time-honored Cutom Which People ' Gejierally Will Observe. t Inmct rorv mil l . nclrtnc t 1 A nnp- I""n: " 3 - , Irimstmaa present " Some men think- . . the custom of dispensing Christmas pres- entg ougM tQ be frowned down; that it forces them to make expenditures they can ill afford ; that the giving of gifts is not a pleasure but is suggested by a sense - of duty l ne i;reai mays ui ujcu, uww- remembcrin-the days of their child hood, look to the Christmas season with joyous anticipation. They are anxious to purchase suitable gifts, but they do not know what to buy. Right here is where the advertiser shows his foresight. He advertises his goods, showing the pro spective purchaser what to buy and where to buy it. There are many merchants in Durham whose Christmas trade amounts to a considerable part of the year's gross receipts. These are the merchants who advertise in The Globe, which has a cir culation larger than the combined lists of all other papers printed in Durham, and which prints the news when news' is news. The live ones are in our Christ mas edition. The great value of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for catarrh is vouched for by thousauds of people whom it has ccred. "Whpn Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. "When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. "When she 10'janie Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gavetbein Ca?toria. C. A. Thompson. Sevmour. Ind.. writes : "My sister Jennie, when she was a young girl, suf fered from white swelling1, which greatly im paired her general health and made her blotxl very impure, ln the sprinp: :ne was nor aoie to io anvthinsr ana couia scarcely iretaooui More than a year ago sno iook r-.iee Homes oi Hotanic liiood Ualin, ana now sne is perieetiy cured." M.D.Lane. Bevereaux. Ga.. writes: "One summer, several years ago, while railroading in Mississippi, 1 became oaaiy anectea wnn malarial blood poison that impaired m3' health for more than two years, isevera) offensive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing . . 1 - . .11 W A. 1 seemed to give permanent renei unm i iuuk six bottles of II. II. 11., whlcn cured me en tirely." a. W. Chandler. Red Fork. Ark., writes : "! was so weak that it was only with great effort that I could do anything. I used several bot tles of Botanic liiood IJalm, and can now do a good day's work." Walter Ilridg-es. Athens. Tenn., writes : "For six years 1 aid ueen amietea witn running sores and an enlargement of the bone in my ipj. I tried everything l heard ot without any pencauent benelit until Botanic Blood Balm was recommended to me. After using six bottles the soies healed, nd I am now in bet ter health than I have ever leen. I send this testimonial unsolicited, because I want others to be benefited." DRESS MAKING-! Being experienced in dress making, we ask the patronage of any who wish work done. Satisfaction given. Mrs. IIedgpetii & Bakuee, I2t Broadway Street. NOTICE ! Amplication will be made to the General As sembly of North Carolina at its next session to incorporate a company to construct a railroad from the city of Durham. N. C, through the counties of Durham, Chatham, Moore. Mont goraery, Stanly and Mecklenburg to the city of Charlotte. J. S. CAHK. Durham, N. C, Dec. 14, H3. LASTIOG! For nicest and best WALL FI1EISHJ USE PI.:ASTICO. Can be had at J. T. WOMBLE'S General Hardware and Stove Store, Sole Agent for Plastiroin Durham. Statistics howtbafcone in rotrn has a weak r diseased Heart. Tbo first symptoms arc abort breath, epprese'.on, flutterlncr. Taint and aa-ry pelts.uain In 1 do, then motherlDs;, swollen ankiri, t'ropijr (and death.) for Which B. MILTS' .r.V ITEAIIT CUKE lam marrelons reinrdT. "I bara been troubled Kith heart fliseasa for yars, my left puis was Terr weak, could at timrs ecorcelr feel it, tbe smallest extltcmer.t would always weaken my nerresand bcartand r fear of Impending death stared ma In tbe face t--r hour. I11. MILr.H' NCItVIXE NT.W XI Z A HT CURE la tba only medicine itst baa proved of any bene fit and cured ce -U l. Dyer, Clorerdalo. Ml. Ir. Miles' Liver rIIla r a aura remedy for Kllloasness and Torpid Liver. SO Desea X& cents. Fine bock oq Heart Disease. wlUi woaCsrful enrea Free at druggiata. or addreaa OR. MILES' MEOtCAU CO., Elkhart, Intf. JOHN C. WILKEESON, Agent for the sale of Tombstcnss, Mcnumsnts AND VAULTS. Parties in need will please see me be- fore nurchasinc If vou fail to see me. Almost instant relief in the majority of cases in from 10 to 15 days Nv-r returns. No purye No supposirors. n jruarameeu 10 ourethe most ai?vnM atod and nttinte cajes lVon " I il I. or moner will e refundl. For information. Liberty t.. Winston. N. C. ten nrte " m A Ski any addrwa For Sale 1h Durham, X. C, hy Michael TOSH Urli-Tri FOR BARGAINS IN JEWELRY! SEE C. T. POSTLEY, Main Street, Durham. FOR PRESENTS IM JEWELRY! SEE C. T. POSTLEY. Main Street, Durham. FOR NOVELTIES IN JEWELRY! -SEE- C. T. POSTLEY, Main Street, Durham. FOR WATCHES, CLOCKS, ok anytiiim; IN JEWELRY! SEE C. T. POSTLEY. Main Street, Durham. WHITMORS'S Just opened on the Corner of Church and Main Sts., op. Johnson's Drug Store. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Pies ALWAYS OX HANI). I will carry a nice line of Taney Cakes, all my own manufaeture. Icing and Ornamenting neatly done. I will also carry a nice line of French and Plain Candies, Fruits, Nuts, etc. PTALL OK D KKS WILL 1IAVK J2TMY PROMPT ATTENTION. Give me a trial and be convinced that good goods in this line can be had in Durham aa elsewhere. J. L. WHITMORE. THE DURHAM Farmers' Alliance Merchandise Co Begs leave to inform the public that it is re ceiving some First-Class Provisions Thesi Days ! A complete line of Family Flour, from Good to Fancy, That is sold at close prices. llarrs, Breakfast Bacon, Etc.. of the Finest Brands. Cakes. Crackers and Candies Fresh from the Factory. Pickles, Preserves and Jellies of Stan dard Make. OI K ONE P.L'SINESS IS TO 1IIY AM) SELL COOUS, And we will take special pleasure in serving any one who proposes to pay for what they buy. Goods delivered anywhero in the city free of chanre. . -W. BAIL2T, MANACiKK. G. M. HARDIN, JR., Near First Baptist Church. THE B2ST RIGS IN THE CITY At Reasonable Kates. Rncst Carriages in the City. BOARDING IIORSES A SPECIALTY. Gentle Teams and Careful Drivers. GIVE ME A CALL JR. J. J. TIIAXTON, With ufty years' experience oa a General Practitioner, tenders his service to zens of Durham. His spechtltiea: Mucous Membranes, Glands and Nerves ( females m rjarticular. Indirection. Dronchitw: fccrolula CVjatipation and Headache, secondary ana Hereditary Disease. Home at C. M. Hera ion'. orfceorerJonea'Jawelry Store. Office K)ur?,fe c clock a. m-to 12 m..and from 2 p. tn to 4 P. to L -V W" I IMF - j, - - . Mm Men ! tocvrc all nerroodlaw, wnch aa Weak MVX' W - - M W a k Ik k. flat W a at S T'l 1 lo.f a-ftVakai V tlon. yoathful terror, or eelYr bw of lobars crinm or um aUntawhtcheoonleadtoInflrmltT. Conjnmpuon and Insanity. E for 91 or for . With vrfry 3 riTr 4 Co. and by W. M. Yearby. DrnggM. all or-nrts t the nu'-nut WMnl-cin n rv GONORRHOEA nd GLEET in Hobday. No other treatment necessary. Neer cause atrKture or leaves any injurious after e Sects. Price. u Sol4 by druggets. ELOuu BALM UJ., Pro t, Atlanta. Et. THE KEf LEY INSTITUTE ! Twelve Years of Established Merit! NOTE OF WARNING! TO Till. Pl'HLIC?: Ihvic.HT, 111., April 30, As a matter of justice to ourselve anl t the reputation of Dr. Leslie K. Kevley Double Chloride of (Jold remedies, for the cure of the liquor, opium, morphine and tobacco diseases and Neurasthenia, we arn the public that these remedies are n-ed ly no institution or sanitarium in the Unite! States except those established by ouj com pany under the uniform name of 4The Keeley Institute." All others claiming to ue our remedies are frauds and im posters. We have now sixty Keeley Institutes i.-. tablished in various parts of the I'nitul States where the Keeley treatment is ad ministered and the Keeley remedies Kill. We, however, caution all to examine well and know that they are dealing with genuine representatives, authorized by us, U-fi 're taking the treatment or purchasing remedies The fraudulent establishment use tbe name of "Jii-Chloride of Cold," or similar titles The newspapers do not discriminate suili ciently to know that they are imitator, and so put dow n all accidents occurring at siuh establishments as being brought aUnt ly the Keeley treatment. Thi is a matter ol much concern to us, hciite this warning. Kespcctfully yours, Till; LKSLIL K. KKLLMY Co. (.'urtis J. Judd, Sec'y and Treas. The Keeley institute at ( Jret ii.dMr, N. ( ., is the only one in tbe state, and all repre sentations that there is in the state any cure that ia identical with, or the same a.-, the Keeley Double Chloride of Hold C ure are malicious, false, and made for tbe purMM- ot deceiving. We learn with indignant regret that such claim is King niaile, and feeling that if it be hurtful to us it w ill prove more disastrous to those who are deceived therrly, we sound ibis warning. Thk Keklky Institutk, C i reensloro, N. (". To Manufacturers of Luml-r and HuiMerc. HAVING 1IAI 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE In the I.umlx-r liusin'ss, I am now I atnl in Durham, N. Prompt Deliver! Is My Motto ! I have Jut made arranjn nn iit To Supply Dflrham and Other Vouil With all the Lumlvr that may I- want.-!. I AM HANJlMNfi ALL GRADES OF LUMBER 1 Green, lry, Ununh or IrcsM l. To Suit any Parties who may M' ,0 Purchase. My ft Are m Iw tlf And I will cheerfully v' estimates fr lull bills or i-urts of bills. Mill men bavin Lumkr f(r kiN- will Und it t" their adantuK' to corn si!el wnn m' Ollice on Main Street, o r Mater i f 'r RAILWAY TIME CARD. Arrives Durham, ly a m 3 ;jo a m "IC Si 1. It. K. Ieit. foot Cjrtoran fct. ""j'aKsfnKt-rior (jreena. I'ariaenjrcr lor Oold. kji press lor Ooldloro Eapr-aa for GrwDii' l-w Ilurtiffl- llfllD z v m 12 11 p m I 5 Hi p in I Arrives 1 o. t. i. t ,,.u&. Durham, j Depot, f xt Corcoran St. i rt 1 Kxpress for Uichmond I U 1" T 2 p m Kxprewi from lck-hmond I a Kt. and I'aiw.Ior JefTni ' I 4 15am Hnd I'a.f m Jeffrey I o. x c. n. it. lyavrt .. " .... Arrives Durham. 1. A- N. 11. U. I rtr.r-.t f.M.t Corcoran St. i Duro- - rv-rrz. i iu 35 .ITiAl Sll-a Mail and KxprefS Freight and FaAM nir'T Freight and '& :W 1 X II. It. It." Deprt. ttxtt Dillard St. all O Tilt I lit I " 4 30pm 9 4S a m Xrrivea" Durham. 11 Vta m I 0 45 p m 1 "Mall from Lynchbnry Ft.and FaAS.Irom L l HOI KS Kill CL4MIN MAH T l'l HAM TOSTOt'FIC- HoldiiTiriro and Greenro ejpn- train ii w...,th ami W-tatT:Wa. w hand wettai .:vit. i. Kevsville a'J iiaieign iv. i . -' Ditiurham and laleth at m- 0. .. . .1 liii.Kuni 1 1 . I'. J. 3H-North and KaM-N. C. and a at i Goldslro and Orecn-tn IL i . ' , ftt v lit-bat ami South-.V C. S. t. No. 10 Kan ami iouth- at 12:15 p. m- , . . p o traia I.rnchburir and Durham II. I."-1' 'o. 2 - North and Weat at Z' p. m- w tria Goldstwro and jwntjr L r. No. North. Nuth and tt,riin So. Y" Ke5vllland Kaleitrh K. 1. V. tniiu North and West at V.UJ r. r., lrsin So. Ooldsboro and Greensi-jrv exi-tv 12 rUlelhatV:U0p. m. tt Hours of ?ulIectIo froui Street Hoar. General- a. m . HflO - ; D p Dulnsa Section-. :W P MPOTHI INFORMATION I . I I-f t '' P 9