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PAGE TWO Dispatch WANT ADS Dat Results POSITIONS ON OCEAN LINERS to Curopi, Orient. South America; Good pay; experience unnecessary; aalf adktraased envelope brings Uat. A. Areal us. Mt. Vernon. N. T. t-lti. RMMO TROUBLBB DIAONOBSD AND qplckly corrected. We ci»» factory per*tee using newt and nm?t np>d era equipment. Parts for all radios Miami Jewelry Co. 14-ts. QUAKER APARTMENTS ABOUT ready. Two nice gardens, chicken caope. Two garages. See C. L. Lewln. ft-lti. . LET’S MAKE 1932 A BIG BUILD- Ing year in Henderson and Vance wnanty. Where there's building, there's prosperity. "The Pluce of Values.” Alex S. Watkins. “Building Supplies and Paints.” 31-ts m RENT NICK 7 ROOM HOUSE in fine condition, close in. Rent reasonable. Cull 603-tV Herbert Jones or A. J. Jones. 5-2tl. FOR RENT -MODERN SIX ROOM "bungalow. Five room cottage, and apartments, paragas. Conveniently located. Rent reasonable. R. L Mustala. Phone 341-W. 6-ltl LOST—THREE SMALL FLAT KEYS on very small ring. Please return to Dispatch Office. 6-lti LOST: BUNCH OF KEYS ON IRON ring on Andrews avenue or Clark street. Reward to finder if returned to Dispatch Office. 6-3 ti PHONE 29 coal, prompt service and correct weights. Also dry pine wood. S. H. Watkins. 16-ts. WANTED- UNFURNISHED ROOMS in West End School section. StaU number of rooms, price in first let • ter. Reference exchanged. Ad dress “Letter" Care Dispatch 6-lti NOTICE: FREE SHAMPOO WITH each hair cut on Thursday. Hair cuts. 25c, shaves. 15c; tonics. 15. 2t. and 25c. Come to see us. Opera Bar ber Shop. 7>-2ti WHEN YOU WANTCOAL consider quality, service and price. We have all Kinds. Hight s Coal and Wood Yard. Phone 158. eod-tf. FOR BENT ATTRACTIVE CONVKNI rnt first floor apartment on Horner Sired formerly occupied by Mr. S. E Je'ineite. steam heal. Phone 507- W cr 563-J Mon-Wed-Fri-ts FOR RENT—7 ROOM HOUSE. ALL modem conveniences. North Garnett Slreet. Apply W. B. Hight, day phone 156. Night phone 449. Mon-Wed-Fri. ts. WANTED 7 TWO NICELY FURNISH ed adjoining rooms for housekeep ing close in. Will pay $15.00 per month fiat. E-40 care Dispatch. , 6-lti WHY LIVE IN A COLD house. Modern heated house for rent reasonable. Dr. A. C. Yow. Wed. ts. FOR RENT—TWO APARTMENTS next to Dr. Upchurch's residence. Belle Street. Each has private en i -trance garage. P. H. Rose. Phone* 171-352-W. Fri. Mon. Wed-ts. . Every one must have a traoe— why cat «ukf yours PRINTING. The Printing Industry offers exceptional wages. In struction available. Monotype, kryboaM and raster. Linotype, Hand composition #nd Precswark on modern preasea. Pm full Information write the SOUHERh SCHOOL OP PNINTINQ at 1514-11 horth St. Na*hvUJe. Tnm. FOR SALE - WHITE SECOND j sheets. letterhead Mae, cut from good • news stock. 00c per thousand. Large quantities at lower prices. Hender son Dally Dispateh. 3-104 i ” - NOTKT OP SALE OF BEAL ESTATE I Under and by virtue of authority vest- 1 «d in u certain deed of trust executed *r.d delivered to rae on January 15th 1931. by David R. Brame. said deed of tru=*. being duly recorded in register ol •leedK rffioe of Vance County, N. C. in !*>•>* 102 pa&> 303. default having been hu<l“ in the payments therein secured t«:.d at the request of the holder of the rote. I shall m*IL by public auction to the hvgheic. bidder, tor cash at the Court 10Us« door iu Henderson N. C., oa Saturday. January 23rd., 1932 at 12 o'clock M. the following described real getate. taubjeot to the dower rights of Jtunie Brame wif e of David Brame). Begin at an old stump W. S. Greene eosner in Burnside tract, east 29 chains 64 links to 4 stone corner, thence N. 23 chains 45 links to a Bfcne, corner, thence West 18 chains to a persimmon stamp, thence N. 45 ohains to a stone -comer, thence West 14 chains 38 links to a Make, corner, on rood, thence down saw mill road to a branch that fkars from W. 8. Greene home place, (hence up W. 8. Greene Hno to a strap the place of beginning, containing 120 acres leas 20 acres sold to Wtttam SCiflgd sec deed recorded in book 114 page 349 registers office of Vance Coun ty, N. C. for the 20 acres Hold, also see deed to David Brame from John G. Morton, recorded in book 62 page 511, registers offica at Vance County, N. C This 22nd day at December 1991. AL. B. VnBBTHH, Trustee. * ASK BETTER BODIES rod SCHOOL BUSES Standardization Os .Bodies Will Be Asked Os Equal, ization Board Da My lltayalrk sUtr+mm. la the Kir Walter Hotel. St J. r. HASKKHVIU. Raleigh. Jan. 5.-- Standardisation of hodiets for school trucks will probably he recommended to the Board of Equalisation by the sub-committee ap pointed by the board to study this matter and report back to the board, under the terms of a law passed by the 1931 general assembly which di rects that the itoard shall make a study of ail phases of school bus transportation. The committee, composed of T. B. Attmore, Henry W. Dwire and Dr. A. T. Allen. State Superintendent of Pub ’ic Instruction, spent most of yester day and part of today hearing the various manufacturers of truck and bus bodies, as well as truck manu facturers .on the subject of standard ization. A representative of the State Division of Purchase and Contract, through which all busses and bodies are now purchased, also attended the hearings. The bulk of the sentiment on the part of all concerned was definitely in favor of standardization of .bodies, fspecially along the lino of noncrush able bus bodies, in order to insure greater safety. There is u very close connection between electricity and magnetism. Bullet in Heart, Live* A byllet which went into the bean es 13-year-old Harry Be gharre of Youngstown, 0., and gras pushed by the blood stream •ntil it lodged in the groin will be allowed tp remain there for the present. The youth was shot by • playmate. Physicians expect the bullet to work down into the log where it can be removed with out danger. The patient is in good condition. rh e g u /t: ps pee <: / N r^r: Fok7 '' I r T f a* 3 i' / r***- I %*.w 'fsST6Rb*.v- unconmiously he stws i <XV U ■ <&' .fttr-j *E*WW YOOBVOWI SHt’S P*ETT»EVr !*A.C:E VNHERE »S SHE TODAY? J (), : ' . ,r, i F I ■'3 NEVER TO UOOK AT AKQTHtR — LIVTEE I HE BONDERS IP HE VmILL. SEE HER- >’ ' J YOO J'-' ■. , ACft¥>**T O^iiJd SISTER— A Lost Opportunity By LES FORGRAVE ' ’ THATS AUNTS RIGHT. THAT COAT ] MOMEY-YhAT TRAMP hEIP.w ME LOAD GOME POR VORTH MOMFY MONEY BUT IF LtT-n_e. ENOUGH gj ts WORTH TvVO DOLLARS I VESTERCAy STOCEW’CCAT last <3OOO this Fw? AkJ- T rvrJr\<4 ICAKXSGTTHE ITo PAY FOR A j AMy DAY |W THE WEEK.' IT'S I MIGHT. NOW HE'S GOME 1 r T.M C ' rt u H w st\>^ COA-rvMTM,T COAT V/ITH A I LaWTHWMAWOOESU'T b=~. •" SOTHOUTO’ \ 0,0, £^AQ,?n.L 1 CAW 500 W HUMORED | KMOvW HOV) VALUABLE iTIS. f TTi]? O DEAR.OOEAR 1 LUCK.! >/ <SWF\T RAY YOU vH. DOULAJR3 1 WE'D NEVER GET (X (BACK 'WHATEVER WILL IDO j ? A J,, V I '"Ti> BACK' !KJ \-r - I ,nu C nm' t MOwTHATCGAT ,- ** AW AY * J EVE OPEN FOR 11 1-, ' _%~***M ,- HENDERSON, (It OJt DAILY DISPATCH- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6,1932 Wile Preservers ; a A place of lemon will clean hr»*» * ash (rave like new A Great Power is a nation equipped with all the paraphernalia of war, which enable It to impoee its will up on the weaker brethren, or to pro ! toct Itself against the assaults of I others. I NOTICE OF SALF. OF NOTES gi3.OW.M Cownty of Vaaee, North Carolina Rctmum, Aatidpatlen Notes Sealed bids for above notes will »e received until 10 o'clock a. m.. Jan. ; 12th.. 198?. by the Local Government | Commission of North Carolina, at its I office In Raleigb, for the above notes. dated 12th., of Jan. 1932 maturing , April 11. 1932. without option of .prior payment. There will be no aue -1 tion. Interest rate 6 per cent per ao> j num. The notes will bo awarded at ; the highest price offered, not less than par and accrued interest. Principal and interest paynble at Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Henderson, N. C. Interest payable at maturity. Notes will be in denomination or denominn i lions to suit purchaser if specified at time bid is made. Bidders must pre j sent-with their bids a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company, payable unconditionally to the order of the State Treasurer for $65.00. The right to reject all bids is reserved. Local Government Commission. By: CHAS. M. JOHNSON. Director of Local Government and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Com mission. We have several desirable Residences and Apartments FOR RENT If interested in making a change call 139-J. Henderson Loan & Real Estate Co. AL B. WEST ER, Secy.-Treas. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE In the Dtetrtot Omni at the United States Far (The Eastern Dlrtrtct of North Carolina In the matter es Qeo. E. Perry Bankkiupt. By virtue of an order of re-10le, made 16th day of December. 1981. by Honor able W. B. Duncan, referee in bank ruptcy, In the matter of Geo. E. Perry bankrupt, the undoes gr.ed trustee In bankrupt'y of Geo. E. Ptrry will offer for sale by public auction, at the court house door la Henderaon' N. C., at 12 o'clock noon, on Saturday the 16th day of January. 1932, the following describ ed real estate; Begin at Lucy A. Barker’s (Mra. W. 8. Parker) comer of Oarnett street, at a point 6 feet E of John E. dark's old store corner, and run thenoe In an Etntcrly direction along Garnett street 22 feet to John. W Vaughan’s oid oor nc-r, now the property of the estate of John D. Cooper and Mrs. Temple Zol licoffer thence S. Easterly atong the Oooper-Zolliooffer Line 102 feet to line of right-of-way ol S. A. L. railroad, .onncrly th e Raleigh-Gaston railroad, thence westerly along said railroad right of way. 22 feet to Parker line; thenoe N westerlyy along Parker line to the beginning. Being Iho lot conveyed by John W. Vaughan to B. F. Harris and Geo. B. Harris et, al. to Geo. E. Perry also ah the' right-, title and interest of George E. Perry, in 11 Indies ol land and the East wall t-hereon of the Parker building, as conveyed by W. S. Parker and wife. "Book 93 page 144, also all the right title and interest of Goo E. Perry in the party wall agreement of John D. Cooper estate and Mrs. Temple Zolliooffor. of July 1, lf»20, inference to all of said Books are made for a more accurate description. This sale Is made subject to the mort gage on. the property held by the Met ropolitan Life Insurance Co., and also j subject to the County and City taxes for the year 1931*. Sale is made sub ject to confirmation by the court 10 days after sale without notice; terms of sale 10 percent «r,h at time of sale, balance of purchase price to be paid In rwh to the trustee upon delivery of •he deed. This 16th., day of December. 1931. A. A. BUNN Truotoe la Bankruptcy Geo. E. Perry. DID YOU KNOW? - -- ByR.J. Scott DIAGRAM CHOW INC, DEPTH OP<Ht GREATESiT IA H jH * r ’-Tr" * GROUP Op T=RtL€H W/ATfcg. LAKES <H THE. WORLD-.;, .ST TdE early PORTUGUESE!. STbOD J M Explorers Thought yhf__ 3b YEARS " || PEOPi.H OF INDIA. Yo 3E_ ydSv 'jL^^gSß******’ * AND MISTOOK The , casYb marks of wh’Ye paimY / ON yhe. priesYs Yo be A topM Gy TAkSHAtf THE OLD HOME TOWN r»jri«rrea r. X PatfM nmr» Stanley rWUME-WHArI /‘nothing, maw! - I JUST " ) ON EARTH SHOVJED HER FEULOVJ HAPPENED -THATOUD BABY PICTURE S \ ( [% I OF MARTHA SETTING / JUST f V. TOU ' y //P' INA Berm tub tlavin«»h too I X irfjE\ me^toes V WjA\Ty ty l( ML AND THEN SHE J I yPP f^ ABSEP — -j FIRST GENTLEMAN CALLER sister mantra mas had in three years