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Lipstick GMS^rSjg A J&c •■SEui£ i - r ? OBB WEBSTER \Aittie Beauty^* djjWw.eF. jhghhthL. JORETTg* a nd*LOVE PRtfCRRCf) F F ID TfllM rintT: Marcia Moyer. to the WlMNti de partment * Ito largest Harm to i. jcheifictd, terns ftoa to* to* 3e •#"»« «/ **»• **•«**. tort throngh Her aMitp end infers*. orfvoncss to BAe helps her mother with Ike support of fas children, rtt dreams ..I the dap when the can Imh ho>ne la see <*'• world and find romance' led Stanton, a young mechanic who plana to have hit own bn tineas some day, hat been in love with Marcia ail her life, bat aha aloes not think of ■led like that, though ska is load of him. The president of « Jfew y or y t ot me lies company, comas to Mitch H fieid and notices Marcia’s sales meth ods. Bhs is called ta the manager's otfics where the meets Percy DuMott. \> he asks her if she irotifd like to tratei and demonstrate their product a all over the country. II is her tig opportunity to escape from the town ii /.lrK no one knows exists except the fete thousand people who live there. Mrt. Moyer reluctantly consents to ii,.- change for Marcia, and Ted M pric ed to lose her. but Marcia makes j. for her departure. Murcia dines nt the hotel with DuMott he fore he returns to Xew Tork. Many parties are given in her honor ,\o» no o.v with the stopt) CHAPTER» ON THE lost evening. Ted claimed her against her protests. ‘ But 1 pur lo*ely saved Hus evening ta nark ;t«J do all the lost-minute (lungs, led." “I thought maybe you saved it for me." his voice wavered with disap pointment. “P.ui the time is so short and we’ve l-een together at parties almost e\ -ry ulcht,” apologetically. Yeah, wilh the whole gang to . laim you. I'm lucky if I get one • once all evening and when 1 take \ou home, it's so late that you have t>* eet to bed no you can get up early the next morning. I’ve hardly seen >ou at all. since this excitement began. Marcia. I'd like to take you oat to Paradise Inn, alone, fur dinner tomorrow night. Just you and i It would do you good to huve a quiet evening.” "All right, Ted,” she consented, more to please him. What was Paradise Inn to her. who would soon (•c seeing the world? it might be the height of diaoer-date ambitions for Mdciielfleld girls, but no more for her. “I'd love to go.” she added kindly. "Sweet of you to plan for it. Ted.” "Sweet of you to go." he repeated huskily. Paradise Inn was five miles from Miti helfleld on the state highway, a tir.'t-class that catered to Hie metropolitan minded of the cos mopolitan little city. To entertain there was the ultimate compliment to "uest*. for their specials were higher priced, even, than at the Prairie Inn. l iu ie wa* also »hat element which i untrihuted to a breathless uroer lainty of a raid, which added further atmosphere for some people. Marcia had been there before, with Ted ami others. Two of the cosmetics salesmen whose regular visits were favored by Marcia, always took Iter in Paradise Inn. Such occasions were impetus to her ambitions. These *utleriien of the world of affairs tol erated the amusements sad accom nodations of MdrhelAeid with amused undescension. moom sophisticated Paradise Inn. The orchestra which was the pride of the place they con ceded was better than "canned music.* It served admirably .is a means to an end—that of dancing with Marcia. This pleasure vup planted any deficiencies In the music. Tea. the food was good, but th© meins of eastern cities—that was iißVrent. So they had eulogized the world. In terms and gesturss that were fuel to the lire of Marcia’s am bitions. Often, what they left tit said Mas more eloquent than their words. Marcia, therefore, classed Part diso Inn with everything else in Mit< hel br Id—provincial. However, driving out with Ted on 'hat last evening, she was tbrillfd in 'Cite of herself. Just the fact tbit it “<*s her last night augmented the •lamor. Reefdee. it was spriag, and a Morions night. Spring always af b. ted Maroto like a vast congTvra u<*n standing and singing the l»ox- Night Coughing y Quickly - Stopped •'» :« f?«r minutes after .taking nmxme a dorter’* famous prescrlp your.cough stop*. It acts on a '•w principle-relieves throat irrlfca fi and goe* direct to the Internal < m.-c* not reached by ordinary cough rnedies. Mo-t coughs are caused by an irri throat. Thoxlne stops these at • Safo for the whole family iir mteed no dope. Money back if »>'•’ satisfied. She. Thoma3-Culpepper f>rug Co. and NOW PLAYING Metro Goldwyn Moyer Pictures Thursday and Friday, January 7-8 Norma Shearer i —m— "'PRIVATE LIVES" Princess Theatre OXFOftD, n. c. Comm* —MARIE DRESSLER in I Ü BMNA W mg* T j| Sr M.' WBm . otogy. accompanied I>> deep, vibrat ing tones of the organ. It gave her hope, faith, reverence—and a trem bling gladness that huoyiM her up on wings. A crescent moon softened the world with silver mist and new leaves exuded an Intoxicating fragrance. Half way out. a long winding hill challenged exploration, and if Marcia had not known so well what would greet them at every bend, she would have been delighted with the sus pense. The road lured and Invited them to go on—and on. promising, provocative. That was the spirit which dominated Marcia. Ted was strangely silent. He had been, during these two weeks. Marcia remembered. It wns the first time she had stopped to analyze anything in the confusion. She looked at his sober profile from the corner of her eye. It was not a handsome sil houette. but the dear familiarity of it stirred her deeply. Bho would miss Ted, very much. Juat as she would, miss Miimsy and Vivian and Dave and the others. He belonged to all the life of her twenty-one years. II teasn’t going to he easy to part with them all. even temporarily. In the lamp-shaded alcove at the inn, Ted feasted his eyes upon Marcia and gave little attention to his dinner. She wore one of the n«w frocks that made up si»ch a wardrolte as she never had possessed in her life. It was the color of burnished gold, like her hair; and molded to her lithe figure with the same svelte curve of line that the glinting waves dung to her shapely head, to flare in soft folds at her feet as the soft curls nestled at the nape of her white nesk. Ted thought be never had seen her so lovely, so precious, beholding her across the table, his eyes burned somberly, like glowing tapers at a shrine. “Don’t go, Marcia," he said sud denly. “Stay here and let me take care of you. I'll try.* .. She looked to meet the Intensity .of His gazet and flushed But she said, .lightly, "Don’t go? Why. -t.V. -v- •• •A* 1 Ualeigh OFFICER OUSTED yt £l' ON DRUNKENESS CHARGE r Raleigh, Jan. 5 (AP)—Public Safety I Commissioner Carl Williamson of Ra j leigh yesterday discharged Willis M. Linder, motorcycle officer, following an investigation that the officer en gaged in a drunken altercation early New Tear’s day morning. lander admitted he had been drunk on that occasion b.ut said he did not recall threatening three young soldiers from Fort Bragg with his pistol in front of the Carolina hotel here, as Was charged. The study of sound is really th*- l study of vibration of material bodies. naruaaHßUh, tN. Ik.} UMIY IMBTATtiIi- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6,1932 “HI love you al weyt, Marcia.’ I couldn't stay now if 1 had to. I’m all wound up to go. like a clock. liven if DuMott suddenly changed his mind. I'd leave now—for somewhere. Re sides, I'm coming back, to see you all, lust as often as 1 can. And we can write often, and the time will spec.: along because we shall all be so busy. You act as if—well, as If I were going to die,” she laughed. He thought, miserably, "The real you Is going to die—l fear. I want to keep you. just as you are." lie said, with an effort. “I'm sorry if you don’t like me to feel that way. But— why, Marcia. I’ve seen you almost every day of my life. What am I going to do without you?" “See someone else. I am not the only girl In this town. Open your, eyes, and you’ll see.” she warned hlm, ; holding up a fore finger. “I'll only see you—ln my memories,”* his voice was low. “Ted. don't be like that,” she was m little impatient. "Will you promise me something?” "Anything you wank" ‘That you will taka out other girls when I am gone, and have a good time.” ! T might take them out. but that i wouldn't give me a gasd time.” stuh [sornly. - i "Just you wait and see. You mlgl.t be surprised." "Don’t I know aB the girls?” "Yes, bnt yeu never realty looked at them. You just saw me.” “Sure, bow ccuM 1 gee anvcc-o else, with you to look at?* Marete sighed. “You are impos sible. Well, then without me to look at, perhaps yeu will be to see someone else." “And yen want ms to, Marcia?" There was a moment's hesitation. Then ah© said, meeting hia eyea frankly, “Yes. Ted, I do. I want you to be happy. And you can't be that, mourning ever me. Perhaps It la best ..that I am going. I’m terribly fond of you—but that's all. I’ve told you that all the time." - His face was ars.v. “I kftoo fom Diphtheria Immunity Established by Test By LOGAN CLENDENING, M. D. YESTERDAY the early treatment of diphtheria was emphasized. The emphasis is laid on the fact that In ' antitoxin we have # in absolutely spe- r-jr rifle method of H arresting the dis- Vase. That, however. ts treatment. Tt ’ffH laturally presup .ooses that the I li.sense is already ' tstabiished. To day I wish to I tpeak about pre- I venting the dis- H r'ase altogether. 1 I nave written \bout lx 1 fore this year just when school Dr. Cletidentog started ad vis >ng all parents to have their children ?iven the benefits of the diphtheria prevention treatment before they were exposed to the many contacts ' it school life. Perhaps you did not do it then, i Perhaps you were doubtful. Perhaps j you felt there was no danger. Per- ■ haps in the meantime there has been i an epidemic of diphtheria, in the j schools of your community. It is a i winter disease. Perhaps there have t only been one or two faint rumblings ! —one or two cases In the same room. Perhaps these occurrences will allow i me to persuade you now that you i should establish diphtheria Immunity < in your children. i It worka Remember the figures l he quoted yesterday. In 1899 about i . 117 deaths every year per hundred i thousand people: were due te diph- « therfa in 1191 diphtheria antitoxin r mm an noun red. in 1895 shout *9 r Mee.” he said tmiskiy. -Only j just best eh befrtng you'd—change yhnr mind, and your heart. Shall we dance?” Holding he*, hie arms aehed in tolerably to crush her in them and carry her away with him. forever. The primal urge of man to possess the woman of his choice, submissive or not. Without Mercia he could not plan for the future, it was just an empty void that stretched before him: colorless, toneless, emotionless. But this moment, this hour, was rhythm and ecstasy, warmth and brilliance. He would ch'rlah It, forever. He hummed with the orchestra tinder hie breath as he held her close, • “How can I hide my feeling. How can I be concealing. Faithfully. I’m reveellng, near. 1 love you. As long as woodlands grow. And mighty rivers flow. I'll be forever, faithfully yours.* The evening passed swiftly, for Ted. For Marcia. Its passing only brought nearer the hour of her de parture. Driving home, the moon hesitated just above the western horizon, as if waiting to witness the outcome of this night. Beyond that horizon, where the moon would drop soon, ahd on the other side where it had emerged from oblivion—that was th© great, enchanting world, thousfrt Marcia "You’ll write to me?” Ted inter rupted her far-away thoughts. “Os course. And often. I’ll munt to hear all about you, and your work. [ Please. Ted. don’t think I don't car© 'about you. Just because I can't love | you—like that. Your happiness means a lot to me. Just like Davtey and Vi." He winced. “Thanks a lot. That helps some." The sincerity of his tone actually made her feel better about him. “You’ll look after Davey for me. won’t Jmi —and Bob? I hate leaving them all." "Sure. Yoti bet I will. Don't you worry about them, now. You're going to have a full-sized job taking Care of yourself, honey. Don't work too hard, will you?” Their conversation continued mat ter-of-factly until they reached home. "It was a lovely evening. Ted.” she said softly. “I’ll remember it, always.” "So will I." They parted then, their last hour alone, together. Ted drove her to the station with her shining new luggage, feigning high spirits and suffering agony. He kept his eyes upon her as if he ex pected never to see her again, like a faithful dog that knows his master Is sending him away, but cannot un derstand why. It was only Marcia’s gay expectancy and feverish excite ment that blinded her to Ted's silent misery. There was another hilarious group at the train to see her off for a last surprise. Vivian and David were with them. Finally, the * long Pullman train roared fr6m out of t' -* distance and stopped impatiently with grind ing brakes and puffing locomotive that snorted disdainfully at bslng obliged to stop at this unimportant tlace. The limited only stopped in Mltchelfleld for passengers when it teas signaled. There waa a last frantic moment es kisses and' shouts and fluttering hands. “All aboard!" called th* hrukeman far down the platform where the engine panted with fiery impatience. “All aboard!” echoed the stentorian voice es the conductor when Marcia had stepped from the porter's little footstool npon the steps and entered the vestibule. Ted obstinately ceiled the conduc tor's orders that no ons could go aboard and followed Marcia InaMe until she found her section. Then, In *he strange silence and semi-dark - ! ness, as the train began to move | slowly, be took her In hie arms, fiercely, planted a burning kiss upon her mouth and whispered huskily, “I'll love you always, Marcia. Let me know where to write you, sure.” Then he fled. It brought the tears flooding to Marcia's eyes, just as the parting with her mother and the rest had done. . Dear Old Ted! She was sorry ghr just couldn’t love him like «hr»*' 'To Bt: noxrivr’r.ri) deaths In 1910, about 37 deaths (all In the aame proportions). In ISIS the toxin-antitoxin method of pre vention was announced. In 1950 about 17 death*. Those figures are for a large un controlled community (not subject to rigid public health adminlstration). Look at the figures for New Haven and Cambridge. Here large groups of people are thrown together In classrooms where the possibility of spread of diphtheria Is the greatest. But very rigid observance of public health rules is demanded. In New Haven six-tenths deaths per hundred thousand people occurred in 1930. In Cambridge nine-tenths One cannot help thinking that this enormous Im provement is due to the establish ment of diphtheria prevention meth ods. How Is It done? Flrsi, those peo ple who are susceptible to the disease are the only ones to receive the in oculations. They can be detected by the Schick teat. The test Is performed on everyone in the group under ob servation. It la done by making s tiny little scratch In the skin and touching the open place with an in finitesimal bit of diphtheria toxin. The ones who are Immune, who will never take diphtheria even If ex posed, show no reaction. But those who are susceptible show s mild red area around the scratch mark after 24 hours, lasting several days. These susceptible* are given either toxin-antitoxin mixture or the latest Improvement, a mixture called “tox oid." These have to be given by hypodermic needle under the skin, a fact which unfortunately prevents many parents from permitting tbs procedure to be performed on their children and causes many cranks to prfickilm it as dangerbns. There la no refil fminrtnttnn frtr the** fsnrv. Hadio of World f jjfl B ’ «■*- B JML ot m jJSfe 4 WBmmm VW , wfwHß BBBb mmm ■«BBH—M^r l: '* a* HI Big At jQtjf m &&'• :|f aBP wmlooir a iit eW I' ew of w , hat the hu * e Rockefeller project in New York *!i! ttr development, known as Hty flanked bv bl °ohs and will consist of one immense .-tructure nanicea by two comparatively smaller ones, each carrvmo out th*. arcmtect s general design. The gigantic tower in the center will house the greatest radio companies in the world. ADD MORE GUARDS IN SENATE GALLERY Effort To Keep Down Dis turbances Made By Cap ital Police Today Washington, Jan. fl,-(AP)- Four uniformed policemen were added to the regular Senate staff of gallery door keepers today to guard against any disturbance. The police members of the regular capital force were stationed at the en trances available for men. Some of the advance guards of un employed coming from Pittsburgh were here today. They readily received tickets of admission to the galleries from members of Congress. Captain Nathan O Berry, State Treasurer, Passes Away at Goldsboro Home /Continued from Page One.) in its history- last July, borrowing concerning the renewal of those notes, on which the State must now pay a high rate of Interest due to changing conditions. Captain O'Berry was greatly de pressed by the economic conditions of the past months, but his faith in the State and its future was never dim inished byway of the gloomy hap penings. In addition to handling the large balances of the State, which at times ran as high as $15,000,000, and which he handled with absolute impartiality. Captain O’Berry wa* active in the work of the Local Government Com mission, having been a strong advo cate of the act creating control of local finances. Praised By Governor. "I am greatly distressed,” declared Governor Gardner this morning. “In my generation the State has not had a more patriotic or valuable public servant. “Captain O'Berry died literally at work. At the meeting of the Cduncil of State Monday, he asked that the business be transacted fcs rapidly as possible in order that he might return to his duties. Later in the day, I visit ed him in his own office and found him at his desk signing State bonds. O'Berry was most reluc- 1 When You Are Not a Prophet It Is a Good Idea to Be a Saver , Like everybody else, you know that this depression can’t last forever. You have not lost faith in things, i But you do not pretend to know the day when the real turn will come. You are no prophet, but you know that i a good bank account will be an advantage whether prosperity comes back soon or late. i We invite you to carry your account with this bank. Our strength has stood the test. Like you, we are not putting [ our trust entirely in prophecy. While we have strong faith in the return of prosperity, nevertheless we are putting our present trust in strong reserves and careful management. | Citizens Bank and Trust Company Henderson, N. C I -THE LEADING SANK IN THIS SECTION- Capital and Surplus $500,000.00. tant to accept the post of State Treas urer when I tendered it to him and did so only because of his very high sense of duty. It was only on the same considerations that he consent ed to be a candidate for re-election last year. "He served the State in most splen di manner in what has been the most critical period the office of Treasurer has ever faced and his place will be most difficult to fill at this time.” Native of Tarboro. Captain O'Berry was born in Tar boro on January 28, 1858, a son of Thomas and Cinderella <Pope) O’Ber ry. In 1882 he married Miss Estelle Moore .of New Hanover county, and they had two children, Mrs. Ross L. McElwee, of Statesville, and Thomas O’Berry of Goldsboro, whose wife is vice-chairman of the State Democratic committee. Captain O’Berry moved to Golds boro about 52 years ago. and soon became ea leader in the affairs of the community. In 1887 he organized the Enterprise Lumber Company, of Ooldsboro, and in 1902 the Whiteville Company, both of which he served as president, and which attained large proportions under his leadership. Captain O’Berry sold his interest in these companies about six years ago, but remained active in business until his appointment as State Treasurer, when he transferred his interests to affairs of State. He was prominent In banking affairs of Wayne county, be ing identified with several institutions there in official capacities for some years. He was regarded as a counselor and friend-in-need to a large part of the community. Active Politically. Captain O'Berry’s activities were by no means confined to his own com munity. Prior to his appoihtment as State Treasurer he had never been a candidate for public office, but had always evinced & keen interest in public affairs. He helped to nominate Woodrow Wilson as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention In 1912. In 1901 he was appointed by Governor Aycock as chairman of the board of directors of the State Prison and under his administration the in stitution was placed upon a self-sup porting basis. Captain O'Berry also was. prior to hia appointment as a State official, chairman of the board of directors of the State Hospital for the Colored Insane of Goldsboro, which was warmly praised for its economical management. He served two successive terms as president of Jbe North Carolina Pine Ass<>elatlon, which also ‘ tneludtote. large’^umber manufacturers In adjoining ptates. Captain O'Berry likewise served as PAGE THREE COTTON CLOSES UR ON SHARP BUYING Reports of Spot Short In South end Heavy Rains Help Prices New Tork, Jan. S.—Cotton eold about ten points higher due to early buying of about 8,000 bales by co operative broken followed during the morning by a scattered demand which found contracts scarce. This buying ran May up 683 where offerings in creased and a reaction took place. Factors contributing to the strength were reports of a spot short in the south for January delivery, heavy; rains central belt an da sharp ad vance in Bremen. There has been very little south selling since Monday and unless it increases prices may work higher. NSW TORS. COTTON (By In. F. Clark sad Ce.) Cotton futures closed steady. Open High Low Close October 6.85 7.02 6.89 6.97 December 7.05 7.16 7.05 7.12 January 6.19 6.35 6.19 6.30 March 6.28 6 t 6 6.28 6.3» May 6.46 6.63 6.46 6.56 July 6.65 6.81 6.65 8.75 Spot steady, 6.45; up 10 points. NSW ORLEANS COTTON (By !■#. F. Ciara a»B€e.) New Orleans. Jan. 6—The cotton Market closed steady today: Open High Low Close October 6.84 6.99 6.84 6.92 December 6.96 6.14 7.Q5 7 09 January 6.14 6.31 6.22 6.26 March 0.28 6.45 6.28 6.39 May 6.49 6.61 6 49 656 July 0.63 6 79 6.36 6.72 The tyranny exercised unconscious ly on men's minds is the only real tyranny because it cannot be fought against. , president of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad, director of the At lantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Ra leigh. and chairman of the building committee of the foftner Peace In stitute. now Peace Junior College, to which he contributed $lO-000 a few years ago. /VOAM NUMSKUU. oorrr j/ DEAH NOAH** WOULD “THE Bed spring into thb COfkNtof* IF THE WASH stands on *ts foot? 4, Anderson, SAW pltedcv QM-IW. DEAR NOAH*Does a HORSE EAT GRASS BLADE'S TO SHARPEN HIS APPETITE? t son©mi MISS *V»LfN SBAi-. \ You* STSINSTawN, MISS, j MAS. DEAR NOAM* DOCS fSvSR MAKE a person JUMPT-AA*. PUEBLO.C&LO, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having been appointed receiver of the property of Mrs. Gertrude N. Twis dale, by the Honorable W. C Harris, Superior Court Judge, pending a trial on the issue raised in a proceeding brought to determine the ability of Mrs. Twlsdale to manage her own as fairs. This is to notify aq4 .request creditors to present any claim or dbli gation to Mrs. Twlsdale to the under signed receiver, that same may be re ported to the court This oth day of January- 1932. JA&PttR B. HICKS. Receiver.