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PAGE SEVEN Two New Foes AddedToDuke Grid CardFor Next Y Auburn And Maryland To Meet Devils Two New Opponents Re y place Villanova And South Carolina On Duke Schedule Durham. Jan. 6 Two new foes. Auburn and Maryyland. are listed on Pttfce's 1932 schedule announced yea ImUy by Coach Wallace Wade. The Plainsmen and the Old Linen replaced South Carolina and Villa *o*a. and with the exception of thew two changes and some date shifting Uke card for the coming season reads like the one last year. The Devils will open with David aoa in Durham on September 24. Thei they meet V. M. I. at Lexington. Va. after which they play on successive Saturdays their new opponents. Au burn in Birmingham and Maryland Si Durham. With the addition of the two con Terence schools. Duke will have eigh fames in the southern loop, theii •nly outside clashes .being with Wakr Forest and Davidson, members of th« . JRorth Carolina Big Five. ,■ V. M. 1.. Wake Forest, Tennessee Kentucky. State. Carolina and Wash iogton and Lee occupy the same date -bn the schedule as they did last sea- Davidson is shifted to the open " tag game in place of South Carolina Auburn taking Villanova's date and eryland being played when David was last season. "Auburn and Marytyand form a tougl ‘jMlr for the Blue Devils. The Plain gmen were regarded as one of the kesl * Warns In their end of the conferenc While Maryland was conceded to b. probably the outstanding team in the •Northern end of the loop. The 1932 schedule: Sept. 24—Davidson in Durham. Oct. I—V M. I. at Lexington. Va. Oct. B—Auburn in Birmingham. *' Oct. 15—Maryland in Durham. Oct. 22 - Wake Forest in Durham. Oct. 29 Tennessee in Knoxvilh-. Nov. 5 Kentucky In Durham. Nov. 12 N. C. State in Raleigh. Nov. 19 IT. of Carolina at Chapel fIUI. Nov. 20— Washington anil nt thirham. * ‘KID BREWER TAKES TO ANOTHER SPORT Durham, Jan. 6 Kitl Brewer, of Duke football feme, will be a well rounded athlete when he finishes at Duke university this spring. Last year he won letters in foot hall, track and boxing to become on< of Duke's two three-lettermen. Now he has turned to basketball. (Incidentally. he stands a good Chance of seeing action), and claim.- he will be a candidate for the base ball nine this spring. •» Affirmation pure and simple, kept * ' free of all reasoning and all proof, is »Mie of the surest means of making kn idea enter the minds of crowds. FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power contained In a Deed in Trust executed by PALLIE BASKERVILLETwIdow) re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance Countyln Book 9”. at page 341. default having been made In the payment of the neht therein se cure*, on request of the holder of the the same. I shall sell for cash, by public auction, at tno Court House door in Henderann. N. C., at 12 o'clock noon to the highest bidder, on the the 6 day of February 1932 the fol lowing described property: Being situate in the town of Hen derson. township of Henderson. County of Vance. State of North Car«> hna. Befin at Mabyle Smith’s cor ner in Phelps line; thence westward along Maggie Smith's line 100 feet to Iron pin; thenle in an easterly direc tion 50 feet; ih«-nce southerly 100 feet to a pin; thence westward 5C feet to the beginning. Seed Deed book 16 at page 569 (There is a tight away 12 feet wid. to said lot to Chestnut Street.) MARGARET R. HARRIS, Executrix of A J Harris, Trustee. Quality j Groceries \ . - —And Quick— i SERVICE ! j ; Fresh country produce j ’and all kinds of fruits I M.G, Evans Phene 162-163 SORDS POINTS—By Sords COMBED Fl2*nß)ft. l * SOOO PUWgft WiTO 4 j r->;<=•/- WAS WrWfME Left OF EXPERIENCE WHo I -Av" Bftw&s, cues, Win. Pur up a stiff battlb J 1 PoRfME 1 Agees' , ih -,c Yankees " Pbsi-ncni nett season BOMB PLOT COVERS WIDE AREA I 1 ?*** • -- I I Jtevr <m EASTOtte ■ t 1> PA _,r /York o Alarm has spread throughout the j there. Photo shows two of the country over the receipt of bombs 1 seven packages containing bombs by Italian pro-Fascist leaders, fol- . found in the Easton postoffice, lowing the death of two postal similar to bomb packages received clerks in F.aston, Pa., when a | elsewhere; maps show cities whera bomb exploded in the Dostoffiee 1 bombs have been received. AONS£NS£| /CNSENSE C- -. >-4T i e r- i *' t-4, i _ CV O. Ti nt- -v. J r _fr cr- b r >svn.V •s&i-' r« i_L~> t*lg S'oO f ftO'f-f \AC-Uc. *>•=-€>( 'yOOQKimlr i / VOUR } CfAPIL, iATTcF iT c-in-u Tfc-, To r-Kt i-toOtf, e:v»tf?Y ! / Tiiran -s*-,**! Mtf-wT— r H 's HIV, 6oTTo SW- / kJs\, | . SUNCH Os VoO j CX~T HURTf. ract -wot 1 I ,ota ’ President Host to “Newsies* Ik ? T* ■i*" . ABH'^B|aft A refreshing change from the ceremonial of greeting diplomatic dif nitarie- was enjoyed by President Hoover when he acted as host to a huge gathering of newsboys who. came from all over the country to tender New Year greetings to the Chief Execdtive. Photo shows the President In the grounds of the White House surrounded by some of the “ncwfle’’ delegation. Each aontinfent carried a pennant cm blaaoning its paint ax ertgin. UKNJLUtKBON, (JkkOA DAILY DISPATCH- WEDNESDAY, JANUARY. 6,1932 RED TERRORS OPEN CAGE CARD FRIDAY First Game Will Be Played With William and Mary At Raleigh Raleigh, Jan. 6—The Red Terrors of N. C. State will fire the opening gun in their drive for 1932 basketball honors when they shots with the strong basketters of William nnd Mary in the Frank Thompson Gymnasium Friday night at 8 o'clock Terror stock was boosted to a new high with the return to school of Jimmy Brown, regular forward of the 1930 varsity. Jimmy is a small, fast man and is especially adept at the fast, short-passing game which the Terrors employ. He ran with Larry Haar i-t the forward post of the team two years ago. Brown’s addition to the squad gives Coach Sermon an experienced man for each of the five positions. John son’s a forward, nnd Claude Morgan, renter, were regulars last year. Cap tain Bud Rose and Gilbert Clark, guards, gained all-state recognition last year and on present form should repeat without too much trouble. With four regulars from last year’s team and a regular from the team of 1930 to fill the other post, the Red Terrors should make things Interest ing for other members of the Big Five and the Southern Conference. In the face of these bright prospects < Coach Sermon refuses lo become en thusiastic and brands his team as “new and untried.” He says though that the squad will get a real test In Its game with the team from William and Mary which has been a real competitor in the strong Virginia Conference for the last several years. In two practice games so far the Terrors have handily disposed of At lantic Christian College and the Ra leigh Y. M. C. A. which boasts seve ral ex-eollege stars. Boxing Captain At Duke Beaten Once In 6 Years Durham, Jan. 6—There are few boxers in collegiate circles who can point to a rccorO like that of Phil Bolich, captain of the Duke ring team. He has been defeated only once in five years of fighting, two in high school and three in college. His long defeat came in the semi-final match in the conference tourney last spring. He is Duke's best bet. to wjn a con ference title this spring. He fights either as light heavy or heavyweight. LICENSES TO FISH HAVE NOW EXPIRED Raleigh. Jan. C. Fishing licenses for 1931 expired with the calendar year, and anglers coining under pro visions of (lie law requiring licenses to fish should purchase permits im.- mediately, J. S. Hargett, assistant di rector of the Department of. Conser vation and Development In charge of inland fisheries, announced yesterday. The state anglers' law, according to Mr. Hargett, requires licenses for per sons fishing in any other county ex cept that of which he is a resident, i n addition, he continued, county li censes are required of those anglers residing in more than a score of coun ties where an optional clause in the iaw to this effect has been put into force. * > '*'r \ Some 300 ships Aire annually lost at sea. Led Kidnap Gang J ;;, s^. fpjy|fe HhIwWB i I I ! ■ 1 '■" ’ *'■>. y| John Pingeree is the leader of the large kidnap gang just rounded up which has netted its members hundreds of thousands of dollars in ransoms, Chicago police allege. The Jand’s capture was brought about when the wife of one of the victims, having been showered by gifts from one of the kidnapers, lured him to a rendezvous attend ed by police. - Grid Mentor in New Uniform Donning a Salvation Army cap, Alonzo A. SUgg. famous football coach of the University of Chicago, did his tit for charity and helped to bring cheer to 3,000 needy youngsters a t u party given in the Windy City by the Army. The celebrated grid mentor is ehown will, some of the little guests. Looks as if lie i., giving them one of La Millions “pep” t:i)us Duke Sophs Deacon Vets In Opening Cage Clash Durham, Jan. 6.—Sophomores vs. veterans. That’s what it will be when Duke and Wake Forest meet here Friday night in the opening game of North Carolina’s Big Five race. Duke will offer the sophomores for the affray. Only three men on the en tire Blue Devil squad have had var sity experience before this year and of the Devils’ starting crew, three will be first year men. Wake Forest may start one sopho more against the evils but they can just as easily put five veteran cagers on the floor to form a team t|iat is I Opportunity I I To Purchase I 1 Valuable I Business I Ilj| * Hi Property belonging to W. C. Cates known as I Cates Building. Supplies I I Will be offered for sale and sold on the prerpitot at the - *' V . V* •' I ‘ Southwestern intersection of Orange Street and Garnett Street in Henderson, N, C. ■j |H I Tomorrow At I I 12 O’clock Noon I jl The property for sale consists of: ' B ■ Complete inventory of the building supplies, accounts receivable, furniture and fixtures, and all assets. Investors, speculators and persons interested in a ■ good business are invited to attend. This the 6th day of January, 1932. I J* P. Zollicoffer, Trustee I H H said to be one of the strongest in Deacon basketball history. With theii powerful outfit, Wake Forest will have a good chance to break the long jinx that Duke teams have on them. The Devils have eight straight victories over the Deacons, running since 1927 when Wake For est defeated Duke in the second meet ing of the two teams that season And the Deacons will oe “gunning” fer a win in orde: to their quest for the Big Five title A \ictoiy over the Devils would put them at th“ lop of the n<»qj> for a vhi'; At iensi. ear MASON RESIGNS AS DUKE GRID LEADER Captain Elect of 1932 Blue Devils Offer* Resignation Without Comment Durham, Jan. 6 (AP)—Lowell Ma son. of Charlotte, recently elected rap. tain of the 1932 Duke University foot ball team, yesterday tendered his re signation fro mihat post and it was ac cepted by Coach Wallace Wade n„ other captain wiil be elected for ti„. time being. Coach Wade announced Mason's resignation was voluntary and was made without, comment. He was recently arrested in Monroe on a charge of driving an automobd while intoxicated and was fined S.Vi Mason’s friends last night pointed out tht he toad never been in any kind of trouble on the Duke campus and com pltmerifed *iis mean sportsmanship He is expected to be one of the main stays of the Duke backfield next fall and is considered an outstanding sig nal caller on the team. The nature of appearance and real ity, the meaning of truth and fal*.-- hood. the scope and implication of our knowledge—these are among the questions on what the philosopher must exercise his powers. The wl’! be def cham pions Friday night. For the past two yearj Puke teams have Won the Big Five lit.e, taking the title in 1930 with eigh: straight wins in the state and adding the second last year by per centages. This will be a great incen tive to *he Blue Devils. The Devil cagers will play their second home game of the season Sat urd ty night against William and Mary and thcr. hit the road on their second northern trip, meeting Army at West Point, Crescent Athletic club at Brook Jyn and Navy at Annapolis. Their next home game will be with N. C. State on January 23-