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PAGE SIX A's Lose To Deacons;Play 4 Games This Week, 3Here Baptists Count 10 To 1 Victory Here Saturday Collegians Have Big Innings Seventh and Eighth. In Clash on Local Lot; Get 18 Hit# to Five For the As; Stevenson It Hit Freely •'Lefry'' Haines had things his way at League Park siulurday when the Henderson Athletics met the Wake Forest Demun Deacons, and he fan ned ten men and allowed only five hits from his offerings. No Henderson batter got ovi r one hit from the col legian and scored only one run to Id for the Baptists, who batted the pit ching of Joe Stevenson all over the lot The Wake Fore-t nine got a total of 18 hits. Every man that faced Stevenson got at least one hit to his credit and the college boys scored in every inning except four. The locals got their only run in the third inning Poole singled to right after one was out, Stevenson struck out. Pahlmun singled to cen ter then Cloys popped a double to center to score Poole and Pahlmar. went to third Covington ending the inning by striking out. The Baptist collegians had two big innings, the seventh and the eighth In the seventh, Mulhern singled to center after Joyner had grounded out Remits AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 11: Washington 3. St. Louts 1; Detroit 0. Cleveland 6; Chicago 1. N»-w York-Boston. postponed. NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 2; Brooklyn 0. Chicago I; 3t Louin 1. Boston 0; New York 6. PHtfburgh 1; Cincinnati 3. Many of the organic compounds found in living organisms or sevret ed by them, such as urea, sugar, starch, and others, can now be manu factured with ease. POLITICAL NOTICES Special Notice This l> tn nutif\ all candidates for office that political notices published In this column or elsewhere in the Daily |)i'patch arc cash in advance Kates furnished upon application, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy to succeed myself as County Commis sioner of Vance County for the two year term, .‘-übj.ct to the Democratic primary in Jun“ and will appreciate your support Etcnomy is my motto. W A NEWMAN. FOR fllE SENATE I hereby nnt.ournw my candidacy for the Slate Senate I from the district composed of Vance and Warren coun ties, subjest to the Democratic pri mary of June 4, and will apppreciato your support. W S CORBITT. FOR CONSTABLE _ I hereby announce myself a candi date for Con-table of Henderson Towikhip subject to the Democratic primary on Jure 4th. Your support will be greatly appreciated. W. S. STRANGS. FOR STATIC SENATE I hereby announce my candidacy to represent Vance and Warren coun ties in (he Senate for the North Caro lina G-neral Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic Priman', June 4th., 1932. Your support will be deeply appre ciated. D P. MCDUFFEE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER"’ I herrhy announce my candidary for the Democratic nomination for county commissioner for the two year term, and will appreciate your support. E S. (Rover. 18-lti. LAST CHANCE All city taxes and street assessments must be paid during April to prevent the advertising ar.d sale of property. THE FIRST ADVERTISEMENT WILL BE PUBLISHED ON MONDAY, MAY 2. The law requires that this action be taken, and I urge all who have not settled their taxes and srreet assessments to do so at once and avoid further expense. S. B. BURWELL City Clerk and Tax Collector ■ and Johnson clouted one over the i fence for a home run scoring tyulhfrn ; ahead of him. liroguen as given life by an error at third, and Hicks sin gled to center to put a man on third and first. Rarnes singled to right to j score Brogden. and Hicks and was | caught nt second base. Earp ended 1 the scoring by grounding out. second j to first. The college boys added three ; more runs in the eighth on four sin ! gles. Bunting opened the fram<? with | a single to left. White and Joyner l Hied out, Mulhern singled to left, i Johnson singled to left to score Bunt | ing and, Brogden doubled to left tn I score Mulhern and Johnson, and end ed the scoring for the day. Brogden. Johnson and Bunting led the attack i on Stevenson, each getting three hits. Score by innings: R.H.E. Wake Forest . 100 110 430—10 18 1 Henderson 001 000 000— 1 6 5 Batteries: .'or Wake Forest Barnes i and Hicks: for Henderson Stevenson. Watkins and Parrish Breaks Pin Mark —o Miss Marie Warmbkr, rolling % total score of Gf>B, breaks the world singles record in the wom en’s international bowling tourna ment in St. Louis. Staftdfcn£sj AMERIC AN LEAGUE C|«4b W. L. Pet. Philadelphia 3 i 750 Ghicago 4 2 6f.7 New Yoik 2 1 iJ67 Washing! on 3 2 600 Detroit 3 2 .400 Cleveland 2 3 ,400 St. lxniis 2 4 334 Boston 0 4 000 NATIONAL LEAGUE , Club: yf. L. Ret. ; Philadelphia 3 2 .750 I Chicago 3 2 600 1 Boston 2 2 .500 iPusburgh 2 2 JSO» Cincinnati 2 2 600 Rrooklyn 2 2 .500 1 St. I/ouis 2 3 .400 I New York 1 3 250 DAVIDSON’S GRID STAR TO WED MAY 7 i Davidson, April 18.— Dick Grey, fa- I niou.i Davidson College football star. li a going to join the ranks of the ; benedicts. His friends in this section j have received announcements of his I engagement and approaching mar | tiage to Miss Beatrice Fox, of Btth- I If hem. Pa., on May 7. HENDERSON, (N. C.,) DAILY DISPATCH MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1932 Gift for the Ram 1 w 1 ww ■■■ y »" - I , r' r ~zi * gi : ' rat* , tn j. a. Following his address to the stpdents of Northeast High School, Philadelphia. Pa., Babe Ruth, home run king, was the recipient of a loving cup as i mark of the esteem in which he is held by his audience. Photo shows John V. Bosch, presi dent of the school community, oresenting the cud to the Babe. BIoTEAGUESTARr LEADERSSATURDAY Vence, Ruth, Grove Stand Out In Week-End Games In Majors New York. April 18. —APl—Veteran stars of many major league cam paigns Saturday led their teams in victories. Such names as i >azzy Vance,. Babe Ruth, Lefty Grove, A1 tSimmons and Qeorge Uhle were in cluded in the day's list of baseball heroes. Vance, starting his 11th season with the Brooklyn Dodgers, shutout the Boston Braves with two singles as the Dodgers won 5 to 0. Tiie 39- year-old veteran didn’t allow a hit up to the seventh inning. Ruth had his hands full trying to keep pace with Sam Byrd as the Yankees sluggd out a 14 to 4 vic tory over the Boston Red Sox. They each hit a home run in the seventh to make it three apiece in three games but Byrd added three more hits for a perfect day at bat. Grove pitched a six-hit game against Washington while Simmons Mickey Cochrane and young Roger Cramer contributed a hunter apiece to the Athletics 4 to 2 triumph. Uhle bested Herbert of St. in a 12- inning mound duel when D e,r Pit put over two runs in the final frame after the Browns had scored one. More good pitching was seen In the fourth American League game where Lgpky Pat Caraway cut off the Cleveland Indians wdth five hits to give the Chicago White Sox a 5 to 1 decision. Silas Johnson of Cincinnati, also joined the ranks of the early season mpund stars. He blanked Pittsburgh’s Pirates with only three hits and the Reds won, 5 to 0. , The remaining National League coolest was an entirely different mat ter. By virtue of eight errors by the New York Giants, the Boston Braves won it 5 to 4- The Braves were trail ing up to the ninth when the Giants nrjnde four misplays and gave away three runs. Rain forced the postponement of the Chicago Cuhs-Bt. Louis Cardinal:: gajn*- ,The Mohammedans, Arabs and ptbers, were forbidden by their re ligion from usingf human or animal figures in their art. BEGiN WORK ON GARDEN'S ARENA r ' \r ■r> K JBb 9 ~ ii ggHggp <qpfgjT Mayor James J. Walker of New York and George U. Harvey, bor ough president of Queen?, with pipe, officiate at the breaking cf ground for the new Madison Carolina Game Features Duke’s Card This Week Pm ham, April }B. Tbe Brat of the two animal basehuii gamea between Puke uud Carolina. <u he played at Chapel Hill Saturday, features this week's program for puke spring sports teurps. Thy battle between the Tar Heela ami the Blue Devils is expected to go a long ways toward settling the 1882 Rig Five baseball championship. The Carolina nine this year Is favored by Cono)i Jack Coombs of Duke to cop the State title. Dupe baseball teams since 1927 have dropped but one contest to Car olina That was the final game qp tiie Devils' schedule last year after they had already clinched the Big Five crown by defeating the Heels in their first ganje- Nine dual engagumepts apd two state tournaments are on slate for Duke teams tilts week. The ball club Bulldog Goes A-Milking Preparing for his tignl with King l.evinsky, at the Chicago Stadium on April 29, Mickey Walker, the “Toy Bulldog.’’ is leading the simple ••fe down on the farm at Summit, N. J. Mickey is hardening up with course of wood chopping and other strenuous farm chores, varied • tli a round or two of ring work daily. Above he is shown in one of more pleasurable features of his trainfng grind, leading a cow to he milked LAST CONFERENCE GAMEBYBULLOOGS Highs To Go To Cary Friday For Game; Other Games To Be Played The Henderson high Bulldogs face their last conference game of the sea son on Friday, when they go to Cary to meet the Wake county nine. So far this season, the locals have won two and lost two conference games, and they are facing a stiff contest Friday. School closes on May 12, but Coach Payne intends to carry on his season until May 10, with his team playing teams in this section of the State and county. , The locals have lost their last three starts after beginning the season with two wins, both being conference games. Much work is in store for the highs Square Garden arena in Long Island City. The arena, seating 85,000, will be ready in time for the JSchmeling-Sharkey fight,. June 16. will meet V. R. J. at Blacksburg, Va., before their 11It With the Tar Heels Saturday. All other spring sports out fits will see action. The freshman pine meets Oak Ridge there Tuesday. Car«Hna at Chapel Rib Thursday and Staunton Military Academy h e r e Saturday. The freshman petters meet Carolina there Tuesday. t The varsity golf and tennis teams will take part in the annual state tournaments. The tennis tourney starts Wednesday at Chapel Hill and golf begins Friday at Sedgpfield. Thursday the Devils meet Davidson in a duel engagement at Sedgefieid. The tracksters, with victories in their three meets thus far this season will face one Qf their strongest foes of the season when they meet Wash ington and Lee at Lexington, Va., Saturday. during the wee kto get them in shape for the tilt Friday, and for the re maining games to be played that have not been announced, ami some very interesting contests will be seen be fore the final curtain comes down on the 1932 baseball season for the highs. Today^pines AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington i:t Philadelphia Cleveland at Chicago St Louis at Detroit NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia at, Brooklyn Pittsburgh a: Cincinnati Chicago at St Louis. Boston at New York. A N N O II IV C I Jl' 6 A new OLDSMOBILE DEALER Motor Sales Co., Inc. Henderson, N. C. IHHH OU, " ,ob ' l * tok " •« •nnognctn, th. ,pp.i„tm.nt ,f , [t:« d **'* r lo wv * own.,, in Shi. <ity. Thi, §M“?i zation i. th.rou 9 hly «,ui, M d u provid. «.ur1..„,, ..onomic.l, •nd ..part Mrvicp in full nccordnncn wit). Oldmabil. rt.nd.rdz. Ynu m eordi.lly invit.d t. in.p«t th , ~|,n d id f.dliti., nnw at your com •nond, .nd to ...min. .nd driv. th. I.r 9 .r, finnr, f.rtnr Old.mobil. Si. nnd th. brilliant n.w Old.mnbil. Str.i 9 hl Eijht. Both of th... enm nffnr th. |.t.rt fn.Cur.. of Ran motor c, d..i,„ . . . th. n.w Rid. R MV |. tor , . . f„. Wh«lin 9 with th. Synoro-bU.h . lon, |),t of nth.. •nu.lly important .dv.ncm.ntz. A trip will plndly bn arran 9 .d. Pats, Bridgeport’s Club N. C. State To Play Here Busy Week Begins With G am© Here Tomorrow With Greensboro Piedmonters; Will Play Louisburg Col lege There On Thursday; Longmire on Option Another busy week is op tap for the Athletics this week. Tomorrow they face the Greensboro Patriots at 3:30 o'clock in League Park, and on Thursday the A’s will motor over to Louisburg for n game with the Louis burg College nine at that city. Friday will find the As at home to the Bridgeport club of the Eastern lea gue; Saturday State College pine, un dei the tutorship of Chick Doak. will be at League Park to take op the Athletics. AH games are scheduled to I start at 3:30 o’clock sharp, it was said by Manager Pahlman. This gives the fans around here a chance to see : STATE, DAVIDSON GAME POSTPONED Daaidson, April 18. It was an nounced here today that the N. C. State-Davidson College baseball game, originally scheduled to be played on Richardson Field at Davidson tomor iow afternoon, had been postponed until May 6 at the request of athtletic authorities at the West Raleigh in stitution. In the meantime, the Davi dson Wildcats will meet the Tech nicians in the State capital on April 27 while on a several day’s tour that will include return contests with the University of North Carolina and Duke University. I Coach Laird's baseball proteges will therefore be idle all of this week un til Saturday, whn they journey to Hickory to meet the Lenior-Rhyne Bears in the second contest of the ■season with this aggregation. The Davidson plavcis will be working to • Returning Champ .. s .rate -- Returning from hb native Ger* many for a visit to the United States, Max Schmeling, world’s heavyweight champion, is shown as he arrived at New York. Schmeling’s manager announced that plans have been completed for Maxie's preliminary exhibition tour before he starts training for hia >out against Jack Sharkey in June, when ce w ill defend his title. -ome real baseball this week with ’ j three home games and one at Louis burg a short distance away f Longmire Sold. ' i Harnp flashy short stop | of the A's. has h«*en sold on option j to Clarksburg. W. Va.. club, it was , announced today by the officials ot j the A's and a new shoiiflelder i* ex ■ tpected to report here to take the place left vacant by the sale. Long . mire, an Oxford boy. has been at- I trading some attention by his work at short and it is thought that he ; will stick with the West Virginia, : club. He left yesterday to join them avenge a 5 to 2 defeat which the Lenior-Rhyne team administered to the Wildcats recently by tallying in the ninth inning to scote thiee run.-. On April pßth will be observed 135 years of unbroken peace between the United States and Canada. f /loAH NUMSKUU. y|ggjp DCAIS NCLAH =» WA*S Sift. CUMiFETftEAiCE A MEMBER OF THE ftOONO TABLE 7 E:Afsl_ BRUNS / tol£PO, Omo, DEAft NOAH* WOULD YOIJ CALL. A DOC-Toft. OfQ Pipe pitted IF You pell Down and broke You ft TftOMttONe? MI?S HEWftitrTTA. (AiHEELC( MASON CITV, IOWA. SEND IN 'TCOH NUK'tS NOT.OMS to pgAit. ncah Now —- D«. K. If. Patterson Ej* Si(bl Sfxmlnt Hkxdebjhjm, N G. W. H. Boyd Registered Engineer and Surveyor Office in law Building Office Phone 198 Home Phone It) I Follow The Big Parade To THE STEVENSON Every Wednesday All Tickets 10c