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SERMONS MUSIC VISITORS WILL K HEARD ON SUNDAY Out-of-Town Ministers At Baptist and PresbyU. rian Churches tell of conference Xrthodi* ProieatiuiU To Hear DeJe (*ir». • ounty Mlttivnu} 1 nion In All Day Sorv- • vict-n Hera Visiting preacher* will he heard in two churches in Henderson tomorrow m the absence of the pastors of those churches, while in some of the other* the *eivices will be somewhat out of the ordinary. At the First Presbyterian church the seiiuon at the morning hour will t* b> Rev J. S. Kenninson. of Towns ville. who will fill In for the pastor, r e v, \\. C. Cumining, who is at Mon treat as a delegate from the Gran i ville Presbytery to the General As sembly of the Southern Presbyterian : Church. At the First Baptist church J. C 1 Kittrell. lav member, will speak at | th* morning hour. In the absence of the pastor. Dr. H. A. Kills, who is ' holding a revival meeting at Swans boro. Onskiw county. In the eveniug ! the sermon there will be by Rev. J I C Powell, of Warsaw, a returned mis- 1 tionary from Africa. That service will 1 be in charge of the women’s mis- I nonary societies of the church. The Vance County Baptist Woman s Missionary Union will hold an all-dav j convention at West Find Baptist church, with the sermon in the fore noon by Rev. I» B. Reavis, and din ntr served on the ground afterwards. At the afternoon session. Rev. J. C. Powell will speak, and reports will be haerd from various missionary groups :c the several churches of the county. The pastor. Rev. L. W. Gerringer. and Jasper B. Hick*, prominent lay >*d«i will speak at the morning ser \ice* at the Methodist Protestant church, telling of the General Con ference of the Methodist Protestant Church In the United States, which uev attended the past two weeks in i. unibus, Ohio. A new deacon will be installed at the morning services at the First Christian church. Baptists To Have Missions Program At Night Service Tomorrow at the Firat Baptist church, the evening service will be given over to the Woman’s Missionary Union of the church, of which Mrs J R. Singleton is president. Rev J. C. Powell, of Warsaw, re turned missionary from Africa, will iptik and there will be special music by tht choir, which will sing an an them, ’ Hark! Hark! My Soul.” by Shelley. Thu organization, which includes rhe Maria Parham. W. M. S., Corinne Parham. W M. S, Sue Kelly W. M. 3. Y. W. A.. O. A. R. and Sunbeams. Each member of these organizations 1* requested to be present and march in a body, special seats being re terved for them. It is hoped that Mr. Powell will be grseti with a large congregation. Y. W A. To Meet The Y W. A. of the Fhrst Baptist church w:l! meet Monday night in the Junior department of the ohuroh at » o’clock it announced today by Mr* E A Isi.Ua. the leader. NEW DUKE CHAPEL READY UMpn* 7 ’-' .i rm er- W • ' •* ; . • * *-•- , i, f ; .»* ,? \ 4k v ' ’ ’ After more than two years of in tensive erin?*ruulion work ttve new < hupel of Duke above, has wit placed in i eadinesß for the com n nNTUfnt progiam which begins on Sunday. June 5. The insets show tti« edifice at several stages of oon- Mioetion: ibelow> fax* work above the foundation, (upper left) work on th* awun wails, and <.ub»*t lift*) *I_THE CHURCHES TOMORROW I J Jo« e pMK* PnoAmor - ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ,W 1 w R* T . Alvin E. Bell I - ' ' Scripture-—Genesis 87:1-11 And Alfred J. Bu**ch*r to “*•' sons o( whom Joseph was next to the youngest His father showed partiality owarri Joseph, presejuing him with a coat of many colors, makiug Joseph’s brothers jealous. To Tell of M. P. Conference I m Jit,. aB lAsrKH n. HICKS CONGREGATION TO NEAR Os MEETING Delegates From M. P. Gen eral Conference Talk at Local Church Reports on the sessions of the past two weeks at Columbus, Ohio, of the General Confernce of the Methodist Protestant church in the United States will be given at the Methodist Protestant churrh tomorrow morning by the pastor. Rev. L. W. Gerringer. and by Jasper B. Hicks, layman, botii of whom were delegates from the North Carolina Conference and at tended the General Confrence ses sions. They returned this week. Th conference meets only once in four years, and the neat one, in 1936, will be held at High Point, it was stated. Mr. Gerringer was one of the clergy delegates from this state and Mr. Hick* was the leading lay delegate frum North Carolina. n oaring the top of the tower. The ohapei seals 2.300 persons President William Preolop Few of Duke will deliver the baccalaureate address there cm the first evening of conanenremnl. and on the following Tuesday the first sermion in the chapel wiW be preached by Dr. Joseph Fori Newton, widely known Philadel phia nuuguer. eeneebson, (N> Cm) daily dispatch, Saturday, may 28, 1932 -* Memorial Day Program Under Legion Auspices To Be Given Tomorrow A. H. Graham of Hill«boro, Will Be Principal Speak er for Ceremonies at Theatre FLOWERS WILL BJE PLACED ON GRAVES Public Is Invited to Exercis es and Asked To Bring Flowers for Graves; J. S. Evans, Post Commander, To Preside; Dr. Newell To Present Speaker Memorial Day services under aus pices of Henderson Post, No. 60, of the American Legion, and the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary, will be held in the Stevenson theatre tomorrow aft ernoon at 4 o'clock. The public is in vited to attend the .services. The chief speaker will be A. H. Graham, of Hillsboro, former speaker of the State House of Representatives, and a well known North Carolinian. He will be presented to the audience by Dr. Hodge A. Newell. Joe S. Evans, post commander, Is to preside, and ihe invocation is to be by Rev. R. A. Whitten, pastor of the First Christian church. Those who attend are invited to bring fk>v*ers to be flelievered to members of the Auxiliaiy to be taken to all parts of the county to be placed on the graves of deceased World Wai soldiers, both those who died in France, or in this country, and wh u have died since the war. Each year the Legion and the Auxi liary sponsor this service on Hunday nearest Memorial Day, and this year’s program is in keeping with th*t cus tom. Usually the attendance is suf ficient to fill the theatre, and a large crowd is expected tomorrow. Mr. Gra ham is said to be an interesting speak er. and an address well worth lis tening to by those who attend is promised. ZOLLICOFFER TALKS TO EPISCOPAL CLASS J. H. ZoJlicoffer will address the Men’s Bible class at Holy Innocents Episcopal church Sunday morning ai TO o’clock, it was announced today. SERVICE LEAGUE MEETS TOMORROW There will be a meeting of the Young People’s Service League at the Episcopal Parish House Sunday evening at 7 o’clook, it is announced. The Puritan settlers in New Eng land built school houses by their churches before they had even provid ed houses for themselves, and educa tion after rligion and social ordr was the subject nearest to bhetr heart*#.. VsJr*< J Mot" f— l p- CHOC. /* J FeET ON 1 I —' Q L'Mon£>ic,ei IB As i young man Joseph dreamed of his future greatness and innocently told his brothers of his dreams, of how as they were shocking wheat, their sheaves bowed down to his sheaf Memorial Speaker mm- ■ A® ■■HF im IS H A. If. GRAHAM PROTESTANT RALLY TO BE TOMORROW All Churches of County To Participate In Union Chapel Program Members of all Sunday schools in Methodist Protestant churches of Vance county are to gether tomorrow at Union Chapel church, on the Ra leigh road, in their regular fifth Sun oiyy rally. It will tie an all-day meet ing, with sessions in the forenoon and afternoon, with lunch served on the grounds at the noon hour. The theme for the day will be. ‘‘The Denominational Program of the Church.” Rev. J. W. Braxton and H. C. White will speak in the forenoon, and during the afternoon session an address will be made by J. B. Hicks, prominent local layman of th de nomination. who will tell of the Gen eral Conference in Columbus, Ohio, .closing this week, and which Mr. HJcks has just attended. The ladies missionary auxiliaries will also uttend the rally and have a part in the program for the after noon. The public is invited to attend. To Seo J.tJr, HMEsyH v UpW'Si ,* *■ mmv v.nhn&lsmmmmbmihbhhipp9PVPPV^WMSPMMPV! Mrs. Charles Augustine Robinson, national rt%g lady nf the Veterans at Foreign Wars, is shown as she presented an anchor made entirely us Buddy Poppies to Commodqre Randall, of the S. S. Ijfviathao at New York. The aiiehur is a tribute from the V. F. W. L) those who lw,st their livtv, at sea during the World War It will be cast into the on Memorial Day frum thy deck of the liner as a feature of the solemn nutt ocean memorial services Another dream Joseph told hi? brother* showed 11 stars arid the sun and moon bowing down and “making obeisance” to Joseph’s star Joseph'* life was largely influenced by his dreams. MISSIONARY ION MEETSJOMORROW All-Day Services of Baptist Women To Be At West End Church The Vance County Woman's Mis sionary Union of Baptist churches, will meet with the West End Church tomorrow for an all-day gathering. Rev. L. B. Keuvls will preach at 11 o’clock and Rev. J. C. Powell, of War saw, returned missionary from Africa, will speak at the afternoru session, and Miss Annie Pucktt will lend the devotional*. A male qua lift from Wake Forest College will sing for the morning worship, and a solo by Miss Garnett Myers will be special music for the afternoon meeting. By spe cial request, little Miss Peggy Isiuise Parker will sing just before the ser mon at the morning service. Lunch will be served on the grounds in picnic style, and each member at tending is requested to take a lunch. Every W. M. S„ Y. W. A.. G. A.. R. A., and Sunbeam society is re quested to send representatives to give reports at the afternoon meet ing. REV. MR. HUGHES AT COLORED MISSION Sunday. May 29, being the first Sunday aftter Trinity services in our church will be as follows: 2:30 p. m.. Church school. 3:30 p. to , Sermon and celebration of the Holy Communion by the Itev. Isac W. Hughes- We extend a very cordial invitation to all of our friends to attend this service. Our work continues to move on nicely. We are now planning a two weeks summer vacation school in connection with our work. The date for the opening of this school will be given later. Our mission day school has cloned a good successful term. GEORGE C. POLLARD. Missionary in Charge. LAY PRAYErTmEET WITH M. E. CHURCH The weekly laymen's prayer meet ing. a group representing the six Protestant churches of the city, will be held next M noday afernonn at 5:30 o'clock, the usual hour, in the base ment of the First Methodist church, it was announced today. R. B. Powell, member of the First Methodist church is to be in charge. The meetings altrenate ftom one church to another, and in each in stance a layman, from the church where the meeting is held Is in charge. The public is invited. -ST' We are most of us stilt incapahle of apprehending the images of the real which appear In natural objects, and we require the artist to make them plain. * ,r ' The telling of these dreams caused his brothers to hate Joseph and to say, “Shalt thou indeed reign over us? And they hated him yet the more 'or hig dreams, and for his words.” ’OI.DRN TEXT—Romans It U NEW METHODIST EPISCOPAL BISHOPS iuj j * v pj I '-V m Nr " I fl B Rev. Magee Th# only two vacancies on the board of bishops of the Methodist EpiseopaJ 9hurch have been filled by the Rev. J. Ralph Magee, left, district superintendent of the Seattle. Wash., area, and the Rev. Wkfs Doing intta Churches 1 FIRST METHODIST. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., with cLaaaes for all ages in a departmen talized school. The pastor will preach. The subject for the morning sermon will be, "Fel lowship With the Infinite.' The public is invited. FIRST CHRISTIAN. Rev. R. A. Whitten, pastor. Sunday school at :45 a. ni, C. D. Newman, superintendent. Worship at 11 a. m. ( tSacrifice” • Memorial Dayi, Text. Matthew 16 24. During the morning service, J. Lee Laaviter will be ordained as deacon of the church. Junior Christian Endeavor at 5:30 p. m. Senior Christian Endeavor at 7:15 p. m. Worship at 8 p. no. The union prayer meeting next Wed nesday 8 p. ni. at the MethodLst Pro testant church. / •The church, a place to find God, giudJiqss alid good ftieode. A wel come awaits you. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Rev. W. C. Camming, pastor. Sunday Bchool at 9:45 a. no.. J. Harry Bryan, superintendent. In the absence of the pastor, the sermon at the 11 a. m. worship hour will be hy Rev. .J S. Kenuison. of Townsville. There will be no evening service. METHODIST PROTESTANT. Rev. L. W. Gerringer, pastor. Sunday 9:45 a. m. At >1 a. m.. the pastor. Rev. L. W. Gerringer. and Jasper B. Hicks, lay leader, who were delegates from the North Carolina Conference to the General Conference in session the past two weeks at Columbus. Ohio. Will speak, telling of the work of the conference. At 8 p. m. the pastor will preach. The public is invited to all these services. (V\ ADC May We Help You Select the Soap kj Most Beneficial to Your Skin? It is no trouble at ail to lay btfore you a whole courier full of fine toilet soaps and tell you of their different properties. Some are just the soapg for dry skins; others are intended for oily -kins. Some invigo rate the s*lun; others soothe it. Some are aiighiJy astringent; uthers art* heading Amtorig- them ail is one that is r-xaclly suited to the particular re quirements of your skin . . . and we would indeed greatly like to help you choose K. Toilet Soaps, Bath Soaps. Shampoo Soaps. Shaving Soaps, Medical Soaps and eapecraMy bland Soaps for Baby. When wo select a soap for you, we guarantee it will please you. PARKER'S DRUG STORE The Kexail store PAGE THREE SCHOOLS SUNDAY Rev. Cushman Ralph S. Cushman, pastor of tho Asbury Methodist Episcopal church at Rochester, N. Y. They were elected at the thirty-first Quadrennial General conference at Atlantic City FIKST BAPTIST. Dr. H. A. Ellis, pastor. 1 1 Sunday school ut 9:45 a. m., C. E. Green, superintendent. At the 11 a. m. service, J. C. Kit treii, layman, will speak. In the evening, at 8 o’clock, the service will be given over to the Woman's Missionary Union, and Rev. J. C. Powell, of Warsaw, a returned missionary from Africa, will apegk At this service the choir will sing. I “Hark, Hark. My Soul." by Shelley. At the morning service, Miss Gar | nett Myers will sing. “Come to My Heart, J-sird Jesus.“ by Ambrose. HOLY INNOCENTS EPISCOPAL. 1 Rev. I. W. Hughes, rector. First Sunday after Trinity. 7:30 a. m., Holy communion. 9:45 a. m.. Church school. 10 a. m. Men's and women’s Bible classes. 11 a. m.. Morning prayer and sep mon. 8 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon. St. John's Mission. Nbrth Hender son, 2 o'clock, Church school. EARNHARDT TEACHES M. E. BIBLE CLASS Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, the paktor. will speak to Ine Men's Wesley Bible class in the First Methodist Sunday school tomorrow morning at. 945 o’clock, it was announced today, Hu subject, will be, “Joseph, the DiVam er,“ There will be special musifc by the men’s quartet, consisting of T. W. Worley. I. D. Smith. Totofcas Kegr ney and Rev. 1). E. Earnhardt. Ths 'Heds''Mln the membership contest have been ahead both Sundays since the contest began, but the "blues” are hopeful of making a better showing tomorrow. The endless, repeated monotony us Chinese music produces, in those who can appreciate it, the effect of a min ute dose of opium.