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harriaqes pamtdm SOCIAL ACTIVITIES \AMITY. *'ITH "*HI. 4,1 rRKACHFR. lov* and power were fIWK ,®'' nt, Hiwl youth potM>i«l me, **„**!» flushed from every vine, form* created me. my heert In beauty's eyes, ifelt ®v eoul grow tender; r„rth c*n give. or mortal prise, & mlac of refml *plendor. to number oer what days LLmbrsnce can dtacover. iTurl, all that Ilf* or sarth displays JJuld lure me to live over. roe* no day. there rolled no Dour nt pi***ure unembittered: ind not a trapping decked my power flat fall* 1 not while It (Uttered. aerpmt of the field, by art I ,prlU. I* won from harming; which cot la around the heart. p%ho hath power of charming? h artlt not lUt to wisdom s lore. music a vice can hire It; jm there It stings forevermore rw awl that must endure It. -Byron. Ytalttiic in Trane—ee. jjim Fannie Howell la visiting ftWP d* in Morristown. Tenn. Irtanw from Goldsboro. )fl#* Ruth Buchan has returned a visit to friends In Goldsboro. Gwst *f Mr*. Klannagmn. )|r«. Kffle Morris is visiting her laughter. Mr*. E. O. Flannagan. liunt of Barker*, gpv. J. C. Powell, of Warsaw, will tt the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Alter f<*r the week-end. In IHirham Hospital, j. *a< learned today that Mrs. Otetfr Buchan la confined by Illness la Wat;» hospital in Durham. YaUting In Richmond jlii* Ludlle Hamm and Miss Emma ImtN" are in Richmond, Va , vlsdt- and friends. «eck-Fnd in Karmvllle. gn H IV. Anderson. Mr. and Mr*. Oof# L Finch and children, are ijvHlv the week-end tn Farmvllle vitl relativse of Mr*. Finch. Tn High Point Final*. UtM Louise Powell left today for High Point college, where she will attend the graduation exercises this week-end. To Father's Bedside. Mrs. tV. R. Aulbert has been called to Burlington to be at the bedaide of her father. A. R. Wllaon. who has wffered a second stroke. It was learn ed today. (•neats of Mr* Parker Mr*. C. Walter Johnson, of Astie vjle. ind Mr* W. P Creech and brie daughter. Carolyn, of Clayton. •t» expected today to be the house p«G of Mr*. W. W. Parker for 4* w*«k end. Home from Richmond. Mr*. M F. Legg. Mrs. J. C. -Cooper. Mr*. J. W Cooper. Mrs. 8/H.'Wat kin* and Mrs. Scott Parham returned y**terd*y from Richmond. Va., Vhere iher accompanied 8. S Parham to »wt a plane of the Eastern Air 'Tran* fwt for New York, where be* kill •lend the next week. Bridge Party For Miss Mary Wood The following from the Oxford P»bLc Ledger will be of interest here: kwely in every detail was the bridge P**t> given by joint hostesses. Mrs. F. L Hood and Mr*. H. F. Peed, on Tuesday afternoon at the home Os Hfs Hood. honoring Miss Mary Vlnod. bride-elec* of June. The home was beautifully decorated a profusion of spring ftower* wh;r b made a lovely setting for six t*b!ea of bridge. The tallies were attached to tnlnia htfe eormge* and presented the guests •t »h* door. Aftar several progrewtone Mr*. r ’ r^"d Parker was awarded high score F* and Mrs. Marvin Glasgow aec- high prime. Mias Wood, bomaree, *** hko presented an attractive gift. A delicious ice course wae served by Hr.. James Wheeler, of Hender **"• Ft of John L. White, the p,y *»-’»'be attervded the party. &ATULATIONS <yfase \KpP/ # Jg^rpAWs Birth Os Son Hr and Mr*. Kearney Southerland •nnounc- the birth of a atm. William Rob *rt on May 27, ISS2. Birth of Son. Hr. and Mr*. John Mundy were felicitations today for their ght-pound boy. John Rawls, born ■ r'terday at Marla Parham hospital. *ne mother and young son ara doing _ r\ nicely, it was said this morning. VICKS COUGH DROP •■. All you’ve hoped for in a ou « h - medicated with ,ri ’W| C KS w Vasoßui SOCIETy NEWS ir> telephone «10 ::::::: * ; ; HOUBA 9iM.TO 12 NOOK ETTA KFTT in H n. By PAUL ROBINSON EIYAS RiMG - iNfe got -so -fAUd MCI 2 iHfo V*irH If AW MOCE - MOO’LL fNO YIHAf I *- *Y)n ‘ 1 iff) T i ■ \ Vl<Z.|l If - ILL ONE HEf2 A «ORG J J NICE P6LLAM AND fHOUOMf DOG Mcsu NNCREMf PAITHPOL J ' ‘ ■ ALpik [ AhO DANCE. MAMQE SHE»U. J PORGET ALL ABOUT ME y- f 10 MW T Gdt SOME'tW IMG v M. P. Philatheas With Mrs. Baity Mrs J. M Baity was hostess Thursday evening at her home on SouthsH street to the PhUathew chide of the Mettvxtoa Protewtant Surwiay school. The meeting was cwllecf to order and presided over by Mr* Sllae Powell. ,-»nd the devotional exercises were conducted by hjrs Nichols Adler the minutes, reports were heard from various committees, and at the eonelu.don.Of the business sea sion. the meeting w*»a turned over to the program committee In the attendance content, the re ports showed Mrs Walter Grissom's aide to have 375 points and Miss Lucy Tkylor’s side 175 points. Mrs. R. W. Goodrich sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs C. L. Flitch An Interesting pin contest was had, in which Mrs. W E. Wilson was the winner. The hortesn. assisted by her two daughters, served delirious refresh ments . DABNEY NEWS" By MBA B. A. SCOTT. Mrs A. E. Hager and small daugh ter. Barbara, of San Franclaco. Cali fornia. were guests of Mr. and Mra. Raymond Wyche. Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Garrlas. of Con way. vtalted Mr. and Mr*. H. B. Hick* Sunday. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Glover, spent Sunday in Bobbitt, as guests of Mrs. Glover's slater. Mrs. Edgar Fuller. Mr. and Mr*. Jimmie Marah of Greensboro, are visiting Mrs. Marsh’s parent*. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wyche. for a few days. Raymond Wyche. who has been on the sick list for the past several days, ta very much improved .at this wrlt- In. and It Is hoped to he will soon be out again. Mr. and Mr*. Buck Ayscue and children. Dixon. Paul and Greyham of Epsom. were guests of Mra. Ayscue's mother. Mra. Mlttie Clark Friday . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dixon of Hen derson. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wyche Thursday evening. The Dabney Grange, will play their first game of baseball this season Saturday afternoon at S o'clock, at Dabney. They will play the Grange team of Aycock community. Mrs. A. E. Hager and daughter. Barbara, of San Francisco, Call left Friday morning for home, after a weeks stay with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hart, on the Henderson-Oxford road. Choosing Trousseau ijSj s N* A w ■ ■ *■ v ■ w *■ b V m >. ■ A honeymoon thnt is 3peit in the great out of doors is a happy time, all other things being equal This brown and white linen eports dress with large buttons and scal loped collar is smart for the ten nis courts and is ft practical choice when choosing the s trous •eau. Bette Davir. «3-een piaycr, jßcori-lj iL RgNDBHSON. XS. c.J PATT.Y DISPATCH. SATURDAY, ,MAY 28, 1982 MRS. WILSON WINS CAKE AT DEMOCRATIC GATHERING' 1 Vjis* Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, widow of the late president, draws the win ning ticket for a cake at a card party of the Woman'! National Democratic club in the gardens of ■IA Story of Mystery and Love in The South RF.AV THIS FIRST ‘ Keen fine »t Jittery trlflt flic <f(*- roeerv of a 190- //cor-old ship* lop book, fli'e vo*‘in ChUanonnn, Larry llotmca. Tom Barry, lone Admits, FUly Llffltfrner and Jay Bruce, icho ted# tfte »iory, take ship for Tahiti (n the South Scaa. .111 6kl Fitly had gee* nc\l spaper ' trrilcrtb She is a co-ed. Before fearing Tow and Filly and Joy and lone are married. At (citipls By a att an pa ffirl, a Ml*a Wkitkey, to obtain poaßcaaion of the top, a par them on. The top relates the story of a crutac by a Yankee a hip (n tke pearl trade and of an at tempt to pet possession of a prraf Mack pearl embedded In the head of a Jlafw of an island pod, S’u, on the ialand of Tarea. Some of it ia in rode. They arrive in Tahiti and there Miaa •Whitney turns out to be Fa»n. an Aererfffary princess of a amall pro up of Islands. She fit riles l.’icm to emiae there on her yaelit. They accept. Larry becomes in/atwofed urith 1*0(10. Meanwhile Tom. who knmea wirclesa code, bears wi eaaapea heimi 7 arnt from Faso’s (s/mirt ynlnce, indicating that an Enplialiman, named Livingston, is also attemptinp to pet hold of the lop. Larry photopraphs the pages of the book and the f /irls set out to copy the code. Then the lop wyslerfoHsf// dtaapt»‘* )r *‘ One wornfno Pane dors not appear for breakfast. [NOW GO OK WITH THK STORY ] CHAPTER 19 NOW IT SEEMS strange that we couldn’t have fowl'll the poMaihlllty of this thing happening and taken measures to checkmate it. Heaven knows we had warning enough. Hut then, tfa always easy to look back. In the end it was Larry who first became suspicious that all was not %.* It should be: anil in the end it was t arry who played the stellar part during the hours that were to follow. "How come you're still around here and not out with your playmate?" Tom asked Holmes Jovially as we pmt through the living room tn narhlng suits headed for the hefore breskfast dtp in the lagoon. It was well after 3 o'clock. "IHiuo isn't up yet,” Larry an swered. That pair had fallen Into the easy habit of eating together In the morn- j mg. Pauo. accustomed to early ris ing of the *roplce from childhood, gen erally nut in her appearance shortly after 7 o’clock, and LArry, by now making no secret of his strong in fatuation. had adapted his habits to hor routine. By this time they had generally breakfasted and started on an excursion to Borne part of the Is land br were out on the water. By the time Tom and I had finished our plunge, breakfasted and dressed, (one and Pilly were In evidence. It was close to 10 o'clock. Larry was visibly fidgeting. "She’ll jfrobably forgive you and melt tn your artfts," Pilly told him with a grin. "Don't get so breathless about it True lov* never runs smoothly.” “Don't be a stnoae.” Larry re torted.. "We haven’t had a fight "What, no quarrel T Pilly kidded him. “Can’t be true love then. Think -mU *he (up missing hj' QO- Admiral and Mrs. Cary Grayson, war-time physician to President Wilson, in Washington. Mrs. Wilson, indicated by arrow, is shown drawing thewrinning ticket. Pring itnlo to KlM> mH maK« opt* c Lorry walked away in disgust, and we strolled down on tho pier. Later we wer*> sitting by the rock garden when Holmes cainc out and an nounced that Pauo wasn’t In her room. Having knocked and called, he had gone In to find iter bed had been slept in but she was missing. go sail that knockabout around the lagoon.” Tom suggested. "Oo ahead," Larry said. "I’ll wait here." It was nearly lttnch time when wc catne buck. The girls had gone up. and Tom was sewing on a sail ring which hnd pulled loose when Larry showed up. "Any of the boats out," he asked. “Don’t seem to be,” I said looking over the fleet. "Something is wrong." T,arry de clared. "None of the servants at the lioiiko have seen Pane this morning." Tom reached down, picked up a knife and snipped the string. "Come on. my good man," he said to me, “We’ll have a bite of lunch and finish thi* after siesta.” He turned to Larry: "Come on up. She'll show up for lunch.” "Maybe she Is taking a little vaca tion from your society,” I told him with a grin. "Couldn’t blame her could you?” "Nci-ts!" he snapped. "I’m going up to the village and talk to old Ling Fat. Maybe he knows where she Is." "Keep out of the sun." I cau tioned. "or you'll get crazier than you are!” Blit Holmes, striding off up the beach, didn’t answer that parting shot. We waited lunch - for a time, but Pauo failed to appear. Nor did Larry show tip. I was taking nty siesta an hour later when Larry and Tom came in and awakened me. Before anything was said I sow by their faces that something was decidedly out of order Holmes’ eyes shown with sort of a wild light, and the customary banter was lacking from Tom’s voice, "By the looks of LhlfWt something has happened to Ihiuo.” he told pie quietly. "Larry here has Jus*, been up at the village talking to the old Chinaman.' It stems a schooner stood off here last night and a boat put In here, according to the natives. A little lifter la sailed." Then I rememliered that vague im pression of hearing a hairs, motor running during the night, nnd what I told them ofily served to confirm our fears. By now I had pulled on my ■■whites", and with Larry ahead, we started for the Itvinc room. As Larry went out Tom told me I 9 an under tone: '• "This looks bad! I can't find either Utato or Ttno. or Havia. I wouldn’t be surprised If this *fent plenty deep, and hooked in some way with that old log book!" The girls were there when the three of us came in. Tom and I sat down, but Holmes was pacing the room. , • ? "Sit down Lffyrrv." .said qgietly. “There ate part*' of this picture 1 don't think you' know--" 1 “Wbat rob by thmf* Mrs. Borden Harriman is shown with the megaphone and Mra. Jouctt Shouse may be seen on the right side of the table. A closw ud of Mrs. Wilson is at left. flotmes snot duck at him. "Just what I say- -" 'Then why haven't I been told?” “Principally because you seemed so completely infatuated with I’auo—" "Well. 1 am. If that’s any news to you," Larry declared bluntly. "Yes. the signs have been apparent 1o the (rained eye,” Tom rejoined tunor.lldy. "Which is Just the rea son (he four of us decMed it might be better to keep quie* A man in love isn't quite sane on the subject of the object of his tender passion. Anything that might he construed as criticism, or tend to cast reflection—" “Now Just what do you mean by that speech," Holmes rapped out. Ho was angry, "All right, Larry,” Tom told him softly. “That's Just the reason we've kept our mouths shut We were afraid you would blow up—now you're doing it. If you want parts of tMa picture filled In. you’ll simply have to taxe It on the chin, and take It quietly—” If you mean that this thing be tween ratio and me Isn’t mutual: that she's just been kidding me along —you're crazy!" his voice was lower pitched, hut tense. "That happens to he one thing we're not so sure of in spite of every evidence to ths contrary." Tom said musingly. "Now all of you listen to me!” Larry came to his feet and fared us challenging),!'. "I'm nofoo)and I know thnt girl like T know 'he palm of my hend! There Isn’t o double-cross ing hair in her head!" His voice had risen. The nlmosphrrc around Holmes seemed to Imi charged and simply lacking n sinrk to set it off. Th« Pirn M-cured lo me th,.t it might lie a good idea to pour a little oil on the troubled waters. T dapped my hands and I’akat, In her flaming red pareu, came sliding Into the room. "Bring u* a round of orange and lime juice and lots of Ice —” Pilly got up and went over r(os» to where !.arry waa atanding looking out the door. T,arry," she coaxed, "be a good guy and let the boys talk to you. Bchdve yourself, because there rWghy are some, things you ought to know.” “Ohey." he said taking one of.ths glasses as the girl came back. "Shoot!" ' * Turn Ut S cigaret. For n few sew omls he smoked In silence. fta seemed to be hunting for Just th* right thing to say. "laury, you know this whole thing started ns sort of a Joke." His vole* was soft. “None of us took the ex istence of the black pearl seriously. Conditions In the States were bad just at a tim* we all had wandering feet. We simply wanted a change of scenery.” Larry nodded quietly and took .» sip of his chilled Juice.- "Fate's Invisible finger moved cer tain angles together and here we are nearly MOO miles from Chicago.” Tom continued. "Wa were five when we started and we’re now five—" ■•We are six now!" Holme* cor rected btm with a snap, coming to his feet. yO BA' QQirUSLED} Invitations For Birthday Party Invitation* reading as follows hfeve been received in the city: “Mr, and Mrs. Thomaa Henry Crud up Invite you to a birthday dance honoring Thomas Henry Crudup, Jr„ at the Went End Country Club Tues day evening. May 31, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Please respond." •1 Mix Cooper Returns. Mrß. Sydney Perry Cooper returned home last night from a few days visit to Mrs. T. Edgar Cheek, in Durham, State librarian of the Daughters of the American Revolution, qf which organization Mra. Cooper is the State regent. Mrs. Cheek and Mi*. Cooper and Mrs. Isaac Manning, of Chapel Hill, attended the presentation of a D- A. R. marker near Elisabethtown yesterday, at which Mrs. Cooper one one of the speakers. How North Carolina Has Xeduced Taxes Given In Interview With Gardner (Continued rrom rage One.) Washington recently, it seemed de sirable to ask him how he had ac complished such a miracle, and he ex plained his system readily. I omit figure*; they fell too swiftly tn be kept In nrrind. The items, besides, at most were in eight digits- not enough as previously to appeal to an imagination nourished on United States treasury reports. Anyway, the method is the essential thing. “For example." said Governor Gafd- H; j r I S | \$ j j \ R T' 1 edk&y' ' H X M M M | JANE KAY i r 4 M U Answer* an Age-Old Question M \ What Is Beauty? \ The exquisite JANE KAY preparations * (The assurance of a lovely complexion) H H . H m Will .assist you in answering this M H question for yourself. ' m : Miss Kathryn Bickel : Expert cosmetician ia giving individual connultation and complete treatment in a private booth, teaching the new scientific mehods of facial treatment and makeup. [J This $5.00 Treatment Without Charge * w To all thofic lak’fug tulvantage of this H H unusual offer tills week. H Call for appointment at Toil.t <sood.s Department. * M ’ - H : E. G. Davis & Sons Co. 3 h Henderson, N. C. 3 M J W a PAGE FIVE CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS ner "we had a network of state roetto innintdiived by a gasoline tax. Natift ally it was a tax paid largely by fauh ei*, but only 35 per cent of thean lived on the state highway*. they had also to keep up local roads, for whicHf they were taxed sep arately by their respective oountieA. ; "Today all roads are state roads aW paid tor by the gasoline excise No county can levy a rad tax. County boards have been abolished, as have •■he offices of 100 road comniieMon era. "The state likewise has taken over the county prison#-much, generally, speaking, to the prisoner*' advantage. All pi i son era, aerviqg more than 60 days, work on the road*. They are kept in sanitary camp*4 scientifically rationed and are humanely can'd for." "County boards," continued the North Carolina executive, "as I have said, were abolished. In their places there exists a local government com mission s state organization —of seven members, counting ita chair man “To this rotnnviHKion come petitions for local improvement*. “U'lusftratively, If residents In particular section desire a new road or the abandonment of an old one, they .submit their requite to the local gov ernment eorrumlf-sdon. which dispatch es its contact representative to investi gate and report upon it . "Should a certain county desire to issue bonds for a strict ly local, per manent impovement ray a new court house it appht 1 * to the local govern ment commLision for the nocesaary authority. In the event of the com imealon* refusal rhe right remain* to •he applicants to appeal, by referen dum to their home county’s voter*. "The affair* of every local govern mental unit is subject to this rfgula t ton "