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HENDERSON, GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA. TWENTIETH YEAR RESOLUTION would ADJOURN ASSEMBLY BY SATURDAY WEEK Kirkpatrick Seeks Td Pave Way For Final Close of Session Not Later Than April 30 FTATE SOLLEGE TO SEEK $50,000 FUND Bill Would Authorize Ap plication to R. F. C. for Athletic Field Improve ments; House Resumes To night With New Draft Os Its Revenue Measure Raleigh. April 18.—(AP) —The Sen ate today hoard talk of sine die ad journment of the'General Assembly on or before April 30. while the House continued it 3 Easter vicUon, waiting a re-drnf' revenue bill. M(T‘ing at noon for regular bu3i n - for 'he first tim since Thursday. th° Senate received a joint reioiiition offe ed by Kirkpatrick, of burg, calling for sine die adjournment this month A hi'l to al'ow the University of Nor'h Carolina to secure from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation SoO.OOj to be expended in improving the State College athletic field here •was passed and sent to the House. Senator MacLcan of Beaufort, re ceived consent, to lodge a formal mo tion Thursday that the Senate recon eidcr the vote by which it last week l/.'.’ed the Dunnagan bill to allow State to set up a fund for the writing of compensation insurance. The House will iesunic U 3 regular session tonight. Under the Constitution, the legisla ture must hold a session every week day. but by agreement neither division of the assembly considerd anything but local bills Saturday or yesterday as on’y a bare handful of members a'tended the perfunctory sessions. 1h« House sub-finance committee continued work on a r-draft of Ar tie!- V of the revenue bill, which ori ginal y was a three percent general erle; tax If was learned the com mittee vos workihg on a limited sales tax, with cer'aiti articles exempted from taxation The bill is expected to be rported tonight. THREE ARE KILLED IN WRECK ON L. & N. - - / Emerson, On.. April 18.—(AP) Thj northbound Flamingo, Louis • 'ibc and Nashville passenger limited, piled up In a cut in the AMocna mountains, three mi es tmith of Cnrtersville, last night, killed two of Its crew and an other man and injured three per sons. Large Saw Mill At Hertford Is Lost In Flames Hertford, April 18— (AP)—Fire de ployed the Major Loomis saw mill hcie early today, throwing 150 men °u f of work and doing damage esti m-’tpfi by mill officials at $75,000 to SIOOO,OOO. The fire was discovered by a night w,t chman shortly after midnight, it hM not mad emuch headway at that time but was burning in the center fJ f ’he mill, wher eit was hard to f 'gh» When firemen arrived, they confined their efforts to saving sur rounding buildings. hour years ago the planning mill at 'he same plant burned. J hinkAkron Located By l. 8. Cruiser Sunken Object Hooked by Grap plers Is Believed To Be Lost Dirigible Washington, April 18—(AP)— ,e * Va vy today received a mes from Captain Herbert F, • ar > commander of the. cruiser unbind, saying: ‘ Believe Akron located.” Uie message came shortly after a little after reports from . 'Vr 81 Sagamore had re .grappling operations ... "«•»«* <*f the airship's fall • ' < ca ted large sunken object* f . ' "‘"'bile, a naval court of in in ' y ., wa * PrDeeding here With Its dLastlr'' ion lnt ° Akron's Uxntbrrsnn Ousted by Nazis p *** " " T’ 1 ' '.'. l ''J Professor Moritz J. Bonn, noted German economist, who is among the Jewish leaders ousted from im portant positions in educational circles as a result of the Nazi anti- Semitic campaign. Professor Bonn, formerly a lecturer at the Williams town Institute in the United States, was recently dismissed from the fac ulty of the Berlin School of Busi ness Administration. id ASSAiLS T FREE TREATMENT I Dr. John B. Wright, Medi cal Society Head, Con demns Non-Service- Connected Ailments MEDICAL INCOMES REDUCED, HE SAYS But High Taxes Are Paid by Profession, Then Confront ed With *This Situation; Speaks In Annual Address to State Medical Society Meeting Fln’cigh April 13. f John B, Wright, of Rakigh, retiring presi dent of the North Carolina Medical Ujociety, today condemned governmen tal policies which a 1 low war veterans with non-service connected ailment 3 to recrivje free attention in govern ment hospitals. Delivering the presidential address before hundreds of members of the society assembled for their annual convention. Dr. Wright termed the 'practice "encroachment upon a pro fession that mus 1 pay high taxes, but whose income is reduced by free'treat ment of undeserving persons.” The president’s address was follow ed by talks by Dr. Addison G. Breni zer, of Charlotte; Dr. Ernest M Poate of Southern Pines, Dr. J. M. North ington, of Charlotte; Dr. H- A. Roy ster and Dr. G. Fred Hale, of Raleigh; Dr. Albert Coates, of the University of North Carolina, and Dr. Thomas McCrae, of Philadelphia. At. the conclusion of the annual president's address, Dr. Wright was presented tiie past president's jewel by Dr. I. H. Manning, 6f Chapel Hill president-elect of the society. Jail Youth For Killing His Uncle Mayodan, April 18- —(AP) —Sandy (Sisk, 32, was shot to death here ear ly today and a few hours later his nephew, LoweM Wall, 20 was lodged in jail charged with the slaying, which police said followed a brawl at the home of Sisk’s father-in-law. The shooting occurred at the home of Nat Martin, not far from the North Carolina-Virginia State line. Wall was charged with murder, but he claims he shot in self-defense. Charles L. Jones, chief of police here was called to the Martin home about 3 a. m, and found Sisk with bullet wounds over the left eye, in the right breast and in the left hip. He was rushed to a Leaksville hos pital, where he died within an hour. Wall delivered two pistols to Htye police chief and reiterated he shot ■Sisk in defense of his own life. ONLY DAILY NE\ WIK» SBRVIC® O* THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. iVSPAPER PUBLISHED HENDERSON, N. C., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 18, 1933 New Treasury Aide ”* '• Ji|£—« Lawrence Robert, J r . Here is the newest member of President Roosevelt’s “little cabi net”. He is Lawrence Wood Rob ert, Jr., of Atlanta, who has ar rived in Washington to assume his new duties as assistant sec retary of the treasury. Ho is the father of Louisa Ayes Robert, na tionally known swimmer. Britisher Renews Confes sion and Says No More, But Other Britons Plead Innocence JUDGES REtTre TO MAKE UP DECISION Russians Admit All Charges Against Them in Metro polkan-Vickers Sabotage Cape and Abjectly Throw Themselves Upon Mercy of the Court Washington, April 18.—(AP)— The Senate today directed R 3 judiciary committee to investigate the delay by the Department of Justice in prose cuting officials of the Harriman Na tional Bank for alleged violatioh of the banking laws. It adopted without a word of de bate a resolution by Senator Costigan, Democrat, Colorado, calling for the investigation. Joseph W. Harriman former, chair man of the bank’s board, wtfs recent ly indicted on charges of falsifying accounts of the institution- A. C. L. OFFICIALS AGAIN RE-ELECTED George B. Elliott Continues As Pres ident and Lyman Delano As Chairman of Board Richmond,* V° , April 18. —(AP) — Officers and directors of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad were re-elected today at the annual meeting of the road’s stockholedhs- The directors re-elected George B. Elliott, of Wilmington, N. C., as presi dent and Lymann, Delano, of New York was re-elected chairman of the board of directors. FOUR ARE KILLED AS PLANE CRASHES St. Louis, Mo., April 18—(AP) —Fqtir persons were killed' In the crash of an airplane near Val meyer, 111., about 25 miles south of St. Louis, at 10:30 a. m. today. The victims were not Identified and the ownership of the plane was not immediately determined. Rivers Out Os Banks In. Many Parts Os Country (By the Associated Press.) Rivers on a spring spree wallowed over lowlands in northern New Eng land, southern Indiana .northeast Ar kansas and the Mississippi delta today while the weather staged a haywire exhibition. Snow in California and .cold in Dixie were among the special demon strations of what April can do. At St. Johnsbury, in Vermont, resi dents were aroused at midnight and told to prepare for flight before the unruly Passumpsic river, Rain in tor • St I—OUUQHIL, - IN THIS SECTION CAROLINA AND V^naA rmuftL * Sales, Luxury and Anti-Sales Tax Groups Have All Had To Make Some Concessions WOULD .EXEMPT ALL REAL NECESSITIES Franchise Taxes Also Be lieved High Enough; Com mittee, Realizing Urgent Necessity of Balancing the ißudget, Determined To Achieve That Dali r OiN(»ati*fc flnrpnii. In the Sir Walter Hotel. »IV J. C. HASKK.ItVIt,I,. Raleigh. April 18—Agreement has virtually been reached by the special sub-committee of the finance com mittee on the plan to be recommend ed for raising the additional $9,000,000 a year or more needed to balance the budget, it was indicated py members of the committee here today. None of ‘he members would indicate just what the plan tentatively agreed up on is, since they are pledged to se crecy until the plan is presented to the House by the committee when it convenes tonight. It was intimated by one member of the committee, however, that the re presentatives of the sreneral sales tax, luxury sales tax and anti-sales tax •groups had all made concessions and compromises in order to bring about an agreement on a plan that would yie’d the necessary revenue to bal ance the budget. It was also intimat ed that the plan would probably be a combination of the general and lux ury sales tax plans, with the more necessary articles of food and cloth ing exempted from any tax. The most difficult task the committee has had to perform, it Is understood, was trying to separate essential commod ities from non-essential commodities. Exempt Necessities. By exempting the more necessary articles of food and clothing from (Continued on Page Six) WINNIE RUTH JUDD GRANTED REPRIEVE Phoenix, Ariz.. April 18 (AP)— The Ariiz<»ia Board of Pardons and paroles today granted Wilnp nie Ruth Judd a reprieve untili' April 28. Chaos Sure If Re venue Is Lacking Sales Tax or 45 Cents Advalorem Only Alternative, Mur phy Declares Dili!? DlNpntch tlnrenn. In the Sir Wsilter Hotel. BY J. C. BASKERVILL. Raleiglh, Apriil 18—A great many people thnoughiouit the State, as well as mctnlbers of the General Assembly do not seem to realize the necessity for balancing the State’s Budget, not realizing that if t!hie budget is not balanced that the State government will collapse that all the schools and institutions wlill have to cose, and, ■Worst of all that virtually all the banks that are now open woud be foroedi to dose and all business brought to a standstill, according to Representative Walter Miurphy, of Salisbury, Rowan county. He is convinced, however that this General Assembly is going to adopt a revenue (Continued on Page S«ven) rents and melting snow helped the river out of its banks. The Ipswich threshed about in. Massachusetts and the Connecticut rose in New Hamp shire. The White, Wabash and Ohio rivers were swollen by persistent rains in Indiana. Down in the Mississippi delta re gion the Tallahatchie, Yazoo and sev eral other perennial miscreants chas ed valley dwellers to higher ground. The Mississippi was still tractable. Thousands of acres have been inun dated in the delta- Currency Inflation Move Collapses As Amendments IjTp Farm Bill Are Removed) NEW “FARM” GAS FOR PRESIDENT A shipment of the new Hi-Ball gasoline, containing 10 t>er cent alcohol made from agricultural products, is shown leaving Bloom ington. 111., en route to President Roosevelt. Middle western farm Right To Force Operation Qn Child Upheld By Court Meantime, Hideway of Little Helen Vasco and Her Pa rents Is Revealed When F ather Appeals to New York Police for Protection From Curious New York. April 18.—(AP)—The ap pellate division of the Supreme Court today upheld the right of Judge George Smyth of the Westchester fcounty children's court t D order an operation performed on two-year-old Helen Vasco. HIDEOUT OF LITTLE GIRL REVEALED BY HER FATHER Hastings. N. Y., April 18— (API- Little Helen Vasco, the two-year-old girl whom doctors have called doom ed unless she undergoes an eye op- m WEEK FOR SENATE PROBABLE Compensation Insurance, Beer and Re-Districting To Come Up linlly DiMpntch nnreen. In the Sir Wsilter Motel. BY It 14[VItY LESESVE. Raleigh. April 18. —As the result of the Houhe’s delay in reaching an agreement on tne new revenue bill, the Senate will face another light week, its local and public calendars toeing virtually cleared. The Senate is facing a scrap over the school ma chinery bi}l, but it is problematical whether this bill will be reported out toy the Senate Education Committee before the latter part of the week- It had been expected that the Sen ate would be able to take up the re venue bill this week and last week the upper hpuse cleared its calendars in (anticipation of the money bill. But the House failed to get through with the revenue measure and referred the saleh tax section to a special commit tee, which will necessitate another (Continued on Page Three.) TfifrWlLL ¥*s Rogers Xy p agys: Beverly Hills Calif., Apriil 18 —Every day just shows us what a lucky country we are. We goit lots of fleas on us, ana everybody is scratching to get ’em off, but there is one insect) that btohers most of the world that we are at least free from— and that is a newspaper press that is not free. i > Everybody wants to hfciow If the Englishmen in Russia are guilty or framed,, j&verynoay would lojve to know Ute very facts of wliajfc is going on in Ger many. But over here you can write whatever you want to. The only trouble is getting somebody that will read it. Yours, lj.,i ;»V; wltL ‘ PUBLISHED EVERY AFTBKNOOM EXCEPT SUNDAY, ers are eager to have the president try the new gasoline, realize its purported worth in increased mileage and back their plan to in crease the size of the grain mar ket by making its use universal. eratiop, was found today after being 'hidden away in the home of relatives since Saturday. The mother, declaring against an operation, has fought at tempts of physicians to have it per formed. John Vasco, immigrant laborer and father of two-year-old Helen disclosed her whereabouts arly today when he called at a police station and demand ed protection against “hordes” of curious who have gathered around his home since the case received wide spread notice. 10 PROBE DELAY IN BANK PiSEMN Senate To Investigate De partment’s Course In Harriman Bank Case Moscow, April 18.—(AP) —Just be fore the court retired today to con sider itg verdict in the Metropolitan- Vickers sabotage case, William L. MacDonald reiterated his guilt, all the other British prisoners stoutly af firmed their innocence and all the Russian defendants adjectly threw themselves on the mercy of the court. The Russians admitted all the charges against them. These varying statements were made individually to the court by each of the defendants, just before the judges retired to make their de cision. Limping to the microphone in front of the judges’ stand, his ascetic face unusually pale, MacDonald—the first of the British defendants calld on stood with his hands in his trousers pockets looked Judge Basili Ulrich squarely in the eye, and, in Russian, ■declared: “I confess and I have nothing to add” , John Cushny, the next Englishman, spoke in English, as did the remain der of his British colleagues. Ex-Mayor Walker And Miss Compton Married at Last Cannes, France, April 18-—(AP) Former Mayor James J. Walker, of New York, and Betty Compton, Amer ican actress were married today. The couple entered the city hall here by the back door to avoid cur ious persons. They were married at 11:15 a. m. by Mayor Gaagnaire, of Cannes- From the city hall the Wlalker party went to the former New York mayor’s ■hotel for a wedding luncheon. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Generally fair tonight and Wed nesday; somewhat warmer in ex treme west portion tonight. 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY Ho Explanation Given On Long and Thomaj Pro posals, But Might Be Offered Again BAILEY DENOUNCES OF TOBACCO Changing of Base Attacked by North Carolina Sena tor; Praises Cotton Option Plan and Accepts Mort gage Provisions, Though )He Is Not Satisfied Washington, April 18.—(AP)— The campaign to add currency inflation to the iiidministration farm relief bill as a rider apparently collapsed today in withdrawal of the silver purchase amendment of Senator Long, Demo crat, Louisiana and the Thomas amendment for monetary expansion. Senator Robinson, the Democratic leader, without explanation, withdrew Long’s amendment which sought to authorize the purchase of $100,000,000 in silver against which currency would be issued- . Thomas, Democrat, Oklahoma, with drew his amendment himself, reserv ing the right to re-offer it. Neither did he give an explanation. Senator Baiffey, Democrat, North Carolina attacked the tobacco section Os the bill. Changing the base period for to bacco from 1909-1914 to 1919-1928, Bailey said, “is an inconsistency that condemns the intellectual honesty of the men who conceived this bill?” He praLed the cotton option pool section sponsored by Senator Smith, and said the mortgage provisions were acceptable, although he felt they would aid the land banks more than the farjner. “But I am willing to relieve the land banks to help folks,” h added. Hertford Couple Go On Trial For Slaying of Son Hertford, April 18. —(AP)—A special venire of 7o 'salesmen reported in 'Perquimans County Superior Court today for jury duty in the trial of George K. Lane, farmer rnd hi 3 wife who are charged with murder of Woodrow Lane, 17, son of Lane by a former marriage. Lane reported his son was crushed by a tree while they were cutting timber. The State charges the boy was killed by a blow on the back of the head- » Secretary Elaborates Work Bilk Labor Department Head Would Con trol Production To Prevent Unfairness VHashington, April 18.—(AP)—Set retary Perkins told newspaper me today that among the changes si had suggested to the 30-hour wee bill was “a measure for control • (production to eliminate unfair con .petition.” The secretary of labor said, hov ■ever, that the plan she had recon mended to the Black bill, now penc ing before the House Labor Commi' tee, did not contemplate any “natior - wide system of production control.” She explained it was intended oru(.‘ to supplement the shorter work wee bill, which has already passed tfai Senate. In the case of particular plant:; which are violating s he “fair compi tion” c'ause suggested, the secretary of labor would be authorized to spe cify a limit on the total hours of op eration ot the offending plant.