Newspaper Page Text
MARRIAGES parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ' inland. , ijttip town, your streets will No, 11 never run wn to *Do sudden glitter of the N()l ,‘! an her salty fogs put out your sun, • ~u i ;s wheel ovr you inquisitively \V'itching I he river I have thought ' these things; ovr bridges, idly dipped my hand i| U , dear, sweet flow of mountain springs, j M iiiing for shells and seaweed and white sand. . t() sUC h ones as listen for the beat hi f on coasts incessant winds provoke, y ilU W iii remain a stranger, incom plete — 1 V chime of bells, a wreath of chim ney smoke * ruder some hill, where men care not a' all v Ol ships and tides and glamorous ports of call- Leslie Nelson Jennings. Visits Sister Mi? John Knott, of Williamsboro, spoilt Saturday night in the city as 11,,, guest of her sister Mrs. E. , lira me. ‘ _ t Guests Expected Today. Colonel and Mrs. Frederick ,G. Tur ner, of Philadelphia, were expected to mive *oday to attend the •Vos-Tur ner wedding here Saturday. Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. Leoman Bra-dsher, of near Wendell, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Brudsher’s tt*-’ leiits, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rrame. We lding Guests Arrive. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Haywood, of Montclair. N. J., arrived today to at if.iifl the wedding of Miss Jane Tur ner io Henry Vos on Saturday even ing. Holiday Guests Hert Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard Jenkins •and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Powell, of Kv.i'.'tnnnd. Vwere the guests of j Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis on Charles gtiivt during the week-end' holidays. .Ufrntl dorris-Buchan Nuptials. Ml. I Mi.C. B. Cunningham and Mi Howard Cobb, of Farmville, Va., M: il It. liridgeforth, of Kenbride, Va.. and Mrs. John B. Wells of Rich in ",;l. Va attended the Morris- B'.ich’n nup'ials this morning at 8 o'clock at the Episcopal Church of ihe Holy Innocents. Give Your Skin ( hat healthy glow w. w>nderf:il MELLO-GLO face p iwler reproduces the tempting 'com of youth. Spreads smoothly, ' on longer, hides tiny lines and wrinkle!, prevents large pores. No ■hiny noses, no drawn or “pasty” look! Women trust MELLO-GLO be finse iin-v French process makes it the pure t face powder known. De li;;;'-! fully fragrant. Try MELLO-GLO today. fine and SI.OO. Parker's Drug S’ ore. Tax Free- IS HERE! 25 c IL C. Headache O n \ 25c Tlz Corn Pad 3, . Powder, 2 for ZOC 2 for £OC Sl.fFi Ja mne Face A1 30c Froatilla Brushless M Powder 2 for vl •U X, Shave, 2 for 31C ■*»oc Pui'f. edt Rubbing r “I 40c Cascade Pound J “B Alcohol, 2 for DIC Paper, 2 for ** A V Me Put test Aspirin 7 A 35c Klenzo Tooth Blushes, C _ 100 V, 2 for I VC, 2 for -);• Rexall Milk of Mag- OP 25c Ammons Fnlckley Heat P n< o. Tooth Paste, 2 for .. Powder 2 for 30c Frcstilla r 125 c Taieum Powder, 2 for uIC assorted, 2 so-r £UC "'c Octagon Soap OP SI.OO Pure4#st Ccd A'2 ( L:|>:, 2 for <SOC Liver Oil, 2 for \fPA*v A Si-00 Ambrosia d» i ai 50c Oaaoara Aromatic, r* A 2 for ’ Jpl.Ol, 2 for DI C, • ,i Palmojivia Shaving OO B£c Cod Liver Oil < “ l ‘ ,, in, 2 tor ODC, Emulsion pit., 2 for i/UC. Lavender Shaving or 59c Mi 31 Antiseptic, _ Gram, 2 for 00C 2 for OOC -te Dr. West Tooth OO 50c.Parker’s Nasal H f I 3 - 2 for “OC. Drops, 2 for cAAC J 1 M Silver or Gold d*l AI 35c Cream of Almonds, Gited Compact, 2 for «pA«01. 2 for :)r Octagon Floating /? 25c Germicidal, 2 for OC, 2 for uu.ska I* ace M p 35c Vau.lia pure, '< Puretast Milk of C1 25c Klenzo Fiaoial Tissuie, Purettat Mineral HC. 60c Jasmine Face Lotion, 1 _ Oil, 2 for /OC 2 for 1 V P'ii.- 1 Aid Sanitary O n SI.OO Jeris Hair Tonic 1 AI ' ' rhc-atrical Cold *7 o 25c J & J BarwJaid, Cr, am 2 for /OC 2 for h hot Water Bottle, gj 25c Cappi Talcum, :r ' Rexall Shaving op 50c Perfumes assorted „ Cr< -am 2 for £UC Odors, 2 for ’ ** l V Parker’s Drug Store V SOCIETY NEWS V TELEPHONE 610 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON Honoring an Artist Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt (left), wife of the President, is pictured with Miss Cecilia Beaux, America’s greatest woman artist, at the. re ception in New York where. Miss Beaux , was presented with the National Achievement Medal, given annually to the American woman who has made the most outstanding contribution to the culture of the world. Miss Beaux, a native of Philadelphia, has received nunier ous degrees and awards. - . . ■■ - ■ , I 1 Music Club Holds Regular Meeting The Music 'Lovers Club met last Saturday morning with Miss Marina Ann Hawkins at her home on the Oxford Road. Miss Emma Lee Haw kins was joint hostess. After the busi ness session, a splendid program fol lowed- Miss Dorothy McDuffie gave a. sketch of the life of George Frederick Handel, and interesting pictures were shown. Several of Handel’s composi tions were heard, including Serabande in D Minor. The Harmonious Black smith, and Largo, which was played as a duet by Miss Nellie Kittrell and her teacher. Mms Edith Hobgood played a Spanish Dance by Rebe'; Dorothy Mc- Duffie, Ye Mow Butterflies, Marina Ann Hawkins', The Shoe-maker, ,and Emma Lee Hawkins, The Merry-go round. During the social hour several games were played, Miss Alice Har rison and Nellie Kittrell winning the prizes. Mrs. Kenneth Hawkins and Mrs. R. M- Hawkins assisted their daughters in serving a delicious ice course. — Reported, HENDERSON, (N.C.) DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933 1 Attend Wedding Mas. B. O. Turn age, of Farmville. ' and Mrs. W. W. Plhelps. of Green-! ville, were guests at the Morris- Buchan wedding solemnized at Holy i Innocents Episcopal church this m'orning at 8 o’clock. Radio Dance Friday Night Another of the popular Friday , night dance* will be had at the West ’ Epd Country Club tomorrow night fro-m 9 to 12 o’clock, it wtas announc ed today.’i The dance is for members only and their guests it was stated. Jr. Legion Auxiliary To Meet. I The Junior American Legion Auxi liary will meet Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock at (he home of Miss Mary Sue Newell on Gholson avenue, with Missse Mary Sue, Jane and Josephine Newell, Miarioiii Callaway and Re becca Ann Harward as joint hostesses. All members are urgde to be present. Mrs. Jones Given Party Wednesday Mrs. J.. B. Jones and Miss Lucy Plummer Jones delight full y enter tained on Wednesday afternoon at seven tables of bridge at their home on East Montgomery street in honor of Mrs Hugh E. Jons, a recent bride. Mrs. Jones was Miss Frances Mixon before her marriage- The house was attractively decoraß ed with spring flowers carrying out the color scheme of pink and white. Miss Doris Strange, of Louisburg, was the winner of High score prize: and Miss Annie Herbert Lamb was low score prize winner. At the conclusion of bridge play, the hostesses were assisted in serv ing a dainty-ice course with mints: and nuts by Mrs. Ballard Egerton, of Greensboro. Each guest was presented with a corsage. Those playing were Mrs. Hugh E. Jones; Misses Doris Strange, Lydia ■ Person, Sue Egerton and Tempie Yar | borough, all of Louisburg; Mesdames ■Henry Powell, Leon Vick, Misses Har- I riett Church, Ethel Crowder, Kitty ! Allen, Annie Herbert Lamb, Sadie Belle Boyd, Margaret Church, Alice Mabry, Lillian Gholson, Closs Peace. Sue Southerland, Betsy Cooper, Mary Boyd White, Rebecca Church, Mabel Hayes, Mary Allen, Betsy Rose Jones, Lucille Rux, Mary Meadows Duke, Mary Hayes Blacknal), Annie Laurie Royster, Elizabeth Singleton and Lucy Plummer Jones- Give Tea Honoring Miss Jane Turner One of tbs o j|tst(andi ng social events of the spring season was the beautifully appointed tea given by Mrs. Edward Loughlin and Mi's. Hartwell Bass, Jr., on Tuesday aft ernoon at the West End country Club, to honor Miss J-ame Turner. Masses of pink and white dog wood covered the wall s of the club, and a profusion of apple blossoms, lilacs, pink tulips, and snapdragons made a lovely seating for tbs long tea table. The table curried out the prevailing motif of pink and white with its baked cent rpiece of apple blossoms and fern. Pink tapers ini silver holders, and pink minds and bon boms completed the arrange ment of the table. The receiving line included the hostesses, Miss Jane Turner, the guest of honor Mrs. C. H. Turner. Mrs. Male Buchan, Miss Penelope Watkins and Miss Jocelyn Whedbee. Presiding at the Ha table were Mirs. Alex Cooper, Mrs. Samuel Watkins, Mrs. Hartwell Bass, Sr., and W. B. Waded 11. The hostesses were assisted drur- j ng the afternoon by Mrs. W. S. Goodwyn, and Mrs. D. Bcydi Kimball Jr., and the Misses- Elizabeth Coop er, Alice Hughes, Sally Plight, Betsy Bass, Clara Fenner, Rebecca Wat kins Zazelle Loughlin, Ruth Lough lin, Betsy Cooper and Carolyn Wat kins. Bridge Luncheon for M iss Turner As a courtesy to Miss Jane Turner, bride-elect. Miss Mary Young Hunt and Mrs. Samuel M. Watkins enter tained at a bridge luncheon in the home of Mrs. George A. Rose, Sr., on North Garnett street, Wednesday ■morning at 11 o'clock. The home was made more lovely by a. very attrac tive arrangement of spring- flowers, lilacs, iris, tulips and spirea, adding much lo the color of the occasion- Four tables were laid for bridge, wi'h Miss Elizabeth Cooper winning high score, and Mrs. Georrge A. Rose, Jr., being low scorer. Miss Cooper was presented a dainty compact and Mrs. Rose a deck of bridge cards. Miss Jane Turner, honor guest, was pre sented two attractive gifts, a table lamp and a china set. A two-course luncheon was served to the guests at the tables, on which the centerpiece was an attractive ar rangement of lilacs and spirea- Those playing were: Miss Jane Tur ner, honor guest; Miss Eiizabeth Cooper, Mrs. D. Boyd Kimball, Jr.; Miss Helen Summers, Johnson City, Tenn.; Mrs. D. Morgan Cooper, of New York City; Mrs. D J. Cooper; Miss Jocelyn Whedbee, of Hertford; Mrs. George A. Rose, Jr., Mrs. Conrad B. St urges; Mrs. Herbert Jackson, of Richmond, Va-; Miss Margaret Rispin, of Chatham, Ontario; Mrs. M. Y. Cooper, Miss Mittie Crudup, Mi's. E. C. Loughlin, Mrs. S. H. Wat | kins and Mrs- H. H. Bass, Jr. v Those coming in for the luncheon were: Mrs. C. H. Turner. Mrs. Sam j Watkins, Miss Penelope Watkins, l Mrs. William T. Watkins, Miss Re becca Watkins, Mrs. .Reginald Sprin kle, Miss Alice Hughes, Mrs- Abbott, Mrs. George A. Rose, Sr., and Mrs. W. A. Hunt. / . . I y Mrs. Buchan Bride Os Henry Thomas Morris The marriage of Mrs. Maie Whit field Buchan and Henry Thomas Morris was solemnized in a simple and impressive ceremony in the Epis copal Church of the Holy Innocents, Henderson, at eight o’clock this morn ing, with Rev. I. W. Hughes, rector of the bride, officiating. The church was filled with relatives and ff iends, with George Buchan and Thomas G. Horner serving as ushers. The altar was beautifully decorat ed with lighted candles, Easter lilies, white spirea and dogwood A vested choir, led by six choir C'oy?, cn-'iercd, y'.ng’ing ‘O Perfect 'Love,” with Mrs. I. W. Hughes at the organ. The bride entered the church on the arm of her son, George Buchan, who gave her away in mar riage. She was beaut*! full in an Eleanor blue suit of wool crepe, with hat, gloves and accessories to match. Her corsage was of white gardenias. To the familiar strains of Mendols sohn’s Wedding March, she was met a.t the altar by the groom, attended by Thomas G- Horner as best man. The ring ceremony of the Episcopal church was used. After the wedding ceremony, the choir marched out singing “The Voice That Breathed O’er Eden.” Mr. and Mrs. Mtorrtis left for a wedding trip to New York and Ber muda. On their return, they will be at home in Henderson. Mrs. Morris is a very popular mem ber of Henderson society. She has lived in Henderson most of her life, Y. W. A. In Early Morning Service The Young Woman's Auxiliary of the First Baptist church held a sun rise meeting Monday morning at 7:30 o'clock at Miss Marietta Horner’s, with Misses Marietta Horner and Sally Sue Pittman as hostesses. Two new members were admitted, Mar garet Turner and Dorothy Hunt. The program was as follows: Song: “When Morning Gilds the iSkies.” Scripture and prayer, Gertrude Al len. Poem: “Easter Assurance,” Hallie F. Mills- Scripture: Matthew 27:45-56. Hymn: “At the Cross.” Scripture: Margaret Turner, Kath erine Hunt. Poem: “For Me,” Inez Murrell. Poem: “Christ in the Lamb,” Mrs. Latta. Duet; Inez Murrell and Mary M. Duke- Reading: Mary Hughes. Poem: “Easter,” Edith Evans. Prayer: Mrs. Latta. Hymn: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds.” Breakfast was served by the hostess. —Reported. you Nervous, Weak? jll "IT THEN nervous VV and rundown and in need of a blood tonic, when you’re anemic, feel tired out and weak, take Dr. Pierce’s “GMD” to restore your strength. Read this: “I had be come in a terribly weakened condition, too nervous to sleep at night, no appetite to enjoy my meals, was so lacking in strength and vitality that I could not even do my housework properly,” said Mrs. Mamie Hartgrove of Louise Mill, Char lotte, N. C. “A friend told me to take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. My ap petite and nerves soon became normal, I was able to enjoy my meals and sleep was re stored.” Sold by all druggists. Frits Dr. Picrec’a Clinic, Buffalo, N. Y. A BEGINNER CAN MAKE THIS PATTERN 9589 If you’re searching for a frock to make in a Ihurry, send for this model ITs most captivating from every angle, which simiple lines that just fly together if you follow the accom panying sew chart step by step. Tbsire is irresistible* chic i n - fihe way the contrasting scarf slips under the single rever and ties in A huge crisp bow on the shoulder. Practical, too, because you wtill select the gay print ed cottons in vogue they work up beautifully, are easy to keep crisp and neat and most important of all, cost very very little. Pattern 9589 may b ordered only in sizes 12, 14 16 18 and 20.) Size 16 requires 3 1-4 yards 39 inch fabric and 1 1-8 yards contrasting. Illus trated stepfjby-(step sev ing instruc tions included wiiit this pattern. To get a pattern o rihis model, send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins ur stamps (coins preferred). Please write very plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern ordered. ORDER YOUR COPY OF THE MARION PATTERN BOOK. This big book is full of fascinating fashion ideas. New fabrics and accessories are Illustrated along with a complete col lection of stunning styles designed to help you achieve a well-planned ward robe. Slenderizing models are here, and gay, chic styles for youngsters— all simple and inexpensive to make. PRICE Oj. CATALOG, FIFTEEN CENTS- CATALOG AND PATTERN TOGETHER, TWENTY - FIVE CENTS. Address all orders to Dispatch Pat tern Department, 232 West 18th Street, New York City. except for sometime in South and Qontrail America. For a few years she has held the office of assistant to the eiity clerk of Henderson. Mr. Morris, originally from Buck ingham county, Virginia, has been a. resident of Henderson for many years. He is part owner of the Hen derson Grocery Company, and has varied other interests in Henderson, and has always been a leader in the husinss life of the city. Both th bride and groom are well known throughout the State and their many friends wish them much hap piness. (Spring Showers Are Doing Their Share in Cleaning Up the Great Out Doors And | | ROSE’S 5-10 & 25c STORE j WiU help the housewife do her bit. towards, making, the home more beautiful at house cleanin g time. Don’t wait ’till weather gets too warm. Look at these household | necessities, and check what you need. Cedar oil polish .. 10c and 20c c A Ammonia 10c i MgpigjilM Mops 20c to 30c 0 fimi Scrub Brushes 10c j clothes P ins . 12 for 5c /VJmVvl Curtain Hods 10c and 15c f Window Shades 39c J 2 Efo Fly s P ra y 3 10c and 20c JBmk \ \ JW // ih Sprayers 10c and 20c mjMWMm I 111 Swatters 5c and 10c WmlmMm C Screcn wlre r P er yard 20c and 25c I ? 2 Screen door springs and hinges 10c ** Moth balls, per pound 10c Look at “Miss America” Glassware In Cerise I It’s truly glassware of charm, a reproduction of old time “hob nail.’’ You will delight at J this new, fresh sparkling color. Prices are re markably low. A hint to the wise—Buy Now! J ® Sherbets 5c Water Pitcher 25c r £ 5 3-4 inch plates 5c Meat Platter 10c I I Ice Tea Tumblers 10c Rose Bowl 25c Table Tumblers 5c Salad Plates , 10c | And other pieces to match Springtime Is Play Time The whole family needs recreation. 'Astandard sixe CROQUET SET is just the J O Ihing, only SI.OO I | Garden Sets 10c and 20c 3and Pails 5c and 10c I Men’s Hosiery May Never Be So Cheap Again K It’s a splendid idea to buy half dozen or dozen pairs at today’s w wBP M§ | prices. You’ll need them this summer, and be glad you saved Men’s fancy socks, pair 10c J iVT.en’s solid color socks, pair 10c | Men’s fancy socks double sole, high spliced heel, pr. 15c and 20c I The best of it—all our men’s hose are made in North Carolina. “America abandoned the Gold Standard,’’ but same high standard continues at— ROSE’S 5-10 & 25c STORE j The quality minded customer will appreciate the values at ROSE S II HENDERSON’S MOST POPULAR STORE 5 i J CONTRACT BRIDGE WRITTEN FOR' CENTRAL PRESS By E. V. SHEPARD : THE BUSINESS PASS WHEN YOU expect to win more points by letting partner’s Informa tory double stand than you can win by any bid open to your side, you make a business pass. ♦ J 753 ¥974 ♦ Qs‘ ♦ 10854 ♦ K9B n-ri ♦Q«4 *KJB , , *AS2 ♦AIO 74 » (2 498 6 2 ♦A 6 3 Sou,h 4Q72 4 A 10 2 ¥ Q 10 6 3 4KJ3 ♦KJ 9 . South made an opening bid of 1- No Trump on a K-J better than av er ge strength. . It happened that East-West held almost all strength lying outside -the opening bidder’s hand. When, West made an inform at opy dduble of the ‘opening declara tion, rathgr than ; bid , either 2-No Trumps 1 , or 2.-Diamonds. East made a '•business pass”, , He, knew that 2 No 'Trumps over 1 -No Trump seldom d|d avpll. South couldi have used an S. O. S., by jedoubltng the doubled contract, thereby asking his partner to bid his best suit, but such a con vention Is no., longer held in great favor. South passed instead. West led his 4 of diamonds. Dum my’s Q won the trick. East showed four diamonds, by playing next to his highest (the* 8). Dummy’s 9 of hearts was returned Jr Woman’s Club , Elects Officers The Junior Woman’s Club held its annual business meeting for the elec tion of officers in the home of Miss Emma Lou Noell on Charles street Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock, with Misses Noell, Florence Perry Black nail, Mary Frances Gerringer, Betty Bass and Margaret Dorsey, as joint hostesses. Miss Rebecca Church, the president, presided at the meeting, and the election of new officers re sulted as follows: President, > Miss Mary Meadows Duke; vice-president, Miss Adele Powell, secretary, Miss Sal White; treasurer, Miss Clara Fenner. Dele gates to the federation meeting in Raleigh were nartied as Misses Re becca Church and Betsy Cooper. , The club is to meet next Thursday evening to make 25 favors for the CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS toward the declarer. Wests .1 won. West led the Ace of diamonds, fol lowed by his 10, to put East In on the fourth round of the suit. East played his 6 on the first lead and his lowest diamond on the next. The de clarer won the third round of dia monds with his K. Ha led his 10 of hearts. West's K won the trick, and East’s 9 of diamonds won tlia following trick. East led back the 4 of spades, having seen the declarer discard the 2 of spades on the last diamond trick. The declarer’s Aco of spades won, and he led back his Q of hearts, playing for the break, 'jfhs suit broke. East won with liis Ace of hearts. The ninth and tenth tricks were won by West and East with the K and 9 of spades. Then East led his lowest club. The declarer finessed his J. forcing the Ace fjom West, and giving his side its eighth and last trick. The last two tricks were won by the declarer with his good K of clubs and his long heart. He went down two doubled, giving East-West 250 points. Having the opening lead against a no trurnp ordinarily is an advantage If Ejjst-West had played the hand at 2-No Trumps, they probably would have gone down onfe trick, as North- South may win one heart trick, two diamond tricks, one club trick, and two spade tricks, or two club tricks and one spade trick, according to the way those two black suits are handled by the two sides. To make good a contract of 2-No Trumps East must play the hand with remarkable astuteness. figuring that teouth has a 4-3-;3-3 division between suits and watching South's discard on dia monds \ . „ federation banquet. Following the meeting,’ the host esses served strawberry shortcake to their quests. v . A shower was given at this meeting to Elizabeth Vaughan, infant daugh ter of Mrs. Walter R. Vaughan, Jr., a member of the club. NERVOUS WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pmkham’s Vegetable Compound *'! am so nervous it seems as though 1 should fly” ... “My nerves are all on edge” ... “I wish I were dead” ... how often have we heard these expres sions from some woman who has become so tired and run-down that her nerves can no longer stand the strain. No woman should allow herself to} drift into this condition if she can help herself. She should give Lydia E. Pink-* ham’s Vegetable Compound a trial. For nearly sixty years women have taken this wonderful tonic to give them renewed strength and vigor. 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they are benefited by this medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug gist today ... and watch the results. / PAGE FIVE