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ASSOCIATED 'AND CENTRAL PRESS SERVICE TEMPERATURES OF I AFTER HAIL STORM Norlina Section Reported Struck by Heavy Down pour of Stones Reports reached here of a terrific hail storm that struck the Norlina section, 15 miles north of here, late Wednesday but no serious damage was reported The storm is said to ha\c occurred about mid-afternoon, and the hail was declared by some to have been so heavy that it could be scopped up from the ground after the storm passed. Crops were not far enough advanced for material damage to be done. Few (have been planted as yet. The storm was followed by a sharp and rather sfidden drop in tempera tures here, which increased during the ni'ht. There was also consider able rain during the night, and a drizzle continued during a part of the morning, with low-hanging clouds in the skies. Heavy rains have fallen at inter val here during, the past few days. On Saturday night. Sunday and Sun day night 'he precipitation was of ficially reported as 2.32 inches here, land another heavy rain came Tues day night Since Sunday more or less typical springlike weather had been experienced, with clear skies and moderate temperatures. The hail of Wednesday aftrnoon brought sharp drops in temperatures, however, with the mercury at abnormally low levels for ‘his season. The weather forecast today was for .continued cloudy and cooler for to- Inight and Friday. AROUND TOWN ! i i No Courts Held. —Neither the po lice nor recorder’s courts held a ses sion today, there being no cases docketed for trial- Two Marriage Licenses. —Two mar riage dccn.-cs were issud yesterday by the register of deds, as follows: H< wry Thomas Morris and Male W Buchan, white, both of Vance county; ??. M. Southerland and Margie Stew eit. white both of Vance county. One Realty Transfer. —ln the only rioc'l filed yesterday, A. A. Bunn, trustee, sold to Jasper B. Hicks and wife, Grace Boyd Hicks, the T. L. Smith home on Jennett avenue for L M, E. STEWARDS IN CONFERENCE MEET The second quarterly conference of the First Methodist church was held Wednesday at 5 o’clock at the church, with Rev. F. S- Love, of Raleigh, the Spreading elder, in charge. It was the •second visit of the presiding elder there duiing the present conference ytav. At, the conclusion of the business of the session, the pastor. Rev. D. E. Earnhardt, on behalf of the hoard, the Men’s Bible class of the Sunday school, and the church in general, (presented a wedding gift to H T. Mors s. one of the leading members of the church, and of the board. Lost 40 Pounds Cn Doctor’s Advice r user of Kruschen Salts as a reducing remedy and can say they are (in*. Have lost more than 40 lbs. in the past jear. Am gradually reducing ps my doctor advises.” Miss Bertha Waldo llaman, N. Dak. (Oc». 30, *32). Once a day take Kruschen Salts— one ha’.f teaspoonful in a glass of hot water first thing every morning. Be side; losing ugly fat SAFELY you’ll gait in health and physical attrac tiv n~ ; constipation gas and acidify will cease to bother- you’ll feel young er-more active—full of ambition— clear skin sparkling eyes- A jar that lasts 4 weeks costs but n trifle at Parker’s Drug Store or any drugstore in the world—but demand mud get Kruschen and if one bottle doesn’t joyfully please you—money back.—Adv. I Last CallFor"! 1932 City Taxes I All tax-payers in arrears on city taxes for 1932 are urged to make settlement at once before the regular advertising date of May 1.. Those. paying on or before that date will not be advertised. Street assessments are also due and pay able at this time, and settlement must be made on or before May 1. Information gladly furnished in person at the office or by telephone or letter. S. B. BURWELL, I City Clerk and Tax Collector || Carries Plea to Roosevelt A pretty picture of the fishing schooner “Gertrude L. Theband ” which won the speed championship for vessels of her class last year and wh eh is now being utilized in a novel mission to the national capital. Captain Ben Pine (inset) skipper of the craft, is sailing her to Washington from Boston to present a petition to President Roosevelt asking for le<n«!a tvan to protect American fishermen against the dumping of foreign fish on American markets. Captain Pine represents the hardv fisher folk who make a hazardous living off the Newfoundland 'Banks Merchants Warn Sales Tax To Be Tested In Court (Continued from Page One.) rctors of the North Carolina Merch ants Association. Gives Fair Warning “We wanjt the members of the General Assembly to know and the people of North Carolina to know tbit we arei through fightng the sales tax and Mat we shall continue to fight it in the courts, even if the General Assrbly goes ahead and puts t on ” Dowell said. “We also want to be perfectly fair and honest and serve notice now that we intend to "on test til sales tax law, if it is pass ed. We want to let \hem know new that no general sales tax law has ever been sustained by the h’gher courts. The Illinois sales tax law, very similar to the one n o w propos ed far North Carolina has already been declared unconstitutional by the T’l'no’s courts, and an appeal is now being taken to It he Ulkd States Supreme Court It appears likely that it will ,be held unconstitutional by the, court and that if this General Assembly adopts a general sales tax, that it will also be held invalid. “We think it bet’er to tell the members of the General Assembly th’s now, than to wait until it has been passed and then let them fiind they have failed to balance the bud get by from $8,000,000 to $9,000,000 by adopt ng a tax pla n that is uncon sttutionai ana irom which it can ■bonce get nothing.” If the members of the General As sembly go ahead and pass this gen eral sales tax now and it later deve lops that it is- unconstitutional and the budget still out of balance, they cannot say that they were not given due and fair warning, Dowell pointed out. Critical lM»r Mcrchr* ts The letter wrltte n by Mr. Dowell to the members of the General As sembly points out that the merchants of the Stttto have been pasi?’nig through a must critical period and that instead of making any profit the last year or two, thousands have actually lost As a result the proposd general sales tax amoi nl to a tax on their invested capital amounting to '•confiscation, Dowell maintained. Since condi t'rns make it Impossible to add the two pet cent, sales tax to the price of corramodit ies, the merchants will have to absorb it, with the result that ifbttlursmt B aihj Bfspafrij many will go bankrupt, Dowell said, pointing out that sc far the General Assembly has refused to write into the bill any provision to compel mer cheats to pass the tax 0 n to the con s'-mens. , “The general sales tax is a new and untried system of taxation in tl ? United Spates,” the latter con t nued.j “The only state that has ever experimented with it is Penn sylvania, where the tax was in effect far six months and where the social find economic aspects and results were so disastrous that the governor of that state gt rongly condemned the tax and urged its repeal. You will, of course, recognize hite fact that the so-called Mississippi sales tax plan is an entirely different species of tax ation, in that it levies a tax on the gress receipts of manufacturers, wholesalers retailers, professional services and so forth. , “Retail merchants of North Caro lina are as patriotic as any oth: - class of our citizenship. They stand in the forefront of every progressive movement for the benefit of the State and the comimun.’ties in which they operate. They are perfectly will ing to bear and are bearing their full share of the tax burden, but un der existing conditions when their rank s are being rapidly depleted and' the best and most efficient of them are f:nd’n.g it extremely difficult to survive, they are unwilling and can not bear an additional tax burden of annually. i “Therefore, in view of the fact that the legality of a general sales tax has never been , sustained, and murther fact that its enactment would sound the death knell to prac t’ciaMy overpr sirrhll dfi North Carolina, I have been instruct ed to petition yur honorable body, in t-lic name of fairness and justice, not' l i inf flic t this Confiscatory tax upon the merchants, and to advise you that if the measure is enacted the merchants, in order to save their pro prrty will have but one course open to them and jthat will be to contest "’’e legality and constitutionality of the law.” Mrs. Durham Improves. Mrs- Asa Parham was said to have spent a very comfortable day yester day in St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Richmond, Va., where she underwent on operation several days ago. She was said to be improved today. Dry Agent Slain The slain officer Shot three times in a raid on a farm home near# Jonesboro, Ark., Leroy Woods, 33, federal prohibi tion agent, above, died as a result of the wounds. A fellow officer, R. W. Keck, was wounded. The agents were attacked when they arrested the four sons of J. L. ( Wilkerson who, police say, cott* fessed to the shooting* MUED GOODSIEP Much Sentiment Here Is That It Will Lift Values and Be Boost Dropping of the gold standard by the American government was hail ed here today as a step in the right direction, and one that will rrfean higher commodity prices and better times. “It is the best thing that could have happened” was one view ex pressed. Whilje comparativly few farmers still have in their possession any con siderable quantities of their 1932 crop the fact that cotton was rising rapidly was Viewed as helpful turn in events. It is believed that it will result in higher prices for cotton goods, and cause increasd buying of these ar ticles, thus Increasing the demand ■and enabling the mills to start run ning again on longer hours and fur nishing employment for their help. That would afford a direct benefit to this community as well as hundreds of others irf the South. CHAVASSE STANDS ENTRANCE EXAMS Nicholas Chavasse, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Chavasse, stood his en trance examination to United States Naval Academy yesterdiay i n Dur ham, it was learned. Chavasse got his appointment to the academy in a competitive exam ination some several mouths ago, and if he, is. succesafful with the ex amination just had, he will go to the Navy school Exemption From Sales Tax Failed (Continued from Page One.) ever, being defeated by only two votes the roll call showing 51 against and 49 for this amendment. It is. agreed that if this amendment had carried, several additional members would have voted for the sales tax plan. But those who had studied it were con vinced that it was unwise to permit any exemptions, if the tax was to be held to not more than two per cent. The amendment by Representative Watson, of Nash jeounty, to exempt overalls, shoes costing les sthan $2 a pair, work shirts, and other cheap er clothing was also defeated, the vote being 48 against and 34 for this proposal. The Bowie amendment to strike out \the entire two per cent sales tax plan was defeated by a roll call vote of 55 to 34. The amendment by Repre-snta tive Scarborough 11 of /Richmond, to substitute a manufacturers produc tion tax plan for the two per cent sales tax, was defeated with a roar of “noes” without a record vote- The proposal by Representative Douglass,: of Wake to substitute a manufactur ers’ ta xon tobacco products, consider ing chiefly of production tax of 10 cents per thousand on cigarettes was also killed in a roar of “noes” without a record vote. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. North Carolina: Vance County: S. Scott Ferebee, Plaintiff. Vs. E- B. Thomason and L. O. Lohmann, Trustees, R. G. Kittrell, Substitut ed Trustee, Fenco Incorporated, Successor of Frederick E. No’tug and Company, Inc., Nolting First Mortgage Corporation, Home Mort gage Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, and First and Mer chants National Bank of Rich mond, Virginia, Trustee, Defen dants. State of North Carolina: To Fenco Incorporated, successor of Frederick E. Nolting and Com pany, Inc-,; Nolting First Mortgage Corporation, Home Mortgage Cor poration, and First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, Virginia, trustees.: You are hereby notified that the foregoing Action has been instituted in the Superior Court of Vance Coun ty by S. Scott Ferebee, Plaintiff, for the purpose of ascertaining the cor rect amount due on the notes secured by Deed of Trust executed by him on the Ist -*day of October, 1928 to the foregoing Trustees, under which deed of Trust, R. G. Kittrell lias been sub stituted as Trustee to enjoin the sale of the real estate conveyed in said Deed of Trust, until the correct amount due on the notes secured un der said Deed of Trust has been as certained. To recover the sum of forty-one hundred-sixty, ($4160.00), dollars, with interest on the same from August 1, 1931 on account of knowingly charg ing, receiving and taking a usurious rate of interest on the notes secured under the Deed of Trust referred to in the Complaint. To have the recovery herein applied to the debt. To restrain the payment of the proceeds of any sale of the property by the Substituted Trustee until the rights of the parties are established by the Court. Let the Defendants take notice that if they fail to Answer said Complaint within thirty days after the com pletion of the Summons of Publica tion, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. A copy of said Complaint is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. This the 6th day of April, 1933. HENRY PERRY, Clerk of the Superior Court of *". iv'*- Vance' County. A* A. Bunn, Pittman, Bridgers and Hicks, Attorneys for the Plaintiff. Scene of Nevada Gold Strike ?S ...... V k* IffiilM® ' •’ fnr» ' Tm \ ‘ itiSfSXuL WRBBBk x ... . .. —— (p' '■.%+. ■ J \-- * -^ S ' - |f >■■'% The accidental discovery of gold during the tearing down of an aban doned hut at Virginia City, Nev., has given rise to the theory that it is an outcropping of the famous “Comstock lode,” from which seven hundred million dollars worth of the precious metal was taken in the old days Here are experts examining the ore. Left to right are: J. L. Dobbins eonsulting engineer, of San Francisco; Oscar Lewis, who discovered the gold; Howard Squires and A. C. Rulofson, of San Francisco, assay experts. Senate Expected To Make Numerous Revenue Changes (Continued from bage One.> and corporate excess tax provisions a two per cent general sales tax was sufficient and would yield enough re venue to balance the budget. To Star Routine. As soon as the revenue bill reaches the Senate from the House, which may be this afternoon, if it is sent over by special messenger, it is ex pected to be referred at once to the •Senate Finance Commit tae. It will be in this committee at least a day and is expected to come back in virtually the same form as written by the House Finance Committee, with the three per cent general sales tax re inserted and the kilowatt hour tax and corporate excess tax amendments removed. Present indications are that the Senate will then adopt the bill virtually as recommended by the fi nance committee. The mere mechanics >of passing the bill in the Senate is expected to consume at least a week, however. There is now utie possibility that the bill will get before the Sen ate until next Monday night, and it will then require at least two days for the Senate to adopt tlie bill, sitting as a committee of the whole. It must thru pass its second and third reading Don’t take a CHANCE on thin slick tires! Remember that brakes stop only your wheels—it takes tires that grip to stop your bar. For your own and your family’s safety, buy new Goodyears now—the new cost is so small it’s not worth thinking about and you may save a lifetime of vain regret. Year in and Year out, on the basis of tested quality, the public continues to buy more «|5. Goodyear All-Weathers than any other illiMfl tire. Greater mileage, greater traction, fl greater safety' and low prices all contribute to 111] GOODYEAR PATHFINDER S still greater value in the 1933 $pW 65 edition! Priced as low as iIAND Hg up jPjp* TRADE-IN? SURE! Get ready for spring! You can trade in old tires now on Goodyear All-Weathers—one tire or a set. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. Distributors—Phone 408 and 409 The following dealers can supply you with, Goodyear Tines » j Gateway Service Aulbert Service Central Service Station Station Station THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1933 .on two successive days, so that it can scarcely pass third reading in the Sen ate before Friday, April 28, unless the 'Senate should decide to stay here land work this Saturday and Monday. Bui ilia 1 : is very unlikely, since mem bers of neither house so far have let anything interfere with their usual week-end vacation from riday after noon to Monda ynight. So the House is not likely to get the revenue bill back in its hands for concurrence as passed by the Senate, until Monday, May 1. Houso May Hold Out. If the Senate makes the changes in the bill it is expected to and puts the three per cent sales tax back into it, theie is not much chance that the House will concur in it immediately, wi'h the result that a conference committee will have to be appointed and the bll sent to conference. And even if the conference committees should agree very quickly, it would hardly be possible to accept the re port of the committee and finish up all of the other matters before the assembly before Saturday, May 6. There is a possibility of course, that he Senate may not make the changes in the revenue bill it is now expeted to and that it may decide to accept the bill very much as pars ed by the House. Some believe that ias a compromise gesture to the House it may decide to retain the kilowatt hour tax and the two per cent o sates tax and remove only th^ 01^1 porate exess tax amendment it1 C ( °, r ' hope that this would insure ’J p ! he concurrence by the House It Ls er eraliy agreed that if this should done, the House would probably r, * cur at once and not make it neo n ' to send the bill t 0 conference Th^ would thus make it possible f or 2* two houses to finish passage of th revenue bill by Saturday, April 29 But veteran members 0 f \ cUl houses frankly do not expect the So ate to be willing to compromise t this extent, at least not now, and d° not see much chance for an agrep° ’•went until the first week in Mav at the earliest. 3-Point Measure For Regu. lation of Inflation Sought (Continued from Paste One.) debts; decrease the gold contenTof the dollar by international agreement or otherwise. Armed with this power, the Presi dent is confident of carrying on with in reasonable limits the inflationary iprocess began yesterday in taking the nation off the gold standard in world trade. The authority was viewed as plac ing in Mr- Roosevelt’s hands the use ful weapon he wants in the fast ap proaching economic negotiations with foreign nations to bring about a stabilization of world currency on a revised gold standard. Renew Your Health By Purification Any physician will tell you that “Perfect Purification of the System is Nature’s Foundation of Perfect Health.” Why not rid yourself 0 f chronic ailments that are under, mining your vitality? Purify your entire system by taking a thorough course of Calotabs, —once or twice a week for several weeks—and see how Nature rewards you with health. Calotabs purify the blood by acti vating the livgr, kidneys, stomach and bowels. In- 10 cts. and 35 cts. packages. All dealers. (Adv.) Political Advertising FOR ALDERMAN. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman for the two-year term from the first ward subject to the municipal election on May 2. Your vote and support will be greatly appreciated. W. R- AULBERT. AL.B. WESTER” Insurance Rentals 23 Years Experience