game licenses in
Revision of Charges Chief
Alteration Made In the
Game Laws .
Dully ilUpntofc Rureai,
In tke Sir WNIUr
Raleigh, May 17 —Withstanding a
ser i € s of bombardments .North Caro
lina's six-year old State game law
1j H! ; emerged from the General As
sembly of 1933 with a number of
amendments but with its administra
tive set up only slightly altered.
Os a number of bills seeking to'
change the method of administration
0 f the law, only one was finally en
acted. The new law abolishes the
offices of State gam* wardens and
commissioner of inland fisheries and
n their place sets up an office that
really amounts only to a merger of
the two.
Effect of the new statute will be
T 0 place he administration of he State
game law and he inland fisheries re
gulations under th e supervision of the
<ame official. The system of five
State fish hatcheries Villi also he
brought under the direction of this
Amount the other changes to the
State game law a, new phase is the
authorization of a game commission
in each coupy to be composed of the
chairman of the board of county
commaaisoners the clerk of superior
court, and the county game warden.
The specific duty of this commission
will b e to supervise the expenditure
of a definite sum of th eannual col
lections from hunting licenses for the
purpose of controlling predatory birds
and an nuals. Five percent of the
first $25,000 collected; ten percent of
second $25,000 and fifteen percent of
the sales in excess of $50,000 are set
aside for this purpose, the stipulation
that each county is to ge one, one
hundredh part of-this fund.
For the purpose of establishing
seasons for taking game, the State
was divided into three zones, the west
ern zone being composed of Alleg
hany. Ashe Wiatauga, Avery, Mitchell,
Yancey, Buncombe, Henderson, and
all counties to the west of these; the
central zone extends from he coun
ties named eastward to include War
ren, Franklin, W(ake, Chatham, Lee
Moore and Richmond; and the east
ern zone takes in all to the east of
the central zone.
Seasons are set as follows with the
exception of opossum, racoon, bear,
buffalo elk, squirrel and deer:
Western zone—Nov. 15 to Jan. 1.
Central zone —Nov. 20 to Feb. 20.
Eastern zone—Nov. 20 to Feb. 1.
The open season on deer is:
Western and Central zones —Oct.
15 to Dec. 15. |
Eastern zone—Sept. 1 to Dec. 15
The open season on squirrel is; ,
Western zone —Oct. 1 to Nov. 30. .
C. ntral and Eastern zones —Oct. 1
to Dec. 31.
The open season on opossum an
raccoons Is:
All zones —Nov. 1 to Jan. 31.
The open season on bears is::
* Western and Central zones—Oct. 1
to Jan. 15. }
Eastern zone—Outlawed for 1933.
Exceptions to the seasons set forth
above were made in the case of Hali
fax, Northampton, Hertford, Persort
Martin, Bertie and Washington corn
ties with separate open periods njfeoi
fied for this group for squirrels, dear,
quail, turkeys and raccoons. No open
seasons in any of the counties were
set for beaver buffalo, elk, doe deer,
pheasants and ruffed grouse.
Licenses for all classes of hunters
/ beginning next season will be from
about onet-hird to one-half cheaper.
The following license schedule is ret
forth in the new law; resident county,
60 cents; resident state, $2.10; and
nonresident, $lO.lO. Ten cents in
each case is reserved as a fee for the
warden selling the license. By com
parison, the existing schedule of li
cense fees, is as follows; resident
county $1.25; resident state, $3.25;
and non-refcident, $15.25.
Another amendment that i 3 expect
ed to be of increasing irrrportance is
the reduction of the minimum aw a
for the establishment of ap rivately
owned public shooting ground from
3000 to 1,000 acres.
In The Superior Court.
State cf North Carolina:
County of Vance:
Miss Lillian Williams and Joel T.
t heat ham, Receiver for Henderson
Loan and Real Estate Company,
l"hn Cooper and wife, End’.e Cooper
»nd R. S. McCoin, Trustee, Defen
The Defendants, R. S. McCoin,
Trustee and John Cooper and wife,
Endie Cooper mil take notice that an
action entitled as above, has been
f °minenced in th Superior Court of
Vance County North Carolina for the
removal of R. S. McCoin, Trustee un
,!‘4 1 hat. certain deed of trust dated
’h‘- 25th day of Feb. 1932, executed
• v ! °hn Cooper and wife, Endie Coop
t‘r '<> Ft. s. McCoin, Trustee, recorded
in 'he off lC e of the Register of Deeds
f,,r Vance County, N. C. in Book 172
' Page 71, and the substitution of a
trustee in his name, place and stead
m said deed of trust.
I he Defendants will further take
'‘<)'ice that they are required to ap-
P'ar at the of the Clerk of Su
-1“ rior Court for Vance County, N. C-,
I he Courthouse in Henderson, N.
°n the 26th day of June, 1933 and
m-vver or demur to the complaint in
• ; “d aetjon, or the Plaintiffs will ap
'» 'he Court for the relief de
manded in the complaint or the
♦■titicn f led in the office of the Clerk
V Court for Vance County,
•ft. C.
This the 15th day of May, 1933.
leik - of Superior Court for Vanos
County, N. C.
I s —rp
Z-Z-WZZZzd zr~
~§zzzd hzzzw
rr sr 4
np —So —
52 F"* |4i
..JLJL- mm 58
I—Capital of the republic of
Costa Rica in Central America
6—Unbqrnt brick
U —Possessive pronoun
13-r- Idolized
13— Plural ending
Baba and the forty thieve*
18—Mimic 20—Land
21 —Neuter pronoun
24—Lower part of a plant
26 In law, a thing
27 Illusions
29—Stop upon
31—Compass point
82 —Those in political power
14— Inclemency
36—Shut up
88—Varnish ingredient
39—Feminine name
41— Bristle
42 Half type measure
43 Learning
*s Brazilian title of a gentleman
46 —Devoured
48—Prevents by fear
60—A continent (abbr.)
51—Chain 53—Shield
55 —Ancient Roman magistrate
66—Declare against
1 — A crystalline compound
2 One of the United States (ab.)
3 A lively dance
4* —Units
6 Spanish title of respect (pl.»
fl—American humorist
7 Accomplish
8 — Anglo-Saxon money of
cockroaches Are Filthy
And Destructive Insects
COCKROACHES can seldom be
accused of being the cause of
disease. But this is merely a specu
lation, and it is quite possible that
the c o c k r o ach
may be a carrier
quite common to
see children j) r . Clcndening
whose eyelashes
have been more or less eaten off by
cockroaches. The eyelashes were
bitten off Irregularly, in some places
quite clone to the lid.
Aside from their possibilities as
disease carriers, they are, however,
filfhy and destructive insects, de
vouring or putting food in such a
filthy condition that it cannot be
used. Like the bedbug, the cock
roach remains hidden during the
daytime while the occupants of the
buildings are active. When the
kitchen and pantry are deserted and
dark thev come forth to forage.
How Family Medicine Chest
May Cause Drug Poisoning
* r
THE FAMILY medicine case is a
flxed institution, and, Jn general, a
very useful one, but it may lead to
barm through the ease with which
people are able
to, form the
dosing. There
are very few
' * drugs of which it
jim wk can be said that
fjjjw ouj «H they should be
taken regularly
SsyK-'A- day after day.
lliflfc All drugs have
£ poisonous prop
erties, and even
if these are
gagA ■ BN slight, wh e n
iMLjB long period of—
time the cumu-
J Dr. .Clendening lative effect pro*
duces peculiar
forms of poisoning of its own,
| Nothing Illustrates this better than
the chronic use of headache powders,
tablets, or pills. In the first place,
the continuous use of these remedies
is based more on the fear of having
a headache than actually having one.
I have known many patients who
had gotten in the habit of‘taking
one, two, or three hoadache powders
or tablets a day for years. When
l Alacy' were mad# to step, they found,
ta their surprise, that they had no
headache whatever. They had been
taking the remedies simply in fear
of the possibility that they might
have a headache if they did not take
Many of the headache remedies
sontala Aft#
10 —Redacts
12—Assign 14—Ran
16—Uncle (Sp.)
19 —Pertaining to Eden
25 — A set of three
26 Filed
28 —Masculine name
30—Masculine name
33 — Impenetrable hardness
34 Raved
35 Actor’s parts
36 Course of life
37 School for boys in England
38 — Rental contract
40 — Decay
44—Hence (L.)
47 Silkworm
48— River in Scotland
49 — Brood
62 —Prefix meaning not
54—Compass point
Answer to pravioue puzzle
s_j\ Ki Ij \ IN [el|
V ~ jrj M j
£SL ?/ ZL T 5LjsT Q>
m |t3le t [e>f
Entering the kitchen at night and
suddenly turning on the light, the
roaches can be seen scampering away
in every direction. They live in
warm kitchens, bakeries, pantries and
water pipes. In fact, some species
such as the croton-bug, travel from
house to house In water pipes, their
flat, thin bodies, fit them admirably
for crawling Into cracks, behind base
boards, casings and shelves, etc.
Here they hide away during the day.
Methods of destruction of lbs
cockroach Include fumigation with
hydrocyanic gas (described in the
United States Department of Agri
culture Farmers’ Bulletin No, C 99,
April 5, 1916). It is poisonous and
should not be used except with
proper precautions. Pyrethrum pow
der Is quite effective. In former
days our pyrethrum came from Per
sia, and when it arrived here its
strength was greatly diminished ; but
since it has been produced in Cali
fornia, we have a much better
Cockroach traps are often quite
effective. They are made by using
a tin can or wooden box with a cir*
cular hole at the top. The trap is
baited and pasteboard strips or run
ways are placed so that the roach
can walk from the floor to the top
of the trap and fall in. The open
ing must be created so that entrance
is easy and exit impossible. An ex
tremely good bait for the trap is
stale beer, which Is the cockroach’s
favorite drink.
use of acetanilide leads to a very
definite form of poisoning. The con*
dition is known medically as “suL
phemoglobinemia”, and is due to the
formation of a peculiar sulphur pig
ment in the blood. The complexions
of the patients frequently undergo
a change, ranging from a dirty,
muddy color, to a bluish, purplish
discoloration that is truly alarming.
The condition has sometimes been
said to be very rare, but this is prob
ably due to ignorance of the nature
of the disease and the way to make
a diagnosis. Instead of being rare,
it probably occurs in all habitual
users of headache powders, at least
those containing acetanilide. Phena
cetin will also produce it, though in
a much less aggravated form.
The mechanism Involved seems to
be that the acetanilide sensitises the
blood cells to absorb sulphur from
the intestine. The condition is usual
ly associated with constipation, and
the diagnosis is often missed for this
reason. The constipation itself is as
sumed to cause the muddy color.
Withdrawal of the drug and Intes
tinal elimination usually clears the
condition up in a few days to a
EDITOR’S NOTE: Six pamphleta
by Dr, Clendening can now be ob
tained by sending 10 cents in coin, for
each, and a self-addressed envelop*
stamped with a three-cent stamp,
to Dr. Logan Clendening. in care of
this paper. The pamphlets are:
“Indigestion and Constipation.’’ “Re
ducing and Gaining.” “Infant Feed
ing,” “Instructions for the Treatment
of Diabetes,’ “Feminine Hygieng”
mid !’The Care of th« Hair and Skin.”
To Take Part In Second An.
nual N. C. Tourney For
High School Friday
The Henderson high jschocS golf
team will leave here this afternoon
at 5 o’clock for Chapel Hill wlire
they will take part in th« second
annual North Carolina high school
golf tournament to be held Friday on
the Hope Valley Country Club links.
Tommy Royster, James Jenkins,
Turner Wortham and Frank Legg
made up the local’s foursome.
There will be team competition and
individual competition, it was said.
Eghteen holes will be played'in the
morning and eighteen in the after
noon and the team with the lowest
aggregate score for the 36 holes will
be recognized as the champions. The
player making the lowest score for
36 holes will be recognized as the in
dividual champion.
Coach J. F. Kenfield of the Univer
sity of North Carolina, will have
charge of the meet.
Entries are coming from Green
ville, Charlotte, Henderson Durham,
High Point, Greensboro, Fayetteville,
Rale gh, Scotland Neck and Rocky
Mount, Winston-Salem, giving a big,
able field with prospects for a fine
Charlotte 3; Winston Salem 0.
Richmond 13; Durham 7.
Greensboro 13; Wilmington 6.
Chicago 5; Philadellphia 2.
Washington 3; Cleveland 2.
New York 4; Detroit 1.
Boston 7; St. Louis 3
Boston 8; Cincinnati 0.
Pittsburgh 6; Philadelphia 4.
Brooklyn 5; St. Louis 2.
No other games plAyeS.
Camera High-Hatted
■g|| JjggP , frpplfl
■■■".' ' ■ '' ■■ '''ii.
Well, maybe it isn’t a high hat that
Neil C. McMath is using to hide
the face of his daughter, Peggy,
from the prying camera, but it
served its purpose. The photo was
made while Peggy was on her way
to court at Barnstable, Mass., where
the erstwhile kidnap victim told the
Grand Jury all about her adven
j* „ ’
In „
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‘Hoover Dam” by official decree
is no more. The great Black Can
yon irrigation project henceforth
will be known as “Boulder Dam”.
The change of name was ordered
by Secretary of the Interior Har
old L. I‘ckes. During the years
when congress was debating the r
Bees Tame Twins
Jim Lyle was in fine form last
night in Winston Salem, allowing the
Twins only three scattered hits as he
pitched the Charlotte Bees to a 3 to
0 vicory Barneq, (Bee left fielder
fi srmtan up hit for the circuit.
Bulls Lose To Colts
After being set back twice by the
Durham Bulls, the Richmond Colts
came back to their early season bat
ing form last night in the Virginia
Capital to rap Durham pitchers for
13 hits and 13 to 7 victory.
A big sixth inning splurge came in
the sixth wh n the Colts sent over
eight runs.
Pats Top Tars
The Greensboro Patriots won the
rubber game of their serie s with the
'Wilmington Tars last night in the
seaport town 13 to 16. The Pats
banked Tar ptichers for a total of 21
base hits.
piedmont league
Club W L Pet.
Richmond 14 9 .609
Charlotte 12 10 .545
Wilmington 11 12 .478
Greensboro 11 12 .478
Durham 11 13 .458
Winston Salem 11 14 .440
Club: \V L Pet.
Pittsburgh 18 8 .692
New York '...16 8 .667
Brooklyn 12 lli j..|522
Cincinnati 13 13 .500
St. Louis 14 14 .500
Boston 14 16 .467,
Chicago 11 16 .407
Philadelphia 8 20 .286
Clu*»: IV L Pet.
New York 16 9 ~640
Washington 18 11 .621*-
Cleveland 17 12 .586
Chicago ...14 12 .638
Philadelphia 11 14 .440
Detroit 11 15 .423
St. Louis 11 18 .379
Boston 9 16 .360
— ; ;
Central Press Carden Expert
TOMATOES, cabbage, egg plant,
cauliflower, celery and peppers are
much more satisfactory if trans
planted when they have formed four
leaves. Prepare a flat by. filling in
at least three inches of fine compost
with enough soil to give it body. Pick
out the plants and set pretty deep
and firm in rows two inches apart.
When the plants are four inches
high, they should be again trans
planted, to small pots or old straw
berry baskets, one plant to each, and
set closely in flats which contain an
inch of sand, or else if you have
set them in a cold frame or pit.
For extra early crops of tomatoes,
egg plant, cauliflower and peppers,
the plants may he eight to twelve
inches high when set out in the open
ground. With some protection the
plants will thrive and come to ma
turity greatly in advance of plants
which have not been transplanted.
In transplanting to the open
ground, it is best to plant basket
and all, after slightly crushing the
bottom, just as the irtant is placed
In position.
Colorado river project, it wai
known as “Boulder Dam” and
was renamed by Dr, Ray Lyman
Wilbur, secretary of the interior
in the Hoover cabinet. Picture
shows the project as it appears
today, with the river diverted inta
tiit t mnels.
Rout Visitors Here Yester
day 39 1-2 to 2 1-2; Sei.
•fert Leads With an 80
The West End Country Club golf
team continued Its march through all
opposition in the Central Carolina
Golf Association yesterday by defeat
ing Louisburg 39 1-2 to 2 1-2 on the
Club links here. This win gives them
victor es over every team in the as
sociation .
C. ■. Seifert led the Henderson
team vith an 80, the low score for
On next Wednesday, the locals will
journey to Warrenton for their week
ly match.
Charlotte at Durham.
Richmond at Grenesboro.
Wilmingto nat Winston Salem.
Philadelphia at Pittsburgh.
Boston at Cincinnati.
New York at Chicago.
Brooklyn at 9t. Louis.
Detroit at New York.
St. Louis at Boston.
Chicago at Philadelphia.
I Cleveland at Washington.
Keep this
under your yjfflpf \
shirt! 1/UJ
IF YOU don’t want to be nagged and annoyed in hot *
weather—you’ll keep this HANES label on your
undershirt! HANES Shirts are elastic-knit and snap
across your chest without a crease or crinkle. But
they don’t choke or grip. And in spite of all wash
ing, the elastic-knit lasts. And so does the length
last. HANES always tuck so deep inside your shorts
that there’s no creeping or pouching over your belt!
Only 25c. If you don’t know a HANES dealer, please
write P. H. Hanes Knitting Company, Winston-
Salem, North Carolina. . y
Hanes has luxurious Lisle, Du
rene, and Rayon shirts for
35c and 50c. The super-soft, OE|C
combed-yarn shirt is . . . 4J T »
Hanes Shorts never clutch the J\. I II
crotch or cramp the hips. Guar- I \ \\
anteed fast colors. J A
25c 35c 50c "A J
Some Hanes Union Suits are
50c. The Samsonbak—Sanfor
ized so it won’t shrink—has the l/\xl i I H ftfy |j i
patented, no-rip, no-break *JCC l&sXi ijji jj i 111 jgfi 1 I
belt - onl y
IffifJ Wonderwear
f— ■ 1 111 ■■■——
We Carry A Full Line Os
Hanes Wonderwear^
Shirts and Shorts in all sizes.
Geo. A. Rose & Son’s Co.
) Henderson, N. C.
mam ■—i nwmmtmmmtmammrnmmmtmaum —i 'iPisw'itßwinwßwspwipwwNw*
Special Excursion
Southern Baptist Convention
Washington, D. C.
$6.90 °" sill Mav lo $6.90
Returning by
■ t'• 1.
1—- ■ .■■■■■ .—i.... 11 11 - 111 1m ■
Let Wade Reed shine your shoes \M>
fdre you leave. Best in town. At the
Bus Station.
East Coast Stage
Union Bus Station
Phone 18
Go To Louisburg College;
May Play Aycock Tues
day for 'Final Game
Tapering off their drills this after
noon at League Park, the Henderson
high school Bulldogs will go to Louis
burg tomorrow for their game with'
Louisburg College
The locals took a nard fought Conr'
test from them her on the local dia
mond last Friday by a 4 to 3 count
when Frank Mils sent out a trfple in
iiifi eighth to 4"ore his brother,,'
James from second base with the
winning run. The Collegians * touch-?
Cd Garland Harris for two safeties
here and he will probably get the
call to the mound tomorrow since he
worked so effectively against them
May Play Aycock
The game carded with Aycock rere
Tuesday was washed out by a down
pour and will probably be played here
next Tuesday it was learned from a h
letic officials at the local school. The
county tea mset the locals back on
the short end of a 3 to 0 score herp
some weeks ago and they will en
deavor to avenge this defeat in their
next meeting. If they do play on
next Tuesday, the game will close the
locals’ season and bring to a ■ close
several high school baseball
and will mark the passing of one of.
the best tbands that has been at the
local school for the past several years.