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Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO BIG SISTER . Di*covery By LES FORGRAVE Syßt/HAT's TAIAMM 1 ' I OO®' 'T 3 c AMD WC.' - 3 VOl-Aifi^r‘Re_ TVl£.y 00»N‘ OOxON HERE. POUE WoiTVH ■SONAEOtOE!. y^Q^ v Th‘ NEATER *S r——/ ASMPO\_ OOVET \ MAKE. uja-Al! 1 coolovjt V4fe\_P rr VFVA [ T’-S allvope PAOUT.VF XA SAADVi'T WENT TO *S\_EE.P AN’ ROV-\-EP OFF! BLOnWEIO OP THAT OVKE. SME-'O "eA XA y /" -y’ BE. VAEPE A»S3 • : ITEUOVA.' * XA^VO/TOO*. \ ’ fltl&fr&K ■*' VxJAVT'XILI <3IT / " r-0 (ttrbj i by Central PreM Association, Inc. ~ .ETTA KETT the Same Old Story! • By PAUL ROBINSON ( VIE.IL, I BROUGHr ~"l HI .* | 1 "" |Li ' 1 SoGl*| -VtEU. ITS ALL ") I I ( THE. 6000 OIENquNS —So I'M *-, A It* ri2OM NOW ON THINGS Aee I H-h-A WHaTI H£r2. HOME Ar LAST.? HOMS '<?««;., OMRIi NON AND «E«E I GO® FOE A RIPECADA3E- 1/ UESs TOQE OWEBEHIV V-T—ITT 1 OUOWKMANENT? S*»SSS am HOHEJVNtLCTrtOHE. I * i 6U-.'STSIK= MEP.NIC- Look: |V:.'mu SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. ~Scott • | *. African' IS acn/-K'< ONE OF <HE MOSf DIFFICULT' BRICKS c p An|MALS cA<<lH- AIUHOUCW ThE FAMILY ,IN NOR<HERN l< I $ ALWAYS ; AVv/OMAM'S FOOT AMD EA£H FAMIJ-V OWN< A ' , * ‘ 1— —» ——» —— "■ —'—' ■■ ■ / VJAS | - WA?) I SMART - j /AND ) CxOT &SOO ,°S | |ll\ajeanv*niUs.- ~ " / vNWtN I ON YO WAT BUILDS- vA / vIUSY FOR THE V BACK INI W»S , tl t \ AND NOW ^ K ILL V" \ BESS»=OR.D V OM, PAN SC HAPPY- fig. A SSOOOO Si****™*- BLOKID DAUfaM'»ftß L —4II t- \V 000 //A VnwS- was t ° p and see "* r Itl WM I 1 J , M J mt.OLDU.DVU. ( pi \ MER- / .■ ' . * i “ f . r r HENDERSON, (N.C.) DAILY DISPATCH, FRIDAY, MAY 26, 193$ 1 REAL PEPPERMINT A IN l c^^ffWWHFTlfF^ 11 filIM T MALLARD IS THE Cfy..V:CD Sl * PUCK uKSft. MAUUARPS AAfte C e^ inches long.wit:-! DARK QRgEN NECKS- CHESTNUT HUED BODY FEATHERS. WHITE RJNCrAROUNUNECK aoar wuMSKuwt i ~y VCJL* OOHt mihO’ I ffwg sJp £^r r VOHEM VOU HtT Tt-A’ HHLU _r>TfA A > ' » pONT LOOK f\T IT- AMD yOUv-> ( / r | *T«W "to Take. noCH ToeF \f > r e o"» ■ fts VOU CAM- AMD DON'T ■ 700 r : BePLRCe IT -HTU ’C-F-.' '.I. - O.F. ■'■* c 'o*9, <3) 1 DEAR NOAH- WHEN I EAT SHOE A ‘ \ ° POTATOES- “SHOULD I / Vj|| '" I USE A SHOE spoon? • v.-- J Don bridqe TouE OHHJ. j. *.-"jfTl DEAR NOAH *= IF AHE N *1 | ] O) Would eay A CARPer.« \ i WOULD! ESKIMO A LAWN? NS* : i MARTHA DEAR NOAH = IF- l SH*>ar TTT^ 4 "' AT A "TEAL, Will “THE ,f J -- Mallard ducic? * eg. -' O.COOHNSOHy MINNeAPOuS>MIIW. Cfil O THE OLD HOME TOWN Registered U. S. Patent Office By STANLEY K~Tol J '- r cat i J ■■PL \(V -SL3)L.T BETWEEN { |\ 1 nV^^TJ^VIT ;e TWO- - have to <set - —- IN “me roof to I ffcf ===== ~'T U >] V ®\x, pALLTT^ t-landsjfshe the desxsfn /-/ ;)V V, I rTR»cKsy )MRS AT LAST HAS FiDLIN^ a, WAY TO HAN<7 OUT HEJB P^I’ZE Vs//NN»M<2r 0-U>LCT FOR AN vjitHOUT ANY OF HER fs||H) T"HEs DESI^Aj Knows His League jMnw. gig. •■v : isl £Bo* 81 4 Sidney H. Levy Triumphing over 8,000 students, a trip to Geneva this summer is the reward of Sidney H. Levy, 17-year-old Buffalo, N. Y., school boy, winner of the annual com petitive examination for high schools, on the League of Nations. The contest is sponsored annual ly by the League of Nations as sociation. GROCE RY STOKES, FISH DEAL ers and others can save money on their wrapping paper by buying old papers for 10c per bundle at the Dispatch office. Also fine for kindling fires. 19-ts. New Relief Head Harry L. Hopkins, State Relief Commissioner of New York, who has been nominated by President Roosevelt as director of the SSOO - Federal direct relief fund provided in the Wagner-Lewis bill, Hopkins’ new salary will be $250 less per month than he received as State commissioner. Wife Preservers An ingenious woman* took a pair of white fabric gloves and went over the stitching with darning silk ' to matrh ht*r ne>vv ensemble Dispatch WANT ADS Get Results 'PIGEONS FOR SALE: 25c EACH. J Floyd Medlin, Pinehurst, N. C. i 26-3 ti BEST GRADE NEW RED DUPLEX double lipped jar rubbers, 3c per dozen at Burnett’s. F-8-U JUST RECEIVED NICE LOT CLAY and mixed peas, soy beans, millet seed, and sudan grass. It will pay you to see us. H. B. Newman. 24- DEALERS WANTED—REAL BUSI NESS OPPORTUNITY. Wte can place several live wide awake men in a profitable business selling di rect to farmers in your horns Coun ty. Write quickly for free catalogue. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY. Dept. 1810, Bloomington, 111. 26-2 ti RECEIVED TODAY FRESH BUT ter, pail trout, speckle trout and croakers. Our grocery, and ve getable prices are right. Nice friers at attractive prices. Our business is to feed you and please you. Give us a trial. Dunn's Grocery and Mar- I ltet. 411 South Garnett St. Location J formerly occupied by Old Dutch Marke t. 26-lti SPECIAL COUNTRY TIAM~PLATE 25c. Consisting of boiled sliced ham, potato salad, jhot rolls and tea. American Tourist Camp Tea Room. 25- OUR DESIRE FOR YOUR PATRON age is surpassed only by dur deter mination to deserve it. Allen Barber Shop. 426 Garnett St. 2-f Thu:*a-Fri. ts. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE North Carolina: Vance County: Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Mary S. Burroughs, deceased, late of Vance County, North Carolina, this is to nqtify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned administrator at Dabney, North Carolina, on or before May 4, 1934 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 4th day of May, 1933. W- B. BURROUGHS, Administrator. B. P. Wyche, Attorney. FORECLOSURE SALE. By virtue of the power contained in a Deed in Trust executed by Ethel CLaiborn and Ernest Claiborn her husband recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance County in Book 140, at Page 224, default hav ing been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, on request of the holder of tHfe same, I shall sell for cash, by public auction, at the ■Court House door in Henderson, N. C., .to the highest bidder, on the 19th day of June 1933 the following de scribed' property: One tract of 60 acres known as the Chas. Taylor lands and adjoining the lands of W. L. Taylor, Willie Green ajid others being bounded on the North by the lands of Hugh Elling ton; On the East and South by lands of Willie Green and on the West by lands of W. L. Taylor being the lands fully described on <he records of Vance Registry in the following deeds; Chas. Taylor to B. S. Roy fiter, Tr. Book 38, Page 131. Roy ster to Woody Book 44 Page 513 Woody to Hart Book 52 page 298. Hart to Ernest Claiborn Book 69. page 565 and Ernest Claiborn to Ethel Claiborn Book 134. Page 540. to which reference is herein made. T. S. KITTRELL, Trustee. Henderson, N. C., May 1933. -