Newspaper Page Text
MARRIAGES parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MEASURES. VM-ure grist by the millful, n eW hv I he daffod.ful, 4_ r il clouds by the skyful, Xivits bv Ophelia’s eyeful; e3!iU te leaves by the- elmful, Slaves by the tyrant’s realmful, Gree»-i”tPP ed gnomes by the hillful, Khvntes by Romeo’s quillful; Measut' 0 sweets by the jarful, p r e:r.n.' by the brooding starful, Robe' by the bridal chestful, by ‘he Bobolinks breatful; Thorn* by the rose’ stemful, g fms by ’he disademful, t Gold and dust by the cartful, Only love by the heartful. Bates, in “Yellow Clover Mrs. Harper Returns. jh'. Hury Harper has returned from a visit to friends and relatives , n Richmond and Petersburg, Va. Guests of Mrs. Rose. Mr.;. J. H. Conger and children, 0 f lSdenton. are visiting Mrs. George A Rose Sr., on North Garnett street Choir Practice Omitted. jj, p regular rehearsal of the choir of the First Baptist chuhch will be omitted this evening, it was announc ed today. Club To Meet. T! o \V(id Club, the children’s mis sionnry society of the F.rst Methodist Episcopal church, will meet in the home of Mr- P. H. Rose on Charles street this evening at 7:30 o’clock, it W as announced today Bingo Party Set For Club Tonight A bingo party will be given in the We Vi End Country Club this evening a * tjo o'clock with the entertainment committee of the club sponsoring the party i: was said. Every member of the club is urged to attend the evening’s entertainment. Baity Children Exempted on Exams Parrots are always proud of their children wlr. attend school and at cxiV.nina ion time are exempted on their erni-annual tests. Mr and Mrs. j M. Baity. Southall street, have all the reason in the world to be just ly proud of their children who are in school. Three of their children, all girls, are attending school and were exempt d on every examination dur ing !v past semester They were Mary Mitchell, a sophomore in high school; Martha, a sixth grade pupil at Clark . treet, and Jesse, a fourth grad; pupil at Clark street school. Headache and Dizziness From Constipation “I use Black-Draught for consti pation which causes me to have ‘headache and dizziness and tired feeling," writes Mr. R. G. Randall, of Texarkana. Ark. “I find it-very effective. I feel like work after taking Black-Draught.’’ And Mrs. 7r~. ——rq Randall writes: “ct “I take Black- WMsnnt Tasting Draught for con- BLA S c Y K R gL°u F GHT Ration and the severe headache which constipation causes. It re lieves me.’’ If you are costive, take this pow dered herb medicine. It will help to drive out poisons a-i d oo n » j make you seal better. 1 1 J 1 1 llri all today. Week-End Special! •1 Vase Arranged With Cut Flowers Complete $1.50 Bridget**, The Florist Phone 380 I Saturday Specials Fresh large trout, lb. __ sc Morrell pride bacon, lb. 15c Pure pork sausage, lb. 10° Sliced shoulder steak, lb. - H c hard, 3 pounds -«—. 25c Pure coffee, 2 lbs. 25c hnglish peas, 2 lbs. : 25c Special Sale on All Ready to Serve Meats and Star Hams 1 *y our Branded steaks, none better. Sanitary Market Phone 31 —We Deliver. VS TELEPHONE 610 Wearing the Poppy t r It* S'; x “Wear a poppy to honor the war dead and to aid the war’s living vic tims,” will be her greeting of Poppy- Day. May 27th. She is one of the army of 100,000 American Legion Aux iliary women who will distribute me morial poppies on the streets of prac tically every city and town in the United States. Every one of the Aux iliary’s poppy workers will serve as an unpaid volunteer, and all of the Auxiliary’s poppie s will tie the pro duct of needy disabled veterans. BUS HA?GOOD YEAR Splendid Work Accomplish -4 ed by Graduates of Dif ferent Dep’ts. The Henderson Business School is just completing a very successful school year and much splendid work has been accomplished by those grad uating, it was said today by Mrs. E G. Everett, head of the school. Another very pleasing feature is the fact that a number of the graduates have already secured positions. Oth ers will use their secretarial work to assist them through college th.s fall — thereby earning two thirds of their expenses, it was stated. This is the second class to be grad uated this spring. Those receiving diplomas June 2 for the full secreta rial course are: Misses Mildred Stone, Blanche Wal ters. Edna Goodrich, Sal White, Helen Fogleir.lan, Doris Carlton, Oxford; Mary Meadows Duke, Elizabeth . Sing leton, Durema Stiairiback. Pauline Hunt. Oxford- Ruby Harris. Oxford Those receiving stenc ;ruf hie dip lomas arei Misses Pattie Feathersiun, of Kcn bridge, Va.; Julia Hamms, Oxford, Kathryn Taylor, Oxford. Kelway Howard, of Oxford, com pleted the bookkeeping course. Outstanding pupils in the different departments were: Accuracy and placement in typing. Miss Elizabeth Singleton. .Speed: est in accomplishing work in all departments, Miss Sal White. Greatest number of accurate let ters transcribed in one/ month, Miss Helen FogUman. For this a prize of a shorthand dictionary was given. Those excelling in accuracy in shorthand were: Miss Durema Sltain back, Kathryn Taylor, Helen Fogleman Mary Mead ow Duke. Elizabeth Singleton, Pattie . Feathcrstun. Ruby Harris, Doris Carl ten, Julia Hamme.. Those excelling in typing were: Misses. Grace Hamm.3 Mildred Stope, Duremia Stainback, Hal White. School will betfln again September 11, it is said. Already about twenty have signified their intention of ent ering, this fall will be the fifth yea of the Henderson Business School ir. Henderson and a large attendance is expected. !• fC HENDERSON, "(N.CJ TpLY A gIS|SfUH, FRIDAY,, MAY 26, 1988 , ©CI IT Y NEWS jr : : : : : : : : : : •- : :• : : : : HOURS 9A.MITO 12 NOfc)N 1 ,j li—l*——— i * llu’U'iOMAT' 11 ; 574 CONTRACT BRIDGE 1 WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By E. V. SHEPARD FAMOUS BRIDGE TEACHER “DARN GOOD’* THE HAND below shows excep tionally good bidding Before read ing how things went, think how you would bid the different hands. ♦J9 7 6 ♦ K Q J 10 ♦AK 9 7 6 A None - A 8. 4 A 10 2 \9 7 3 North yg 4 2 ♦J 5 | J ♦Q 8 4 4AKQ7 Sou'** A9B 6 5 3 4 \ AAK Q 5 3 *B6 ♦ 10 3 2 A J 10 2 West made a second hand opening Did of 1-Club. It made little differ ence to North which of the three un oid suits became trumps, so instead of bidding he made an informatory double. To show how good a hanld he had passed South bid 2-Spades. West passed. To inquire just bow strong in tops his partner-’s spades were North bid 5-Spades, thereby iri quiring: “farther. how good are your spades?” “Darn good.” said South, as he bid 6-Spades. West., of course, doubled The defenders never had a run so« their money. Dummy uffed the opening lead of clubs. Two leads of trumps Drought down all opposing spades. The first lead of hearts es tablished that suit, with the loss of one trick. The declarer spread his hand, announcing “Balance.” That no trick could be lost should have been as plain to opponents as to the declarer, bul East was one of Resume Os Years Work Os Woman s Clu b Given On Wednesday afternoon, May 24, at the home of Mrs. W. B. Waddill, the Woman’s Club held its last meet ing of the year. Mrs. Franklin Mills presided over the meeting which was opened by singing “God Be With Us Till We Meet Again,” followed by the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and stood as read, and the annual reports followed. The American Home Department, Mrs. J. K. Plummer, chairman, had secured Pr. Carl Taylor, of Raleigh, to speak to the club on “Intelligent Parenthood.” This was most instruc tive and enlightening. Mrs. Plum mer’s next object for next year is “Canning in the Homes.” Civ.cs .Department, Mrs.. A. A. Harden chairman, had brought to the club Mrs. Willis Briggs, of Raleigh, who gave a most enjoyable and in-, formative talk on “Spring* Borders.” Mrs. R. N. Simms, also of Raleigh, gave a short talk on care of gardens in general. Mrs., Simms is president of the Raleigh Garden Club. . Education Department, Mrs. J. H. Bunn chairman, was fortunate in se curing Dr. D. B. Bryan, dean of Waket Forest College, for her meet ing m February, who gave a most in teresting talk on the doings of the legislature, which was then in ses sion, and what they were doing for the cause of education. The Mus.c Department Mrs. M. C. Miles, chairman had furnished music •at all the meetings of the ciub, ex cept on occasions where there was no piano in the'home of the hostess. The program at various times consisted of solos, duets, trios, also instrumen lal selections. The principal work of the yiir y/as a sejng ' The MAKE THIS OF PRINTED COTTON PATTERN 9574 You’ll want one —(perhaps two frocks like this. Send for the pat tern now, purchase a few yards of inexpensive fabric a sprightly cot ton print in vogue . . . and you’ll be aJI set! Pointed seammgs, com fortable drop shoulders and turnback revers are exceptionally good lines to slenderize the' larger figure. Clear instructions for cutting and making are included . . . perfect results are guaranteed! Pattern 9574 may be ordered only in sizes 36, 38 40 42 44 and 46. Size 36 requires 3 1-4 yards 36 ixxch fabric Clear, diagrammed cutting and sew ing instructions included with this pattern, s Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamtps (coins prferred) for EACH MARION MIARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your ..NAME, AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER ahd SIZE of each pattern ordered.; JUST OFF THE PRESS—THE MARIAN MARTIN BOOK OF SUM MER PATTERNS offering a wide assortment of advance style s> to kqep you and your youngsters cool, com fortable and appropriately ■ dressed whether you are spending your Sum mer in town,, at the> shore or i n the country. This book will help you plan a stunning mardrobe of easy to-make“ styles at a surprisingly low cost. ORDER YOUR COPY TO DAY! PRICE of PATTERN BOOK, FIFTEEN CENTS, BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER, TWENTY* FIVE CENTS. < _ ‘Send your order to the Daily Dis patch Pattern Department, 232, W -18th St., New York N. Y. those annoying individual's, wti6m all ,• of ns have met. who wanted tlie hand played to its finish. This the/de- : 1 clarer declined to do. under law 26 (2), which provides that the claim ant to Bom? or all qf the remaining tricks must spread his cards face upwards on the table. He then musi ■ make a completer statement as te w how he Intends playing the balance i of the cards, including the precise order In which he Intends playing each card from dummy add his owe ■ ’ “hand. f” '“', * Instead of playing the ’hand, tht declarer said: “West is in the lead If he leads a clqb dummy will ruff If be leads a heart dummy will wir ; < the trick, and the same is true if he leads a diamond. Neither of you ha.< > a trump. Dummy has two more* hearts than L Upon two good hearts In dummy I shall discard one of my diamonds, so that 1 can lose no trick In that suit, and I shall dis card one club. Dummy’s one trump will take care of my third club* AK J 8 *AQ 5 3 4 A 10 9 : *aq io . /_ J 5; AIO7A A Q 6 4 * J 10 8 7 2 AQ 7 | | *K42 ♦9B 7 4 south ,♦ J 9 A KJ6J A9 5 3 *9 6 1 AK865432 .A3 Before tomorrow see If North ca» make 3-No Trumps, with an opening lead of the 4 of spades. Morning of the Year” by Charles Wakefield Cadman, given Tuesday ervening, May 23 ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ti Peace. The Dramatic Department, Mrs. Henry Perry chairman, had as its ob ject the of interest in clean, wholesome drama, and drama tic art. Mrs. Perry made four talks before the P. T. A. of different schools, on “The Motion Picture Pro blem,” also read a paper on dramatic tart before a group of high school stu dents. On April 1, she presented a program by Miss Grace Jean Sails, for dean of Brenau school, of. speech. WHITE SHOES 1 »I;:V * - ; Full assortment just received for Ladies, Misses ‘ i 1 ! and Children Newest Styles in Pumps, Straps 1 and Ties // Ji Widths AA’s to C’s ' Ladies’ and Misses’ ¥ *1 , * * d&mSMr Li a Central Shoe Store v. ’* » -•<**_ i- ~ " " - • _j This was well attended and most thor . Qughly .enjoyed. S f " Mrs.. Georfje, V. Boyd, gave a most interesting account of the Study Class and a graphic description of the study course for the year which-.was North Carolina Authors, Writers, . and Play Makers, whb had made a name for themselves outside their native state. The report of Mrs. H. H. Harper, recording secretary, showed that she had fulfilled to the best of her ability all the duties incidental to the office. ' Health Department, Mrs. F. D. Cul pepper, chairman, had secured Dr. I. H. i Hoyle, local dentist . ,to talk on the* “Care of Children-s Teeth.” This was a subject'in which every mother was interested. Mrs. E. A. Latta sponsor of the Junior Woman’s Club, gave a splendid report of the year’s work done by the Juniors, and stated that they had as th4ir object next year, “Helping the Foundling Hospital; at;Greensboro in providing layettes or »anything that was needed, that could be done by theni. The program, publicity, house and soc.a.l committees gave their full re port^,■ showing work well and capably done; Mrs. J. F. Mills, retiring presi dent/gave a-’splendict resume of her work and thanked all who had co- with her and; helped her in any way to make her administration pleasant and successful. She express ed pleasure at the reports of officers and department chairman, and con vice. There has been eight regular meeting and one executive board meeting, Mrs. Mills presided at : all of these. The attendance during the gratulated thee on their eff.cient serf year averaged about 35. Mrs. Mills asked for her successor, the-same loyal support and constant support, as she has received during her term in of fice. A rising vote of appreciation was given Mrs A Mills in recognition of her faithful, efficient and unselfish service during her presidency of two years and the' unfailing; cheerfulness and sweetness ; v of jehspoef tion with which she met all questions which came before matter of what nature they were. Mrs:. L. R. Gooch, third vice-presi dent and chairman of speial service and membersh-p committees, had at tended to all duties required of her office and had given food and clothes to a number of unfortunates during the year. Mesdames Dti D. Hocutt and L. M. Bullock, delegates s o the federation, which mat Rajejgh May .4-5-6, gave a graphic arid«.^^io^4- of the Th^Sd"refiorts full and interesting;, 'sfioWipg that they were wide awake to the procee*ding of the convention af&Tthe messages they brought T baok were'both informative and of great value tfc .tbe clufe. The-treasurer’s re-pdrt was';very full and satisfactory.Vv’, . 'y„: Delicious* fee > : tea and sandwiches were served by-.the following hostesses Mesdames W-«'B., Wadd’ili, ; J. H. Brod.e, D. D. 5 Hocutt, A. B. Noell, J. K. Plummer and L. R. Goocfi. As our president Mrs. Miks says in closing;the club.'year, we ffeel that perhaps out club has.not beefc a suc cess in that there is nothing tangible, but we feel that there is a closer fol lowship among us, who have worked together during the year, and that a great deal has been accomplished in a. small way, although, no great out standing feat has been accomplished. The Woman’s Club takes a place in the community that no other organi sation fills, and we want to stand by /bud keep it a bright and shinging light.—Reported. y Drewry News By MRS. H. B. WHITE. A number of people from Drewry attended the graduating exercises at Middleburg Monday evening. The graduating class numbered 20, ten of them were sent from the Drewry school. J. C. Watkins and children, Ann, James and Helen are still in Maria Parham hospital recovering from in juries sustained in a wreck near Man son Sunday evening. Last reports were that they were getting on as well as could be expected. Mrs. J. H. Bullock Mrs. Glen Patterson at her home in Hen derson. Mrs. J, C. tSablers music class HEADACHE —Why wait sor r slow* dissolving tablets to act? Nothing gives such quick relief from headaches, neuralgic, rheumatic or periodic pains as Capudine because It is liquid and its Ingredients are already dissolved. Your system can absorb them at once. Why wait for a solid remedy to dissolve? CapudixurS action is immediate, delightful. Use Liquid • ••it’a already diMMolvedi gave their recital on Tuesday morn ing /after the recital ice cream was served the members of the music club land {their invited guests. Miss Judith Boyd, Mrs. John Early 'Boyii of Townsville spent Tuesday witty Mrs. Henry White. Mass Rose Kimball was the guest of Mrs. Horace Robinson of Hender son Monday night. Misses Edna and Louise Paschall spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paschall at Manson. Mrs. J. E. Perry and son Etherell of Gatesville, have arrived t 0 spend some time with her. sister, Mrs. J. C. Watkins. V Mrs. Emma Watkins, Misses Lillian Watkins and Alfred Wat kins spent last week-end with Mrs. Frank Spain of Manson. Mrs. J. Mi Holloway of Henderson -is the guest of heir son Arthur Hol loway. ■** ir With the Sick ■ Undergoes Treatment. I Mrs. B E, Inscoe was admitted to Maria Parham hospital today for treatment; it was learned. Little Boy Discharged. Jbmes Watkins, small son of J. *C. Watkins, who was injured in ani auto mobile accident somei time ago, lWt Mafia Parham hospital today. v . Leaves Hospital 'I A; T. /Abbott, of Montclair, NjvJ., left: for h.s home today after being in Mafia Parhdm hospital for injuries sustained in an automobile accident several days ago. v t 111 at Hospital. G. N. Hedgepeth is undergoing treatment /at Maria Parham hospital, it was learned today. Summer Hours To i Begin At Library; 5. i , Beginning ne£t Monday, May 29, summer hours will be observed at the H. Leslie Perry Memorial Library, it was/.opiounced today. The library will be open in the morning at 9:30 o’clock to l: p. the-evening-from 7:30: o’clock to 9 p. m. On Saturday... afternoons, the* library "’will be ope •> frorji 2;to 5 p. m in addition to its regular I hours. * 11 :jj —■■ ■ ■ j , I T. ii.t', y>■ < One Step... Two Step.. Every Stef) ! Nelly Don Fabrics ; I T ’ i , ' ■ / : * J . :* : are in line with Fashion ! Iso to i(i9s f* i range of pai ■ Mr ter ml A full iange of new texture* i Here are value* you rrrustTtot miss! Review the parade ».. al! of highest quality -<,* of smarted f ai hign! j E. G. Davis & Sons Go, it : T * f * ~*. I' - .Jy f - Henderson,-N. Cf. ” , . ' -■■■egaiLL iua- ,' | j.; r . r 's!"i | L i ■■■ CHURCH SOCIETIES / ANNOUNCEMENTS ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ •Do You KNOW • That the return on a fair valuation of the property i of your company is far be low the legal limitation and the requirements of sound .-> business? % r-i ’ • \ e That a so-called “straight reduction” of rates would mean a very slight saving , to you'at the risk of our > high service standards? - L ; • That new, progressive I co-operative rate has been • Established, based on in- - creasing busineiss and giving the customer the lion’s share ■ of the profits? -. ■ • That YOU and your ’ friends can reduce your gas rate as much ns 18% with 1 very little effort? • If you haven’t read— I "The Whole Stpry”—a little book let that explains the whole 1 plan, you are missing an op- ; portunitytosaverealmoney. It’s yours for the asking! f Henderson And A I (Oxford Gas Company ISSiSj PAGE FIVE