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PAGE TWO fiiG SISTER . Ready To Help By LES FORGRAVE CLtNv/t's M VtnM,«sA« HCX3QS, I'sol RGGER I*o YES CLEM, <3OOO TO *SEE NOO THAMKS TO. NAY BETTER E>E GCTTINj | THAT VA*\S TO OP ANO ABOUT HE AH SHE 6 ‘NAME NAY AIOMG AM' *SEE. j BE. THOUGHT OP AGAvM. FEEL'MG DVSCHARGE. PAPER'S ABOUT PvUOtsV f MDU NAAV NSEEO ALL RV<SHT LANNJ, VAR OOTVAER f I\)E AM 'DEAThEV ” HVNA-SEL.P A KiENM vaOM\E_.\. vJOMOER ThEMV PELV.ER'S'I MvAV be useful \P YOl> BOYS COOLOW'T -> fHEV v— TO VOO. O,BuDOV ! *Tv-4\n3<=>S A BvT HA'SvER j mEIP •) 1 JOE.* COME w\M ►JOME'p ( HERE . 'S j" .1 ETTA KETT A Non-Stop Flight By PAUL ROBINSON I'M GONNA TAKTe NEi RED-Ht RE COMERS ]T SoXOU WANT TO BE A S C* FIRST I'LL VOW OUT TO U " V (OU NED-WHtrSE At2E~l r^TiT'E. - wroGNE HEIZ PiLOt- SAN-VOU DO , , MAKE SUfcC GOT The MAUM62 OF • S^r4 M rl; 2 i j P°o* A LOT LIKt UNDV. Jr , A FPStr2 HLtZ.E PUT ON THIS OLD I—J -5r I, GET RiD or THAT PEST WITH r *V~7/ <r— ’ I I RfreACHUTCVyND IUL "TAKE VOU UP ABOUT* <AKtH<3 ULSSOU , [ NOW | SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK -.- By R. J. Scott I > § 1 i i tITe Gl/Af PS—Af/LI/E’S hUI^CH _ i / X 'THE COUNTS OKI YME PHONE S a <yr \_ . DON'T A\OTMER AAE f' BUT MOTHER* OM. BASM./ ~ '""'V Z' MOTWEE - YOU'RE OUST IKJ TIAAE- \ l V] AND DON'T START ANY OF TMAT \/ t &CTE -ST THAT 'NWAY ARE \NE Oo*N6r TO DO ;IFHE V YOU CAW HATE \ TMtS ISYWEYWIRO T»K\K ME’S V \MOYMER-; FOOUSMNESS- TMIS IS NO TIAAEM \ BACKS OUT AWO DOESN'T BUY TWE l /*E-YOU CAN ss*rS Y^ OOK4 ’ 6S FOR YOU-) YOU C^BEAY * HENDERSON, '(N. CJ DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 19331 k M-2-4S x»rrrfiWTnt\. 4)Ttj I illwlLl^ 1 IS REAL ' PEPPERMINT GUM LIZARD **an \(S(°)ij&!](2>l\ i ra as out I VJHICH | U zCTjT • Vl/HAS ABOUND \TS ! 1 JU MEMBRANE sNRyCH /T LACE E pfeB LES A BROAD AONS WSE — “OOT VOe DON'T CFM2.RV p\ -5 FA ALL -r>\-2JC- _ DEAR noah=WHV is J* C TT THAT NA/e LcvE V INDIAN '^J^A our. ancestors ran HUfaV u \ from /nd/an spft//N4s? KfllmjAA ~j~4 Jugim H ANDREW CAROTKERS, / QH TtENN , ( dear NOAH= what COLOR are -the FEATHERS ON a send BIRDDO&? : I"*” ! „,o , . clauoie abswer, I to j NO.H Ij g\ THE OLD HOME TOWN ***«.«.. r„„,o m « By STANLEY THE STATION WAS VJP/M EY ADDIE i. DH-.\NiPRCTNX WHEN someone SLIPPED A PHONEY LADDER )N FOR.“THE" CONTESTANT FROM SALT C,RASS CORHERj t —CJ 1 • ,; ’ ' W. Sl/inley ('<‘iit..:i Press j - 3-3 NOTICE. In the Superior Court. State of North Carolina: t County of Vance: Missu Lillian Williams, Plaintiff, Vs. Miss Mildred Purvis, AdnriVstrix, C. T. A. of the estate of the late S. M. Blacknall, Miss Mildred Purvis, In dividually, R. S. McCoin, Trustee and Joel T. Cheatham, Receiver for Henderson Loan and Real Estate Company, Defendants. The D'j.en aiit-j. 11. S. McCoin, Tv. s . c -i <•—.«.• that an ac ti . o LcL as above, has been com mo.. ..d in the Superior Court of Vance County, North Carolina for the removal of the said R. S. McCoin as Trustee under that deed of trust dat ed the 15th day of January, 1926, exe cuted by S. M. Blacknall to R. S. McCoin, Trustee, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for Vance County, N. C. in Book 130 at page 532, and for the substitution of a Trustee in h s name, place and stead in said deed of trust. The Defendant, R. S, McCoin, Trustee will further take notice that he is required to aftpear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Vance County, N. C. at the Court house in Henderson, N. C. on the 26th day of June, 1933 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Vance County, N. C. or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint and peti tion. This the 15th day of May, 1933. HENRY PERRY, Clerk of Superior Court for Vance County, N. C. J. P. and J. H. Zollicoffer Attys for the Plaintiff. GROCE ft Y STORES, FISH DEAL ers and others can save money on their wrapping paper by buying old papers for 10c per bundle at the Dispatch office. Also fine for kindling fires. 19-ts. Try The Want Ads Dispatch WANT ADS Get Results SPECIAL NOTTcE^rcToßADtu'fp- We will frame your diploma for orm, SI.OO. Henderson Book Co. GLIDDENS PAINTS AND VAP nishes, Old English Wax. a com' plete stock of hardware, at reason able prices. Daniel Hardware l- lC Phone 50. 2'd-ijii i OUR EXPERIENCE ENABLEsTu's tO' do good work, and we give the best we have to all whether strang er or friend. Allen’s Barber Shop. GUARANTEED REPAIRS To A Li. cars; Pure Oil, gasoline and greases' Quick, courteous service. Adcock and Abbott, Proprietors, Corner Garnett street, Andrwe avenue. WE RENT DREADNAUGHT DUSi~ lers floor sander. You can have new looking floors, any one can do it, its inexpensive. Daniel Hard ware Inc. Phone 50. 29-eti notice! In The Superior Court. State of North Carolina: County of Vance: Miss Lillian Williams and Joel T. Cheatham, Receiver for Henderson Loan and Real Estate Company Plaintiffs, Vs. John Cooper and wife, End e Cooper and R. S. McCoin, Trustee, Defen dants. The Defendants, R. S. McCoin, Trustee and John Cooper and wife Endie Cooper w.ll take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in th Superior Court of Vance County North Carolina for the removal of R. S. McCoin, Trustee un der that certain deed of trust dated the 25th day of Feb. 1932, executed by John Cooper and wife, Endie Coop er to R. S. McCoin, Trustee, tecorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Vance County, N. C. in Book 172 at page 71, and the substitution of a Trustee in his name, place and stead in said deed of trust. The Defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the off.ce of the Clerk of Su- I perior Court for Vance County, N. C , at the Courthouse in Henderson, N. C. on the 26th day of June, 1933 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Plaintiffs will ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint or the Petition f.led in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Vance County, N. C. This the 15th day of May, 1933. HENRY PERRY, Clerk of Superior Court for Vance County, N. C. J. P. and J. H. Zollicoffer Attys for the Plaintiff. NOTICE. In the Superior Court. Slate of North Carolina: County of Vance: Miss Lillian Williams, Plaintiff, Vs. 1 Lawrence Rogers and wife, Nannie K. Rogers, R. S. McCoin, Trustee and Joel T. Cheatham, Receiver for Henderson Loan and Real Estate Company, Defendants. The Defendant, R. S. McCoin, Trustee, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above, has been com menced i in, the Superior Court of Vance County, No\’h Carolina for the removal of the said R. S. McCoin as Trustee under that deed of trust dat ed the 13th day of February, 1930, executed by 'Lawrence Rogers and wife Nannie K. Rogers t 0 R. S. Mc- Coin, Trustee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Vance County, N. C. in Book 162 at page 50, and for the substitution of a Trus tee in his name, place and stead in said deed of trust. The Defendant, R. S. McCoin, Trustee will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court for Vanca County, N. C. at the Court house in Henderson, N. C. on the 26* h day of June, 1933 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action which has been filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court. Vance County, N. C. or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint and peti tion. This the 15th day of May, 1933. HENRY PERRY, Clerk of Superior Court,for Vance County, N. C. J. P. and J. H- Zollicoffer Attys for the Plaintiff. notice! North Carolina: Vance County: Default having been made in the payment of that bond secured by that deed of trust dated the 28th day of December, 1926, recorded in Book 113 at page 358 in the office of the Re gister of Deeds for Vance County, N. C., executed by Harry L. Candler and wife, Roxie Harris Candler, and at the request of the holder thereof, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Henderson, N. C., on MONDAY, JUNE 12th 1933 ta 12 O’CLOCK MIDDAY the following described real estate: Begin at Thomas M. Pittman’s cor ner on the S. E. side of James Street in the City of Henderson, said County and State, 200 feet from Poplar or Charles Street and run thence South easterly along said Pittman and Robt. Lassiter’s lots and parallel with Pop lar or Charles Street 300 ft. to Robert Lassiter’s corner; thence Southerly along Lassiter’s line, parallel with Jjames Street 100 feet to Mrs. Anne E. Thrower’s corner; thence North westerly along Mrs. Thrower’s line, parallel with the first line, 300 feet to James Street; thence Northerly along James Street 100 feet to the begin ning. For further description, see deed from T. B. Bullock and wife to H. L. Candler, dated August 30th 1921, recorded in the Register of Deeds of fice, Vance County, North Carolina in Book 105, page 303. This the 9th day of May, 1933. J. P. ZOLLICOFFER. . „ • s Trustee -11 - .« - ..