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marriages parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES THE POET'S FAME. , • if'iny thft songs of power the poet wrought : ] i,mVo ’he hearts of men. Yea, he had caught qi 1( > inarticulable and murmuring sound * ' f V comes at midnight from the darkened ground -Vuen he earth sleeps; for this he ft anted a word 0,- hum ai speech, and hearts were tr.mgely stirred >: t ried. And for him the even ing cicw . < . : y .• v.-Hii <1 sound of music, and the blue ; I • ; Qf !;e deep, starry sky he had the j () j ; ut :n language that did seen a part 0i h ;tnul scope and progeny of nature. ' i j u woo l or waves, or winds, there was no creature « v .tel ions 1 o him.... y ( . ■ • there was no secret of the .|U • \ V , of tile waters under, nor the h i teen hidden from the poet's eye': \ y-, h t there was no ocean unex plOl't 1. * j; P i- any savage coast that had not j; s mas c in his ears. ll* loved the town— y() t he loved the ever-deepening brown Os Miron 1 r tv/ilights on the enchant «rt hills; Vi! would listen to the starts and thrills (Os hod hat sang and rustled in the trees, 0i w' h the footsteps of the wan dciing breeze jVnd 'hn iitick. wnged shadows flash- Or b.r• i that slowly wheeled across iho .inolouded sky..., _K; hr l Watson Glider, l'oems. Guest of Miss Rose. y Kuby Palmer, of Littleton, is the house guest of Miss Jessie Rose on Chare.-* street. j —. . < Visiting Sister i M; Pc 11c Graham is visiting her ?’itc r. Mss Elizabeth Graham, on Bell" street. 1 Visitor Here. j M Evelyn Graham and Miss Mil di m Fi r-'er, of Norlina, were visitors in the c.ty yesterday. Miss Powell Has Guest. M Meta Skinner, of Gastonia, is the hoi!- * guest of Miss Adele Powell at her home on Young avenue. ( - ■ Choir Rehearsal. [ The regular rehearsal of the choir rs I'm First Baptist church will b 4 he'd 'he church this evening at 8 e'cinck i : was announced today. *, j Visiting Here. y Fi:i ie Periy, a member of tha f-ch faculty in Hamlet, is spending > nr mo in the city as the guest o| heir ter. Mrs. D. P. McDuffea. : Our Week-end Special Fuchsias, each 39c : hc.-v iur miniature rock gardens. Bridgers, The Florist Phone 380 VoL It gas company has created a model rate adjust ment destined to lower rates as much as 18%. If you , atari using gas now you will benefit, for with each in crease in gross sales, present lates will be reduced. Tune in with the gas com* pan\ "s friendly co-operation —you have everything to gain—nothing to lose. Ask T»r 'The Whole Story”—a I'ttle booklet that explains the whole plan and its unique advantages. Henderson And Oxford Gas j Company Umm s TELEPHONE 610 Pope’* Niece Acts - [Mm Mile. Sandra Ratti Mile. Sandra Ratti had to go to the head of the Ratti family, none other than her uncle, Pope Pius XI, for permission to pursue her career as a film actress. He granted the permission on condi tion that she change her name and personally selected the name of Ravel for her. She now stars in Italian films Visiting Miss Allen ‘ Miss Margaret Allen, of Raleigh, is Spending two weeks in the city as the guest of her sister, Miiss Kitty Allen, on Chestnut street. Rpv. .Taffee Here. Rev. C. K. ' Taffee, of Hamptoh- Sidney College, is visiting air. and Mrs. A. T. McNeny on the Oxford Road for a few days. : h,' Here For Vacation Dick Evans, wiho is Connected with the China-Amcriean Tobacco Com pany in Greenville, " is spending has vacation with his parents in the city. Retu;»is Home • Misses Doris and Elaine Weldon re turned yesterday from Swan Quarter, wlhere they have been spending the past several weeks with Mrs. D. L. Perry. Return from Greenville Mr. and Mrs. . Spurgeon ‘Aysciie* returned yesterday from Greenville. Mss Louise Ayscue wiho* has befen Tlhey were accompanied! home by attending E. C. T. C. for the past year. Miss Pittman Has ! An Informal Dance Miss Josephine Pittman entertain ed a number of her friends at an in fernal dance on Wednesday evening from t) until 12 o'clock at her home on Gholso-n avenue. Refreshments were served during thy evening by the hostess, assisted by her sister. Miss Sally Sue Pitman and Miss Mildred Vaughan. Those present were Misses Mildred Vaughan, Florence Blackna.ll, Sally Hight, Dorothy Dorsey, Frances Bur ton, Alma Parham. Effie Louise Flannagan, Ann Peace, Mary Frances Gerringer, Penelope Watains, and Frances Williams, Charlotte Wester. Helen Whitmore and Louis Horner. Clarence Page, Frank Powell, Colin Mac Nair, Asa Parham, Turner Wor tham, Rudolph Teague, Bill Bryan, Wesley Adams, Lawrence Rux, Mark Stone, Douglas Pierpont, J. W. Rose, Billy Furman. S. M. Crowder, J. E. Merritt and 11 . H. Powell. Philathea Class In Business Meet The regular business meeting of the Methodist Protestant Philathea calss for the month was held in the home of Miss Elizabeth Fox on Chavasse avenue Thursday evening at 8 o’clock With Miss Fox, Mrs. Emily Reavis and ;Mrs. R. D. Starkey as asso-- eiate hostesses. ; Mrs. Silsas Powell, president of *th e class, called the Meeting to order, with Mrs. Clyde L. Finch leading Sluggish Feeling Gone And Pains Relieved After Use of Cardni “A few years ago, my health wasn’t good, and I suffered from cramping,” writes Mrs. Herbert W. Hunt, of HaTlsville, Texas. “My pain would nauseate me. I would just drag around, so slug i gish and ‘do-less.’ My mother de cided to give me Cardui. 1 began to mend. That tired, sluggish feeling was gone and the pains disappeared. I can’t praise Cardui too highly because I know it helped me.” CARDUI is safe and wholesome for women of all ages. Try it! Sold at the drug store. "" HENDERSON, (N.CJ DAILY DBSHPfyH, FRIbAY, JUNE 2,' 1988 oc11:tv i-Nrw v / : : . : : : : : : : : : : : HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON BURNiNGj-IBEAUTY READ THIS FIRST; During an auction sale of antique» at the Otiphant home, Annapolis, Virginia Oliphant, beautiful daughter ■ of the house, captures the interest of two men, both unusual types. One is Tony Bleecker, naval officer and son of a wealthy Hew York family, and the other is Michael McMillan, young magazine editor and widower. Virginia’s mother and father, aristo cratic but impoverished, are traveling in the west for the father’s health on the proceeds of the sale. Her brother. Richard , attractive but selfish and weak, aspires to be a poet. Tony, to his mother's disgust, is more than ordinarily attracted to Virginia and makes a date for supper with her. Tony’s mother, Jane, wants him so marry Marty Van Duyne.c beautiful but rather cynical girl of-his own social standiiyj. Virginia, sensing the mother’s opposition, acc ep t s ’lorry’s attentions, more to anger Jane than anything else as she is attracted to Michael. Richard, drawn to Marty from the moment he first sees her;'is taken away from her for lunch by Mary Lee Logan, a girl whom he meets at the sale. At the supper Tony discovers that Virginia has invited a ’-chaperone and he is disappointed. As they eat Mary Lee tjogan comes in. After they all leave Virginia remei%bers that Richard is opt uHth a bunchy of questionable men and that he has with him SI,OOO, some of the cash proceeds from the sale. She goes out to find him and meets a man who calls her by name. The man is Michael McMillan and he sends her home, going in search of Richard himself. Michael finds Richard has been cleaned out of his money by the gang and offers Rich ard a thousand dollars advance on A story Richard is to write with the proviso Michael likes it. Michael is doing this for Virginia. Richard accepts . (NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY J CHAPTER 15 THE WORLD wore a white pallor as,'the moon dropped back of the clouds. The woods were dark as they went through them. Rickey. In an excited reaction from hts de-- presslon. asked eager questions. Michael’s magazine? That? Oh. gosh, he didn’t really mean it? Oh, there wasn’t anything to beat it! They shook hands when they parted. Michael stood back in the shadows while Rickey opened the door with his key. He heard Vir ginia’s voice. “Rickey, darling. . . Then the door was shut and through the uncurtained window he saw them going up the stairway. Michael leaned on the sundial. The street lamp shone on him faintly. *o that he was a gray shadow Mnong darker ones. And presently he saw Virginia and her brother come down. Rickey descended to the kitchen, bpt Virginia opened the front door, closed It behind her, softly!; and' came to wards him. “I saw you,” she'said. in a hushed voice, “how can 1 ever thank you?” “I need no thanks.” ' J * “Yes . . . you brought Rickey home . . . ML McMillan. 1 don’t the devotionals. The secretary of the ’class read tfae minutes of the febt meeting 1 they wt;re approved. i i i During the business (session splen did reports of the various commit tees were givem. On a floor motion the ,Jnne meeting will be an outdoor one, with a picnic, and each member of the class is to invite a Baraca. The date and place of the picnic is to be announced later. June being the time for the elec tion of officers, the following nomi nating committee was appointed: Mesdames Clifton Finch and J. B. and Miss Lucy Taylor. Following the business meeting, the program for thn evening was given, with miss Nellio Grey iKttrell giving two readings; “Billy Brad” and “For bidden Fruit.” Margaret Parrish and Maydell Clark gave several song selections for thg enjoyment of the class. i Deljcious : were served by the hostesses at the conclusion of the meeting, i # Decorate Club For Jr. Club’s Dance A committee of members of the Junior Woman’s Club and tiheir lead er, Mm. E. A. Latta and Mrs. W. D. Fayne ; were busy at the Wes End Country Club this afternoon put ting the finishing touches to t-h e deco rations of the club’s ball room for their dAnce wlhioh is to fee presented there this evening from 10 until 2 o'clock with Rod Page’s Wiake Forest Collegians playing for the affair. The young ladies are looking for a most successful dance, with the ad vance bid sale proving very satis factory, it was 'saicfl The affair is expected to attract a number of the younger set from nearby town's. Study Class Has Regular Meeting The Study Class sponsored by th educational department of the Wo man’s Club, was entertained in the home of Mrs. J. Franklin Mills on Belle street Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock in its reguOar meeting. The program forth eafternoon Was an open discussion 0 f i* l6 Pl an s for next year’s work, during which the club will study the outstanding wo tfivu ot ditferyut _ yuuiitrieM the dare stay a minute, or ne U miss uie. He wants his supper." “Won’t you cbme back? . . i l must see you." “I may be late.". “You’ll find mS on the, stone seat." The stone seat was set between two great box trees which boiled up about it in green luxuriance so that It was hidden from the .street, and indeed from the sight of those,in the house. Michael, shut in iby it, thought[of the lovers who bad found It a retreat. The smelHof the box was aromatic, delicious. He picked a leaf, or two and stuck them in his notebook.- He was aware ail at once of a sense of romance, foreign to the babit of these arid days, as if some thing unexpected ( might .happen this night under the moon. Through the low window where Anthony had first glimpsed Mrs. Montgomery and the gold-colored kit ten, - Michael no* saw Virginia busy with Rickey’s repast. It was tike a moving picture, and the high lights were' Virginia’s green gown and the leaping yellow flames of the new built Are. for Rickey bad brought wood, and was sitting now on the hearthstone, staring at the flames-as he talked to his sister. The yellow kitten had leaped to his knee, and lay flattened out. her tail waving. When the coffee boiled, they sat at the.; table and Rickey ate* an><J drank. Virginia ate nothing. She leaned her chin on her hand artd Ms-,’ tened. while Rickey talked to ,her. After Rickey had finished his-nheal.V the two of, .them straightened the room, then again they went together* up the stairs. It was a long time before the dobf again opened stealthily, and Vir ginia’s shadowy form flitted along the path. “Did you think I was never corning?’’ “I knew you would cortie." She sat down beside him. She was wrapped in a warm cape. “Rickey’s asleep, t thjftk. Anyhow he won’t' dream I’m-out here, but If he should miss me. I can say I was hunt wig the kitten.” ;i The kitten had followed her. and came now, purring, to sit on the arm of the bench and look, round-eyed, at the moon. . “How much did he tell 'yoii?” Michael asked. really, but I am sure.the money Is safe. I asked him and he said, 'as safe as the bank,’,”. „ , He wai aware of her relief and happiness. “I can’t add-much to it.” he said, “except that I'm glad I went. He and. Carney were having words and Oliphant knocked him down." “Oh!” Virginia’s tone was startled. '“T shouldn't .‘have told yoii except' 1 wanted, you to know that your bj-othei* isn’t likely to go with that gang again.” “T shall be glad when we get away.” her voice showed stress and strain. “You musn’t blame Rickey too much. He’s had a lot of Handi caps—father’s handicaps, rfnd his shutting us away, from' everything." He laid his hand over hers for a moment. "Things are going to be better—l’m sure, of Tt.” There was a ; morpent’s , silence, then he with drew his hand and stood up. “You’re gbing to let me coifte and see you in New York?” * • Her voice had a touch' pf shyness, i “If you’d .like it." i”T should Mke it I'm a rather * CONTRACT BRIDGE 1 , M WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By E. V. SHEPARD (| FAMOUS BRIDGE TiACHER fp A SAD PSYCHIC ONE SELDOM reads of the psychic bids that turn sou*. The bidders of fake declarations talk only of the rare cases where something Is made by deceiving both partner and op ponents. Fortunately the Craze of „fake bidding is dying down, as it always has done in the past. With North and; South vulnerable and East and West not vulnerable, it is hard. to understand the expensive method employed by North to save losing a game to his opponents. 4 None V 3 2 ♦KQJ 7 6 3 *K J 75 3 ■ 4A8734 Q J 10 9 4 Q J 10 North 6 410 982 | i 4974 *lO 9 4 A * A Q 8 4 4K5 4 2 4AK 8 6 5 45 4 *6 2 Bidding went as follows: South. L-Heart; North (thinking that East might have a spade bid), 1-Spade; South. 2-Spades; North, 3-Diamonds; South. 3-Spades; North (although he held not a spade), 3-No Trumps, ending bidding. The day has passed when a player will not open his long suit because an opponent has bid that suit before , shifting to no trumps. East led his Q of spades. Dummy played low. \#est started the “plain suit echo”, world. Following the discussion of the plans for the year’s program* the club discussed its annual picnic which is to he had at Balance Rock camp, several miles south of the city, on next Wednesday, June 7. to which each memiber is asked to inrvite a guest, i i Miss Ann Mills favored the class with several piano selections which were very greatly enjoyed. The club complimented the young i a dy on hew ing such an accomplished musician. The club members were invited into the dining room, where Mrs. Mills served a delicious salad course to them and her guest of the afternopw, Mass.. Jusper B. Hack*. ( lonely fellow; Somehow of late l haven't made—friends." He stopped and went on; “What about Bleeck er. he’a a friend of yours, isn’t he?” “1 shouldn’t cal). him that exactly. I’ve known him only two days.” “You've known him as long »« you’ve known me." “That’s different." \ His heart leaped. “Why?” “Oh. tonight you’ve been—m kindt* The moon shone full upon hap earnest- face. He mat her earnest ness'With hts own. "My dear chil4 1 have dope very little:—” "You have done a great deal It I hadn’t met you on the her voice broke. j “IfSi-irather remarkable. Isn’t It, - he said, after a moment, “that taro people meet. And the world Is never quite the same.” , I She did not answer. . GlanctPg across at her. be wondered If he had said too much. When he spoke again It was in a matter-of-fact manner: “You’ll see the Bleeckera in New York.” “I’m not sure. I—-oh. I wondec what; you’ll think of me. Mr. Mc- Millan. when I tell you why I had Lieutenant Bleecker to supper. . . : She was leaning on the sundial, and he could see her smiling. “Tell me. . '• Spe portrayed the scene with Jane graphically. condescended, and I'- hated it. . And 1 knew she’d hate my ; having him, so 1 did it. But I was sorry afterwards. ;r. ■ r "Why be ..sorry about anything. It’s too wondferful here In the moon* •light.” •/Tt kno4" ■’*; ■ -?• There vvas a long pause before he spokd again. “What about this sun dial? Are you going to sell it?" “T hadn’t Thought about it.” “Will you let me buy it? I haven’t h garden, but I'Ve A 'sun room In my apartment—with flowers, and a pool and goldfish swimming. The sundial Could mark the hours for me there. „■ She was wistful, “It would miss the garden.” “How long has It stobd here?’’ ; : “Over 800 years—” y, , { ,1 “Howl fnuch fe . hkst sefen. .* **!j He traced the .fetters \<jsy with Jifs *! '% finger.? then lifted -j. his S head /ar# * looked: at her. “.Here fin this " jold ? garden!’ toen. and women have lived 1 and lovbd and —died. As we shall, live—andjb^ e-^arfd die—* J- ? - FL He hardly’; knew; Whif he! wala aety- : * > ing- He Was; Aware. : of her-closeness, her beauty. ;He. woiiid be hes frlferfd/ * but hfr than, .th^— He ; held outhil hand—“lt isn’t ‘good-b^,';ls iiiti??’ • v'.';'. -i'v. I-.i.' y'-.h He Wps gbne-fin .another ;moment t —lost in' thel’.. shadows- beyond Che brick wa11... But .shb ; di<l ; riot resent 1 his abruptness. His voice, still rang in her pars; “As We shall iive—and , love—ahd ,dies—” , , ti: . ; The Word's frOtri’the lips bf another man might sounded; fetdpid— commonplace—| : tion bad.Jttsngjmpted ginia)- the |tairs/ w&s fiyila teebng* that • tbfe' mbfli'ents by t-fie* sundial - . t .were ftb ’ mark a crisis- in her; life’s history. '* • *• tj' ?; 'r [ l ■ ' r -. ’i l frn’ jJF CONriNttEW to show four of the suit, by playing his 8. The J of spades followed. Again dummy played low, and West completed his echo, by playing his 7. When the 10 of spades came it was impossible for the declarer to know which opponent held the Ace, so dummy’s K was played, and West’s Ace won. Ipstead of returning the spade. West made a short lead of the 10 of clubs. Declarer’s J covered and lost to East’s Q. The latter player took one of his two good spades, then he led the 9 of hearts, through dummy's suit, which the declarer had failed to support. The K won the first trick for the declaring side, whereas the defenders had won five tricks. The top diamond was led from dummy. West covered with the 8. and the de clarer’s J lost to East’s lone Ace That rilayer led a heart. Dummy’s Ace won the trick, and the last dia mond in that hand enabled the de clarer to win the ninth and tenth tricks. The declarer cleared his long suit, by leading a diamond which West won with his 10. West took his good heart. Then he led his last club, giving his part ner the thirteenth trick. All the de claring side won were two heart tricks and two diamond tricks, which put them down five tricks undoubled, vulnerable. That cost ,1,000 points, which was double the value it would have cost to allow East and West to go game at spades- The only rea son that the make was not doubled was because East held a single dia mond, and he feared to drive oppo nents into a declaration that could not be so easily beaten as the 3-No Trutnpa * r - ''t Women’s Pains '0 -ft —Why wait for slow (dissolving tablets to act? Wby prolong your discomfort wait fcg for solid pain, remedies to dis solve in your stomach? Capudine eases quicker because It is liquid and ready to act. Use it for periodio pains, rheumatic or neuralgic pains. liss Liquid '•'•It 9 * already dissolvedl Try The Want Ads Marland Martin Pattern *$ * iT^! to uy&, >jHßL toiili kmmm&&6 r: ,: fc-fo &*•: .</ mm mm? ijm aa. jf 9657 Miss Henderson Is To Wed In July The following announcement of an engagement will be of more than or dinary interest here/, where ,the bride-elect haa many friends: “Mrs. N. M. Henderson announces the engagement of her daughter, Em'ly Martin Henderson, to Thomas Forest Powell, of Richmond. Va.. the wedding to take place the twenty second of July, nineteen hundred and thirty-three.” Miss Henderson is a native of this city, but for some years has resided in Richmond. Since leaving here she has visited her sister, Mrs. Dorsey Evans, on a number of occasions, and friends here and elsewhere will: be interested in the announcement ! of her engagement. W An Apron For— || I O' 1 H Os All Things Tl Si lew S 8| , | rl \ TIE an apron around I- I 1 I I your waist and pro- ■! 51 \i\ \\ I A \ \\ 1 your costume by this M B \\ l.a-jf.V'fl very act. Paris has said g il \ 1 II I rv T* '^' s so jO 11 11 4Wy McCal! shows this style I® q* l * n 'fs easy-to-follow pat- M JB I pSjftV: -.'+ern. All of which means {&' 2jj I fl nere ,rsn 'f a reason Hi 8" / f u A' n f^ e world why you |Zj j ■ n shouldn't include this jH /_ : J J u[t l’ ‘ n y our wardrobe. is Uk ffeJM n ■M / \ \ \||/ McCall Printed Patterns Bi M |J | Left 7430, Right 7435 fe|| 11 For these new patterns we suggest H Q Rayon voiles, , printed——cotton voiles, rz U printed and embroidered organdies in M cool pastel , and embroidered batiste, K ml eyelet embroidered. E jl Arrived this week V | SUNBACK DRESSES IN PIQUE, I | WHITE AND COLORS H h E. G. Davis & Sons Co. I H Henderson, N. C. W MggagEggyfl^sagfripgggitatsgS PAGE FIVE CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS SMART AND SLENDERIZING FOR THE MATRON Pattern 9657 When designing for the smart mat ron we give special attention to line and detail .... they mlust slenderize the figure and create a gracious sil houette You’ll like this model for that reason and for the interesting pointed seaming.s, three quarter puff ed sleeves, surplice upper bodice and ultra smart use of contrast. Silk pr:nts and Sum'mer sheers will prove most charming. / Pattern 9657 may be ordered only in sizes 36 38 40 42 44 and 46. Size £6 requires 2 1-2 y,ardis 39 inch fabric and 1 3-8 yards contrasting. Clear, diag rammed cutting and sewing instruc tions included with this pattern. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins prferred) for EACH MARION MARTIN pattern. Re sure to write plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern ordered. i JUST OFF THE PRESS -THE MARIAN MARTIN BOOK OF SUM- . MER PATTERNS offering a wide assortment of advance style s to keep you and your youngsters cool, com-, sortable and appropriately dressed whether you are spending your Sum mer in town, at the< shore or i n tti» country. This book will help you plan a stunning mardrobe of easy-, to-make styles at a surprisingly low cost. ORDER YOUR COPY TO DAY! PRICE of PATTERN BOOK, FIFTEEN CENTS, BOOK AND PATTERN TOGETHER, TWENTY- ’ FIVE CENTS. Send your order to the Daily Dis patch Pattern Department, 232, W. 18th St., New York N. Y. Announcing The Opening of the Supper Porch Journey's End Saturday and Sunday— June 3 and 4 FIVE COURSES, , ’ STEAK OR CHICKEN, 75 Cents Supper served from sundown to 9 o’clock. Phone 4215 for Reservations