Newspaper Page Text
'tjEfiDERSON, GATEWAY to CENTRAL CAROLINA. TWENTIETH year JUNE COTTON $1 IS,SI 3,610 Distributed For Public government jobs £ET BIGGEST SUM IN FIRST OUTLAYS Federal Public. Works and Roads Get Nearly All of Huge Sum Already Agreed Upon OTHER PROJECTS TO BE ALLOTTED SOON Boulder Dam on Colorado River Well Taken Care of; Funds Apportioned By Bu reaus and Departments for Most Part, lekes Announ cement Says Washington, July 14. —(AP)— The public works administration today told how 'it intended lto distribute {115.513.610 as the first step in a pro gram to create a million new jobs by October 1. That U1m513.610, Sscnptary Ickes announced, will be portioned out this way: $64,561,542 for Federal public work?; $50,000,000 for roads in parks, fore.-?. Indian reservations and pub lic lands; $932,068 for municipal wat er and sewer plants. Time brought >o $753,513,610 the total'allocated from the $3,300,000,000 fund made available less than a mon’h ago. President Roosevelt al ready had approved the expenditure of $238,000,000 on naval construction and $400,000,000 on Jhfghways. An •e.d'litional r.wers and harbors pro*- gram awaits the presidential okeh. This ($115,000,000 distribution), Icken said. i 3 the first in the pro gram of giving new work so that 1.000.000 men may be employed by October 1 in accordance with Presi dent Roosevelt's wish. A vast number of additional pro jects are yet pending before the pub (Conttnued on Page Six.) « TAX SET-UP STILL LOSING GAME Bracket System Works Out Short of Three Percent Levy As Rule IMlif iM«|,nt<'h Rireav, In the Sir Walter Zlwtel. RY J. C. BASKERVILL. Sleigh, July 14. —Some of the mer chants of the State still do not fully understand the new three per cent sa es 'he tax law and regulations, and to pay thre per cent on their sales, regardless of whether €ver 7 ?a le made is taxed or not, ac cording to both Commissi oner of Re- Hmjp a. J. Maxwell and Willard L. bowel!, secretary of the North Caro na Merchants Association. Many al so do not seem to understand that the ■ ax must be assessed against each s «para'e sale and not on the total of a series of sales. Some merchants are segregating iContlnued on Page Six) Cotton Cut 0f3,500,000 Bales Made Wallace Announces Fulfillment of Plan; 4-2 Cents Tax Goes on August 1 W ’uthingion, July 14.—-(AP) retary Wallace today announc -11 hillment of the cotton aere reduction plan, sttid Huffic ent offers have fl!' 11 r r *’ rom growers to re ,lu* .vear’s potential crop 3,- At name time he announced :u I‘resident, Roosevelt had ap « cotton processing tax of ~' * n ‘» « pound, which will go ,al ° «tfect August L lirniivrsmx Dai hi Btsmtf rh FULL LEASED WIKI BRiivin* OF THE ASSOCIATED PRHSg W. S. Parker, Banker And Capitalist, Passes Away While At Morehead City Resident } of Henderson for Half Century Dies Sud denly at Summer Cot tage At Age 83 WAS MANXJFACTURER DURING MANY YEARS Funeral Services Are Ar ranged and Will Be Held From Home On Andrews Avenue Saturday at 6 p. m.; Body Is To Arrive Here This Evening I - —' ■ 1 Walter Scott Parker, 83, banker and manufacturer, and resident and prominent man of Henderson for half a century, died suddenly at 8 o’clock this morning at his summer cottage at Morehead City. The body will be brought here late today and funeral services wifi be from his residence on Andrews avenue at 6 o’clock Sat urday evening. Mr. Parker arose as usual this morning and walked to the business part of Morehead, taking his early morning exercise. On his return, he remarked that he felt tired and went to his room and lay down for a • st. A few minutes later he was found dead. At the cottage at the time were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cooper t.v* latter a granddaughter, and their daughter, Fannie, and another granddaughter, Miss Anne Peace all of this city and Mrs. B. H. Bur rough t, a near re lative . A message was Immediately com municated to Mrs. S. T. Peace, the only surviving child, in this city, and the news of his death that spread rapidly over the community came as a surprise and a shock to every one, for Mr. Parker was one of the city’s best known residents, and an ex ceptionally active and alert man for one of his age. The funeral will be held at 6 o’clock Saturday evening from the Parker home at the corner of Andrews avenue and Rowland street, and in* (Continued on Page Sight) May Seek Voluntary Hour Limit . r , Washington, July- 14. —(yP) —Hugh S. Johnson, administrator for the government’s industrial recovery en terprise, told newspapermen today that he expected it to be necessary to ask voluntary imposition of hour li mits and increases of wages by all business pending approval of indi vidual codes. This view was taker, by him, al though tecognizing that agreements for minimum hours have been com . jCConiinued on Page JL^ only daily newspaper by Roosevelt to Briny Piosperily Back toJUL - S - •. « - t ygjmx - : w Here s the t.ew organized by President Roosevelt to pilot to the U S They are the members of his super-cabinet of recovery. At top, 1, to r • Harry L Hopkins, relief administrator; Lewis W. Douglas, budget director; Frank C Walker co-ordinator of recovery agencies; George N. Peek, agricultural adjustment act admin-* istrator; Joseph B. Eastman, railroad co-ordinator: Jesse E, >ones. chairman of Recon- HENDERSON, N. C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 14, 1933 CONSUMPTION MOSTSiNCEM2 Banker Dies Wb mm * m ’ '■ v. - 'VH- ■ I mmm WALTER SCOTT PARKER. , CUT(SMART Cigar Leaf Growers To Be Asked To Adopt Plan Like Cotton Offer Washington, July 14.—(AP)—Farm administrators will begin their acre age reduction campaign for cigar leaf tobacco next Monday in all the prin cipal growing areas in an effort to cut this year’s harvest 50 percent. Plans for each of the growing dis tricts vary because of the difference in tobacco grades, but the plans for all areas have one provision in com mon, the paying of cash bounties to growers who destroy potions of itheir growing crop. A processing tax will become effective later, probably about October 1, to finance the program. Such a levy is applied when the tobacco is first changed or'pl’ocessed toward the finished product.- This tax will be at the rate of about six cents a pound and will be aimed to yield from $5,000,000 to $8,000,000. It will be collected from cigar manu facturers on all types of tobacco, with collections to be handled by the Bii reteir .of Internal Revenue, which al ready has established a system of internal revenue taxes on tobacco at these factories. The growing districts are New York and Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota, Ohio and Indiana; New England ant^X** ol and Florida. YOUNG ROOSEVELT ALLEGES CRUELTY Minden, Nevada, July 14—(AP) —Eißiott (Rooisevqlt, second son of the President, filed suit here today for divorce from Elizabeth Donnell Roosevelt, of Philadelphia His complaint charged extreme cruelty. PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VcStINIA. Enrolling Office Cost About Half Raleigh, July 14.—(AP)—Secre tary of State Stacy W. Wade said today that he operated the enroll ing office during the 1933 meeting of the General Assembly at a cost of $13,456.35 less in salary expenses than was expended in 1931. Salary costs th s year were $16.- 497.87. Wade said,, compared with $29,864.20 two years ago. - ..■■—» ... I»..■■■,iV>i^—nr— rijki »i ....■ jHktowt July 27 Now Fixed as Final Date for Recess That Will Be Taken COMMITTEE NOTIFIED Called on To Have Reports Ready by Next Friday; Every Effort To Be Made To Avoid Atmos phere of Finality. London, July 14. —(AP)—The steer ing committee of the world economic conference decided today to recess the worldwide parley on July 27. All committee were notified to have their complete reports ready by next Friday. The full bureau meeting will be conducted the following Tuesday and the final plenary session will be held July 27. It is understood that great care will be taken to avoid a note of fi nality at the plenary session. There will be a clear indication that the conference is expected to resume at a future date. This attitude would permit continuation of the tariff truce which was for the duration of the parley, and which many nations desire not to terminate. The plenary session will have to confirm the steering committee’s de cision to close deliberations, but lead ers consideed this a mere formality. V ■“ 1— 24 Italian Ships Near To Chicago Reach Montreal, Due at World’s Fair Tomorrow; Lind berg in Labrador Montreal, July 14 (AiP)—The Ita lian air armada otf 24 seaplanes, led across the North Atlantic by General Italo Balbo for a visit to the Cen tury of Progress Expedition at Chi cago, landed safely here this after noon, completing the sixth lap of darin-g flight. General Balbo brought • his plan® i down at 12:45 p. m., and 1;23 all the! i {Continued on Page Sight.) - - * ****** *.*** * Works To Begin Immediately J-v-v.wJ.-. u struction Finance Corp. Bottom, 1. to r.: Hugh S. Johnson, national recovery act administrator; William F. Stevenson, chairman of Home Owners’ Loan Corn • Arthur E. Morgan chairman of Tennessee Valley Authority; Henry Morgenthau, Jr!, governor of Agricultural Credit Administration; Robert Fechner, director of Civilian Conserva uon v/Oi*ps« Department Os Revenue Selects Army Os Agents To Carry On Field Work Will Collect All State Taxes , Including New Three Per cent Sales Tax; 44 New Men Picked Out of 1,000 Ap plicants; Field For C e Will Number 62 Daily Dt-patch Rnrena, In the Sir Waller Hotel. nY J C. DASKERVILL. Raleigh, July 14.—Details of the or ganization of the field forces of the Department of Revenue, that will col lect all State taxes, as well as the new three per cent sales tax, were announced today by Executive As sistant Commissioner of Revenue M. C. S, Noble, Jr. The new field force will be composed of 62 field deputies, Kidnap Banker Named Abductor A|t|lianta, Ga* (July fl 4 John K. Ottley, president of the First National Bank, today posi tively identif ed a New York po lice photograph of William Delin ski, former sailor and stationery salesman with a long criminal rec ord. as the man wanted as the leader in the banker’s kidnaping. The Fulton county grand jury has returned an indictment against “Grover Collins” as the man who engineered the kidnaping of Ott ley, which lasted only a few hours, when Prior Bowen, 17-year-old school boy, released the banker from his bonds and blindfold. O’Connell Kidnapers De mand New Set of Names of Go-Betweens Albany, N. Y„ July 14.—(AP)— Daniel P. O’Connell, uncle of the kidnaped John J. O’Connell, Jr., re ceived a letter from the kidnapers today ordering the family to submit a new list of intermediaries to be published in three New York news papers, the Sun, Journal and World Telegram. The list of go-betweens, the third offered by the family, has been sent to the New York papers. The letter received today was signed by the kid naped youth. The faimily established the authenticity of the signature. The first letter from the abductors demanding $250,000, received last Sat urday, bore young John’s signature. Two other letters from the kidnap band did not carry his name. Today’s letter, the fourth the fam ily has received was taken from the private mail box of Daniel this morn ing. It was not made public. It was said, however, that no reference was made to the boy’s condition, nor was there any reference to the ransom. O’Connell,, |tc|on lof \the poflitlcal family, was kidnaped a week ago to day. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTIBMOOE EXCEPT SUNDAY. the present force of 18 deputies being increased by 44 new men to that fig ure. Letters will be sent out within the next 24 hours to the 44 new men that will be appointed as deputies and their namqt will be announced as soon as Ihey all are notified. They will be asked to report for duty Mon day, July 17. Ten additional employes <t;nnt,inued an Page Six.' State Gets Huge Park Road Fund Washington, July 14.—(AP)— An allocation of $1,794,826 so North Caro lina was announced today by the pub lic works administrator for forests, park and Indian roads under the pub lic works fund. The allocation to North Carolna was itemized: $81,326,000 (to forest high ways; $373,000 for forest roads; sl,- 317,500 to park roads; and $23,000 to Indian roads. GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS AREA GETS LARGE SLICE Washington, July 14 Offi cials of the National Park Service to day said $2,635,000 of the $16,000,000 allotted to national park roads from ft,be public works fund would 'be al located to the Great Smoky Moun tains National Park in North Caro lina and Tennessee. » Park service officials said the fund would be divided equally between the ,roa.dfs of the park in the two states. No decision has been reached yet, they said, on their recommendation for allocation of about $2,000,000 from (reforestation funds for completing the (purchase of lands for the Smtoky Mountains park. RANSOM DEMANDED FOR ALTON BANKER Alton. 111., July 14. —(AP) —Two notes demanding ransom for August Leuer, 77-year-old Alton banker, have been received by Leuer’s family, it was announced here today. Agents for the family said neither of the notes bore Leur’s handwriting. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Generally fair tonight and Sat urday except probably showters in extreme west portion; slightly warmer in west and north cen tral portions tonight. 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY ™Ks*' OF 696,472 BALES Month’s Consumption More Than Double That For June Last Year, Gov. ' ernment Says southewTstates LEAD IN RECOVERY More Than 25 Million Spindles Active During Month, an Increase of Over Five (Million Over Jfune Last Year; Most of These Were in the South Washington, July 14.—(AP)—Cot ton consumption during June was the largest for any month since the Cen sus Bureau began keeping monthly records in September, 1912. The bureau said today that 696,472 bales were required by textile estab lishments during the 30 days. The next largest consumption for any month since 1912 was 693,081 bales reported for March, 1927. Consumption during June, exclusive of linters was more than double that of last year, when 322,706 bales were required., Particularly noticeable was the rec ord consumption by establishments in cotton growing states during the month, also more than double that of June last year. Southern textile mills used 565,644 during June, compared with 275,832 bales last year. Consumption of linters also in creased sharply for the nation, with 81,468 bales consumed during June, compared with 46,775 for the month in. 1932. During the month 25.540,504 spin dles were active in mills, compared with 20,646,966 last year. Os these during June. 17,593,128 spindles were active in cotton growing states, com pared with 15,347,908 active there dur ing June last year. For New England states, 7,242,362 spindles were active in June, com pared with 4,569,172 active in June, 1932. S. C. WELLS, 84, OF WILSON IS DEAD Wilson,July 14.—(AP)— S. C. Wells, 83, prominent citizen and one of the community's oldest business men, died here today. His widow, two daughters and two brothers survive. Charlotte Bank Order Dissolved Independence Trust Now Free To Enter Statewide Guaranty Bank Merger Charlotte, July 14—(AP>—Judge W. F. Harding today dissolved a tem porary injunction restraining the In dependence Trust Company of Char lotte from participating in a bank merger, leaving the trust company free ot become a unit of the recently organized Guaranty Bank. Protestants against the merger, however, announced immediate steps would be taken to appeal Judge Harding’s ruling to the State Su preme Court. E. . Cansler, Sr., at torney for the protestants, said thi appeal would not serve to stay th merger, though, if the trust com pany wanted to go ahead with it plans before the appeal was decidec Other banks to be in the merge': institution are the North Carolim Bank and Trust Company of Greens boro and the Page Trust Company o Abedeen. A temporary injunction restraining the Page Trust Company from par ticipating in the merger is now ii effect. Similar to the one against th< Independence Trust Company it if. to be argued before Judge A. M. Stack in Rockingham July 26. / Miss Carrie McDean Charlotte at torney, and other creditors of the lo cal bank sought the restraining or der.