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CheNDEKSON, gateway to CENTRAL CAROLINA. twentieth YEAR UTHUMUN OCEAN FLIERS KILLED IN s,ooqWorkersGo Out On Strike In High Point Factories OPERATIVES QUIT IS MILLS REFUSE ■ INCREASED WAGES Hosiery and Furniture Plantslnvolved When 25 Percent Raise Fails to Materialize ONLY ONE DISORDER OCCURS IN MORNING 2? Seamless Hosiery Mills Employing 4,000 Workers and 25 Furniture Factories With 1,000 Employees Are Idle; No Extra Police Em ployed Hsph Point. July 17 (AP)—A strike i.7?clinj r proximalely 5,000 hosiery j £ 7,j furniture plant operatives was here today when mil officials fated t° r’-et a demand for a 25 per cent wage increase. Only one minor disorder was re- j ipoued. and no extra police were on , hand. . Twenty-two seamless hosiery plants i employing .'pproximately 4,000 work- j fra and 25 furniture factories ernpjfcfc in? approximately 1,000 operatives were closed.- i3evera! window panes were broken when some employees attempted to return to work at one hosiery mall, but th; - disturbance soon was quieted Tbe plant closed. ,< No more than the regular nurn'er „f police patrolled the industrial sec tion. 1 ’ ’ '• Meanwhile, a large part of the city’s (Continued on Paste Five.) Clemency Granted ByEhringhaus for Number Prisoners P-a'eigh, July 17.—(AP)—Governor -T B. Ehringhaus today granted 2 “••' ; 3y ref ieve to Bryant tone, con '"c ed m Wi!kccounty of the mur c,fr of r,;-. on-in-law. Yayne Nor and scheduled to he elsctro cu ’ day at Stats’a Prison. ■' ' w ’n M. flill, parole commission-j n also announced he would hold aj pubi'; hearing in the court house at Cn-'on-Salem on Friday afternoon n 'he ca,e of Eugene Hines, Forsyth ' on y N'egio ;entenc?d to be electro- C ' J ‘ 1 for the murder of Lacy Weath n poon in a fight over a Negro wo -1113,1 Hines was given reprieve last Wf rk. T!i f ' governor announced the parole 0 Pete Ford, white man sent to pri rorn PPP county in September, ,**■ to erve 15 to 20 years for mur 'f! ln ’be second degree. This sen- y >r " later commuted to 10 to ''y*- and now the trial judge and ' ,: nr have recommended imme parole. Thp rr .. governor announced commuta -1 another sentence, paroled ten " P i-orier.; and declined clemency t 0 51 convicts. To Change Sales Tax Plan Aug. 1 Nlake One Bracket at tl or Less; Allow ; ev y on Cumulative otal Sales Oiilly Ulniuitch Bureau. In Ihe Sir \V,liter Hotel. J _ V BASKKHVILIi. —The sales tax bo'h Wo, 'k more smoothly and v,i . (’’’bde and the merchants jyj.. '"l'd satisfied when three t-iv ' 1 ,n kcs are made ln the sales ■' to beconpe effective ' C ommissioner of Revenue *•'' ■•o.vell said today. While fi '"■•iiges have not yet been de- V , >)lved out. it was indicated • ~,_s follows; I ( "ue schedule will he set, up i ion of the tax on sales (Cesunmd on Pag* Five.£ imtitersnn Da tin Htsmtfrft FULL LEASED WIKB Minvir.. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRHsf." Wiley Post Heads On East From Moscow Into Siberia $220,000,000 Tax Suit On Andrew Mellon Dismissed Disrict of Columbia Judge's Ruling May End Gov ernment's Case Washington. July 17.—(AP) A $220,000,000 tax suit against Andrew W. Mellon and other former Treasury officials was dismissed today by Jus tice James M. Proctor in the Dis trict of Columbia Supreme Court. The suit was filed by David A. Olson, former investigator for a spe cial Senate committee, and charged Mellon, former Secretary of the Trea sury Ogden L. Mills and several oth ers with conspiring to defraud the government in the settlement of for eign steamship company taxes. Judge Proctor, in his opinion sus taining a demurrer raised by the de fendants said the suit did not state a “good present” cause of action. Unless Olson files the suit in an amended form, the dismissal today means the end of the case. Prison Populace Is 687, a Record Raleigh, July 17.-—(AP)—-Wi*h fiß7 prisoners eons ned at Central Prison here, a new top for popula tion for <he receiving unit of the State’s Prison was set today, War den H. ff. Honeycutt said. Honeycutt said that never before in his memory—and he has been connected with the State’s Prison more than 25 years-—has the total number of priosners held here been so high. APPOINTMENTS TO ~ HOME BANK GIVEN P. S. Carlton, of Salisbury, Chief Counsel; McNeill In Raleigh Unit Salisbury, July 17.—(AP) — Prit chard S. Carlton, former Democratic executive committee chairman for Rowan county, today was appointed chief counsel for North Carolina of the Home Owners Loan Corporation, and Frank McNeill, Lumberton attor ney, was appointed manager of the Raleigh branch of the corporation. The appointments were announced by Alan S. O’Neal, of Salisbury, State manager for the corporation, who has headquarters here. O'Neal said Carlton has accepted the position and will begin work Au gust 1. The salary of chief counsel for the State is $5,000 a year. O’Neal said he plans to go to Ra leigh tomorrow to open the branch there. The branch to be opened in Asheville will be put into operation next. O’Neal said, and then the branch at Greenville. The counties in the Raleigh dis trict include, Franklin, Granville, Vance and Warren. Expect O’Connell To Be Released In New York Shortly (By the Associated Press.) A belief was held today in Albany, N. Y., that kidnapers of John J. O'Connell, Jr., member of a politica’ly powerful family, might fre" hi min New York City. Bolstering this feel ing was the disclosure that two notes received by his family were postmark ed the metropolitna district. August Luer, aged banker of Alton, 111., freed yesterday by a kidnap gang, told of being detained five days in a subb-basement. Many believe a $lO,- 000 ransom was paid. The banker’s son denies it. Two ex-convicts were seided yester day at Cicero, 111., in the kidnaping of John Factor, speculator who was freed on payment of $50,000 ransom. The pair were taken in a hotel for merly a Capone stronghold. At San Diego, Cal., police guarded the home of a. former president of Mexico, Pascual Ortiz Rubio, who re pel ved, kidn&£ telephone ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER t JBKMB ANDREW MELLON. SCHOOL TEACHERS BEING ALLOCATED PAST AS POSSIBLE I Hoped That All Units May Know by End of Week Just Number They Can Have for Year PER TEACHER LOAD HAS BEEN RAISED Increase Confined to High Schools, However, With Elementary Allotment Remaining Same; Thor ough and Careful Study Has Already Been Made In the Sir Walter Hotel. Daily Dispatch Bureau, PV a. O. BASKERVILL. Raleig’i, July 17.—Teachers are be ing allotted to the schools in the va rious counties as rapidly as the em ployes in the office of the State School Commission can compute the number needed on the basis of the average c’ailv attendance in each school this past school year, Leßoy Martin, exe cutive secretary of the commission, said today It is hoped that the al (Continueu on Page Four) BANKERHARRIMAN AGAIN DISAPPEARS i Intensive Search Immedi. ately Begun for Man Ac cused In New York New York, July 17.—(AP)—Joseph W. Harriman, former head of the Harriman National Bank and Trust Company, disappeared today for a second time from the Regent Nursing Home. William J. Donovan, chief counsel for Harriman, who is under bail of $25,000 on a Federal indictment charg ing alteration of the books of the bank notified United States Attorney George Z. Medalie of Harriman’s dis appearance. Donovan said that Harriman “slip ped out” through the service entrance to the home, had entered a (taxicab and that a boy who was close by said the taxi driver was told to “drive to Fort Dee ferry.” Medalie at once telephoned Thomas J. Cullen, agent in charge of the Unit ed States Bureau of Investigation here and asked him to send the usual alarm to Federal guards at ihe Canadian border, at piers in this cily and in various other seaports. Guards on >he Mexican border also Will be notified. PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OFNORTH CAROLINA AND VIimiNIA HENDERSON, N. C., MONDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 17, 1933 U.HOIMANE Begins Push of 1,818 Miles Into Wilderness on Way To The City Os Novosibirsk HE REFUSES SLEEP WHILE AT MOSCOW Uses Time In Supervising Repairs to Plane by Me chanics; Cloudiness in Far East To Clear Up by Time He Arrives at Ural Moun tains Moscow, July 17.-*—,AP) —Wiley Post American round-the-world solo flier, landed here from Koenigsberg, Ger many, this afternoon and a few hours later soared eastward on the 1,818- mlle journey to Nososibrisk, in Si beria . Perfect weather conditions prevail ed from Moscow as far as the Ural mountains. Local weather officials who gave the airman full meteorolo gical information before he left, said it was probable that cloudiness be tween the Urals and Novosibrisk would ciear up before he reached that area. Post refused a chance to snatch a few minutes sleep at the Moscow air port that he might speed up machani eians working on his plane. It was 5:12 p. m. (9:12 a. m. east ern standard time) when the Ameri can flier started the Novosibrisk leg of his journey. He ha dbeen in Mos cow two hours and 52 minutes. When he sped away from the Soviet capital, a more than 48-hour growth of beard had disappeared from his face, as h n r->ent 15 minutes of his short stay here in the airport barber shop. BalboWill Make Visit To Capital To Call on Roosevelt; Armada Starts Home Wednesday, via New York , Chicago, July 17 (AP) —General Balbo today accepted an invitation to visit President Rioosevel’t at the White House late this week. Postmaster General Jamies A. Far ley presented (the President’s' invita tion while the ItaDin air minister wasj paying a official call at the city hall. The capita lcity, however, probably will not have a visit from the fleet of 24; Italian seaplanes, which completed the first mass flight from Europe to America when it dropped down on Lake Michigan at Chicago’s front door Saturday. General Balbo said tihe return trip would start Wednesday morning, the armada flying directly to New York. MURDERCHARGED to TWO DURHAM NEGROES Durham. July 17.(AP)—Sheriff E. G. Belvin, today formally charg ed two Negro® s * Odell Rogers, 17, and Adala Reavis, 32, with mur der of Robert Blackwood, 52, white recluse, who was shot to death near <he home of Mary Shepherd, Negro, Friday night. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. . Generally fall* tonight and Tues day except possible (showers in extreme south portion; cooler on the njortheast coast tonight. Lithuanian Fliers Are Killed Captain Darius 'Captain Darius and Lieutenant Giirenas elf Chicago, wn 0 hopped off i from New York Saturday on a 4,900- I mile non-stop flight to their native; Carolina Textile Mills Start Under New Set-Up Operations Carried On Cau. tiously in Cotton Mills Throughout The Two States GIVE IT TRY-OUT BEFORE ADDITIONS / Until Then No New Work ers Will Be Taken on Ex cept Rare Instances; Salis bury Mill Only One Cut ting off Employees; More Added In One Plant Charlotte, July 37. (AP) —Textile mills in the Carolina*; cautiously started operating under the industry’s code of fair competition today, with virtually all mills inclined to try out the system before adding new em ployees or making any permanent changes. Regular employees went to work, however, assured of at least sl2 for 40 hours of work and with only eight hours of work each day ahead of them Only one mill, the Klumack, at Sal <Continued on Paee Fiv«.) Wholesale Wage Rise Considered Washington. Juiy 17.—(AP) —Hugh S. Johnson, the national recovery’ ad ministrator, today continued inten sive study of the plans for a general call to industry and business to join in the wage raising and work shar ing drive without waiting for formal action by the government on agree ments submitted by the various in dustrial lines. Indications were a final decision might coce shortly. The question discussed at length yesterday with President Roosevelt aboard the yacht Sequoia on Chesa peake Bay was taken up today by the administrator with his legal advisors and deputy administrators. Later Johnson took it to a meeting of the recovery advisory board. No word as to conclusions penetrat ed from the meeting. It had been decided, however, that if the enter prise, were undertaken it would have to be on a voluntary basis. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTHRHOOM EXCEPT SUNDAY, Lieutenant Girena* (home in Lithuania, met death when | their plane crashed in eastern Ger- I many today after they had safely j crossed the Atlantic ocean and a large j ipart of Europe. , Aged Banker Freed mmm ... . ; iiHn ’ Aueust Luer After being held captive by a band of kidnapers since Monday night of last week, August Luer, 77-yea.r-old invalid banker, was returned last night to the home of his son in Alton, 111. It was said no ransom was paid for his release. It had been feared that he had been killed. Praise To Farmers In Cotton Cut Dally Dispatch Suren*, ln the Sir Walter Hotel., t*T J. C BAKKERVIIiI,. Raleigh, July 17.—North Carolina cotton farmers have cooperated splen didly with the government in the cot- Iton acreage reduction campaign and have agreed to remove 93 per cent of the State’s allotment of bales al though a total of only 203,171 acres were signed up as compared with the goal of 333,000 acres. Dean I. O. Schaub. of the Agricultural Extension (Continued cn Base Four.) 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY CUSH PLANE FALLS INTO 1 TREES IN GERMANY Ship Discovered In Forest in Eastern Germany, With Bodies Underneath and Mangled mistook treetops FOR MEADOW BELOW Investigators Say Bodies In dicated Men Died Be tweel 3 and 5 a. m.; Dis covery Follows Dark v and Stormy Night; Plane Was Heard But Not Seen S o ld:n, Pomerania, Germany July 17 (AP)—The airplane Lithuai: ic, in Which Stephen Darius and Stanley Gii'enas were attempting to a non stop flight from New York to Lith uania, crashed early today at Kuhn darn m, and both fliers were killed. The plane was discovered i n a for est. he bodies of the airmen were ua der it. A party of aviation and Police officials left immediately for Berlin for Soldin. • Soldin is situated on a lake of the isame name near the border line of the Prussian province of Neumark and Pomerania. Police surmised that the aviators, iin attempting to land, mistook treetops for a meadow. There was some doubt about tihe exact time of th ecrash. Investiga tors said the bodies indicated the mien ■died s o rnetlrhe betwen 3 and 5 a. m. A guard was placed at the scene by the police, and for the time being 1 the bodies were left there. The discovery of the tragedy fol lowed a stormy and dark night, dur ing wheih rumors of a plane being heard but not seen came from various (points in eastern Germany. » The b o dies were badly mangled. Several trees snapped under ths weight of the plane. Near the spot American cigarettes and candies were found. | ; INDICT THREE MEN IN KIDNAP ATTEMPT Norfolk, Va., July 17.—(AP)— Jack Beale, Harvey Norfleet and Clifton Henry Holland, all of Hol land, were indicted by the South ampton county grand jury in Courtland this afternoon on char ges of attempting to kidnap Cecil C. Vaughan 111, weaHhy young Franklin banker. Conference Smaller If Reconvened Leaders of London Parley Decide That Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth j London, July 17. —(APl —The lead ers of the world economic conference have dec.ded, after long and solemn consideration, that too many cooks spoil the broth. Unless they change this view, the conference, which will take a recess July 17, will not be re convened in its entirety. The belief that the parley should not be revived after the recess was voiced at this morning’s meeting of the steering committed, it was under** stood. There a growing feeling, in which some of the American delega tion concur, that the conference is now constituted is so unwisely it blocks its own progress. If and when it is brought into be again —in Washington, London, Geneva, or elsewhere—its numbers will be whittled down so that it will not take a census expert to keep track of the sub-committees of committees, appointed by she sub-commission of the commission. Thus far none of <he conference! heads has ventured an opinion on when or where the parley can be re-* assembled. _____