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Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TWO SIC SISTER Reunion * ,By LES FORGRAVE ‘ ’thinkof that old noßse. seAtiitoV I|])!|)(||| vess\Sl*."it'sthe /" Y ~xv*&x~ ' os as vt did. m glao / olot«ock&jt I r csroe-s ors iT \jOO<a*se. . I THEEUJ AMO >. \ «OOW\ awvhoai got vooNe sot repacked the \ ' oonmve. ©ack ■ "-TMKT , *S THE (DEA \ / — 1 A so' \OV vT'S GOOOTo S»e. AL.L ’STXACTOY . VJ©: DOM'T ) / OONiViVH L TOGETHER. AG AIM! , MO AMT -TO J l OOETVVM'T \f } ' AMV MORE x~/*'i MjAKi-T -TO /JUST lwcb \ x n. y> <4 !to f>OMNJ\©.S /J& E>E. LOTrtT R. 10006 HO )/ I DON’T ) \ . OFP a\ an]-ymore K a TE>BT » . Ueomv {,&. \ M ETTA KJETT Not a Moment to Lose! Bv PAUL ROBINSON WAS A SAF> TO THINK J LONS j AND ALL Ip\AT GETTING ENGAGED j FOPGNE M£, UfflE. HONEH S |fs SOUR. MECHANIC. AT HOT IF I CAN < , Billie de BACKED J*WS -K ANO -10 me WAS Onlm A Bus ?im up I The Aif2Porzr-HE sans c3ET in ir m FLIGHT DECAUSE she / * M lEArENj PUBLIC (IN STUNT .* WARNED t °o f GILLIE DENEI2E IS J f IfiLST " COME WAS CTSATN AOOUT ME * L.-.-, ... J ME EUT I LAUGHED IT OFF - P°UMD THE NNORLDf U GOIM GTO HOLD THE ON// M'S CAR. i >4-T~ i -■ ' 1—"-..-I .SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. Scott «. /Jk 1 IY/ 3 £L over, one acre of<round ; V\J// i TTj would be sufficient hck-XW' ILIA) NfVE m ABOUT 20 FT. _ foPCORN PoPPED'Ir &V C.BYRe.W, and ,N DEfyT?l loh -THE STALK. - «*t*fcVEPC>Rr, LKr Capy *'^ ht ' 1933 * by Ce * tral PresS _ ! f ! . *■? i i ' v> _ . mjm ‘ LIU.. ,:.r.;... r ...... ... , a v ' j . ' . "" ..... „.. .„. : . t THE HUMPS—ON THE POINT OF THE JAW - SO VOU'RE BACK- MAKEHIM MOW DARE VoH-NO VOU>RE I 7 THAT *S TERRIFIED [ THE MEAUIW f . AAE YOU?, . , 1 W LEAVE- I YOU ENTER MY NOT. 1 I WANT ( »H#AI J HELPLESS, ALONE \OF THtE ? C-e-T AW/W YOUR W»FEr>*A/ HA/ / I HE'S INSANE-/ HOUSEM'M MONEY-MONEY \ COP VOU ' / 'IN TWe CLUTCHES \ FROM MV WIFE- /) vti.« y ft}.SSP7« L4W ( It HE'S A / CrOINCr TO TUftNjFROM THAT WOMAN \ 1 V x 1 OF A CRAZED //THIS WOMAN IS MV WIFE-J A MANIAC- y\ VOU OVER TO / BEFORE l EXPOSE \ OESPe.atc ~[ , .[ AalC ' .A ' P" HENDERSON, ‘(N.C.y DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, IS3T ] Y~7~7T7~ m , TIT |2 A •»* sun <sop or »■? * \ |l'l-LDGiSI ANCIENT-ECiSPr 1m ! J ll - I Jlvi I Ra ; the Egyptians relieved. ljWjS\ L *~U| ENTEREI> EACH ThE JTM J OF DAWN SA\LBD ACROSS THE SEA OF THE, |v f>»cy changed to the ship of dusk each i )j\\ Ei/EVtWC, A AID TRAVERSER THE PARK, SEA OF NIGHT \ JuJa \ fiaM nomskuu.,] iMnufTkirr f MUST Os slf rn£>*e J&p J VOO'RE So much THRova/ A joke Book fV'CV'**’7_ in THE stove, will j J C WVrv f \ ' -me fire Roar?’ M. S AOEL//SJ/K WILLIAMS *«-« *• ' ynhi /f IM(/VAJ. y. .* * *-■“K ' I // if an aye Vn WA-S HIGHLY TEMPERED I j{l|jfj] VS/OOLD IX FLY OFF " the handle? C ' JOE S- 'STEELE - , "-""lTb~jr^%l RtN^LI/M<«./'OKLA . —— NOAHS CODE - Do NOT WO** MORE THAN Z 4 HOURS PER,DAV ™ ON You*. NUMB IDEAS -THEM !fel • fAAW-XM TP -THIS PAPER. T” CtJ .- THE OLD HOME TOWN TteglstewfW. U. latent Office By STANLEY (yooll see something) /ves miss Beebee, ! WHEM HE "TUNES L FOR A RJM<S d* SIN ON SOME HOT S \\ 7 BOLONEY HE WILL [ DANCE NUMBER-! \\ CLEAR THE SHOP l HE Floored SO J Vv \\ ,/ VJN A COUPLE OF l FLIES ON THE X V\ \\ j HOURS j " [ST LOUIS BLUES J \ A \\ 1 , // , V J i * *... *» ** 4 ' «o a> CURLY ODER MOST EXPERT y "TRAP DRUNIKERyKEEPS IN PRACTICE BY a Daily workout at the sta /ml fti PALACE MEAT MARKET J^K 9o <a tg ; 193 :t I,pp \V Stanley Central 8 ~2A Suing Speedy Hubby Lou Schneider may be a hero to the auto race fans at Indianapolis, where he won the 500-mile classic in 1931, but to Mrs. ; Barbara Schneider, his wife, known; on the stage as Bee Jone (above), he is just another unwanted hubby. She is seeking a divorce in Detroit. (Central Prew) ‘FORGOTTEN MAN' Stopped His ADVERTISING Last Week Dispatch WANT AD<j G®* Results SEE ALEX. S. roof paints and roof c , F °U will stop leaks, at "T* le pi Ulat Values.” e Plj *ce of SUMMER GOODS P.EPRiei^ Clear. Men’s $2.00 and $ 2 ni 10 pants now $1.45. Men’s SSOO 2* shoes now $2.95. All Sumur r <f P 1 Linens and Tropical Worsted reduced. Geo. A. Rose Son? c 0 7 OUR to do good work, and we ,r L r , : 5 best we have to all whether stran er or friend. Allen’s Barber Shot Th-Pri-tf SHIPMENT OF MEN’-TandTcUPt mens New Fail Hats just arrived « no advance in prices. All new Fal shades. Come in and make your se lection now. Extra good values $2.95. Tucker Clothing Co. 2 4-it< FOR RENT MODERN~FTVE~ROOii steam heated apartment furnished or unfurnished, hot and cold water $30.00 per month. Apply to Mrs P J. Corbitt, phone 38. Thurs-ts OLD DUTCH MARKET WlLjTpay you highest prices for your chick ns and eggs in cash or trade. W:- e --- : both heavy and fancy grocti; , country produce and fresh mop-, Comie ,to see us when you want t 3 •buy or .sell. 24-ith JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER p.R; shipment of Woolsey’s good paint at ?‘The Place of Values.” Alex. 8 Watkins. “Where quality tells and prices sell.” 24-p SCHLOSS brothers' PINE tailored suits made to your measure now as low as $24.00. Prices are ex pected to advance any day. Let us measure you today for your Fall suit. New samples on display. Tucker Clothing Co. 24-111 NOTICE TO TOBACCO You can get old newspapers to pack your cured tobacco on for 10c per bundle at the Dispatcli Office. 7-ts SUIT SPECIALS—' THURSDAY, FRl day and Saturday, Stylpius and other good makes at $5.95 size; 3d to 39. See our windows. Geo. A. Rose Sons Co. ’ 24-lti INSPIRING OPPORTUNTTIES~ARE being created as the new eia of sound prosperity advances. The best opportunities will go to those who are equipped with adequate practical training. The Henderson Business School offers a thorough business (training. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FCP. ' rent —suitable for light hem; Hr.;,, mg. Across street from highs:':!. Fthofne 896. Mrs. W. R. Souther land. I 2 4-2 ti. FOR HEMSTITCHING, PICOTING, dress making, suits, ladies coats. Everything made to measure. Satis faction guaranteed. See Estelle Wal ston. E. G. Davis and Sons Store. Phone 141. Mond-Fri-tf NOTICE— APPLES FOR SALE, Stark’s delicious and several ether varieties at 50c per bushel at my orchard. Also a few nice peais and one molasses evaporator for sale. G. W. Eaves, Phone 3704, 24-lti HAAS AND STETSON D. SUITS made to your measure $19.50 and up. Will appreciate a part of your busi ness. D. Renn Hale, 17 years experi ence, now with Geo. A. Rose Sons Co. "Always at Your Service.” 24-lti VISIT “THE PLACE OF VALUES ’ for well buckets, well chain, Kelley axes, cow chains, binders twine, window glass, garage track and hinges, auto paint, roll roofing, veneer boards, lattice and lath died lumber. Alex. S. Watkins. 24-lti GROCERY STORES, FISH DEAL ers and others can save money on their wrapping paper by buying old papers for 10c -per -bundle at the Dispatch office. Also fine for kindling fires. Everyone must tmve a trace- -why cot make yours PRINTING. The Printing Industry offers excemumal wages. In struction available, Monotype, keyboard uid caster, linotype, Hand composition »n<l Presswork on modern presses. Fat ♦ull Information write the SUUHERN SCHOOL OF PRINTING at 15H K 'tooth St., Nashville. Term NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTO MOBILE SEIZED IN TIIE ACT OF TRANSPORTING LIQUOR Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned sheriff of Vance County, by Authority of law, will on the 11th day of September, 1933, at the courthouse idoor in Henderson, N. C., at 12 o clock on said day, offer for sale by pub:,c Auction for cash. One Ford Roadster, 1929, Model, Motor No. A-2582362, N. C. License number 406891. This car was taken from the P G '" session of Melvin Smith, while in the 'act of transporting liquor, and by & judgment of the court has been o. dered confiscated and sold. This 23rd day of August, 1933. J. E. HAM LETT. Sheriff of Vance County.^ EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. Having qualified as Executors of 1 ie Estate of W. S. Parker, descased, ate of Vance County, North Carolina. is to notify all persons having cla.m against the estate of said deceased u exhibit them to the undersigned m Henderson, N. C. on or before te 28th day of July, 1934. or this notic- Will be pleaded in bar of 'lieu re , covery. All persons indebted to estate will please make immedia payment. S. T. PEACE. SCOTT P. PARHAM. Executors of W. S. Patke. This 26th day of July, 1933. Perry and Kittrell, Attys Henderson, N. C. 1 .-'C *