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former Henderson Man Has Developed New Type Cotton £ G. Rowland, Sumpter, S. €. # Banker, Growing Five- Lock 801 l Instead of Four-Lock Kind; May Revolu. tionize Culture of South’s Money Crop C G. Rowland, Sumter, S. C., bank er who has recently developed a new of cotton in <he form of a five kvk boll, instead of the usual four lock boll, is a former resident of this city alu i i.s remembered by the older citizns. The Sumter Daily Item last Friday carried a lengthy article in description of the new type of cotton. That article follows: Like a romance is the story of the development of a new type of cotton, which will probably in time supercede ail of the old. or present, varieties, be cause with the same amount of fer tilizer and work it yields about a third jnore than ordinary style, sufficient to mean success or failure in these days when the generally accepted theory i 3 that cotton farming does not pay the farmer. The n?w type of cotton has five jocks to the boll, instead of the usual four locks, and is an early and blight - proof variety. It has been developed by C. G. Rowland of this city, who has been working on the selection and de velopment of it for five or six years and now has it brought to a stage where the seed can be used on a limit ed commercial scale. Bellieving the old maximum of El bert Hubbard that “One who makes two blades of grass grow where one giew before is a benefactor of hu manity," Mr. Rowland, president of National Bank of South Carolina of ihis city and one of the most success ful practical farmers in this county, started with an idea which he has gradually developed with pains-taking skill and perseverance. One day about six years ago while walking through his cotton field he hapuened to no tice where the cotton picker had gath ered the cotton from a bolL of five separate locks. He looked at the empty pod and then sought to gather an open boll with five locks in it. He found this somewhat difficult, but finally succeeded in finding one. Mr. Row land, being a banker, must be prac tical. He is also practical in his farm ing and a practical idea struck him. If cotton could be raised having five leeks, instead of the usual four it would save work, fertilizer, space— and that would mean more successful ccttcn raising. 1 With this idea In mind Mr. Row land searched the cotton field over and when tver he found a five-lock boll, he nabbed tt. A premium was given pickers who would bring in j five-lock bolls, so at the end of the season quite a number of the bolls had been gathered. Here developed a dif ficulty which one not so persevering as Mr. Rowland would not have over come, separating lint and seed. Dur ing the winter months at night when Mr. Rowland and member’s of his fa mily sat by their fireside they slowly and painstakingly picked out the seed by hand, a system relegated to the past whn Eli Whitney inventd the cotton gin way back in 1793. The next year these seed were planted separatly and carefully ten ded. When cotton picking time came again the five-lock bolls were picked and stored away In the barn until the picking season was over and again the seed were carefully picked by hand. The next year and the next the same process was gone over. Each y;ar Mr. Rowland was careful to gather only the five-lock bolls from plants which were gradually develop ing the five-lcck type aimed at. This year Mr. Rowland had suf ficient seed to plant fifty acres of his ?now Hill Plantation in the five-lock type cotton. The cotton is an early vatitty ana ever a hale to the acre was already developed before boll weevils became numerous enough to do any serious damage. The cotton is a wilt-resistant type, which is another strong point in its favor. Now pickers ate going through the field, where an average of eighty-five per ent of the boils are of the five-lock cotton type. The bolls are larger and fluffier than] ordinary cotton. The . pickera, been given strict 'gath er only the bolls with' five locks. Mr. Rowland expeqta tb gather between forty and fifty bales of this type cot ton from the fifty acres. Hater on the pickers will go back over the field and gather the remaining bolls, with probably ten or fifteen bales more coming in from that picking. The pickers of the five-lock bolls are given a premium for picking, as they have to be very careful of what they pick- Careful watch is kept and if a. picker gathers one of the four-lock bolls five-lock cotton, he, or she, is at onee sent to the fields of ordinary cottoit. Os course this pick d freom th filed will be kept separat ed from all other cotton and ginned separately, with careful attention to Quick Relief for Chills and Fever and Other Effects of Malarial Don’t put up with the suffering of Malaria — the teeth-chatterlng chills and ihe burning fever. Get rid of Malaria by getting the infection out of your system. That’s what Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic does —destroys and drives out the infection. At the same time, it builds up your system against further attack. drove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic con tains tasteless quinine which kills the infection in the blood. It also con tains iron which builds up the blood and helps it overcome the effects of Malaria as well as fortify against re infection. These are the effects you want for COMPLETE relief. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic is pleasant to take and absolutely safe, even for children. No bitter taste of quinine. Ltt a bottle today and be forearmed Mrainst Malaria. For aale at all •tores.— Adv. . , 4j , see that the seed are not mixed with •any ordinary cotton seed Recently as a test Mr. Rowland gathered seventy-five bolls of his five lock cotton and his overseer gathered the same number of bolls of the four lock, or common, variety of cotton. The cotton was picked out and weigh ed. The five-lock variety weighed 23 5 obnees and the four-lock cotton weighed 17.5 ounces. (Generally seven ty-five bolls of cotton will weigh a pound). This shows the five lock cot ton weighed approximately thirty per cent more than the ednmon variety of cotton, indicating a bigger and bet ter lock. ‘‘Now,’ says Mr. Rowland: “You can readily see? the great practical ad vantage of the five-lock staple over the four-lock staple. Since the same amount of fertilizer must be used and the cotton given the same amount of work, a cotton which is blight-proof early and which yields thirty per cent more in weight, would be of tremen dous advantage to the grower in these times of keen competition.” Mr. Rowland, naturally, is very enthusiastic over his development and ibelieves it will prove a boom of in estimable value to southern farmrs. Os course he realizes it will mean pro fit to himself, but at the prsent time is more interested i nthe new type of cotton being developed as the sal vation of the farmer. Maxwell Passed Powers To Noble (Continued trom T*age One.? with designation as executive assistant commissioner.” It is generally agreed, of course, that Governor Ehringhaus recommen ded the appointment of Dr. Noble to this position and that he be given full authority to deal with “organiza tion responsibilties.” But this state ment by Commissioner Maxwell un doubtedly tends to show that Dr. Noble has full authority with regard to organization matters and personnel and to issue any statements pertain taining to these matters without need ing any accompanying statement from him as commissioner of revenue. The question as to who was really head of the revenue department, Max well or Noble, has been raised recent ly as the result of the statement is sued several days ago by Noble re vealing that certain irregularities in the accounts of some employes had been discovered, with no accompany ing statement by Maxwell. U. S. Employment Funds Available (Continued rrotn PMre one.? it,” Fletcher said. “One of the pur poses of my trip to Washington was to see if there was any possibility of get ting any of this money without the State having to match it. But that seems to be out of the question. So the only thing for us to do now is to nnd some way of getting the neces sary 25 per cent of this amount.” About the only encouraging feature is that, if any cities an dtowns will put up any money for employment of fices, these amounts will be regarded the same &s if put by the State. So if a sufficient number of cities and towns will cooperate in this work, it will be possible to get a substantial portion of the $29,040 allocated to the Stat. 9 under the Wagner bill, Fletcher said. Banker of Shelby Is President ... T' (Continued rrom Page One.) shoiild become “its own financier.” mation given me indicates that ap proximately $33,000,000 of North Caro lina money is now on deposit in New Summary Os Uniform Annual Budget Estimate Os Vance County, North Carolina ' ' ' - ... f For The Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1933 and Ending June 30, 1934 Published in Compliance witb Requirement of the “County Fiscal Control Act.”—Sec. 7, Ch. 146, P. L., 1927 Column 1 Column 2 •. , Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 - . ' •' ' | Estimate of FUND Estimate of (Col. 1 less Col 2.) Uncollectible (Col. 3, plus Col. 4) Estimate Estimate of Tax Rate 1 Total Revenue to Be Tax Levy Taxes, Commis- Total of Property Tax Rate of Last • ‘ Budget Available', other to Balance sions on Collections Amound of Valuation on SIOO Preceding , , Tr , +• <ti a nnA nnA nn Requirements than , Buddget and Tax Tax Levy Valuation Levy » Estimated Valuation $16,000,000.00 Tax . Payers’ Discount \ ' * ■. ■■ i. SIXtGOB County Debt Serviee —Exclusive of Schools .. Hi,317.87 . $ 4,185.00 $37,132 87 $39,681.80 Million \ .13 General Cmintv Fund 32,381.72 10.425.00 21,906.i2 2,042.12 23,998.84 Do .15 > .lo Poor Fund 17,634.70 380.00 17,254.70 954.14 18,208.84 Do .12 .05 Health Fund .‘.V .V. V. 6,500.00 50.00 6,450.00 359.38 6,809.38 Do -04 Total $97,834.29 $15,040.00 j $82,794.29 $5,904.57 $88,698.86 Do .56 .40 SPECIAL TOWNSHIP LEVY: T ownsville Railroad Bonds Estimated Valuation Townsville Township $4- r >0,000.00 Townsville Railroad Bond Fnnd 57,423.75 None $7,423.75 $300.00 $7,723.75 $450,000.00 $1.73 $1.42 To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Vance County, N.<C. , - ' r 1 ;C r August 22, 1933 Gentlemen: T v .' v 1 The ahnve fi<mre«? refleot the needs of the various functions of government of our County for the year commencing'July Ist, 1933 and ending June 30th, 1934. These are purely estimates and are i VV nn nTI valuation of $16,000,000. 00 for the County as a whole. The 40c rate for 1932 was based upon an estimated valuation of $17,500,000.00. based upon an estimated vaiuauon u Respectfully submitted, , * G. W. ADAMS, • ‘ County Accountant, Vance County, N. C. (N.CJ BAE.T DISPATCH, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1§33 York banks in the form of general under’W % U i d is e drawin g no interest under the Glass-Steagall bill "The utilization of only a sma!l part Os these cash reserves in New York would take the State of North Caro lina out ol the borrowing market i n New York,’ he said pointing out that metropolitan banks still hold $4,682 160 in State short term notes. Calling for a “larger sympathy” to ward the State government, Governor Ehringhaus declared “its officers are not a group of fattening political para sites, but are giving their brains, their heart and their best energies in a manifest effort to solve the problems which press upon them. ‘‘Are they not entitled at least to the presumption that their acts are canrolled by an integrity of motive, and are not the results of sinister schemes and suggestions?” Big Stores At Odds On Price Rule (Continued trom Page one.) cost, plus ten percent, then they may logically iaise the margin to 15 per cent, 25 percent or even higher per centages.” The adoption of such a pfinriple,” he said, “will not increase consumption nor build purchasing power. It will choke the free flow of commerce and strength volume. Price-fixing agree ments between manufacturers and re tailers have heretofore been held il legal.” Namm said that without the Re covery Administration’s approval of the fair practices section of the code, ‘‘we cannot continue in business un der the increased labor cost made nec essary by the new deal.” Sheriff Liberates Eleven Negroes In Attack Case (Continued irom Page One.) he would take the girl later in the day to Wake Forest to view a Negro sus pect being held there and then to Ra leigh to see several other Negroes held there in connection with the case. He said an intensive investigation into the case was being continued. The attack on the child occurred about 4 or 5 o’clock Wlednsday after noon when she went to the lot to feed her father’s hogs. As she was em ptying a pail of swill into the peri, she said two Negroes appeared from a hiding and asked her if her father had any money in the house. She told them she did not know, whereupon they grabbed her, and started off to the woods with her. She said they gaged her and one of them struck her in the abdomen, a blow which is sup posed to have rendered her uncon scious. Her parents were in Hender son at the time, and only a couple of smaller children in the family were at her home at the time. When her par ents returned and missed her, a search was started. After som time, she had partially regained conscious ness, and, heaping calls (from her father, she answerd as she was ap proaching- the home of a farmer on a neighboring farm. She was unable to tell everything about the affair at that time, being in a dazed condition, and was brought here for hospital treatment. Crowd Gathers at Scene. The attack was reported to officers shortly after nightfall, and reports of the crime spread rapidly. In a short while several hundred men had gath ered in tne vicinity of the Van Dyke home, and officers began scouring the neighborhood, and during the night and early today’- an even dozen Ne groes were rounded up in that section and in Henderson. Bloodhounds were summoned from Enfield, and passed through Hender son at 11:30 o’clock last night, ar riving at the scene just before mid night. Because so many tracks had been marie in the vicinity of the spot where the attack had occurred, it was found impossible for the dogs to pick up a trail, and they were sent back to Enfie'.d early today without ever being used at all. Mob Was Calm. Sheriff Hamlett said the mob that gathered was calm, and, even though many were reported to be armed, there was no pronounced show of probable violence. He said every cooperation was Shown to the officers in their search, and this was appreciated. Most cf the crowd that gathred dispersed and returned to their homes sometime after midnight when it Appeared un likely that ihe dogs would be used. Physicians were unable to determine definitely by what means the cuts on tohe left arm and left leg were mace, but inclined to the idea that a knife was used. Stitches were required to close the wound on the arm. The child was reported to have screamed when the two Negroes grab bd her at the hogpen, and they are said to have told her they would kill her unless she desisted. She could not explain how she received the cuts, and could not say what happened after she rceived the blow in the abdomen, nor why the two men ran away. Seven of the Negroes taken into cus tody were believed to be Vance county Master Service City Service Serve-All Service Station Station Station S. Garnett St.., Phone 94 S. William St., 1 Phone 756 N. William St., Phone 663 } riieri and four from Granville. Immediately after the report to • them, officers notified the authorities j in all surroutidng sections, and the corralling cf the Negroes at Wake Forest and in Raleigh resulted. The child unable to give a close de scription of the tw T o men, other than to say one was a tall dark Negro wearng overalls and the other a rath er short, chunky man wearing brown trousers. Several Reports Heard. I One report was that two Negros ap peased at the Van Dyke home in mid afternoon and asked for work, but i were turned sway. Another report! later in the night was that two Ne-' goes fitting the descriptions given had been accosted on the national high-' I why a. mile south of the city and 1 near the American Tourist Camp, and | that one of them was fired upon and ! injured, but an investigation yielded no trace cf any injured man. Miss Van Dyke, after being discharg ed from the hospital, today, was ablo to return to her home, and prepared to accompany officers to Wake For est and Raleigh later in the day to view the suspects being held in these two places. After the report was broadcast, Sheriff Spivey and a deputy from Franklin county came here and joined in the search, as did also Chief of Police Jackson of Oxford. The report was given to county of j ficers jttsc as Sheriff Ha.ii.lett arrived 1 in town from Hickory, where he had PAGE THREE ! been for two days attending the- State convention of the Junior Order. He at once joined the search and took com mand of the investigation and man hunt, which he and his deputies and others were pressing vigorously todiiy. Silage To Feed 16 Cows. Lenior, Aug. 22.—George- Laxton of Ilia Kings Creek community, Cald well county, will cut enough.silage this year to feed sixteen cows for a period of 156. days, reports. County Agent D. H. Sutton. This silage . will. be stored iin a trench silo 60 feet long, six and one-half feet deep and seven and onel half feet wide. Fisherman on the Danube hang little bells to their nets to attract the fish.