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PAGE TWO END / jfj ~ MOVIE STARS THREATEN STRIKE ’ g*‘ . ** J<!H w®<?, BK&i *•.'■•* . '\ ' A. .a,, v- ~ '•' / s M^yA ‘ 7ft^ ’■' : *■ ' ■»«>• t H|§Og£^vi .•* '. tLIc Is2BßhS| j : ’|fjp Threats of a strike among movie actors and actresses in the event the proposed motion picture code andei Consideration in Washing ton provides for a salary fixing board have been hurled by Eddie Cantor, inset, president of the Screen Actors’ Guild. The warn ing followed the revelation that BIG SISTER Patience, Donnie By LES FORGRAVE AWFOR |wE-eLL/YOO KiEEOVYT PkCLT LAKE A Y&y CALM 00\NM) QOIT f NMCv-PsL. . \NVLO G.CJT TO C./vA J VOUR "SQOANUVOVJ! f HORRV OP. W, OELVNER. *T\AE*Sfe. S' VOENE GOT LOT'S \ I N»AViTA GO ToT2_KivP*s> "CWTEP OP jPttt , \3q tv\at n\a*o y c !lf:- ■"—'' Y\ ....GOT ; I |H i ;\ '■’ ‘ JbP ' , nSEs g^^^^^i V . ~ KOs>o "CHEKA } CONxEI. I*A GtTTVKiCb V VE^SyR.^M'E- SEEW As LOOKANI' \}l . ' V<lV\o/\ COR.OOS KAVStLC- A PER. VE, AKl’ TK\ ALA- “SET. ]{j7nT TO SEE sMWAT T’S LETS JUST itf/'V 77T GO'W&TOBE, ) *k OOT WERE TO r . ' A Il?V£k —tTTT^T^^N =Fj w 'Ws> </ £ RV | ,—r - i**tmxnW-\:"' ae J ; eoWrrUhL 15:!",, by Central Fress Association, Inc. ETTA KETT p'- Taking Ways By PAUL ROBINSON, - AW SM/fMIE -| NOtiJIMO DOING-,rs BflA Sos AIL SItAMED up I I if SAIO SHE WAS A-T&UE FRIEND- M T <HimC lIL READ I _ ill III! l/ff> PLEASE. LET <HE ONLM ONE !‘\(E Gon" VNVAEM 1 PE AD HER. HorSo SCOPE SV*EJS.f MILO » if AGAilkl -f- X y\OLH rM< ME MAVJE fHAr r JitjSSl If Oo GOOD IfSUtfE. \N AS BUT" ’ • Tife MpEßEyb fcO* ALAND DEMOTED." t ' *SHES TAKEN P THE GUMPS—TOWNSEND ZANDER— CUR S E S ON YOU - '■ ■ " 1 ' %■' »•« *'""■* I — ' . - —>Mri " ■■■ \f OW - • HOPE THE Vs ZANDER / ''il /"NOY4 I REMEMBER, NOW it) I I TOVNNSEND ZANDER- HE'S THE MAN WHO SLOfaGED^V <J£% THROUGH POUCH CATCH /( 2AMDER ! } ( ALL COMES BACK TO ME - / AAV CHAUFFEUR- DRESSED IN HIS CLOTHES AND TRICKED )' MANY PITIFUL THAT DREADFUL. (J thaJ"'S THE NAME. 1 ( , £® . A . C j L ' OUP s' ME- BOUND ME AND DRAGGED ME INTO THE WOODS- / HOURS, SUFFERING MAH - TVIAT I.TOWWSEND ZANDER l STOLE THE MILUON DOLLARS WORTH OF DIAMONDS J A^S L -SS^5 L A ThXtpiEND' i V f i LEGGY 'w WPZAMOEE-) V™WP^ END V(i V M ° ofk I PI V MIU.IE- AND THEN DOPED ME AND TRIED TO A'//, °T^p S CRUFI' —l > VfiL JvV 01 pi jj Mfe TO A HIDEOUS- DE/CTH-* AND YOUjhyv///, iHfe *BfflJßr fSSSw IS LEAVING BIMS EfES-j <<Wf s' Rcg w HJSNDERSON, (N.C.) DAILY DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18,1933 H President Roosevelt tiad ordered an investigation into the high sal aries of the movie stars. Frederic March, left; Ann Harding, and Adolphe Menjou, three prominent stars of the movies, are pictured a; they attended a session of the guild in Hollywood to consider the code. Aoah Numskull <**"*%! / ***** 1 7tt AH^ i 1 s?l^Vv ttCSL. PEAR W3Art= WHAT So _ R T OR A KEEPS TR£f QfeouNDS For. Divorce r/ press mckinney, _ MARLOW,, OKLAHOMA , DEAR NoAH —)F \ Kept MY MONEY /N AN ELECTRIC. REFRIGERATOR, WOULD IT BECOME A FROZEN ASSET 5* MRS S.M BETTS, OHIO, | SEND Vooß. NUMSKUI.UON I notions to PBAR QUO NOAH /OHfEMJE You’D "BeTTefL \ /- L ca*a hwl Youa wNce 1 woo^e. 1 •Dowklowh j c r c^aS° ,M V ‘ jpPflTajft. THE OLD HOME TOWN ftegtstered tT. S. Patent Office By STANLEY ■Hi (| cant see \ rvjiLusii) (^P-mr| ZT (sCTYM 9^AI SOMrmiN V ( CUEANINC r ZZJ ! E \7IS DONE ( \UP MV CLOTHES IT 'c RI^HT-IT .Hat once’J l RISHT HOW! ,1 \ v!5 AN> ' S/ V a J S YOU CAN SEE p . ' _■ f sa&y », | l TROUT DRIVE BY vIUSTAS HE WAS t ' I^g ; pleading with the town council ; TO DO SOMETON<9 ABOUT PAVING ! HASN'T* STREET <g) 1933 Lee W. Stanley Centra! Press S' 10-18-B'i SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. Scott > ■ $ «■■■■» ■ ■ '■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■i. ■!.,■, . ,■■■ ■■■ —■■ ■■■—■■ ■■ 11 ■■ ■ ■■■! n i ■■—■■■■■■■—■ ■■■■■———l Nor HAVINQ <HE POWER. CRAB 4a<CLIM&S ,cocomu< 'fßees \m search KAd ABAS , A<RIBE. oP oF -THE ROBBER ORAB Indians livinc in Colombia ,s.A. f rT \s said that one nip BELIEVE <fIAT WHEN <HEIR SHAMAN. ! OF Powerful ForecLAWS or Holy man wears a mask and will break a man’s arm beat's a drum he becomes agod Copyright, 1933, by Central Preaa Asaociation. lac. 10- f 0 Dispatch WANT ADS Get Results MISS LIZZIE BUR WELL \Vtt have home-made cakes and cock for sale, every Saturday a t -t Fireside Gift Shop’ on " OxL Roe.d, opening October 21 s -2(1 SHEET IRON HEATERS LOW~7 $1.29 at “The Place of Va 7 Stove pipe at 15c, grates, damn,' and collars. Alex. S. Watkins, WILL 81. Y: $5000.00 Bends; $5000.00 Vance A’ * N Bonds; 100 Shares Rose stock Shares Henderson Cotton Mills \ J ' J sell. $4 f 'oo.oo Oxford Bonds- Slorot State North Carolina. s*-e ’ A vy Peace, Oxford N. C. ' le ’ iO'-'tl LADIES SOLES CEMENTED~ T'lf. new way. No nails, no sewing. Sol,, and lifts SI.OO. Try it, you’ll lik e ■! Baker’s Shoe Repair, We deliver phone 9119. 2 5- t s TO BE WELL “HATTED well dressed. See our new fall Stetsons $5.00. Trimble $3.95 Geo. A. Hose and Sons Co. 18-1 t i BUILDING MATERIALS aITd paints for every need at “The Pi ac? of Values.” Alex S. Watkins “Where quality telLs and prices Sell.” I 18-ts WANTED 5OO PEOPLE, OLD or young, to come to Epsom Community Fair Thursday night 7:30 to see play ‘‘The Girl in the Fur Coat.” 18-2 t FOR SALII;—SEED RYE $1 per bushel, seed oats, 75c bushel; crim son clover, $5.90 bushel; hairy vetch $6.50 bushel. See us for low cash prices on field seeds, feeds and heavy groceries. Carrington Feed and Seed Co., Oxford, N. C. 18-20 WANTED A PAIR OF COMPUTING scales. Must be in good condition and reasonable in price. A. P. Pas chall. Henderson, N. C. 18-lti STORE FIXTURES WALL and floor glass cases, racks, hang ers, sho? stools, store light fixtures, window shoe mounts, etc. N. B. Thomas. Mon-Wed-ts HOUSES FOR RENT. 5 rooms Rockspring street. 2 Apartments Highland Ave. 1 6 rooms William street. , 7 rooms Granite street. ’ Good locations, rents reasonable. Call 133-J and let me show them to you. AL. B. WiESTER, Agent. mi EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE pairing associated with Stephenson Music Co., Raleigh, will be in Henderson Thursday. Friday, Satur day alia probably first of week if move justifies. Call phone 79. 18-2 ti LET ROSE SUIT YOU. NEW fall suits, $17.50, $22.50 and I $25.00. Real values in over- | coats, $19.50 to $39.50. See our windows. Goo. A. Rose and Sons Co. S-lti NOTICE TO 'TOBACCO FARMERS. You can get old newspapers to pack your cured tobacco on for 10e per bundle at the Dispatch Office. 7-ts GROCERY STOKSS. FISH DEAL ers and o’hers can save money on their wrapping paper by buying old papers for 10c per bundle at the Dispatch office. Also line fu kindling fires. , , 194 f —. y. 'ft §- —• NOTICE OF StJMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In Superior Court ,of ' Vance Count.' Before'The Clerk. State of North Carolina: County of Vance: Henderson Building and Loan Asso ciation, Plaintiff. Vs. Joel T. Cheatham, Receiver Hender son Loan and Real Estate Company. R. S. McCoin, trustee, C. S. Wester, Unmarried Respondents. The defendant. R. S. McCoin, Trustee, will take notice that an ac tion ent’t’ed as above has been com- I menced in the Superior Court of Vance County, North Carolina, for the I removal of said R. S. McCoin as I i Trustee, under that certain Deed of | I Trust, executed by C. S. Wester, un married, dated the 20th day of Feb ruary, 1931, registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance Conn* 1 ty. North Carolina, in Book 145, Pa.? 6 210, said action being for the pur pose of removing said R. S. Coin as trustee and substituting there for a trustee in his name, place and stead in the above mentioned Deed of Trust. The defendant. R. S. Mc- Coin, Trustee, will further take notice that he is required to appe ar at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Vance County, North Caro lina, at his office in the Court House in Henderson, N. C. on the 27’ h day of October, 1933, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action which has been filed in the office o the Clerk of Superior Court of Vane County, North Carolina, or ’he plain tiff will apply to the Court for rebe demanded in said complain’. This the 27th day of September. HENRY PERRY. CTwk of Superior Court of Vance County, North Carolina. Irvine B. Watkins, Attorney for Plaintiff. Tomorrow’s ‘FORGOTTEN MAN’ Stopped His ADVERTISING Last Week