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PAGE TWO Jp NOW ITS UP lg| li|SS|B§l BURNING SONS A plea of guilty has been made by Thomas Roberts, steel worker, in a Justice of the peace court at Bcbrse, Mich., to charges that he burned the hands of his two small sons over a ifltchen stove afftefr he said they had stolen 25 'oente to buy candy. The boys, MG SISTER A New Playfellow By LES FORGRAVE! 'Cue at he. rs bovs '. As loo^.-soviet -Ta*3e v\\wv. vae's),• UTTLE ORPHAVL WVS VAAMIWV 3 DEAD \ G>Evm_H.l‘LL ( O, TV-\E AMOT CAVA LOO*. AFTECt. p '■ <S\.T 'VE A9\ECE [ \ COCC / (1 B'WKrT/W^S^-^: GVVT <3F Rope -so'-s th/ UTT\_E JM WM V..EAO W~~) RA6CAL\I 4/ Wf AsKiO YOO j* ||l wKVST OME Cifc G>\ E*JTLE \M\TVA VAVtA OR VtE'lA. J \SEm' i E'R. MOT! omiL \B|rp? GET emTPvMKEROOS • y \ME -SEie y-AOMO vAE *£> \ Rg^ ■ ; \ — y —X" GOIMCS TO ACT. I T ' i >\fANKS A V / / t <SOETH \ "7 CONAE /W> \ 'J? luOXmr. haxx vtIJ / / MAVBE / dx ,V --i 44 ' 7 — 77 ~ —— *1? '• . - r ;. ' \ ; . ETTA KETT " |*;V : 4 Inside Information , , r SCgfe^ ; f ,L»sirfeN EfrA / fc»VEMEfHA< | UP LLO <WIS IS Etffc 'J r- 1 ' CAMf GEAr it” , , r . M Horoscope book:" if \ . M" J \ '-.HE.N Born Otf _ - J-i-J»— -i * # ~ “ " “' iilit rnt^mmmm-mm ■■>"■■ ■■»■' '»'■ ■> 11 ■■ ■■ ■■■. ■■ 1 ■ ' '■ ■■'■— - 11 - >-■ » 1 * - ■'■■■■ ■■ ■ —■■ ...i i ■■ ■ ■■■■« N imtlmm m ■ —■■ ■— ■■■ ■ ■ '■■ «>■*«!»»—■ ■■ ■ **'*'■ "■ ■■■■ ■■ mi i ■ * *■**■ n - - : . . - - - - - • • -• . ■-. THE GUMPS —SOME DAY I’LL WANDER BACK AGAIN -••• ■ - ,J - - - nir imitr* ■-***“■■*—»—•«■•• . •»■ . ' - . ___. ... . MEMORY ! SOT I MUST GO URNTO S mVERV KINDTO ME,NEUr K f UTTL6 NELL* ®QOEEJ?WeiRAKiPA 't£Z ktStTriPt r /uSci C BMA u MORE KINDNESS / / OW, DON'T 60 AWAY, PLEASE-1 YOU ARE A DEAR HOW f?naS N bSSr \ J vVIwAtL^EvER 0 i l&gR/ ja&^S iMUgsr* ‘Wh**.*** J^Saw^'" - ■ ' i ALTHOOtiM THESE u J*Q£isj2J?l>P 3 j / (^///Z' sssasss? iGBSj&pSF.Ymi J m&r jumjfe ■ s'NMH? tLJmt mf A aaa'ss- jBSFw ■? ? «*k* HENDERSON, (N.C.) DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER i 9 1933 1 Jack, 7, and Wallace, 5, are pic tured bs they Tfhowed their ban daged hands to Chief ~f Police George A. Moore of Ecorse. At his heaping, -'RobeTts said he ad ministered the punishment be cause “they Will remember it longer than It apafnkfng”. .... l Po S ’OO N kvl 1 ) co?r^mi>f a xoT I 'y/s AfSjr | feSpiftis re l Mom Numskull W/y. 77\ PL . , <S> T > VXR MOO'ST f* COLOMVf (\ C y f^i^in^riMiriiriT^^rrrrinii DEAR NOAH =IF Yoil DoNT TH/NK CLOTHES MAKE THE | MAN, DID YoO EVER YTRY 1 WALKING, DOWN “THE j STREET WITHOUT £mT | O. J O'KETEFE , Baltimore, MC, noah = if= Canada AND THE? D.S.-A, Drift APART w»L-L_ T7AAT NECESSITATE rubber. BRIO«SEY.T 1 HiM-LASHER, OTTAWA LAKIE MICH • SEND »N Voilß NLifvVß IDEAS j THE OLD HOME TOWN Registered U. S. Patent 0 files By STANLEY This friends >iust but that knot gjjps; ~ /accidently has all.“the HIM WJITH "THAT HORSE SHOE)OF A CLOSE TAP ( “THEY WISHED HIM /^7“~TVV ..... . u^. .. z Horse shoe dp and down main STREET TWO DATS TO ADD WEIGHT* To HIS ALIBI PoR. “THE BUMP ON HIS HEAD _ g) 1933 Lee W. Stanley Central Press j’ j f SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. Scott j ■■ -" " 11 'Copyright 1933. by C.fttra] ;' « si Ab.oci.tion Inc. " .^—.... SVRANOUSH A ypr VOUMO ARMENIAN qiRL IN THE mr atone: oumivah orphanage near Beirut; I ~ AMMONIA WAS BORN WITHOUT ARMS, BuT IM 'iff// WAS SPI-Te of The HANDICAP HAS ” OBTAINED LEARNED -so WRITE WITH HEFk z FROM <HE. horns of 'The. f COMMON STAG S6 INCHES "The AMERICAN and BriTish STANDARD Yard is a Bar of bronze. wi<H Two gold plugs SeYinTo Holes,one inch from each j me standard vard is The Distance between The-Two gold plugs '• . Dispatch WANT ADS Get Results BUY: $5000.00 8.-ids; $5000.00 Vane- C 0,,. Bonds; 100 Shares Ros- stock Shares Henderson Cotton Mills i °° sell. $4 f, 00.00 Oxford Bonds- State North Carolina, s-c'a V' J Peace, Oxford N. C. '-. LADIES SOLES CEMENTED THP now way. No nails, no s-wing s< i and lifts SI.OO. Try it, you’ll Baker’s Shoe Repair, w- dHu phone 8119. IF YOU WANT T(TsEE SOAi K good exhibits visit the Epsoiu community fair Thursday ami Friday and if you want to so<> the newest in young men's suits, hats and shoes. (’ omo •tSo Geo. A. Rose and Sons Co. SPECIAL- - O v STERS 39cQT. Lamb chons 25c. Pot Roast 2 lh. 20/ Black Hawk Hams 15c. Pender- Market. 19-2 ti BUTT DING MATERIALS AN D paints for every need at “The pi ac , of Valuer.” Alex S. Watkins “Where quality tells and prices Sell.’’ 18-ts PIANO: V\ ANT SOMEONE TO take practically new piano and finish paym-nts on unpa.d balance owing'. Cash or terms, action nt,_e~.=ary. Address Lee Piano C O ., Lynchburg, Va. 19-a.i AVANTED 5OO PEOPLe7oII) or young, to come to Epsom Community Fair Thursday night 7:30 to sec play ‘‘The Girl in the Fur Coat.” 18-2 t. FOR RENT Finsr f- iXIOR APART ment on Horner street, steam heat ed, all modern conveniences. Miss Guseie Blacknall, telephone num ber 658-J. TandT-tf OUR PRICES HAIR CUT 35c SHAVE 20c Children's hair cut, 25c Allen’s Barber Shop. b 26 S. Garm-tt street. Thurs-Fri-ts SPECIALIZING IN MADeTtO measure suits ami overcoats. Tailored by Stelfson “D” and Haas Tailoring Co., of Balti more, Md. Guaranteed fit anrl workmanship. Geo. A. Rose and Sons Co. EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE pairing associated with Stephenson Music Co., Raleigh, will be in , Hendcmcn Thursday. Friday, Satur day anti nrobablv first of week i f ! move justifies. Call phone 79. 18-2 ti ; NOTICE TO -TOBACCO FARMERS. You can get old newspapers to pack your cured tobacco on for 10c per bundle at the Dispatch Office. 7-ts GROCE ft Y STtir.US. FISH DEAD ers and r‘hfir9 can save money on their wrapping paper by buying o’d bapers for 100 per bundlp at th» TVsnatoh office. Also Tine for ktndline flees 19-ts FORECLOSURE SALE. j By virtue of authority contained in j that certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned as trustee by Neal Bennett, Charlie Bennett and wife ; Elizabeth Bennett, on the 27th day of i July 1929 and recorded in book 151 i at page 458 register of d-?eds office ‘ of Vane 0 County, North Carolina, default having bt f n made in the pay ment of the note therein secured, at the request of the Udder of the same, ! I will offer for sale by public auction for cash at th- court house door in Henderson, N. C. on Monday, Novem ber 13th, 1933, the>foUotfrifig described >;•< Ist Tract: It is attract of; acres more or less land lying” on is known Fanny Branch, adjoining the lands formerly belong ing to Wesley Durham and a Mr. WU kerson and being the same land as was conveyed by Willie Burton to Tom and Cora Terry and by A. A. Bunn trustee, see deed of A. A. Bunn, trus tee to Mary L. Bunn book 154 page 83. A’so another tract of land adjoin ing the above containing 22 acres known as the Robert Edwards tract, see dee/i of A. A. Bunn, trustee to Mary L. Bunn, book 154 page 81. Also another tvact. of one acre adjoining the last described tract, see deed of Lucy Malone Durham to A. A. Bunn dated 1 June 3, 1927. 't’he three tracts together I containing 45 1-2 acres more or less. 1 This the 12th day of October, 1933. ) A. A. BUNN, Trustee. I NOTICE OF SALE. | Under and by virtue of an order lof Superior Court of Vance I County, made in the Special Proceed ing entitled Anna Jones Dailey and William Dailey her -husband, Sue Jones Baines and Luther Barnes her husband vs. R. B. Jones, N. H. Jdnes,'O. E. Jones and Gilmer Jones, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 28th day of -October, 1933 at -12 o’clock, noon at the court house door, in Henderson, Vance County. N. C. offer for sale to the highest bid dieir, for cash that, certain tract of lend, lying ana being in Middleburg Town ship, Vance County, adjoining the lands of William Davis and others, and we particularly described as follows: Being -forty acres more or less, bounded by the lands of Rose, J. A. Cooper, estate of Mrs. Ophelia Jones, being tho lands of J. G. Jones, de ceased, as descrlbsld in tfoe office of tihe register of Deeds Os Vance Coun ty in book 8 at page 342, and in book 78 at page 282, to which deeds re ference is here made for more par ticular Gesoription, said land being Khe tract conveyed to J. G. Jones in the division between J. G. Jones and 'Ophelia E. Jones. This 27th day of September, 1933. T. S. KITTRELL. Commissioner.