Unsuspecting of the honor be- j
towed upon him, Tom, 48 pound |
turkey, who is to be presented to ;
President Roosevelt for the i
Thanksgiving Day dinner at the 1
White House. Doses with Miss I
As Roosevelts Visited Premier
Biwy : mSm
&- '>> - y%l j|||
V;< ; ' IHi
Mr. and Mrs, James Roosevelt, son arid daughter-in-law of the President,
pictured as they arrived at 10 Downing Street, London, official residence
of British Premiers, to be guests of honor at a reception given by
members of the British Cabinet. Their host was Premier Ramsay
MacDonald, close friend of the Roosevelt family.
■Central Press]
Diabetes Diet Treatment
Dictated by Individual
jogical ia the treat- |
menj of diabetes, as described from
the Datgre of the disease as dis
cussed In this column yesterday. To
summarize what
was there said:
Essentially di
abetes is an in
ability of the
body to use car
bohydrate food
(starches and
sugars) as It
docs normally.
Actually every
person with dia
betes can use
some *• c'afb'ft hy
drate, rbut.hifit as
much as the nor
mal body, and
not enough.
Logically, then.
Dr. pendenlng
the treatment by
diet would be to give the patient just
as much carbohydrate food as he
can use and no more. And to make
up the deficiency between his power
to utilize carbohydrate and his needs
In other ways.
The first problem for the patient
with diabetes, then. Is to discover
how much carbohydrate he can use
-—the glucose tolerance, as it is
called. If Mr. Smith (aged 55) can
use 150 grams of carbohydrate a day
and little Johnny Jones (aged 8) can
utilize only 40 grams, while Miss
Grace, the Rchool teacher (aged 81).
who recently found she had diabetes,
can utilize 80 grams, and old Grand
ma X has Just a touch of diabetes
in her 72nd year, hut can utilize 200
grams of carbohydrate a day, you
can’t plan the same diet for all of
How are you going to find out? By
going to a doctor. People seem to
think that this advice Is for the bene
fit of the medical profession, but I
can’t see why. The fact Is the doc
tors educate themselves for the
benefit of the people. Certainly when
you’re sick that is the time you need
them. Os all diseases the treatment
of diabetes can best be handled by
the patients themselves, and most
of the treatment of the diabetic Is
Mlf-treatment, but each patient has
Margaret Bowles, of New York
at a Chicago poultry show wher*
he is being exhibited. He is the
product of the Michigan State
Agricultural college at East*
to be started off by a doctor. 1q order
find out wfjat the glucose; toler
ihce is, because each patient '.is.-.dif
After that, a patient with diabetes
should visit a doctor every three
months. All the rest of the treat
ment can be carried out at home by
the patient himself.
It is impossible to set down hard
and fast rules for the diet of a dia
betic because each case is different.
The list given above is a very aver
age one; the tolerance for carbohy
■ kate ranges from 40 to 200 grams,
and the list is in accord with facta
in that the younger the patient, the
more severe the disease is likely to
be:t lower the tolerance.
The dietetic treatment, then, la
quite simple; the patient finds out
what his tolerance is. and then plans
his diet so that it shall contain no
more carbohydrate than he can tol
erate. To do this he must have, at
least at first, a table of food values
and a scale for weighing food. The
food table may be found in any of
the many diabetic manuals published
(the nearest book store Is sure ’-fo
have one; they keep them in stock
just as they do dictionaries), or send
10 cents td this column. The food
scales can be purchased at the hard
ware store.
There are only three little addi
tional hints in planning the diet:
1. The amount of fat must not be
too high. Especially In young dia
betics this may brtpg on coma. How
high must be learned by study.
2. Vegetables ,containing a small
amount (5 per cent) carbohydrate
are better than concentrated starches
and sugars, because they get into the
blood slower.
3. When you can’t get enough to
eat. there’s always Insulin.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Six pamphlets
by Dr. Clendening can now be ob
tained by sending 10 cents in coin, fpr
each, and a self-addressed envelope
stamped with a three-cent stamp,
to Dr. Logan Clendening. in care iOt
this paper. The pamphlets are:
“Indigestion and Constipation,” "Re
ducing and Gaining," “infant Feed
ing,” "Instructions for the Treatment
■ of Diabetes,” "Feminine Hygiene''
1 an d "The Care of the Hair and Skin. - 1
* • T •**(•*•
Physicians , Patients Differ
In Regard to “ Biliousness ,f
YOUR DOCTOR will probably smile
contemptuously if you tell him that
you are bilious. Perhaps even more
•o if you say you are subject to bil
i o u s n es s. Bui
Dr. Clendening
Or if he is a learned man he may
explain that the term “bilious” Is a
survival from the medieval idea of
the disease—the idea that disease was
due to disturbance of the humors of
the body. The humors were four—
blood, bile, . phlegm and choler. If
one of these predominated in a per
sonality. or if someone were subject
to one of them, he was a sanguine,
a bilious, a phlegmatic or a choleric
man. as the case might be. The idea
has persisted In a subconscious way
until quite recent times, as witness
Disraeli's classic simile: “As bilious
as a Bengal general.” But your
learned doctor will explain the Idea
was not sound as an explanation of
disease, and there is no such thing
as biliousness.
Well, what Is the matter with you,
then, you may well ask? You have
certain sensations every once in a
while that you have learned to call
bilious, and that is where you are
Dn solid ground. That is where you
are tighter than the doctor. You
have a right to know what they are.
The difficulty is simply a question of
First, what are these sensations of
/ IHr ~ K M % & *WSPI? \
t# -0'; La, Jmm
* ■
■l iipp mlsm
M. E. Coyle
This photo shows William S.
Knudsen, newly-appointed execu
tive vice president of the General
Motors corporation in charge of
manufacturing, as he is congratu
lated by M. E. Coyle, who suc-
'Old-fash ioned ’'
' Is Applied io St omach Actih
f$)W THAT phrase, old-fashioned
rame to be applied to stomach nches
wptald be hard to discover, but it is
quite appropriate. Stomach aches
V - must have been
and happiness ever since. One of the
newer systems of psychology, indeed,
is based on the idea that all human
behavior can be accounted for by the
operation of two driving forces: the
appetitive-hunger-seeking -drive and
the love-drive, or procreative-drive
• • •
We do not need to embrace this
system ot psychology to realize that
a large part of life has been con
cerned with digestion. Primitive an
imals and young animals are prac
tically all stomach, When anything
untoward—physical or mental —hap-
pens to the organism, this oldest and
most fundamental of all the systems
Is likely to be the first to be upset.
You saw something that made you
sick at your stomach. A wrench of
your arm did the same thing. You
were too worried to eat. Why should
such things be? What connection
has a wrench of the arm and the
stomach? With the vomiting center
in the brain? We say “reflex” in
explanation, but it doesn’t explain
biliousness? Isn't it that there is .a
feeling of sluggishness, a little heavi
ness or throbbing in the head, a sen
sation as if everything be.'ow the
waist had stopped dead, and wasn’t
going to start again until it was weli
prodded. Then just a bit of nausea,
spots before the eyes, and a most de
cided disinclination to do any labor
of any kind, as well as for food.
Certainly people have this group of
sensations, and they are likely to
have them recurrently in spells. That
is why they say they are subject to
And that, I think, Is the clue to
their real nature. For a long time
l. too, laughed at the idea of bilious
ness, and then I began to inquire ,
what my patients meant by it, and i
am certain now that what people
mean when they say they are bilious
is that they have minor attacks of
migraine, or sick headache. It is the
form which should be called abdom
inal migraine.
Sometimes abdominal migraine
may take the form of actual pain so
severe that, as certain physicians
have pointed out, futile abdominal
operations have been resorted to. in
the expectation of finding gallstones
or other organic disease. Most of
the cases of abdominal migraine,
however, take the milder form 1 have
described, without actual pain.
There is a final valuable hint that
has made many people believe alUthe
more strongly in the “bilious” nature
of their complaint—it will disappear
under the tender ministrations of a
little calomel.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Six pamphlets
by Dr. Clendening can now be ob
tained by sending 10 cents in coin, for
each, and a self-addressed envelope
stamped with a three-cent stamp,
to Dr. Logan Clendening, in care ol
this paper. The pamphlets are:
“Indigestion and Constipation." “Re
ducing and Gaining,’’ “Infant Feed
ing.” “Instructions for the Treatment
of Diabetes,” "Feminine Hygiene"
and “The Care of the Hai> and Skin."
really, in an un
ethical aside, let
me say you are
Tighter than
he is.
if he feels like
e x p I a I ning his
smile, he will
probably tell you
that “biliousness”
means the pro
duction of an ex
cess of bile, and
that there Is no
such thing. And
for ail 1 know to
the contrary, he
may be right in
William S. Knudsen
ceeds him as general manager of
the Chevrolet Motor company, on
Knudsen’s first day in his new
post. As a result Knudsen be
comes one of the most prominent
figures in the auto industry.
much. All we know Is that when
the nervous system is flooded with
impulses, the first thing to respond
is this oldest and most sensitive prftirt
of our life.
Through the long vistas of the ages
we can see our sad-eyed ancestors, in
tree top, by seaside, in caves, in the
shallow slime, apprehensively holding
their hands over their aching bellies.
No wonder stomach ache is called
• • •
No wonder, also, that the emotions
play a large part in chronic or re
current abdominal distress. The
more emotional the individual, the
more the tenesmus. There are few
writers, actors, senarlo creators,
painters or musicians of my ac
quaintance who, when the tires of
genius are burning low, do not har
bor a dark apprehension that there
is something radically wrong with
their large intestine.
“Belly aching” is the expressive
phrase we apply to these manifesta
tions In the less exalted members
of the race.
These things are very likely to be
forgotten when we are trying to ex
plain chronic abdominal disease. We
are so accustomed to dealing with
pain in terms of germs and ulcers,
and acids, and calcium, and spasms,
and conduction times, that we forget
that old man self sitting there in the
center of things, endlessly day and
night spinning his shining threads*
for good or evil.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Six pamphlets
by Dr. Clendening can now be ob
tained by sending 10 cents in coin, for
each, and a self-addressed envelops
stamped with a three-cent stamp,
to Dr. Logan Clendening, in care of
this paper. The pamphlets are:
“Indigestion and Constipation.” “Re
ducing and Gaining." “Infant Feed
ing.” “Instructions for the Treatment
of Diabetes.” “Feminine Hygiene”
and “The Care of the Hair and Skin."
among the out
standing features
of life ever 1 since
our sluggish an
cestors crawled
over the slime of
the Silurian seas.
All that a
primitive animal
needs to be suc
cessful is s good
digestive appara
tus and a good
method of repro
duction. An«J the
i m p o r tance of
those two sys
tems has affect
ed human life
read trir first:
Seeking t}ie heart of Stuart Logan,
the "‘catch'-' of the social season at
Trogtca Beach, Lizetta Boyd, plain
looking hut possessed of a certain
charm ' boldly predicts to her four
attract —•? girt friends that she can
•iriti Stuart s lore irithin six months.
Lizetta rapid headway and the
wealthy young Logan becomes much
interested When Pedro, an old
Spaniard and confidante ot Lizetta
is arrested lor receiving stolen jewels,
she enlists Stuart's aid in signing
Pedros bona. Then the old Spaniard
mysteriously disappears. Mari o n,
one ot Lizetta s friends, does her
utmost to win Stuart for herself
when Terrance Witliington, a titled
Englishman and old family friend,
arrives at the beach to see Lizetta.
She even tells Stuart that Lizetta is
engaged to marry Lord Witliington.
Stuart s attitude then changes to
ward the heroine. Lizetta learns of
HI arion's falsehood from Patricia,
another friend. As soon as Patricia
tells Stuas-t that Lizetta is not en
gaged to Lord Witliington, young
Logan deserts Marion at a dinner
party and goes in search ot Lizetta.
He finds her down the beach. Stuart
and Lizetta avoid the party and
walk by themselves along the pier,
then slight misunderstanding com
fl etety erased
Into divers subjects, as it had be
come their habit to do before this
long day of separation, and they’
yvere oblivious of the passing of time.
Faintly, the melody from a distant
orchestra floated out to them. “How
deep is the ocean, how high is the
Eky?” it sighed plaintively.
"Those are big questions to an
swer. aren’t they?” Stuart observed.
“They represent aii the unanswerable
questions of the universe."
“There is so much that we don’t
fcnow.” Lizetta agreed.
“Yes. we little humans take credit
to ourselves for knowing a lot. and
we haven’t started to learn. And
perhaps half of what we think we
know is wrong. Every generation or
so. a few great thinkers prove that
some of the discoveries of the last
generation were all wrong, and we
have just as many puzzles to solve
ys we had before.”
“Tlifcii we don’t progress very fast.
llifiiii | jjfi: jdMfcP ••
NfeW SPAPERS are an in-par- Itfjsik on a
tant factor in the progress of weekly credit fiisicus
the world, supplying all of the tomers. His profits for the service 1
news, from at home and abroad to that he renders are small, yet many
every interested person at a neg- of these boys, by thrifty manage
ligible cost. The service which ment, are paying their way through
•?. they render has come to be taken school with their earnings and at
more or less for granted, but there the same time putting something
is one factor that is deserving of away for the future,
your attention and consideration.
, / A r ,, your carrier boy in the
The carrier boy he is forming
newspaper daily, regardless of by paying regularly, for the
weather or other interfering’ service that he is rendering you.
forces, is the principal link be
tween the publisher and the read
er. It is through his enterprise
and industry that you are able to JfPfl
enjoy the convenient service that • i[ ll
characterizes newspaper delivery.
This young man in most cases is v
not a newspaper employee. He is. h/f
an independent young merchant,
buying and paying for his papers
Dispatch Advertising Pays
even in tola century or progr**s.
“Not as compared with the distance
we have to go. Sometimes, it takes
a whale of a long time to correct an
error that science has established
so solidly that we don't* want to
break loose from the Idea. Take for.
instance, the theory that the earth is
a huge body of matter cast off into
space from a larger body and re
volving rapidly with its reserve of
momentum, while it cools gradually
from the outside. And that the cen
ter of it is still a raging fire. That
idea doesn’t conform with the per
fection of law and order which is
evident in the rest of the scheme.”
“What do you think about it?”
Lizetta waited eagerly for his reply.
It was ecstasy to have him again
in this mood of his which she loved
“Why. I think the universe is as
perfectly and marvelously planned as
the order of life and death. Its law
carries through into the most impor
tant mechanical principles we know.
Tt is only that man has just recently
discovered those laws, and even yet
understands very little about them
“1 believe the universe is tike a
huge dynamo, with theNsun a mag
net in the center which attracts the
planets that are spaced at- regular
intervals around it. The electrical
attraction is balanced so that they
cannot fly into the sun as they re
volve. for they are repelled at the
same time they are attracted, because
magnetism generates electricity and
electricity generates magnetism. The
two are so perfectly balanced that
they maintain their relative positions
through aeons of time. Else why
are the planets spaced as they are
in relation to the sun? One of the
best proofs of this theory is that the
recent discovery of a new planet
completed the perfect arrangement of
the planets in relation to the sun.”
Awed by the immensity of that
universe of which he talked, by the
vastness of the heaving sea which
stretched into the void of darkness
before them, and by the more tangi
ble reality of his presence. Lizetta
listened to his resonant voice in a
kind of rapture. Being with him
again was like finding a treasure
which had been lost. She must guard
against losing it again, surely, for she
knew now that it was indescribably
precious to her.
She neececl to study this mar* c. >,
fully to understand him. 8 )n u- ll i n
wore won by flattery. Others were
best attracted by opposition and in
difference. But Stuart needed
tery. All his life he had been * tU ..
custGmed to adoration and com ,fi
ance with his wishes Bui she, would
not give him the kind ot flatten
which other women had She would
not betray her attraction to hj m
the method of surrender which many
girls used. She would not cater m
his physical vanities. Bat she had
.found something new in him to ad
mire and humor, which others had
ignored—his opinions and judgment
He possessed another weakness mn
vanity — and to its appreciation s.,e
discovered that he was even m.,iv>
responsive Nothing seemed
please him more than for her t«, i,&.
ten with respect and rapture to
profound theories of physics and , 1 >.
Ana because these discussions pro
moted an intimacy of understanding,
it followed naturally that their per
sonal relations were affected hv the
mood. If her sympathetic attitude
gratified him. he realized that she
was a comfortable companion And
there is nothing more gratifying to a
man’s happiness, than a woman with
whom he is always comfo -table.
He may delude himself at times
and believe that be is fascinated hv
a woman who keeps him guessing,
or that he admires the strong
minded woman who opposes him: but
if he marries one of them, nine times
out of ten he regrets it until the day
he knows exactly how much alimony
is required of him for the rest of bis
life. But the woman who provides
h ; m utter and constant comfort, both
mental and physical, is the wonv.n
who insures his life-long happiness.
And wise is the man who allows no
other false promise to entice him.
Os course. Stuart was not aw: —e
that he was making these mental de
ductions. He only knew that Lizetta
was the most comfortable companion
he ever had known, that ft was like
another quaff of cool water In the
desert to be with her again, and that
he was tremendously grateful that
she was not already engaged to mar
ry Lord Witliington. That fact
seemed to relieve the tension of the
hostile attitude which he had held
that day toward all England.