OCR Interpretation

Henderson daily dispatch. (Henderson, N.C.) 1914-1995, October 20, 1933, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068401/1933-10-20/ed-1/seq-8/

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On Paving
State Highway Crew
Here Preparing For
Big Construction;
Surveys of the paving; that is to
be done in this city by grants from
the Federal good roads funds under
the national recovery program have
been started in this city by the State
Kifchway Commission, and a corps of
engineers are now quartered (here for
the purpose of assembling exact data
for the work.
The first portion of the work to be
undertaken is the l>nk
paralleling the Southern Railroad
t acks In the western part of the city
£t. a point to connect the H-ndtrson-
Cxford highway, from the turn at the
3 [arris residences across to the Ra
leigh road, known as Federal Route
*1 and Stale Route 50.
The entire distance of Henderson’s
joain street within the city limits is
to be re-paved as a part of the pro
gram. That is a distance of nearly
itwo mile* and all of it but a, few hun
dred yards on the southern end is part
c f Route 1. That short s^rip,-however,
i.s a portion of another trunk line
J Igthway to Oxford and Durham.
Th: local project already have been
r >proved by the State Highway Cotxl
j- ission and is now in Washington
f:t approval by the Federal govern
ment. Money for the work is to come
from No:th Carolina’s allotment of
nearly ten million dollars from the
pood roads appropriation of the gov
ernment for furnishing employment.
Just wh< n work will get under way
is not certain, but bids are exepct.ed)
to be called for as soon as approval
1j given in Washington and the sur
vey of the engineers has been com
pleted here.
Two Minor Cases
Before Recorder
During Forenoon
Two case 1 ; of m’nor importance
' 'Cre tried by Recorder R. E. CT.e.
9 cents in county court today.
Judgment was suspended on pay
ment of. the costs for Fred White
cdcrsd charged with being drunk.
, L'zz.A Wll’ams and Mary Porry
cclorci charged wit'h the theft of a
'a dress and sortie money from
Putnam the value of the arti.
<l?3 given as s2o.’ Mary Perry was
discharged but L’zzie Williams was
tfdven 60 days in commitment inot
t» issue on payment of the costs on
|< ndltion cf good behavir for two
I t ars. 1 ■ '“.'li
... PHOTO plays
The Perfect Sound Theatre
Added Comedy
Admission 11c Including State Tax
Rex Bell in
“Fighting Texan’’
Chapter No. 3 “Lost Special"’
Coming Next Wednesday,
October 25
Return Engagement
Vaudeville’s Smart Revue
MOON 11c I
Default having been mad ; in the
'payment of that bond secured by that
d'id of trust dated the Bth day of
Marcu, lf*3(>, recorded in the Regis
ter of Deeds’ office, Vance County,
N, C., in Book i. 13, pngt 444, execut
ed by E. G. Dorsey and wife, Harland
J. Dorsey and at the request of the
holder thereof the undersigned Trus
tee will offer for sale and sell to the
"highest binder for cash at the Court
house door In Henderson, N. C. on
"Thursday. November 14. 11)33 at 12
o’clock midday, the following describ
ed property:
Begin at E. V. Butin’s corner (for
rasrly Highland Homo Realty Com
pany) on Young Avenuie and run
mence S. 81 degrees E. 170 ft. to a
r ak- in W. M. Young’s line; thence
k>. 31 degrees E. 85 ft. to McMillan’s
corner; thence N. 61 degrees E. about
367 ft. to McMillan’:! corner on
Yeung A/enue; thence N. 29 degrees
W. 65 ft to place of beginning. This
t'Ring same property deeded to
TTrs. Hudand J. Dorsey on October
Ist 11)21 by V.’. H. Wester, Jr. and
wife, recorded in Book 93, page 551,
Vance-C» unty Registry.
This the 13th day of October,. 1933.
1 City and Suburb
Property Changes
In Couple Deeds
•Property in. the city and its sub
iurgs was involved in two real estate
deeds filed yesterday with the reg
ister of deeds.
D. P. McDuffee trustee sold to
Mrs. Clara B. Huff\ three lots on
Perry avenue for S3OO.
Beg,e Hicks Purvis and B. H.
Hicks executors of the will of the
date T. T. Hicks conveyed to Lona
Strange 25 1-4 acres of land lying
near the Henderson. Oxford highway
for the consideration of SBOO.
Two Shot rni Rioting
At Silk Mill*
cfV>ntltnie<r from T’ssre one »
; ed tc dispel the strikers with a tear
! gas bomb when a bullet whizzed thro
ugh the windshield of his car. It was
■ thr first bullet fired in the long con
-1 tinued “war” in the district, and was
followed by others.
One slug - struck Dino Brunnar, of
Paterson. In the head and he was
taken to a hospital in a critical con
dition. John Bartolozzi. of East
• Paterson, was. shot through the shoul
der. and also was held at the hosptial.
Ten others less seriously wounded,
were treated and released. '
It wa; rot immediately determined
who fired the shots.
Says Government
Needs New Funds
(Continued from Page One.i
be'ng sponsored jointly by the Uni.
verslty Schools of Oommilerce.
iL’CAdmiinistration. /gnicbilmw ‘ ■■
“The present practice of the ad.
ministration in procuring mloney for
its recovery program from the bank
ing system is “equivalent to taking
money from one pocket to put it in
■another,” Dr. Murch'son said. “Afteir
some months of this practice the to.
tal money supply of the* country 'as
represented by currency and bank
deposits ihas not only failed to show*
a gain, but, has actually . become
srmfer.T t K
Dr. Murchison said that apparent
ly what is happening is that the bank
-f the country while buying the
bentd-res of the RofeonstrUction Ei
uanpe Corporation and the various
agricultural credit agencies are- at
it he same t ime liquida ting ether se:
-l'r’ti'f3 '.as Vb • off-sit, the gains
of the operation bein c something less
than .zyrq.. ■ty’r
Under normal Conditions the rais.
• r-r of funcls fer suejh purposes as the*
administration has in yiew by
borrowing from 1 the bankfe be
sound procedure, becaaisif it'Wtould
be dipping only into the ac
cumulated 1 savings of the ajtioh%| fee
But he pointed out thkf jjiat
present there are no savings to dtp
Into. * The nation’s Investment capital
j!s shrinking rather than expanding
land such has k been the case for the
past two years; lie‘said.
Morrison Played
Politics Wrongly
(Continued rrom "Page One.h
much as when he voted for Frank
McNinch as a member of the Fede
ral Power Commission according ■to
opinion in 'political circles here. Not
only that, he tok a slap at some of
the best friends and supporters he
ever had. No one -worker harder for
hm ,in his last disastrous campaign*;
for Senate than Walter Murphy who;
in now directing the campaign for
the United Repeal Force#. His state;
ment was also a sock on the jaw']
to such men as Robert Lassiter of ]
'Charlotte now chairman of the Unit, j
t-d States ouncil for Repeal; James
G. Hanes and Robert M. Hanes of.
Winston Sa»em; Burton Craige of;
Winston-Salem and other repealists
■who also have t-een staunch support.;
ers of Morrison.
Long noted for h?s failure to pause ;
and think before he speaks many:
h*re think Morrison is becoming
worse rather tha n better aolng these
There are some who think Mohrt
son has deliberately espoused the
cause of the “drys"’ or anti.repealists
in a cliijr distance hope to run against'
Senator Reynolds in 1938 on a “dry”
platform since Reynolds defeated him
'last year on a “wet” platform. This,
is the view which former State Seivi
ator Dave Smith of ‘Mecklenburg:
county takes in a new story carried,
in The Charlotte News a few day’s;
ago. He believes that by 1938 the 1
MeNinoh incident wi.l be forgotten'
•that there will be a revulsion 3. gainst
liquor that a “dry” candidate will
then have no difficulty i ndef» atimg
Reynolds and that Morrison will be;
the logical candidate. There are'
(•hose here who admit that Morrison 1
may be egotistical enough to believe
in this line o freasoning but who do
Wife Preservers
mlkml "2? qv “ 'arWun*. before
h,K( '«lts. orL other '
' ' E Z'hJ b -.assemble. the- - ma- *
iei la,s berwr « you start operations,
..... f
ftenhersmt 21a% Htspairi)
All Grades
Os Tobacco
Show Gain
Bright Colored Prim
ings -$2 to $3 High
er Than for Any
Day-This Week
Prices zoomed upward today on all
the better grades, of tobacco sold on
the .Henderson market, and bright
colored primings on the leafy side
were selling $2 io $3 per hundred
higher than any day this week. R. W.
McFarland, sales supervisor, announc
ed this afternoon. With double sales
the day’s break was cleared by late
Yesterday’s official report ’showed
207.652 pounds sold for $20,133.71 for
an average of $14.03. the supervisor
“Were we disposed to handle the
matter of estimates carelessly for ad
vertising purposes," the’. supervisor
added,, “we might say that th? aver
age today was approximately sl6, and
the general public would know'no bet--
ter. as every one, to a man, was high
ly .pleased - with their pales, many of
them lavish in complimenting our
buyers and warehousemen."
Figures for the week’s sales will be
available tomorrow, and will show an
increase over the figure for last week,
the first cf the season.
. Prices appear to be definitely or.
the upward move on the Henderson
market and gr adually are climbing to
ward the parity level of 17 cents per
Some tobacco sold as high as S4O
on todays sale, Mr. McFarland said
in connec<ion with the report on the
market’s activities.
not see how many others can sub
scribe to it.
While it may be true tha.t should
Morrison again become a candidate
for the Senate in 1938 and attempt
to win. back th-c seat which Reynolds
wrested from him last year most of
the people might have forgotten about
the MoNinch matter it is doubtful
they would forget Morrison’s last
campaign many here think. It is also
agreed that unless Morrison is pre
pa red to be more liberal with cam.
tpaign funds -in 1938 than he was in
1032 he will not be able to travel
very far. It is also being suggested
that he had better set up a campaign
foeadqquarte-rs instead of a military
Few here however are taking the
talk of his running again for the Sen
ate in 1938 seriously and think that
Morrison merely made another one of
those linguistic blunders for which
foe has become lamo.us when foe said
he would support the A'mti-repeal cause
and indicated all these \yfoo are for
repeal would' throw the .State back
40 years “morally and politically. ”
'But it Morrison has any future poli
tical ambitipqs it agreed here that
this statement will not do him any
good. ’
' y **% - iiMj^_'-S s vM .sk
k' • r 1
Copyright. 1323. The Aaur
- " '• »- -*^3
Dr. Sisk Coming
To Assume Duty
Here on Monday
Dr. C. N. Sisk, of Valdese, Burke
county, was expected here today or
tomorrow to take up his duties as
tull-tirm- health officer for Henderson
and Vance county. He was elected to
the office several weeks ago by the
County Board c.f Health and has ac
cepted. He will begin active work on
Monday morning, it was said today.
The county has been without a full
time health officer for more" than a
month; since Dr. C. H. White re
signed to go with the Rockefeller
Foundation.^ During the interim, Dr.
E. F. Fehner has been looking after
quarantine work and the jails and hos
pitals. V ■<
Word was received in the city last
night of the death of Mrs. H. R.
Broome of Bessemer City by her sis
ters. Mrs. M. G. Pee and Miss Mat
tie McWhorter of this city.
Beside;: two brothers and two sisters,
Mn. Broome is survived by nine chil
dren .
Funeral services will be held Sat
urday at 2 p m. in Bessemer City,
it -was said.
Religious ideas change more rapid
ly than moral ideas.
Shares Hubby’s Fund
..-««ffi(BߧBߧ§§§g§B§§§jiffig§gjsK§g§s§g£x -s<x§Bx*: : •••••4 '
■-*.* « .^
Separated from her wealthy hus
band, Clifford Warren Smith, well
known society aviator, six months
ago, Claire Luce, stage star, is to
receive $25,000 a year for life, ac
cording to an agreement signed by
her husband. The payments will
be made from a trust fund from
which Smith receives SBO,OOO v
'Central Press) |
Plans For
I Are Made
3 - - i. - -
; Dinner and Dance to
Be Had at Country
• Club Evening of No
vember 11
Fltuis tofythe annual observance of
Armistice Day here on November 11
were discussed and outlined at a
meeting of the .ioint committee of
Henderson Post, No, 60, of the Amer
ican Legion, and the Legion Auxiliary
held last night in the Legion club
rooms. The offer of the Auxiliary to
serve a dinner at the West End Coun
try Club in the evening, to be follow
ed by a aanee, was accepted by the
committee, and that procedure is to
be. carried through.
It is expected a speaker will he ob
tained for th*' occasion, but no one
has been announced as yet.
Attendance at the dinner and dance
will be free to members of both units
who have paid their dues for the year,
it was decided.
The fact that Armistice Day this
year falls on Saturday has created
something of a problem for the com
mittee to deal with, and the plan
decided upon was regarded as the
best, and mos f convenient for Legion
and Auxiliary members.
Members of the joint committee are:
For the Legion post, C. L. Carter,
post commander; Dr. H. A. Newell.
James W. Jenkins, D. P. McDuffee;
for the Auxiliary, Mrs. J. C. Gard
ner. chairman; Mesdames J. E.
Woolard. G. W. Furqueron, T. W.
McCracken, J W. Jenkins, Blannie
The Vocational Agriculture Depart
ment of Henderson Institute the 10.
'cal county hglh school for Negroes
annouinc-es that the three local coun
ty chapters of New Farmers of Ame.
rica and vocational agricultural class
es have been reorganized and will be.
gin active work this fall on thecr pro
/gram of rural leadership and com
munity service activities. Home pro.
duction will be the major project pro
c; im this year. The cliars and club
instruct or F. A. Williams will give
weekly instructions to these groups
again this year.
The officers of the three county
'units of the New Farmers of Amer
ica are Townsville unit: President
Johnnie Wilkins vice.president; Fer
ircnail Buviock secretary; Carbin
EnrwP>T tre surer; William Jeffer
son. Dickie’s Grove Unit: President
Alexander Gill; vice-president: Ben
jamin Cheek secretary; Stewart Crews
•and treasurer: Clifton Nelson. Kit
•trell unit: President: Albert Peace;
vice-president; Elle n Murphy; seere-
U.tary: Walter Peace and Treasurer:
! fr-harles Watscn" These new officers
I'ihave pledged ,tb put oyer a new deal
j i’n community . service n in their respee
! tive oommuhitfes'r—Reported.
■ -'"i jL \V
Several Offers »
Os School Sites
Already Sent In
While no formal request for bids
has been issued, several property sites
in various locations in the city have
already been tendered to the city
school board as prospective locations
for the new high school which is .to
be built with the aid of government
funds. The exact number .that have
been sent in has not been' learned; but
it is understood there are a number
of them.
The school board's idea was to have
these submitted in sealed offers for
consideration of an outside commit
tee, which would make a survey of
the local situation and recommend the
location for the new school.
Estimates of the cost of the work,
together with preliminary drawings
and specifications, are now in the
course of preparation.
Repeal Campaign
.Is Getting Close
(Continued from Page One.l
also maintain they have obtained
much more outstanding candidates
as anti-repeal candidates in the va
rious counties than the repeal forces
have and that this is giving them a
big advantage.
*‘Thi3 repeal campaign is getting in
creasingly close and it would not sur
prise m: a bit to see the State vote
against repeal on November 7,” said
a prominent business man and po
litician from one of the larger Pied
mont counties who was here this week
“And I am saying thi& as an advo
cate of repeal. I have been for repeal
and still am. But present indications
are Lhat my county and most of the
surrounding counties are going to vote
against rc-peal. The repeal forces in
these counties we-re positively not able
to get, ,jtny outstanding men to be
candidate? for the r, State convention
while the anti-repeal ■ forces, have in
most cases secured outstanding men.
If the eastern ‘and .western counties
are organised the way the''Piedmont
counties are, the .State will go against
repeal. ’’ f
Others coming here from the middle
and western Piedmont counties say
that former Secretary of State James
A. Hartness, who is in charge of the
prohibition campaign in the Pied
mont and west, and who is a past mas
ter at political organization, has
these counties organized to the hilt
against repeal and is daily getting the
people worked up to a higher and
higher pitch against repeal. Hartness
learned his politics in the old Sim
mcns-Wat.ts school, was active in the
campaign of 1908 when the State first
went dry. and is regarded as one of
the ablest political strategists in th:-
State. There is no doubt he is going
to give the repeal forces a hard fight
in the Piedmont and west.
What Hartness is doing in the othe:
end of the State, Cale K. Burgess,
manager for the United Dry Forces
in the er st. is. doing ,in the eastern
counties, although.Biirgess is by no
ipealns as experienced as a political or
ganizer as is Hartness. Yet A here is
no doiibt that the snti -repealists are
well organized" ih‘ almost every coun
In the Aleutian Islands a whole na
tive village will unite in a to
shrieg and strike against the rag-ing
winds. i i.
School Day
"W itti F air
All Children Will Be
Furnished With
Free Admissions By
Their Schools
Wednesday cf Fair Week here—Oc
tober 30-November 4—has been de
signated as school day, and school
children in ai! white schools of the
city and county will be given half a
holiday that day to attend, it was an
nounced today by C. M;. 1 Hight. sec
retary of the Golden Belt Fair Asso
ciation. Mr. Hight said he had ar
ranged with Superintendent E. M
Rollins for the half holiday for the
Free tickets for admission will be
given to the school children in their
class rooms, and these will be good for
pass at the gates.
Preparations for the fair are going
forward rapidly, and the buildings
on the fair grounds, located at the
eastern end of tho Anderwes avenue
extension, are being put into condition
for the exhibits.
No poultry or livestock \fyill be in
vited forth;- exhibits this,'year, due
to the fact that buildings which have
hitherto been used for that purpose
were damaged by the storms of the
summer. Field crops, household cook
ing, art work, flowers and the like
will be accept'd for the main exhibit
hall indoors, together with exhibits by
the schools.
A Midway company will furnish the
amusements, Including as many as
half a dozen rides, Mr. Hight. said,
and there will also bo fireworks and
free acts at night.
Although the time in which pre
parations for the fair are to be made
was short from the beginning, it is
believed tl?a,t a good fair can be put
on. and the officials are Working to
that end. &
All members of the Kiwanis Club
are urged to be present at the annual
meeting tonight at 6:30 o'clock, it was
said ’today.
The election results; will be an
nounced, giving the names of the new
officers for the coming yeaai.
Eases Headache
In 3 Minutes
also neuralgia, muscular aches
and pains, toothache, earache,
periodical and other pains due
to inorganic causes. No nar
cotics. 10c and 25c packages*

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