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PAGE FOUR HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH Established August 12, 11114. Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday By HENDERSON DISPATCH CO., INC. at 109 Young Street, HENRY a. DENNIS, Pres, and Editor M. L. PINCH, Sec-Treas and Bus. Mgr. TELEPHONES Editorial Office 600 Society Editor 610 Business Office 610 The Henderson Dally Dispatch Is a member of the Associated Press, Southern Newspaper Publishers Asso ciation and th« North Carolina Press Association. . The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to use for republication all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, anu also the local news pubhsned herein AU rights of publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. SUBSCRIPTION PRICES^ Payable Strictly In Advance. One Year $5.00 Six Months 2.50 Three Months 1-50 Week (By Carrier Only) 15 Per Copy 65 * NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Look at the printed label on youi paper. The date thereon shows when the subscription expires. Forward your money in ample time for re newal. Notice date on label carefully and If not correct, please notify us at once. Subscribers desiring the address on their paper changed, please state In their communication both the OIJD and NEW address. National Advertising Representatives BRYANT, GRIFFITH AND BRUNSON, INC., 9 East 41st Street, New York. 230 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 201 Devonshire Street, Boston. General Motors Bldg., Detroit. Walton Building, Atlanta. Entered ct the post office in Hender son, N. C., as second class mail matter ft|W<ll>a>HTliil.iNlll(>lHti<lX—fatell*: W> COME ALL THE WORLD: Come, and hear, all ye that fear God. And I will declare what he hath done for my soul. —Psalm 66:16. THE ROTOGRAVURE. The Daily Dispatch today presents as a supplement to its regular issue a rotogravure section, which is the first publication of the kind ever to be gotten out in this city. It consists mostly of pictures and tells briefly the story of the various concerns re presented in it. It would be the basest sort of in gratitude if the Dispatch did not ex press its sincere appreciation to all those concerns that have given their cooperation to make this undertaking possible. It certainly is something of a credit to the city, and is a larger issue than some other communities with greater population have been able to produce, and is a manifestation of community spirit on the part of Hen derson business men that is highly commendatory. Frankly, the response was better ihan had been anticipated when the work was launched several months ago. That has made it all the more pleasant, to go through with the job. It has been an expensive undertak ing, and patrons who thought the price was high are assured that the. actual cost of the printing alone that, had to be paid by this newspaper was considerably in excess of the highest advertising rate charged Henderson advertisers. In spite of that, however, the leading concerns of the com munity rallied to the undertaking and have made it even more of a success than the Dispatch had expected at thd outset. The rotogravure section itself is well printed and well arranged, and presents an attractive record of lead ing business concerns. We can say those nice things because we didn’t do the printing here in this office. In fact, there is not a rotogravure pub lishing house anywhere in North Car olina, and only one in the southeast, that being the Atlanta concern that printed this edition. It might as well be said, in this connection, that there is no thought in this office that a perfect job has been done. It has not. No critic of a newspaper can find more flaws in the paper than the very folks themselves who produce it. There is much that could be wished for to round out an even better publication than that be ing presented today. But certainly it represents a great deal of hard work, much planning and no little worry and responsibility. Only those who have undertaken a project of this sort or similar to it can really appreciate the tremendous amount of work at tached to it. But it has been carried through in the belief that a service was being done to the community, pnd therein lies at least a measure of satisfaction. The rotogravure goes today to readers of the Daily Dispatch for their ap proval. tWai TODAY’S ANNIVERSARIES 1765—E1i Whitney, inventor of the cotton-gin, manufacturer, born at Westborough, Mass. Died at New haven, Conn., Jan. 8, 1825. 1823- Robert Collyer, noted Chi cago and New York clergyman of his day, born in England. Died in New York, Nov. 30, 1912. 1828- Clinton B. Fisk, St. Louis soldier in the Civil War, New Jersey philanthropist and Prohibition candi date for the Presidency, born near Greensville, N. Y. Died in New York City, July 9, 1890. 1829 Henry Timrod, famed South ern poet, born at Charleston, S. C. Died at Columbia, S. C., Oct. 6, 1867. 1839 -Alexander J. Cassatt, who rose from rodman to president of the Pennsylvania R. R., born in Pitts burgh. Died Dec. 28, 190 b. 1832 -'Bjornstjerne Bjorn Son, Nor wegian author and patriot, born. Died April 26, 1910. 1848—Joel Chandler Harris, belov ed Southern journalist —creator of “Uncle Remus,” horn in Putnam Co., Oa. Died July 3, 1908. 1855—William Murray Black, chief of engineers of tlf> tJ. S. Army in the World War, born at Lancaster, Pa. Died in Washington, D. C., Sept 25, 1933. TODAY IN HISTORY 1792 ~ Henry Laurens, famed South Carolina statesman and Revolution ary patriot, died—his cremation mark ing the first in America. 1801- First Presidential message to be read to Congress. 1856 Father Theobald Matthew, famous Irish priest and temperance advocate, died. 1859 —Thomas De Quincy, noted English writer, died. TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Cardinal William Henry O’Connell of Boston, born at Lowell, Mass., 74 years ago. j i Hervey Allen of Maryland, author of this year’s best-selling novel, born in Pittsburgh, 44 years ago. Percy L. Crosby of Virginia, car toonist, author and artist, creator of “Skippy,” born at Brooklyn, N. Y., 42 years ago. Robert Frazer, U. S. Consul Gene ral in London, born in Philadelphia, 55 years ago. Kenneth Roberts of Maine, author, born atKennebunk, Maine, 48 years ago ’ rj.*f ’ Padraic Colum of Conecticut, poet and dramatist, born in Ireland, 52 years ago. Burton J. Hendrick of New York, noted writer, born at New Haven, Conn., 62 years ago. Bishop Edgar Blake of Detroit, of the M. E. Church, born at Gorham, Maine, 64 years ago. TODAY’S HOROSCOPE This person is too fond of sensa tion and may become quite reckless in the pursuit of pleasure. There is indication of some success in early life, but the latter days seem cloudy, and there is danger that the mind may become devoted to chasing futile projects. Great care should be exer cised to set the mind into a steady groove, to avoid, so far as possible, these adverse conditions. Seek To Justify State Sales Tax (Continued rrom Page One.> and the estimated collections from the counties for the entire year are being based on the average for the first qquarter. But it has been ne cessary to wait until the counties fixed their various tax rates for the coming year in order to compare them with the tax rate last year and thus determine the amount of tax re duction in each county as compared with last year. But most of the coun ties have now fixed their tax rates for next year, so that this list is about completed. The removal of the for mer state-wide property tax of 15 cents for school purposes is also be ing takes into consideration, as well 3ft the removal of all county or dis trict school taxes for the extended term. The result of the comparison of these figures, according to some who have seen them for some of the coun ties, shows that the reduction in pro perly taxes in many counties is much greater than had been antici pated. They also show that the re venue from the sales tax has been much less in many counties than was expected and that as a result the sav ings between the former property taves and the taxes being paid un der the sales tax, are much greater than had been anticipated. The only definite comparative fig ures for any particular county now known to the writer, are for Johnston county, in which a weekly paper pub lished there recently stated that the county was now paying the sales tax at the rate of $90,000 a year and get ting only $42,000 a year in property tax reduction. But the figures com piled by the Sales Tax Division show that sales tax collections in Johnston county amounted to $9,657 for the first three months, on the basis of which the yearly total is estimated at $40,000. On the other hand, a comparison of the property tax levies m Johnstort county shows that the current levy for general county pur poses is $98,000 less than last year, while the removal of the 15 cents tars for schools took off another $61,106 giving a total property tax reduction °f $159,582* as compared with the sales tax which will amount to about >540,000 a year. This gives a net dif ference of saving of $119,582 in pro perty taxes, showing that the pro perty owners of the county last year paid $119,582 more in ad valorem taxes than they will pay htis year in sales taxes. The figures are known approxi mately for one other county—a small county in the eastern part of the s ate. The revenue from the sates ‘ tax in Uiat county for the first three HENDERSON, («. C.) DAILY DISPATCH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938 Heavy Taxes, Rate Cuts Depress Utility Issues Prospect of Government Competition Also In jury ing In dustry; Increased Industrial Activity, However, Will Help Earnings o f the Companies BY ROGER W. BARSON, Copyright. 1933, Publishers Financial Bureau. Babson Parle, Mass., Dec. 8. — The past year has been a most difficult one for public utility companies. While industrials and rails are showing big increases in net earnings, the income of utilities, as a group, shows an 18 per cent decline. Again, many indus trial and railroad stocks are holding near their highs of 1933, while some utilities have recently been making new bear market lows. In view of this, I should like to discuss the utility situation. Taxation the Principal Burden. Utilities are suffering today primar ily from increased tax levies. The va rious governments—municipal, state, and federal— sorely pressed for new sources of revenue, singled out the still solvent utility industry to bear the burden. The federal three percent gross tax on domestic and commer cial lighting imposed on September 1 means a severe loss of revenue, es pecially to thoes companies serving residential communities. Following the example of the federal government, many states imposed sales taxes cary ing from one per cent to six per cent of gross. In turn, cities saw their chance to increase their revenues by placing additional real estate and oth er taxes on electric and gas companies The second depressing influence has been the widespread agitation for rat ereductions. The almost universal charge has been that the power com panies have maintained fixed rates while raw material and labor costs dropped sharply during the depres sion. Yet the average charge per kil watt hour for electricity shows a con tinual reduction from 1912 to the pre sent time, during which time com modity prices enjoyed several booms. 'Since. .January, 1929 < electric rates have dropped 17 per cent. This com pares with a 22 per cent decline in commodity prices since 1929. Hence, the recend demands for rate reduc tions in some sections have been out of reason. Public officials should not destroy the credit and efficiency of our electric and gas companies, for poor service rather than cheaper ser vice is the inevitable result for the consumer. Few Friends in Administration. The third unsettling factor is the political aspect. The possibility of se vere government competition troubles me. Cities are being encouraged to es tablish their own electric systems and plans for Federal government power projects are materializing. The funds for these plants are being secured from the Federal government. Thus we find tax payers’ money being spent to build plants which are to compete with privately-owned companies from which a substantial portion of these same taxes arise. There is absolutely no sense to waste funds in building municipal plants when a perfectly sat isfactory system is already in exis tence. To date only four important cities of the many voting have favor ed municipal construction, but these are four too many. The fourth point which is worrying the investor is the effect of inflation on public service companies. Public utility rates are semi-fixed —they can not be changed without, permission of public authorities. This means that a kilowatt hour of electricity or a cubic foot of gas cannot be advanced in price like a bushel of wheat, a pound of copper, or an automobile. In ad dition, under inflation, operating costs would increase somewhat. Accordingly many investors feel that they would rather transfer their capital to indus trial companies whose profit possi bilities in a period of sharply advanc ing prices appear to be brighter. What Are the Optimistic Factors. All is not black —let us look at the other side of the picture. First, if in dustrial companies are going to do a lot of business, utility companies are sure to sell more power. Next, our public utilities are more essential to day than ever. The consumption of electricity and natural gas continues to grow. New uses are constantly be ing discovered. Operating ability pre dominates in the management of to day rather than the financial juggling ability of five years ago. Expansion programs have been completed and the financial condition of most com panies has improved since 1929. Fur thermore ,the business is a cash busi ness with little trouble from compe tition. If utilities were given a free hand like industrial companies, their outlook would be far brighter today than in 1929. I cannot believe that the building of government plants to compete with the already established private sys tems will go far. I feel that eventually the utilities of this country may be publicly owned, but in order to maye the transfer from private to public ownership, we should follow some sane course. Investors who have placed their funds in power and light enter prises should be given fair treatment. We still have the Supreme Court which will prevent the taking of pri vate property for public use without fair compensation. In this connection, months has been approximately $3,- 000, indicating that a total of abou i 512,000 a year can be expected from the sales tax in that county. Yet the reduction in property taxes in that same county resulting from the re moval of the 15 cents school tax and other special school taxes, wul amount to approximately $36,000, the figures show, or a net saving of about $24,000 a year. In the counties in Which the larger cities are locate dand which have larger populations, the difference is not expected to be so marked, of course. But even in these, it is un derstood, the figures show a very sat isfactory comparison. I urge utility security holders to make absolutely sure that the franchises under which their companies operate are sound. Congress May Dissolve Holding Companies. Honestly financed holding compan ies, because of the diversification fea ture, should offer better protection to the security holder than operating companies. The trend recently, how ever, has favored the ownership of the securities of operating companies. Congress wants to change the utility picture to some extent. It is possible that holding companies will be dis solved and their assets distributed to their security owners. Consolidations of companies serving adjacent terri tories would then take place. This would result in the swapping and ex changing of securities of the operating companies, although investors need not suffer thereby. What do these changes which are taking place in the utility situation mean? The consumer (both industrial and domestic) will secure better ser vice, cheaper electricity, and an in centive to use more electrical appli ances. The utility companies will find that lower rates will surely promote the output of electricity and develop a kindlier feeling on the part of cus tomers. The investor who has care fully chosen his securities should not be pessimistic. All in al lthe utility in dustry is sound and progressive. I want to emphasize, however, that se lection of securities in this field is more important today than ever. Business, as registered by the Bab sonchart, now registers seven per cent above a year ago, and 33 per cent be low normal. Homeward Bound For The Holidays After Long Tour (Continued from Page One.) Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh passed over here at 10:04 a. m., Brazi lian time (8:05 a. m., EST.) in a north erly direction. The Lindberghs had (been out of Natal about two hours. HOF FOR MIAMI IN EARLY MORNING HOUR FROM NATAL Natal, Brazil, Dec. B—(AP8 —(AP) —Colonel and Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh hopped for Miami, Fla., in their big red mono plane today at 8:15 a. m.. local time. 6:15 a. m„ EST. Plot Is Rumored For The Ousting of Grau’s Regime (Continued from Page One.) motorists were slopped and question ed by soldiers. Much of the military preparations, which included further moves toward fortifying the palace was due to the government desire to be ready for any disorders in connection with the inauguration at midnight of the new “fifty percent law.” This law provides that 50 percent, of the employees in all commerce and industry must be native Cubans. Some Spanish mechants have threatened to close shop rather than comply. Stellar iCoaUm. ■6, mm P! ♦ I H w - ** ft 1 IH m frA Partners in many a reel romance, Adolf Menjou, suave film hero, and Veree Teasdale, are now partners in a real one. Menjou, former hus band of Katherine Carver, recently announced he and Miss Teasdale would stroll to the altar early in the near year. They’re shown as they attended Hollywood premiere. (Central Preaa) ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. I hereby give notice that I have qualified as Administrator of the Es tate of C. H. Parham. All persons holding claims against said Estate will present them to me properly verified within one (1) year from date of this Notice, or same will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate settle ment. This the 28th day of November* 1933 THOMAS B. PARHAM, Administrator. | •••««• - - AUGHTY <a IRL'X jk : : ' - -/X'.i' - CROSS WORD PUZZLE l 2 J" S G 7 ft 3 IcT" TT™ t?" ™ _. ■ is ■ " rs n tg 13 " 20 ”21 5" ~ mimLmd isTj/jjze pmLnlrne 27 2a 23 0 ai -vs ~ 47 HPpa” so ■■■■"■■JSS S 3 CO €?* Cit U ‘ J es 66 1 €7* S@T ** “““ 70 * ' ~ ■* 7/ ~ " 72 “* —1... i. 1 ' ii. ■■■! ■■■ 1 mi I— l-... IS 76 77 - <i> 5:1 ImUmJml IhJLbJLhLsbJ ACROSS I — Part of the neck ft —The locust tree I,o—Hew 14—One who employs 16—Century plant Is—Pelt ’l7—Almost 18— Post of a staircase 19— Confess 20 — Mussulman of the proselyting period ~ 22 —l ists of names 24—Examinations 26 —Humor 27 To obscure 30—A planet 22—Strained S 3 Injured 28 — A beverage 40 —Wheel tracks ? 41—Sum 42—Nuns 45—Kind of rodent. 46 —Hastened from 48—Nothing - 49 —Pure 61 —Having become wild after a state of domestication 53—For 55—Mohammedan ruler 56 —Intervening 58 —Take away by violence (arch.) 60—Charged With gas 64—Penetrated 68—Spruce 69—Laid with stone . 71 — The inner part 72 Formerly 73—Threefold 74—Otherwise 75 —Reward 76 Courses at a race 77 A (read DOWN I—Sister* 2 —Afloat 3 FrUit 4 Error in writing 5 Reeds 6—Salesmen 7—crude B—Ended 9—Beheath ie—Gab ll swarm of bees 12—Smelt 13—Church seats 21— Gives Utt St—Remain New Low Bus Rates Raleigh $.90 Durham SI.OO Goldsboro LTS Greensboro 1.95 Wilmington 3.75 Charlotte 4.40 Columbia 4.20 Atlanta 8.45 Augusta 5.75 Richmond 2.40 Charleston 5.55 Washington 4.20 (Jacksonville 8.90 New York 7.85 Miami 13.90 Boston 10.85 Round Trif> Double Less 10 Per Cent East Coast Stage Union Bus Station Phono 18 Inaugurating the Season in Louisiana 25 —More subtle (obs. var.) 27 —Banter 28—Large spoon 29—Method 31—Born 33 Tend, nourish 34 Condition 35 — Chemical compound 37 —Clamor 39—Part of a circle 43 Small draught 44 Narrow escape 47 —Impaired 50 —Punishes by fine 52—Illuminated 64 — To be penitent 57—Profundity 59 — Assistants 60— Anything very small 61 — Sea bird 62 Cereal plant 63—Defy 65 Young horse 66 Gaelic 67—Profound 70—By way of Answer to previous puzzle &k DA A. E* X alqlnsleLli Cl nC IT" auhl E.iaXjUxTlJd LSa. mJ£ p LT*fV "FFi fe-E-fcL QKX XH.eJ|S»X U&E| Lqrqi fit-LlTi fcl £ sci J_ £* E. jjdE. aA_ U BJftli IhfehnpilslfySfTls NOTICE. Application will be made to the Gov ernor of North Carolina for a parole for Hill Ellington, who was tried by the Recorder, on September Bth, 1933, and was sentenced to the roads fori six months in each case for haviiyi liquor in his possession and carryi? I a concealed weapon. All who oppo* 1 same will notify the Governor, at 1 once. This the Ist day of Deoemlm 1933. HILL ELLINGTON NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Robert Person, dated March 18, 1930, arid duly recorded in Register’s Office of Vance County, N, C., in Book 162, page 1932 132, to R. S. McCoiu, Trustee, and judgment of record in book 16G, page 261, Register’s Office of Vance County, N. C., substituting Al. B. Wester, Trustee, in lieu of R. S. McCoin, de fault having been made in jhe pay ments therein secured, and at the re quest of the holder of same, the un dersigned will sell, at the Court House Door in Henderson, Vance County, N C., so the highest bidder for ca=h at 12:00 o’clock, M-, on Monday, the. 18th day of December, 1933, the following described real estate, to-wit: Begin at the Northeast corner of Block 8, of the 1, J. Young Leaman plof, recorded in book 65, page 602. Vance Registry, corner of Gdl Street and Center Street, and run thence $ 2 degrees 40’ E 125 ft. along Gili St to a stake, corner of lot No. 20 in said block; thence S. 8? degrees 40 W. 80 ft. along the lines of lots No= 20 and 19 in the said plot; thence, N, 2 degrees 40’ W. 120 ft., parallel tfl Gill Sf., to a stake on Center St.; thence along Center St. N. 87 de grees 20’ E 80 ft. to the place of be ginning, being lots Nos. 9 and 10 in block 8, as described above. See deed from Geo. Burwell and wife to R. D. Skeins, and deed from R. D Skeins and wife to Henderson Loan and Real Estate Co., and from Hen derson Loan and Real Estafe Co to Robert Person This 16th day of November, 1933. AL. E. WESTER. Trustee NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of true executed and delivered by T. S. Her derson and wife, Martha Henderson dated January 14, 1924 and duly re corded in Register’s Office of Vane County, N. C., in book 117, page 403. and in Register’s Office of Warrel County, N. C., in book 110, page 28. to R. S. McCoin, Trustee, and judg ment of record in book 166. page 20 Vance County, N. C., and book 135- page 564, Warren County, N. C., sub stituting Al. B. Wester, Trustee lieu of R. S. McCoin, default havitf been made in the payment of dt secured, and upon request of the ho er thereof, the undersigned will ofr for sale at the Court House door • Vance County, N. C., at public art' tion for cash, to the highest b ld r " at 12:00 o’clock M., on Monday. 18th day of December, 1933, the fol lowing described real estate, t p _w,l . n A tract of land lying and being- Sandy Creek Township, in the Count of Vance and the County of Warrj adjoining the lands of T. P. Row J. W. Hicks, and others, and bound as follows: . As parcel No. 2, on plot and * uT . of R. D. Paschall, containing 80 acr beginning at a stone, a corner 0 t heirs of Nancy A. Hicks in T. Rowland's line, and running * * West 19 chains and 55 links to a sw a corner of Sally Vanlanding ’ thence South 41 chains and 20 w to a stone in the path, R. W. ney’s line-; thence a * on l> H earl \ line S. 88 1-2 E. 19 chains an a links to a stone, corner of tot ‘ thence North 41 chains and 6 to the beginning. iq <# This the 16th day of November, - AL. B. WESTER, Trust**