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IIKNDEKSON <; ATE WAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-FIRST YEAR Congress Facing Major Issues For The Coming Week Changes in Securities Act, Particularly on Invest, ment Banking, Like ly To Come Up ROOSEVELIFfb ASK GREATER AUTHORITY Wants Power To Make Re ciprocal Tariff Agreements Raising or Lowering Rates by 50 Percent As Need May Be; Huge Money Bills Facing House and Senate W.i. liiugtoii. Ft.b, 3.—(A!-*)- Con gul hered itself today tor one i,l it* busiest weeks, a drive through i g, owing pile of legislation toward the administration decree of an early .• ;>! rig adjournment. With both the Senate and House in recess today, President Roosevelt studied over what further legislative -egg' lions he will toss into the eon gies.xjonnl machine. S.en.tary Roper is compiling a re i reommeuding some changes in the "truth in securities” act. Jndi ratinn-; today were that it would urgr modification in some regulations ap plying to the investment banking business. IVn.ocratrc leaders arc expecting shortly a presidential request for au thority to negotiate reciprocal tariff treaties and raise or lower import duties by 30 percent without Senate t at ification. The White House stamp also has he* 1 n placed on job insurance legisla tion. At the Capitol the House probably will receive next week the projectec 5200.n00.000 general revenue and in nune tax amending bill. Into debate * !i Monday will go the $r>90,000,000 re lid ;tp pro print ion bill. In the Semite the House-up proved ;;;,7o.otM\ont) nttvy expansion hill is hanging fire. The long controverted St. I iwrenee seaway treaty ratifica t if:n is due for a close vote by next w- t-k end. Veterans' benefits and the Federal pay cut ate slated for de liate as an .appropriation hill rider. To the House, meanwhile, have gone the Senate-approved Smith •d 5.000.000 crop loan bill, and the Johnson bill to penalize private fi r.aucial transactions with defaulting debtor nations. Smith Reynolds’ Widow To Divorce Second Husband ♦’uncord, Feb. 3 (AP) —The Con* ">ul 1 1 iil\ Tribune says it. has learn i*i fuurt reliable sources that Mrs. Anne Cannon Smith, of Charlotte luriner wife of the late Smith Rey i olds, will establish residence at Hot Springs, Ark., to institute divorce pro << f ilings against her present husband 1' Brandon Smith, Jr., Charlotte. The paper says Mrs. Smith lelt f’harlottc yesterday accompanied by hn father, Joseph IF. Cannon, and her suit for divorce will be filed 'aider a cluuse in the Arkansas law which permits a final decree after days residence in that State. Tite Tribune said it could not learn •he grounds on wheih (the divorce would be sought. Group Asks Unemployed I iisurance 400 Persons In Autos a n d Trucks De scend on Congress lb Present Demand Washington, Feb. 3 fAP) —Approx- imately 100 persons arrived in the capital today in automobiles and 'i neks to petition Congress for un '''nployinent insurance legislation. The gathering was directed by the •one organization which conducted lv, i “hunger marches” during the 1 b >oer administration. Herbert* Benjamin, leader of the ‘National unemployed council,” said ' ''iigress would be asked to enact a ''ill for insurance covering unemploy ment, old age, accidents, illness and maternity. 1 his, he said, could be financed by '"♦axes on incomes of more than 5 5,U00 a. year. *'j : j ÜbetUkvt&Btx D&tUj Btspaith ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPE It PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VlllllNlA. * Stays $6,000,000 State Mortgages Salisbury, Feb. 3.—(Al»)—North Carolina homes with a total value of more than $6,000,000 have been saved from mortgage foreclosures by the Federal Home Owners’ l oan Corporation, according to a statement on record today in the office of Alan S. O’Neal State manager of the corporation. Mr. O’Neal said more than $2,- (KKtJHHI in distressed mortgages re ceived relief during week end ing January 25. and that applica tions for aid were being neted up as quickly as possible. ADMIT RIFLING OF RECORDS PRIOR 10 START OF INQUIRY Iwo Witnesses In Senate Air Mail Probe Declare Correspondence Was First Removed FILES TAKEN~FROM McCracken office Had Been Held by Former Assistant (Secretary ot Commerce in Hoover Ad ministration; McCracken Was Arrested by Order of Senators Friday Evening Washington, Feb. 3. (AP) Two witnesses testified today in the Sen ate air mail investigating committee that the aviation companies they re presented had agreed to permit ex amination of their records only after certain correspondence nad been re moved. The witness were L. H. Britten, vice-president or me Northwest Air ways, and Gilbert Given, secretary to Harry M. Hanshue, president ol the Transcontinental and Western Air. They said the records were taken from the office of William P. Mc crackeii, the assistant secretary of commerce for aviation in the lloovei .administration, and now acting attor ney for their companies. McCracken was arrested last night but. immediately freed on bond to ap pear before the Senate Monday. FLURRIES OF~SNOW IN ELIZABETH CITY Elizabeth City. Feb. 3 (AP'D— Houusetops an dsidewafks were bare ly covered by a light snowfall which began here last night at 8:30 o’clock. This was the first snow of Mie win ter that had remained on the ground. The sky was partly overcast dur ing the morning and the tempera ture started rising after falling be low freezing during the night. Poteat And Hanft lake Their Oath Ehringhaus Admon ishes Them To Do Justice to Utilities and the Public Raleigh. Feb. 3.—(AP)— North Car olina’s new utilities commission, cre ated under a 1933 law has as its chief duty the ascertaining of the “truth about utilities in the State.” and the administering of justice alike for the public and the utilities.” Governor Ehringhaus today told the two asso ciate commissioners as they were sworn into office. Professor Frank William Hanft, of the University of North Carolina, took his oath and filed hiis written oath with the secretary of state, as required by law, while Dr. William Louis Poteat took the oral oath. AS£ H ?£, WIRIB SERVICE OF HIE A LUOO.IATED PRESS. HENDERSON, N. C. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 3, 1934 Where Byrd Crew Is Fighting Antarctic Ice - ' j jjplH • "S-yy • -y• :;:: :;y:-:*:*:*: 1 : : : : : : : : : : : 4— in ■■ fc"—**********— , v -- * An artist’i conception of the scene at the Bay of Whales, Ant arctica, where the expedition of Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, light, is battling with crumbling masses of ice and the elements, is Mendieta Sees Serious Turn That May Wreck His Regime Havana, Feb. 3. (AP)—President Carlos Mendieta. signed a decree re turning the Cuban Electric Company properties to its American owners to day. The cobinet met at 9 a, m. today to consider the question of the elec- COTTON GROWERS PAID 12,000,000 i Option Checks from Govern ment Bringing in Big Sums to Farmers Daily Dis|»aleti II urea a. In the Sir Waller Hotel. UY J. C. BASKHK.VU.L. .Raleigh, Feb. 3. —With the tobacco sign-up completed and some 98 per cent o r the flue-cured growers in North Carolina under contract, the extension service of State College is now giving its undivided attention to completing the cotton campaign. In most of the 67 counties where cot ton is grown, the farm agents have been busy closing out for the tobacco work and aiding farmers in getting checks for the staple held under op tion with the government. Reports from tne field indicate that option checks are now coining into the State in a steady flow and will add over two million dollars to the income from iast year's cotton crop. In addition, those cotton growers who took loans on their options still have their equity in the cotton and will make an additional profit should the staple go above ten cents a. pound ibiy reason of a successful sign up for 1931 over the entire cotton belt. Several thousands of dollars have also come into the Piedmont area of the State during the last few weeks in payment of wheat rentals, While the State does not produce the wheat necessary for its own flour, there are a number of Piedmont growers who produce the grain on a commercial .scale and these are the men who have signed the wheat reduction con tracts. In addition to these income sour ces from the New Deal program, an effort will 'be made to interest a large number of farmers in reducing their com and hog production and thus take advantage of the payments to be made with these two crops. No intensive campaign will |be under taken, but all those growers who specialize in producing corn as a feed for hogs will be contracted and will be given an opportunity to sign a corn-hog contract. The job of doing (Continued oq Page Two) shown, top. The ice has wrecked plans to unload winter stores at the base at Little America, be low, and has endangered the help less flagship, 8. S. Jacob Ruppert, center, which is said to be vainly trie company and conferred with com pany representatives. The guard of j soldiers around the property was in creased following employees’ threats of a strike. Despite stringent efforts to prevent disorders during the night and early today, one bomb damaged the Pal ace hotel and another, a warehouse MORE PROJECTS OF CWA PASSED UPON 'l # Mostly Supplemental or Re placement Jobs, Mrs. O’Berry Says Daily Uispateh Bureau. In ll»»* Sir Walter Hotel, UY J. V. IIASKKRVIL.I,. Raleigh, Feb. 3 —A total of 12 ad ditional CWA projects, with an ag gregate payrol of .$163,168 and involv ing a total cost of $242,923, have just been approved by Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, 'State CWA administrator, it was announced today. Most of these are either supplemental grants for projects already under way or replacement projects to provide em ployment for CWA workers who are now finishing or will soon finish pro jects on which they are now employ ed. Among these projects are two in Lenoir county, one a supplemental grant of $154 for repairing county school buildings and another for re pairing the buildings and grounds at the Caswell Training School, near Kinston, that will provide employ ment for 63 men at a payroll of $6,663 and a total cost of $9,091. Three of the projects ate in Cum berland county. One of these calls for additional materials and labor on the river road project, south of Lin den, and wil provide 121 more men with a payroll of $7,128, the total grant being for $11,337. The second is to supplement the original grant for repairing and painting the Hope Mills school, providing 7 more men at a payrol of $537. The third is a sup plement to another project, provid ing three more jobs at a payroll of $378. One of the projects approved today , (Continued on Page Two.) : WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Fair tonight and Sunday; slight ly colder In east and north cen tral portions tonight; rising tem perature Sunday. seeking a safe mooring place. Ihe sketch shows Little A meric# and its relative position to the South Pole, and the spot where 43 members of the expedition were marooned. of the Westinghause Electric Com pany. Still another bomb let go with out any ill effect, other than to add to the general disturbance. The bombings climaxed a night in which the presidend admitted that a “serious problem"’ had been created “for my government, which might contribute toward its fall.” DOCTORS DISPUTE OVER STATE FEES Old Feud With Industrial Board Seen in Winston- Salem Complaints Daily Dispatch Bureau. In (he Sir Walter Hotel. HV J. BASKERVIL.L. Raleigh, Feb. 3—The present fuss going on between some of the doc tors in Winston-Salem and the State industrial Commission over fees to be allowed for X-ray work in work men’s compensation cases and in which these doctors and the two hos pitals there are demanding about twice the state-wide average and about four times what is being paid by the Federal government for CWA compensation cases, is regarded here as nothing more than the revival of the odl fight between some of the doctors and the commission because it will not let the doctors convert it into a gravy train for the medical profession. Those who have been her 6 In Raleigh since the Industrial Com mission was first established remem ber both how bitterly some of the doc tors fought the workmen’s compensa tion bill in the general assembly, be cause they felt it would reduce their fees. They also remember how many of the doctors opposed the fixing of a state schedule of charges for med ical services by the commission, after it was finally set up. Not more than ten per cent of the doctors in the State are involved in these efforts to tear down the fee schedules and convert the Industrial commission into a pie counter for money minded physicians, however, since it was stated today by Chair man Matt H. Allen of the commis sion that fully 90 per cent of the doctors in the State have been and still are cooperating with the com mission to the extent of their ability. He also pointed out that since the In dustrial Commission has been in ope ration, it has ordered the payment of 50 cents to doctors and hospitals every time it has ordered the payment of $1 in compensation. For the first (Continued on Page Two.) PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. Treasury Holding Its Two Billions For Trading Move Cotton Is Major Item In Exports Washington, Feb. 3.—(AP)—Un inunuiactured cotton was shown by Department of Commerce figures today to have been, the major item in the nation’s export trade in 1933. Total exports were $1,675,000,000 of which cotton exports were $398,- 000 000, against $345,000,000 in 1932. Other principal exports included leaf tobacco valued at $67,000,000 in 1933, against $19,000,000 In 193;;, au . tomobiles, $52,000,000. against $35- 000,000. $950,000,000 BILL FOR RELIEF GIVEN COMMITTEE FAVOR Sell at e Appropriations Group Approves Unem ployment Relief and CWA Project WILL SUPPORT CWA TILL FIRST OF MAY $460,000,000 Provided That Purpose, a'nd Re mainder Will Be For Direct Relief Grants to States; Limiting to CWA Expend itures Is Cut Out Washington, Feb. 3 (AP)—-The ad ministration bill to appropriate $950,- 000,000 for unemployment relief and the Civil Works Administration dur ing the remainder of the current fis cal year, was approved today by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Harry L. Hopkins, relief adminis trator, told the committee that about $450,000,000 would be required to carry the civil works program up to May 1, and the remainder would be used for direct relief grants to the States. The Senate committee struck out the bill a provision approved by the House limiting the expenditures to the Civil Works Administration. held for death of GIRL IN GOLDSBORO Goldsboro, Feb. 3.— (AP)— George Witherington, 35, was held today pending an inquest into the death of Arlie Howell, 20, who died Thursday after a 10-day illness. The warrant, sworn for Withering ton by Sheriff Paul Garrison, alleged he procured for the girl a drug in an effort to avoid an illegal operation. JOHNSON OF PENDER SEEKS SPEAKERSHIP Raleigh, Feb. 3.—-(AP) Robert Grady Johnson, of Pender county, one of the leaders in the lower division of the State legislature in 1931 and 1933, today said he planned to seek re-election to the House this year, and was also an active candidate for the 1935 speakership. Mrs. Grice Being Held In Killing * Goldsboro, Feb. 3.—(AP) — Mrs. Ruby Grice was arrested today by order of Solicitor Clawson Williams and lodged in the Wjayne county jail, charged with murder of her hus band, Herbert Grice, iron worker, shot to death at his home iast Oc tober 22. The 30-year-old widow, mother of three children, has been free under $3,500 bond as an accessory before the fadt in the death of her husbanA. A capias instanter was issued for her by the solicitor and she was ar rested at the home of a brother, Ronald Sasser. The solicitor indicated he intended to bring her to trial for murder rather than accessory to murder on the allegation she conspired with Rufus Satterfield, 43*, who was con victed of murder yesterday in the killing of Grice. 6 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY Apparently Waiting For Early Subsidence of Vio lent Dollar Fluctua tion Abroad NONE OF MONEY YET IS SPENT OUTSIDE Fund Has Not Yet Been Used to Purchase Govern ment Securities in United States; Negotiations With Britain for Stable Money Are Still Rumored Washington, Feb. 3.~(AP>—Appar ently waiting for a subsidence of violent dollar fluctuations abroad be fore going into action, the Treasury was disclosed today to have virtullay intact its entire $2,000,000,000 stack of “blue chips” for playing in the inter national money game. It was reported authoritatively at the Treasury, where Secretary Mor genthau and his experts are studying . minutely dollar gyrations abroad that the United States has yet to employ its huge stabilization fund in foreign exchange markets. Likewise, it was stated that the fund has not been used to purchase government securities, another of .its majoi functions. Officials remained mum today, just as they said they would, concerning reports that preliminary communica tions already, have been exchanged with Great Britain on money matters Both London and Washington, how ever, continued to hear whispers that, if not already started, conversations pertaining in part to stabilization were imminent. London heard rumors of negotiations through diplomatic channels with a conference to be held there later. FIVEIEIW Foster Parents, Their Two Sons and Wife of One Son Held by Coroner Wilkesboro, Feib. 3.—(AP) A coroner’s jury probing the death of Leota Childress, 18-year-oIA farm girl shot to death last December 30, de cided today that her foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilley, tlheir sons Luther and Clyde, and Luther’s wife, were involved in a conspiracy to kill her. The jury ordered the five held for grand jury action. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Tilley and Clyde Tilley have boon held in the case for several weeks. Officers were dispatched to the Tilley home in the upper part of the county to arrest Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Tilley. Action by the jury came after it 9 fourth sitting in the case. Witness Is Arrested To F aee Senate McCracken, Hoover Cabinet Figure, De fied Committee, Re fusing Records Washington, Feb. 3. —(AP) —Under arrest by the Senate, but free on the personal bond of his attorney, Wil liam P. McCracken, a cabinet figure of the Hoover administration, today studied the answers he will give when facing the Senate bar oil Mon day. Senate air mail investigators, up In arms at the refusal of the former as sistant secretary of Commerce for aeronautics to open his files, proba bly would have summoned him to chamber floor today. But the Senate was in recess. The arrest of McCracken and the Senate order that his files be seized caused somewhat of a sensation in the capital. Not for years had the Senate or dered the arrest of an outsider. McCracken himself took somewhat of a different attitude toward the sit uation today. He told investigators that he was standing l upon the pri vilege of a lawyer in not disclosing the affairs of a client.