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HENDERSON \tkvvay to (KNTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-FIRST YEAR MELLONS INTERESTED IN MAIL AWARDOROWN SATS Another Os Army Air Mail Fliers Killed In Crash Lieut. Lowry, Out of Chi cago for Cleveland, Noses Into Woods and Loses His Life TWO OTHERS MAKE FORCED LANDINGS Fog, Snow and Low Ceiling Plays Havoc With Sche dules as Army Carries On Li Shouldering Responsibi lity of Moving Mails Throughout the Nation Cleveland, Ohio, Feb, 22. - I'm-, snow and a low ceiling played !i:ivo« with the army air mail sclu iltile in the midwest early today, bring 11 • death to one flier and sending iv m others into emergency landings. Lieutenant D. O. Lowry, out of Chi -1-0 for Cleveland, nosed into a woods ,i :11 Dcshler, Ohio. r>o miles south or l'nledo, and was killed, but he threw (in of his mail free before the crash An unidentified mail pilot was r«- int Ted forced down in the vicinity ol lien Indiana, without serious mi* i:i'i and I tie mail was forwarded by tain. Lieutenant 1.. j. tioi.-dein, out of 'li vi land for Washington, was forced low near Uriiontown, Penn., in it iiiv \ log ilis plane was damage*: mi he eveaped unscathed and Hie nail was saved, according to reports iat to Cleveland airport. At Denison, Texas, Lieutenant Fred i'a'riok, 10, flying out of Barks -1:11 • • field, was killed when his pur iill plane crashed. He was a native if Shreveport, i*n. He was not flying hail. Republicans Will Decide on Choice For Chairmanship Salisbury, Feb. 22. (A I’) — A statewide meeting of Republican leaders will cnnveMlle at the Ro wan county court house at 7:30 p. in., March 3 for the purpose of deriding who shall be supported for the office of State chairman at Hu* Shite convention in Char iot I•• April \. Announcement to this effect was made today by J. M. Waggoner, local attorney, who has been ac tive in making arrangements for the meeting. Stock Mart Head Fights Itegulations Whitney Is Bitter Against Bill A n d Agrees To Offer Suggestions of Own Wa liinyton. Feb. 22. (AP) A l"(mu , that he would submit a sub 'ituie bin f or Federal regulation of ''' b * xehajiges was made to the ■ Interstate Commerce Commit -11 *' bid ay by Richard WJiitney, presi '•< at of the New York Stock Ex change. I - ' itifying against the major pro- v ' '""i of the Fletcher-Rayburn bill place the stock exchanges under "at Federal regulation, Whitney 'id the bill as now written would •hive stocks off the exchange. provision in the Fletcher-Ilay• '"‘in bin calling for quarterly audit '•poll.. | () me Federal Trade Cotn •"1 >«*i> would cost an average firm $5,000,000 capitalization from $500,- '" Ml to $1,n00,000 a year, he contended. Aftei he had read from a lengthy I"''pared statement criticisms of the l ’"P , * "l legislation, Whitney wan ' l (,, l by Representative Littingill, Junioriat, of Indiana, for bis sugges for a bill to be drafted “in the public interest.” Whitney said he would voluntarily ‘bum a draft of such a bill. Larlier the Senate Banking Conunit lUbpoenaed George Harris, chau of tiie publicity committee of the A, ' w Yor k Exchange for questioning tomorrow on what the exchange con ',i,b'H;d propaganda against legislation - A W PERRY "W "" tttNDERSON.M.B, mzn&vt&cm -nia^?i!v WIRE SERVICE OF HIE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Turn* on His Pals (: mwwBHI m Hw; : a paßagg;: 1I mm jy®; < l|g W llfc mM m 1 • 'vTiIsMSI V Turning a*r ' L underworld friends, {;»•■;.. tines. ••<? Ike) Costner is pi«• t«. .i on the wilt -ss staiul at the Jolm (Jake the Bar ber) Factor kidnaping trial in Chicago, ns he testified that he and other members of the Touhy gang kidnaped Factor for ransom last July. The startling testi mony came in the second trial of Roger Touhy and three of his ac i complices on the kidnaping charge. The first hearing was de clared a mistrial when the jury disagreed. CWA MERELY WILL GET ANOTHER NAME Not Being Abandoned, But Will Have “New Body Type” After May 1 NOBODY IS TO STARVE First Consideration To Be Given Those Really and Actually in I)ire Need; Others Are Ones To Be Let Out l>nil> l>i*|»ii<<*h Itureuu, In the S>. Walter Hotel, ItV ,1. V. UASKEIIVILL. Raleigh. Feb. 22—The Civil Works Administration is not going to be abol ished on and after May 1, but is mere ly going to assume a new name and come out with a new 1934 body type after tht. date, according to those who have been following closely the CWA developments in Washington. For (Continued on Paare Eight.) Freedom Is Sought For 2 Women Rocky Mount, Feb. 22.—'(AP)— An other attempt to free Mis. Edith Holden, of Greensboro, and Mrs. Victoi Fowler, of High Point, re-ar rested late last night, several hours after they ha/d been released on a writ of habeas corpus, will he made hero this afternoon at 3 o'clock, pro vided Judge N. A. Sinclair, of Fay etteville, is able to hold the hearing. The women were re-arrested by Sheriff C. L. Johnson, of Nash county, before they had an opportunity to leave, on warrants sworn out. in Moore county charging them with re ceiving stolen property. They were given their freedom here last night on a writ signed by Judge Sinclair when no charges were lodged against them in the hearing. Harold D. Cooley of Nashville, at torney for the women, said that in ca/se Judge Sinclair was unable to conduct the hearing this afternoon, he would seek to obtain a hearing be fore Judge Walter L. Small, of Eliz abeth City, here on Monday. ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PURLISHEI) Extortion Suspect I Sl Jggrco&l MBjt JKL ! \\v Captured in the abandoned guard house (below), near Millville, N. J., 18-year-old George La Croix, CWA worker, is shown with a detective as he was held on charge of attempting to extort SSOO from Walker S. Reeves, factory executive,on threats to kidnap Keevea’ daughter, Betty. (Central Frias) EASTING CHANGES FOR SOCIAL ORDER HOPE OF NRA HEAD First '‘Economic Congress” In Washington March 5 May See New Set-Up For Industry FRESH COMPLAINTS ABOUT FORD HEARD Labor Head Charges Auto Manufacturer Violating Collective Bargaining Pro visions of Auto Code; Labor Board Still Has Big Task on Its Hands Also Washington, Feb. 22. -(AP)—Gen eral Hugh S. Johnson hopes that a permanent change in the social ol der will flow from the great gather ing of NRa. coae authorities here March 5 an assemblage which offi cials already are likening to a first economic congress. Elaborate preparations for the meet ing indicate that Johnson wants it to be a forceful demonstration of two things—that industry under the NRa has the capacity to act for the na tion's well being, and that the new system, which to date has been frank ly an experiment, is worthy of per petuation. Meantime, more immediate prob lems are a.lso occupying NRA’s atten tion. Johnson disclosed that corres pondence is in progress with the Ford company on complaints submitted by Willia.m Green, president of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, that two Ford plants have violated collective (Continued on Page Two.) State , Near . Year Ago, 1 Soundest. Dispatch Oureni, In the Sir Walter Hotel, BV J. C. (lASKEKVILL. Raleigh, Feb. 22. Although this State of North Carolina’s credit is now rated as A-e, with its Jjtonds sell ing above par, a year ago the State was tottering on the brink 6f bank ruptcy, with New York banks not only refusing to renew short time notes but pressing for immediate pay ment, while North Carolina bonds were selling for as low as 70 cents on the dollar, State Treasurer Charles M. Johnson revealed last night in an /address before the Kiwanis club in Raeford. This is the first time Mr. Johnson has really let the cat out of the bag and revealed the inside fact with regard to the State’s fiscal con- HENDERSON, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 22 1934 published. EVERY AFTERNOON r ’ x - L * yo^: EXCEPT SUNDAY. Bailu 3 tamririi IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA. THREE MELLONS OF PITTSBURGH WROTE POST OFFICE HEAD Contract for Flying of Mails Had Been Sought By Pittsburgh Aviation Industries PERFUNCTORY LETTER FROM A. W. MELLON “Somebody Stood Him Up To Bombard Me,” Ex- Postmaster General Says, Declaring, However, Mel lon Never Mentioned It To Him at Frequent Meetings Washington, Feb.. 22 (AP) Walter F. Brown, postmaster general in the Hoover administration, testified today that Andrew W. Mellon, R. K. Mellon and W. 1,. Mellon had written him in the interest of an air mail control sought by the Pittsburgh Aviation In dustries, Inc. Andrew Mellon never took it up with him personally, although he saw him frequently, Brown said. “He wrote me a r perfunctory letter. Brown continued. “Somebody stood him up to bombard me.” R. K. and W. L. Mellon were on Hie Pittsburgh Ayiation Industries hoard of he said. The testimony regarding the Mel lons followed a iortg series of ques tions and answer regarding Brown’s market operations while he was in office. Haw River’s Bank Theft Near SI,OOO Night Theft Discov ered When Employ ees Report for Work in Morning Haw River, Feb. 22.—(AP) The vault of the Bank of Haw River was found open and robbed of approxi mately SI,OOO when employees came to work today. Officers said the yeggmen appai ently had robbed the bank by work ing the combination of the vault, an out-model type. After a preliminary check, J . A. Long, cashier, said approximately SB,- 000 had been overlooked by the rob bers, and that the loss was “less than a thousand dollars.” A trail of silver money from the bank to the Haw River bridge, sev eral hundred yards away, indicated the robbers had left an automobile at the bridge, and in their burry after opening the vault, had dropped parr of their loot. Entrance to the ban kwas made by prying the lock off the front door. Long said the money overlooked by the robbers had been wrapped and set aside eparately as payrolls for firms which were to call for them this morn ing. Officers found no fingerprints in their examination of the valut. Bankrupt Vow One Os In Country dilion a year ago. “Now that the State’s fiscal condi tion is among the best in the United States, with its bonds selling above par, I thought I might as well go ahead and spill the beans and let the State know just how serious the State’s financial condition was a year ago until the General Assembly fi nally passed the sales tax and bal anced the budget,” Johnson said to day. Johnson also pointed out that North Carolina had cut operating costs as much if not more than any other state, having reduced expenses 32 per cent, with the result that North Caro lina is today operating about as eco (Continued on Page Two.) Belgium Buries Her King .As World’s Rulers Unite HONOR WASHINGTON ONCE MORE - WHj I|pß Ilf jUfifr TT . /J^mm hBK tHIBL i iPiri ••• ‘' v>> : jiiMMfflMfc - Bis - 188 mm ■" Milia m V' ' n In the midst‘of its struggles for economic recovery, America again pauses on Feb. 22 to honor the birthday of George Washington, father of his country and first president of the United States. Confesses Kidnap Plot, Hangs Himself In Jail Fred Mayo, of Birmingham, Tried To Abduct lowa Publisher i|n Chicago on Wednesday DIES SOON AFTER TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Necktie Knotted About Neck and Officers Discover Deed on Going After Him To Face Him With Alleged Accomplice; Emulates Verne Sankey’s Death Chicago, 111., Feb, 22.—(AP)—Twelve hours after he confessed an abortive plot tq kidnap E. P. Adler, of Daven port, lowa, Fred Mayo, of Birming ham, Ala., alias Charles Phillips, hanged himself in a Marquette police station cell. He died soon after police found him suspended by his .necktie from the cell bars. They called to take him before Jack Lacy, alias Weyman, his alleged con federate, arrested yesterday. He was rushed to county hospital in the hope of resuscitating him, bu/ it was futile. He had taken on him self the capital punishment he hao feared the State of Illinois would in flict for kidnaping. He emulated the method used by Verne Sankey, notor ious kidnaper, in Sioux Falls recently The man he had named last nighi as his accomplice in the plot to truss the Davenport newspaper publisher and carry him out of the Morrison (Continued on Page Eight) WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Cloudy, rain in east portion to night; Friday fair and colder. One, of the best paintings’'ever made of the famous statesman is shown in photo above. ? Below is a photographic reproduction of the famous ; painting depicting Washington crossing the Delaware Air Line Planes Stops for State Washington, Feb. 22. (Ai*3— Western Air Transport announced today seven regular stops and nine flag stops on its southern lines. The regular stops, under the schedule adopted as an economy move, after cancellation of the mail contracts, will be New York, Wash ington, Richmond, Greensboro, At lanta, Jacksonville, and Miami. Flagstops will include Charlotte and Raleigh. FORFULLHQLIDAY Government Departments Closed Except That Con gress Drives Ahead Washington, Feb. 22. —(AP)—Offi- cial Washington had a holiday today except for the Senate and the House, which went ahead with manifold ac tivities. President Roosevelt arranged to motor late in the day to Mount Ver non, where George Washington is buried, in commemoration of the birth day of the first President. All government departments were closed. Secretary Dern, in aii address to patriotic organizations, praised Presi dent Roosevelt, saying he had turned the country from “communism or fascism” to the traditions of the first chief executive. 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY SbelS Kings Walk in Procession With Commoners Behind Bier of Beloved Late Moinarch Brussels'is vast CAMP AT CEREMONY Thousands of Visitors Spend Night in Streets To Gain Good Places Along Route of Funeral March; War Veterans Bid Farewell To Their Leader Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22 (AP) — Belgium buried her king todays—Al bert the Valiant. Kings walked in the funeral pro cession and commoners. An hundred guns salvoed and church bells tolled. Behind wooden harriers crowds that, in places were back to a depth of 200 yards watched the solemn march. Some likened this funeral of Albert I, killed Saturday while mountain climbing, to that of France’s Marsha. Foch. It drew an even more bril liant line of titled mourners. After the future rulers of many of the world’s remaining monarchies, high officials of democracies and lead ers of the Allied armies, escorted the king s coffin as it was taken from the Grand Palace to a crypt at the little gray church near the royal cas tl eat Laken. Brussels became a vast, camp for (Continued on Page Eight.) GANGSTER’S TRIAL POSTPONED A DAY Raleigh, Feb. 22.—(AP)—The sche duled trial today of Worth Proctor, alleged gang leader, and Melvin Ar cher, alias Tom Moore, charged with being Proctor’s accomplice, was post poned in Raleigh police court until tomorrow. Gen.Sandino * Os Nicaragua Shot, Killed Brother and Tw o Friends Also Slain By National Guard at Midnight Managua, Nicragua, Feb. 22. (AP) —General Augusto Sandino, far mous rebel, was killed with his broth er, Socrates Sandino, and two friends by national guardsmen at midnight on the outskirts of Managua, a gov ernment comm unique indicated. The government statement said: “The government officially states that the action of the Guardia Nar tionale in killing Sandino was con traiy to the instructions of President Sacasa to guarantee the lives of San dino and his followers while they were in Managua. “The president, severely reproved these acts of some individual guards men and has ordered an immediate investigation. All outgoing mesages were censor ed. Reported slain with Sandino were his former Generals Umanzor and Estrada. By the terms of the peace pact signed by President Sacasa and Gen eral Sandino February, 1933, the lat ter laid down his arms with the ex ception of keeping 100 former fol lowers, who were to retain their arms for one year. With these 100 men he was engaged in cooperative farming on the Rio Coco.