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Newspaper Page Text
! HE OLD HOME TOWiv „ mecic ip \med -o- , - \NO\NN IT VOE E COULD OF \MELi- l ;t , ul _ D o' Rounded J- "\ft X l ° UN,D A RS DV A COUPLET O »-T7V ( EL.M STREET ALONeJs HAVp To >*V AT/M "T"ID <SIVEN 1 BORROVv/ED]>^^ ( CORD Of= WHEM the MANAGER op the FAN dancer, billed to appear act the opera house, founo ~the jEy place couldn't be heated, he CALLED OFF THE SHOW - THEREBY > DISAPPO/NT/NC7 A LAROE NOMBEROF LOCAL. SHOW CSOERS ' " ■ press 3-K-34. SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. J. Scott jjjipjjl | ISLE oF MAN DO So AT-Imeir. mm . ° wn peril and mus< leave I^LAND NE*f BOAT* T4aT <3oes To scoTLand on pain op oFTheir , ' " lio * _'. The ’ m 3i, -THE OF 'THE- ROMAN \ y*«K'^ SNAKES emperors, died less -Than has no a Hundred years aco/ Poison ' opynght 1934. by Centrsl Press AssociaiiHji. li.n, “3- 5" ’ PANGS IOTA KETT Hell Get Her Yet-Curscs? By PAUL ROBINSON -heres ) GET Ihis -IT SANS NOu have jis he duno ? L Gtf Ihis -'fouriL FuruoeTl £TTA wouldn't /audio /Fske, oou/d K ir Tells / A vm&akness for happiness »s at stake Sclo. tk& t*d> h,dA,poooarcd roadster THE GUMPS —A T LAST ~ / r / THIKiK OF IT, ANDY- \ f OH- IT \{ YOU TV / THE MAN IS ON THE PHONE NOW-) / HELLO- YES- v THE LITTLE NELL »VE M To OrOOD TO BE (l fl / HE SAYS HE'S FOUND ' J , 17* TO PAY / r— \ TOLD YOU SO MUCH \\TRO&- I CAN’T \ / UTTLE NELL- SAFE AND THE REWARD- * / / ABOUT- FOUND AT LAST- \\ NNAIT TO SEE J SOUND- AND H£ HAS HER / 111 \ BrVnO HER OVER. / II k H ? LL R^ wY \ W f BIOHT I IT OHCS- .1 HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATt*. MONDAY, MARCH 5,1984 w* —' *- L ffl- Aoah Numskull JMU 'VWSrt > noah- i s a rec B)RC> Slue, when the <E>feOONO js wmiE and HE- CAN FIND NO GftEENt,! MRS EACc M. MITCH AVI, M c aleste», okla DEAR. NOAH= IF THE SiLVEI? FOX WENT TO MAKE F|R|£i\ic>s with THE Goose that LAYS THE <S»OL.C>EY4 E GrGiS, VIOULD THAT MAKE THe" Blue soar? MRS B. RoB/A4Som ■ walkerville Qnt' Ve~NO I/m Voue. NUMB NOTIONS SISTER No Sale By LES FORGRAVE VNH AT.' yoo EKPE.CT nAE TO DO f>NWY Ti4v« SCOONOREU FOV-L-onM€.O WIE ) T H T avS PER.6OV)? ‘ViTO , 1 'T'QvEO TiD z' K 9 (^r r^-'KiG _ fHEYJORLO! r ■■/ SOT- eR.-l- >«QAn f ■Wt'SOBT.IOUI.Y J | 1 “' t Isr 1 1 > VJA"S AvTO PACK RACTKCW.-r»4ov.Ki V RIGMY »«= YMAt'S V4WO GOT vr ! f NCTTKUnIS ?AS FAR. AS ‘SEL.k TO YOO nMAV YOO vMOVJ.NOVO I'Nt / YOU'RE COMCERMED ID QORtO TO PAY y Tv-USYMOOD DOESN’T njJOOO FIRST. KOPE IT ROT*3, YOO'VE YOO A GOOD— } ~y- GOOD DAY, ,-Wj HADYOOR. CW^tOCE ' — —— ( r— J ' Curb The Mounting Death Rate NEVER f ■-.. 7X POINT LEFT \ (Jt ) \ ill T 7 I v/itK your - * K&r\d and lhcr\ A / //•'X \ L follov/upv/itka. l~ I[| \ V —'/• H RIGHT T- R -P]-f TURN \ U U likens / /4J?X / V/roAg signals n\a./ RB //V'" / brrng tragedy to Ty |ffrv / / • yourselF ai\d otkecs. |* ■' *—' ——— —it- ; Nearly so, ooo Americans lost their livves in auto accidents in 1933. More than 300,000 others were injured. You can do your part toward re ducing these appalling figures hy observing the “don’t” illustrated above. Others follow. Advertise In The Dispatch PAGE SEVEN WANT ADS Get Results CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE, EX pect nice lot last of this week. See Main Street Fruit Store or L. H. Evans. A. J. Cheek, Phone 387. 5-1 ti HALF SOLES, LADIES 49c, MEN’S 59c, children’s 45c. Alen’s rubber heels 25c, ladies leather lifts 10c. Cut Rate Shoe Shop, opposite Post al Telegraph, Montgomery Street. A NEW STOCK OF BUILDING MAT erials and paints at "The Place of Values.” Alex S. Watkins “Where quality tells and prices sell." 5-ltl AUTHORIZED AUTOMOTIVE RA diator service. We clean, lepair or recore any make of raditor. Motor Sales Co. 28-ts FOR (RENT—-DOWNSTAIRS FUR nished apartment, private bath, reasonable rent. In desirable neigh borhood. Address "Apartment” care Daily Dispatch. 5-if| SPECIAL NOTlCE—Our~pa£ rons and the public will find it easier to reach, our store by using Horner street, where there is also ample parking space. Wester’s. Phone 840-841. 2-3 ti. WANTED POSITION AS BOOK keeper or stenographer will also Clerk in store. Will accept part time work. Address Mrs. Edward Dun can, Henderson, N. C. Phone 450-W. 5-lti FOR HEMSTITCHING, MOOTING, dress making, suits, ladies coats.’ Everything made to measure. Satis faction guaranteed. See Estelle Wal ston. E. G. Davis and Sons Store. Phone 141. Mond-Fri-tf PEAS—'SOY BEANS AND CORN wanted—we will pay you the top of the market. Legg-Parham Co. 28-2-5-7-9 MAN: AGE 18-45. TO QUALIFY IN Retail Merchandising Field and Government Work. Experience not essential. Man selected trained. Per sonal interview by writing Box 44 this paper. 5-lti I.OUGHLIN-GOODWYN - AUTHOR ized Dealer—Majestic and Philco Radios. Complete service facilities to render factory service, large stock of parts for all makes. Phouu 118. 15-ts SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by Walter Williams and wife Martha Williams on the 18th day of November 1925 and recorded in Boo* 130, Page 428, we will on Saturday the 24th day of March 1934 12 o’clock ■ noon at the Courthouse door in Vance County, Henderson, N. C„ sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest, bidder the following land to-wit: Begin at a stone on the W. side of the Mill Rd. Morgan’s line, thence along J. G. Morgan’s line W. 24 chs. to a stone; thence S. 7 chs. 92 Iks. to ■a white oak; thence W. 15 chs. thence N. 67 W. 4 chs. 16 Iks, to a. cedar; thence S. 26 1-2 W. 20 chs. 27 Iks to a white oak, Morgan’s and Taylor’s corner; thence S. 18 E. 21 chs. to Dogwood, Edmund’s corner; thence S. 56 1-2 E. 15 ehs. and 5 Iks. to a pine; thence S. 5 chs. 8 Iks. to a stump; thence E. 12 chs. 38 Iks, to a dogwood; thence N. 51 E. 4 chs. 70 Iks. to a stone; thence E. 18 chs. 70 Iks. to saw mill rd. thence along the said road to the beginning, con taining 236 2-3 acres, more or less. This sale is made by reason of the failure of Walter Williams and wife, Martha Williams to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness accrued by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be re quired from the purchaser at the sale. This the 19th day of February, 1934. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPORATION. Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. .. a NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a Court Or der made in that Special Proceeding entitled “Ophelia Crosson and The i Citizens Bank and Trust Company. Administrators of the Estate of An nie Norman, deceased, vs. Ophelia. Crosson and Hubert Croson, her hus band; Joshua Norman (Minor); Theo dore Norman (Minor); Nicholas Nor man (Minor); and James Hunter Norman (Minor); heirs at law of An nie Norman, deceased,” the same be ing upon the Special Proceeding Docket in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Vance County, North Carolina, the undersigned Com missioner will on Thursday, March 29, 1934, at 12 o’clock, Noon, at the Courthouse door in Vance County, North Carolina (at Henderson, N. C.), offer for sale to the highest bidder, Cash, that certain real estate lying and being in Vance County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: Begin at a stake (iron) B/aekwell and Kelly’s old corner; and run thence S. 32 1-2 E. 69 ft. to an iron pin; thence S. 60 E. 1444 1-2 ft. to an iron pin, Kittrell’s old corner in Buchan’s line; thence N. 31 1-2 E. 60 ft. to an iron pin; thence S. 62 1-2 E. 189 ft. to an iron stake in West side of New Street; thence N. 31 1-2 E. 90 ft. along said street to an iron stake (in road); thence N. 55 W. 74 ft. to an iron pin; thence N. 70 W. 199 ft. to an iron stake; thence N. 28 W. 50 ft. to an iron stake in red gulley; thence S. 65 W. 154 ft. to the beginning. Also re fer to Book 43, at page 351, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance County, for a more particular description. This the 26th day of February, 1934. T. P. GHOLSON, Commissioner,