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MARRIAGES parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES ,ih haw brimming stone of Our old loves. lovely things, yet not for got : Ml i\v;i\ as we pursued the Tn C) 1 ' road hit() feathers drifting from the winus of doves. Thero ,vere the old sweet paths, the M-ood, the hills; ,-,,unted shade and shine of clmid and sun. Topethei tilled and sowed and reaped out fields, Al ,d rested, plenty-blessed, by pleas ant rills ppvond old antes now we walk apart; W'p ,-otint the shade and shine; we <s,w. we reap, Anf l have rich harvesting of love, for love j« ,ir.e and store of new-old love librints the heart Nellie B. Mace. To Meet at Church r* a-y member of the Junior depart r,,-t of ;>'r Sunday school of the First Merit d ; s> Episcopal church is asked to h" at the f'hurrh tomorrow after noon at 4 o clock, it was announced today. Ladies l'o Serve Barbecue Dinner pm ladies of White Memorial M. E riui f’h. South Henderson, will serve a I ni' nun dinner in the Community H'usn at South Henderson Saturday Nuinninu at 10 o’clock, it was stated tmlpy for the benefit of the work of tho ladins in the church. A iiniiiinal fee will be charged sot rai'h plain, and the public is cordially j:,\ it> il lit at t end. General .Meeting Os Kpiscopal Women On Friday Evening There will he a general meeting o •h, Woman s Auxiliary of Holy Inno cents Kpiscopal church Friday even in. at 7 oi- o’clock in the Parish House at - the chinch, it was announced today. Tit" Annie (tray Burroughs chapter • the auxiliary will be in charge of the meeting. Kn>\ Benjamin T. Brodie, of Scot land Neck. will be the principal .•Maker at the meeting, and all the T(-mhers of the auxiliary. tfTe men o ' chureh and interested friends are invited to attend the meeting. QdweeHjntc&a/^^ I Freshens the mouth \ *“*•** i hhhhmhhi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Something More Than A Token 1 , *«]*« you have reasons for making this Mothers’ different from the rest; more significant, more f " fix,) al>lf\ Then you will be especially interested in J-oughlin-Goodwyn’s magnificent collection of gift k*\\« Is. Among them is the gift that will truly thrill • vo, ir wife or mother. Wrist Watches Silver Jewelry Lamps Gifts From SI.OO Loughlin-Goodwyn Phone 118 j* -g J li^li=Jr=H=i[=lr:a 1 Jiik INTRODUCING &>. -i ■j For The First Time i [ 9 t In The First Showing Os C # j I The Imported De-Noval Jewels j S MOUNTED in GOLD and SILVER Mountings j y /#■ /gWJ. . and Uo not compare these jewels or rings with previous cheap 1* ring offers —See window display. jl Jr / Up Ideal gifts for Mothers’ Day and Graduation j 1 PISrH Page-Hocutt Drug Co. P’lrH | s TELEPHONE 610 State P. T. A. Officers Address County Group Mrs. W. B. Aycock, State president of the North Carolina Parent-Teacher Association, and Mrs. N. L. Walker both‘of SKf* ot the “Elation! both of Raleigh, wehe the principal meeUn? 3 nf a c ™ nt y-wide Nation of v 6 P ®; rent ~ Tea cher Asso- Vh? h f VanCe County last evening 1 ® basement of the First Metho dist Episcopal church. Every association in the county was With exception W of Mrs. L. D. Wall, president of the council was the presiding officer at x*r> e ,, meetlnff ’ and P res ented Mrs. N L Walker who spoke on the district work. She stated that there were 17 counties in this district with a mem bership of 8,460 paid members; and mat the district won two loving cups and one honorable mention at the tate convention held this year. She askedfor the cooperation of Vance county in the furtherance of the work Ros the association. Jere P. Zollicoffer, local attorney md candidate for the Democratic no- Jr. Legion Auxiliary vVill Meet Friday J The Junior American Legion Aux liary will meet in the home of Mrs. J. A. Newell on Gholson avenue Fri ay afternoo nat 3:30 o’clock, it was mnounced today _ The members are irged to be present. Fo Sponsor Shower For The Hospital The Vance County Council of Par nt-Teacheer Associations will sponsor ashower for Maria Farham hospital ’aturday, National Hospital Day, from to 6 o’cbick in the afternoon, it was .nnounced today. Mrs. L. D. Wall, president of the ;roup, stated that the hospital was in feed of sheets 72x90; pillow cases, 6x42, regular towels, dresses, scarfs, .preads, 80x90, glass dessert dishes, linking glasses, canned fruits and .ther food. The shower is being given in appre :iation of the cooperation of the hos pital in a recent tonsil clinic among he school children of the county, and ill members of the P. T. A. In the ounty are asked to cooperate in the ;hovVer7 Anyone desiring any infbr nation concerning the affair may call Irs. L. D. Wall. Dr. Samuel M. Lindsay of Columbia University., noted professor of social legislation, born in Pittsburgh, 65 /ears ago. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1934 OCIITV NEWS y mination for Congress from this dis trict, introduced Mrs. W. B. Aycock, stating that it was fitting that the president of the association be a rela tive of the late Governor Charles B. Aycock, who did so much for educa tion in North Carolina. Mrs. Aycock delivered a splendid and inspiring talk to the group ask ing the cooperation of each P. T. a. member in aVnce county to make this the best year in the organization’s his tory. She stated that her ultimate goal was 100,000 members in North Caro lina; a school of instruction in each cunty to train leaders; a standard lib rary in each school to establish unity and harmony between home and school; more efficient and better paid school teaechers and, ultimately, a school teacher’s pension. Ths association voted to give Maria Parham hospital a shower Saturday, National Hospital Day, in appreciation for what the hospital did in making it possible to conduct a tonsil clinic among the schools of the county, A social hour followed, during whih punch and cake were served. OFFICERS ELECTED BY CLASS OF 1935 Bill Bryan Is President; Most Officers Hold Over From Juniors At a meeting of the rising senior class of the Henderson high school, held Wednesday morning at the school office!s for next year were elected after the distribution of report and promotion cards. It was the final meeting of the class* as this year’s juniors. Bill Bryan as president, Ransom Duke as vice president, Miss Nancy Parham as secretary and Miss Mary Mitchell Baity as treasurer were elect ed as officers of the class as next year’s seniors. All except Miss Par ham were officers of the junior class. Miss Maxine Taylor and Prof. f?. M. Crowder, of the high school faculty, were chosen as sponsors of the class. This year’s graduating lcass held its final meeting Wednesday morning following their graduation Tuesday night. They voted $5 to the rising senior class gs a token of apprecia tion for the “splendid cooperative spirit it has shown during the past school year.” The graduates decided to use the remainder of its fund to fi nance a picnic planned for this after noon. Zollicoffer Club For Women Meets Tonight At Eight A meeting of the Zolliccffer-for-Con gress women’s organization in Vance county is announced to be held tonight at 8 o’clock in the basement of the Perry Library. Miss LTaude Hunter, who is president of the women’s orga nization, urged all women of the city and county who are interested in the Henderson man’s candidacy to be present. Ways and means of further Mr. Zollicoffer’s interests in this coun ty and elsewhere as theye can will be discussed. DABNEY FINALS TO BE HELD TONIGHT Commencement exercises will be held at Dabney high school tonight, with the commencement address by Harold D. Cooley, of Nashville candi date for Congress in the fourth dis trict. Diplomas will be presented to the graduating class, a.large one of this year, and other awards and prizes will likewise be presented. Prof. B. A Scott is principal of the school, and in charge of the finals exercises Superintendent E. M. Rollins, of the city-county school systems, will deliver the diplomas. Willi the Sick Mrs. Young Improved Word from the bedside of Mrs. W. M. Young, who has been critically ill at her home on Belle Street for some time, was most encouraging today, saying that she was improving con siderably and gaining in strength. Marians Martin Pattern 9797 CHILD GUIDANCE By Frank Howard Richardson, M. 1)., F. A. C. P. School Marks Do you look forward with dread to the day of the month when your ooy or girl brings home the school report card? Do yuo register pleased and proud surprise, or pained and sorrow ful dejection according to the s.*ze of the number by which the teachers strives to express the dizzy heights of algebra, biology, writing, or honesty to which your offspring has attaained? Do you offer prizes for “being on tut honor roll, and do you indulge in fic tion regarding your own attainments along this line? if you are still naive enough to De ' Kve that interest or ability to.undei stand equations or love of poetry, can be expressed in a scale of percentages running from one to 100, or by a scale of letters running from A to F (or to Z, for that matter), then goodness’ sake wake up, and he your oAvn in tellectual age. Realize instead that children often lie or cheat or forge in order to get these fictitious gradings, in order to please parents who have set up unfair standards; and don’t you think you can learn anything wrin while ai'rut yur child’s prblems, from wisely at his reprt card, praising him for a gain of 13 per cent, or berating him for a drop of two letters. How then are you to learn aoou: his progress in school? n the same way that you learn what needs to be coat to your automobile—by going cior/n and talking to the one who knows. Why not get acquainted with the teacher; she can tell you things lots better than she can express tncj-i cr. a report card, even with the aid of 100 numbers or seven letters. Give nei a chance to talk to you about youi child. Questions and Answers Question—My child was pronounced safe by the Schick test; yet he was given the toxin-antitoxin. Is this pos sible? Answer—Yes. Most people develop an immunity against diphtheria by ta» slow process of natural immunization, but in many cases they do not get their immunity in time. Hence the Whitman’s Norris —and— Martha Washington Mothers 7 Day Candies Nothing is too good for Mother Packages from 40c to $3.00 —Open Sunday— PAGE-HOCUTT DRUG CO. Phones 404-403 HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON A MARIAN MARTIN FORMULA FOR YOUTH PATTERN 9797 Take a round collar, split it front and back and put two tabs on it un der the chin and then two buttons on the tabs. Cut a little bodice, and see that it has a pretty point at the front just above the waistline—and an other in the back, where it buttons. Then make a skirt with a clever panel, which causes the slimmest hips to look slimmer. Oh, and don’t forget the sleeves! They are short, but fin ished with a clever little band. Pattern 9797 may be ordered only in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20. 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40. Size 16 requires 3 3-8 yards 39 inch fabric and 5-8 yard contrast. Send FIF TEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern. A beautiful, complete collection of Summer Clothes is shown in the NEW SUMMER EDITION of the MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN BOOK. This book will help vou r»tan a stunning vacation wardrobe. Clever beach ** sembles, charming costumes for the gardener, style suggestions for the Summer hi Ida and her attendants and sun suits for children are among the special feat tuns. SEND FOR YOTTR COPY TODAY PRICE OF BOOK. FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PAT TERN. TOGETHER, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Sord voir order to Henderson Dailv Dispatch. PaHern Department, 232 W. 181 h St., New York, N. Y. campaign for hurrying up the develop ment of enough antitoxin to protect, l-.y the artificial injection of toxin antitoxin. Your boy happened to be one of the lucky ones who developed enough antitoxin without outside aide. You have no need to give him injec tions of toxin-antitoxin; or of the new er and more popular protective sub stance known as “toxoid”. Admiral Richard H. Jackson, U. S. >N., retired; born at Tuscumbia, Ala., 68 years ago. nHssaca bUKsaa msbsmuksscie | Remember! Everybody! | | Sunday, May 13 th, Is ■ A Little Token With an Earne.t Message Means li I As Much As A Costly Gift. B R We Have Lots of Inexpensive Tokens That Almost n a Any Mother Will Enjoy. U 1 VISIT ROSE'S I B And See For Yourself the Many Useful and Attractive |1 g Mother’s Day Gifts. Delicious Chocolate Candy, especially de- Toilet Articles in IWanv fZ. 1 signed box for Mothers’ Day. 1-2 lb. 49c „ . . . , D * , % li 2 pounds 79c Nationally Advertised Brands ll \ Mother mottoes, 10c to 49c Face Powder each w( 21 PreUy initial handkerchiefs 5c Perfume / ft Lace corner handkerchiefs 5c Cream ■MW By White purses, new and stylish 25c to SI.OO Vanishing ( ream JT £S R Lovely silk chiffon hose, full fashioned, Lotion Ml V. in many new summer colors 59c to 79c Little Dutch Boy and Little Dutch H 2 .Dainty rayon underwear 25c to 69c Girl, China figures, per set .... 10c W VV hite gloves .... 39c to 49c Pretty new glassware for summer- m V| White canvas sandals 50c time 5c up to 25c JU Ll White hats, in pique, linen, and llfl ll mesh 39c to 98c A set °f dishes in new flowered WE ■ White necklaces, and earrings to pattern. separate pieces. 10c up to 25c M Zl match 10c Large size canvas chairs, for beach. Q Q White bracelets 10c garden, or porch SI.OO m J SCHOOL’S OUT—Summer’s About jj r Here —Children Must Play! I Get Some of These New Improved Toys, All With Rubber Tires. S JJ Here Are Some Items We Can Suggest: 2 Trucks each Trucks with lights 25c Q ■I , , Sand pails .. . 5c and 10c 5] Roadsteis Garden sets 10c and 20c \m il Racer J Baseballs ... 10c and 20c |m H Coupes Iff yf Baseball bats 10c to 50c H m Touring Cars / Baseball gloves 10c to 98c Wl m Wagons Baseball caps 20c and 25c Si S ROSE'S 5. 10 25c STORE I 8J “Henderson’s Mos t Popular Store” |fl ac^ea<gngg<RpgsaFipgaaaHsaigggaasi^sasßßgfci * CONTRACT BRIDGE* WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By E. V. SHEPARD I* FAMOUS BRIDGE TEACHER DETECTING THE PROBLEM AND DIRECTING THE PLAY THE FOLLOWING hand is in structive, showing how the declarer sometimes may determine precise holdings, and so direct play as to produce a desired ending. 4AKJ9B ♦ K 8 ♦ 543 ♦ Q 62 ♦ 732 [-ism *5 ♦J9432k; * A Q 10 5 ♦ J7 ♦ 10 986 ♦A 73 1—4J1095 ♦ Q 10 6 4 ♦ 7 6 ♦AK Q 2 ♦K 8 4 Bidding went: South. 1-Diamond; North. 1-Spade; Etst, doubled, re questing partner t.o choose between the two unbid suits, with only North and South vulnerable; South, 4- Spades, effectually shutting out West from a sacrifice call; East, doubled, ending bidding. The opening lead was the J of clubs. Dummy played low. The lead definitely marked the missing Q with North. If West put up his Ace. both the K and the Q must win tricks, unless the latter happened to be a singleton, which probably was not the case. West gave a come-on with his 7. Declarer’s Q won the trick North took three rounds of spades. East followed to the first, then he echoed with his 10 and 5 of hearts, definitely locating t lie Ace and Q, probably also showing an original Mother Will Appreciate A Nice Box Os Russel McPhail’s Candy Sunday, May 13—MOTHERS DAY, Order Your’s Now Kerner Drug Company Phone 112 CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS holding ot just four of that suit. Two rounds of top diamonds were taken next. When West’s J dropped tt showed East with the two remaining missing cards of that suit. Also it showed that East originally had held just four clubs. The declarer ran off both his remaining spades, to squeeze East. Qn the first East let go his lowest club. Seven tricks had been won by North. The remaining six cards held by the players were as shown below, and North knew just where each card was located, re ducing the play to a six-card prob lem. ♦ A ♦ KS ♦ 4 ♦ 62 ♦ None ♦ None ♦ J 943 VAQ ♦ None > ♦lO y ♦ A3 —&... ♦ 10 9 ♦ None ♦ 76 ♦ A2 ♦ K 8 North led his Ace of spades. East had to unguard one of his suits, ft made no difference which he un guarded. but he chose to let go his »of clubs. North led his 2 of clubs, Tliefe went on the trick the 10. Ace and K. leaving dummy’s 8 of clubs good. West led a heart, giving East two tricks in that suit, but when East led a diamond, dummy had left only the good. Ace and its too club, winning (he last two tricks, and giv. ing the declarer his 10 tricks total. PAGE FIVE