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MARRIAGES parties SOCIAL ACTIVITIES a STAR SHONE a star shone £ rom the immeasurable height into my heart And there I found the young child with his mother UA ' »-° rshlped - „ tha t was sealed in winter’s frost, ' The unresponsive wilderness, the desert place Blossomed, and the bare earth Hurst into singing beauty. j ! *;'jp r l heard glad streams plow unto the sea W'here ice had fettered them, And the sound of wings In upward flight. i 0 Rose of Sharon Close folded in my heart! There to unfold in splendor, There to perfume all the world. Florence Irene Gubbins. Return Home Mrs J. H Hinton and children have returned from Key West, Fla., where they have been visiting. They a l,o visited Miss Jessie Wortham, in Jensen, and Mrs. J. R. Norvell at "Maraville Gardens", Ft. Pierce, Fla Miss Fenner at Finals jliss Clara Fenner has returne# tc her home on West Garnett street from Richmond. Va., where she has been been spending several days. While jn Richmond, Miss Fenner attended the Medical College of Virginia finals in that city. Display of Flags On Memorial Day Miss Agnes Pegram, chairman of the Americanism committee of the local unit of the American Legion. Auxiliary, asked for a display of flags throughout the city Wednesday, Me morial Day. stating that the flags were to be at hal mast until noon and full staff from noon to sunset. Business School Has Work Display Samples of work of the Henderson Business school are on display in Woo 1 , aids ,3)rug store window, showing many designs and interesting patterns worked out by the pupils on typewrit ers. Several other features are among the display, including samples of book work, check writing and other phases of book work. 9VORATONE a better mouth-wash at a big saving/ 1 nnnnnr vwwuooooooosoa h| 82 Science Reveals | W| mm VnUf ■ Important ,ll JhLJI mg Hf BhJr gi New Facts for Smokers! ' There’s a "Lift” in CAMELS that drives away Fatigue, Irritability Feel "all in”? Then light a Camel. It’s cool and fragrant and delight ful... but far more important than that, it brings your flow of energy up from the depths! You feel fatigue vanish. Irrita bility seems to slip away. And you go back to work —or play with the energy that is naturally yours. YOU’VE HAD THE EXPERIENCE ...HERE’S THE EXPLANATION! This experience is no news to Camel smokers. But the explanation is news —and good news—to everyone. The "lift” you get from smoking Camels is simply a release of the made * tom * ,ner < y■ fljL *V Bnd Domestic —than J||i KNOW THIS FEELING? The feeling of being too "all in” to respond to the * any other popu- gaiety of the crowd? No taste for the pleasure and fun of the sort of social eve i&jm|l|j|agi ning that you would ordinarily look forward to ? That s one of the many times PSpPMqM|| a: ran to light a Camel, enjoying its rich flavor while your flow of natural, healthful a energy is restored. You’ll like Camels —a matchless blend of costlier tobaccos! Copyright, 1934, B J. Reynolds Tobacco Comptsy “Gel a LSIS with a Camel l" j- SOCIETY NEWS TELEPHONE 610 James Hight Here James Hight arrived yesterday from High Point College to spend the sum mer months at his home in the city. fith the Sick Has Operation John A. Newell of Louisburg under went an operation at Maria Parham hospital today. Undergoes Operation Miss Gracie Helen Price, of North Henderson, underwent an operatidn at Maria Parham hospital today. Doing Nicely Miss Frances Wtaodlief, who under went an operation for the removal of her tonsils at McPherson’s hospital, Durham, was said to be doing nicely today. Undergoing Treatment Dale Poythress, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Poythress, of Route S Henderson was undergoing treatment at Maria Parham hospital today. Being Treated Miss Mollie Bobbitt, of North Gar nett street, was being treated at Maria Parham hospital today. Has Tonsils Removed Lawrence Lowryy, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Lowry, had his tonsils removed at Maria Parham hospital, and was said to be doing very nicely today. FIVE LEADING LADIES ARE WITH BARTHELMESS IN “MODERN HERO” Five leading ladies are required by Richard Barthelmess for “A Modern Hero" his latest Warner Bros, pic ture which shows at the Moon Theatre today only. Jean Muir, who many believe will be the Maude Adams of the screen, has the role of the small town sweet heart of Barthelmess in the early sequences of the story. Marjorie Ranmeau plays the pan of his mother, a former leopard tam er, and later a fortune teller. Florence Eldridge, wife of Fredric March, is his light of love who helps him get away from tne circus and started on a business career, i Dorothy Burgess is the daughter of j the wealthy man who becomes the partner of Barthelmess in the auto ! mobile industry, the one girl among I his many loves whom he marries. | Verree Teasdale is his companion 1 cf later years when married life be gins to pall. SILO COSTS ONLY $4 Salisbury, May 28.—A trench silo, i built by W. D. Graham of Mt. Ulla, ! Rowan county, at a cost of only $4, j has furnished feed for 33 head of cat : tie for over four months, reports :• County Agsnt W. G. Yeager. Dr. Oswald Spengler, famed Ger j man author and ristorian, born 54 i years ago. natural latent energy in your body. You have helped your body to help itself... easily, naturally. Remember this explanation when your energy curve is "down”... times when you’re irritable and your brain just doesn’t seem to work and you feel too tired to move. AND CAMELS NEVER JANGLE YOUR NERVES! Camel fans smoke frequently —and they can as often as they like. Camel’s costlier tobaccos never get on the nerves. Keep your flow of energy at a higher level with Camels. HENDERSON, (N. C.J DAILY DISPATCH, TUESDAY, MAY 29,1933 Marian Martin pattern MARIAN MARTIN DESIGNS SOMETHING TAILORED PATTERN 9043 Don’t choose too soft a fabric for - stunning little frock. It needs something that will be slightly crisp in the shoulder ruffles and which will maintain the tailored lines of the bo dice and skirt. Shantung would do it—or pique or linen or even seersuck er. Having taken this simple pre caution, the design will do the rest — it’s that kind of a design. It is a sort of highly feminized shirtwaist frock with sleeves omitted and clever touch es added here and there. . . Pattern 9043 may be ordered only in sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42. Size 16 requires 3 yards 36 inch fabric and 5-8 yard contrasting. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Be sure to write plainly your NAME. AD DRESS. the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern. A beautiful, complete collection of Summer Clothes is shown in the NEW SUMMER EDITION of the MARIAN MARTIN PATTERN BOOK. This book will help you plan a stunning vacation wardrobe Clever beach, • sembles, charming costumes for the gardener, style suggestions for the Summer hi Ido and her attendants and sun suits for children are among the special features. SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY.’ PRICE OF BOOK. FIFTEEN CENTS. BOOK AND PAT TERN TOGETHER, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Send yoiir order to Henderson Daily Dispatch, Pattern Department. 232 W. 18th St., New York, N. Y. CHILD GUIDANCE By Frank Howard Richardson, M. D., F. A. C. P. “My Child Didn’t Get Promoted” That’s what Mrs. Jennings is say ing; and by the intensity of vocifer ousness with which she says it, the casual onlooker would be justified in thinking that this was a very serious matter, in the Jennings household. And yet Mrs. Jennings had every reason in the world to know that this would happen, long before term-time ended and brought her face to face with the accomplished fact. Wilbur brought several notes home from school; he was constantly in trouble with his teacher, often remaining in school long after the other children had been released; and he never en joyed school a singe day during this •whole year. Camel Smokers can verify these facts! A famous New York research laboratory announces a basic discovery that throws new light on our past knowledge of cig arettes. It embodies an "energizing effect”...a quick restora tion of the flow of natural body experience well known to Camel smokers. When you smoke a Camel you Hi KBPS Hp '■:■■■# ' M WrnmmmmL FUN - * nd then she smoked a a If Mrs. Jennings hacr spent one tenth of the time im intelligently studying Wilbur’s dii’ficul’Jies when ihe teacher wrote to her; if she had .taken the trouble to talk with the teacher or principal in order to find out what was wrong—but then, you see, she didn’t have time, ow she is taking t me; out :: is too late to help Wilbur or to save herself the “dis grace” of having .him left behind. Poor Mrs. Jennings or is it poor Wilbur? Questions and Answers Question—ls there any way in the world of arranging matters so that HOURS 9 A. M. TO 12 NOON 1 CONTRACT BRIDGE * WRITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By E. V.,SHEPARD • FAMOUS IRIDGE TEACHER Jt THE HANDICAP OF BEING iECOND BIDDER AT RARE INTERVALS you pirk up a hand bristling with honors, causing visions of a certain game, with probably a slam. Your part ner passes and the opponent at your right makes an opening bid. usually destroying your slam possibilities, and often making it difficult for you to convince partner of your great strength We will take a few ex* amples of the sort, to illustrate your best course in each case. South deals and passes. West bids 1-Sitgde, which makes it more diffi cult for you than if he had made a minor bid. Suppose West holds one of the two following types of hands. (A) 4AKQ6 3 ♦ A 7 2 ¥B4* 9 5 4 (B) ♦KQJ6 3 ♦ A 7 2 ¥B4* K 5 4 You hold the following hand: (I) 4 None ♦ K Q J ¥AKQJ976 4A Q J There are even chances for your partner to hold the missing K of clubs in case West has Hand A, but instead of making an opening bid of 3-Hearts, to show game in hand, as you would do as dealer, you have to shut off further adverse bidding, by calling 4-Hearts. Holding Hand 2 you plan to open with a forcing bid of 2-Clubs, while Hand 3 causes you to contemplate an opening bid of 2-Hearts. West bids 1-Spade. Your best course is to make an informatory double. 11 West bids Hand A, and your part- two children playing together will not both want the same toy at the same time? I have a friend who wanted ! to train her two littie girls, three and five, to be unselfish; so she always one of each of their tops, so that take care to see that they had but they might have practice in develop ing unselfishness. Do you approve of that idea? Answer —Your triend certainly was .a glutton for punishment, aoi our sporting friends would phrase it; she' snowed by that very courageous ac tion that she ‘‘could take it”. Most of us parents are perfectly satisfied to meet the troubles that come to us, without going around manufacturing difficulties, I don’t believe she stuck tothat plan long—it was too much theory and two little good common sense. The only way I know for meet ing the situation is to develop an in terest in cooperative play, so that the children will want the thing to go where it will further Ills game they are palying. But that is not always easy, to be sure. feel an almost immediate relief from fatigue. You have released and made available the latent energy in your body. You’ve helped your body to help itself. During the day your energy curve hits certain low points. Camels raise your flow of energy ...quickly, conveniently, and without jangling your nerves. | nei holds the K ot clubs, there may I be a small slam at his best suit, but i neither of you dare bid more than game. If West bids Hand B, and your partner holds the Ace of spades, there may be a small slam, but only game can be bid. That handicap of being second bidder is a serious om* at times. (2)- 4 None 4 K Q J 8 ¥AK Q 6 4AQJIO 3 (31 454 K QJ 8 ¥AK Q 6 4A Q J If: Five trumps cannot stand being ruffed frequently in case partner is short of your suit. This causes Hands 4 and !> to he better toi m forrnator.v double* than 2-Hearts, when West makes bis opening bid of 1- (4>- 4 None 4 K Q J S ¥ A K Q J 3 A A Q J 7 (5) 454 K Q J ¥KQJIO 3*AQJ? Ordinarily your partner will re spond to your informatory double with a minor suit call. If West passes, overcall your partner with 2- This shows not fewer than 5 strong cards in your suit. Your informatory double has shown strength in 3 suits. The inference from your subsequent bid is for partner to suppoit >ou on 3-Hearts, rather than rebid his minor suit, or show the other minor suit. If part ner either rebids or shows a second minor suit, you must help his call. TOWNSVILLE GRANGE TO MEET THURSDAY The Townsville Grange will hold its regular session Thursday evening at 8 o’clock, it was announced here to day. Every member was urged to be pres ent, a'J interesting meeting i:.eing promised. §lf SI Brand wmssssi POWDER A, -vs' ;? PAGE FIVE CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENTS Back Talk about Suntan Frocks by - Nelly Don K If Jy&tFjjk I jS' IjL. mIV / I 1 I m f Vi / Jr\ \Vr » it ' / \ I i f A A I ft % \ I pPM Pl‘ Now that everyone is . ~ er is going to be ... sun tanned, be ready for sun shine with a lowbacked dress. Nelly Don’s seer sucker is a grand choice because it’s smart, cool and no trick to launder. Sunray tucking in front, deep oval back You’ll appreciate the valuel • 2 95 With broadcloth jaeket 3.95 Lot Pure Dye 39 inch Flat Crepe Si\k, prints, plaids, dots and stripes, also solid colors, formerly priced 79c to SI.OO yd.—Special 59c 50 Spring 1934 dresses pric ed trom $15.00 to $20.00 in large and smaii sizes, as well as half sizes—Now .. $9.95 Childrn’s Sport Oxfords, brown and white, all white, were $1.65 up— S izs 8 to 12— one day only .’. $1.35 Men’s shirts —white and col ors, $1.25 values 98c Fostoria green glass table ware, plates, cups and sauc j ers, etc HALF PRICE Groceries 2 Gold Medal Pancake flour, 2 pkgs. . . 19c 1 five pound size can corn syrup • • 28c HAMS —Davis Special Cure, per lb 25c (One day only) E. G. Davis & Sons Co.