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1 HOME TOWN Postered VB. Patent Office By STANLEY fyOO PI CKEOaA PETE „ AND MAKE IT LOOK ) ! SVV££L-V- DAY 0 / H KE A PARADE - MEBBE VVHEK I ‘T, iTQ DOWN \\ |/ V, UNRAVEL THVS RUNAWAY ) CAN CS>ATH£R ) I MAIN STREET 1 !/ \ ' L OF THE BAND Tp COME / V /s \*N ON THE F»N\SH AT V \\V* v^JAnd-retmember g?;sa» >-e» s-v- w.tii j SCOTTS SCRAPBOOK . ■ By R. j t \ •&*««» wrfn»N 4Mol^^^St RE tSx^ 6 AM EAGLE. K • •ItWWffvir~ /' ' OF BECAUSE of Hl<> CH)CK£K* iLv ■ / ' EEE”T” HE PJ-AVS A ( I 5"-29 y£?/' I BIT A KETT On the Air _ ___ By PAUL ROBINSON -j ,HIS ,s S 1 CHARTERED '~" Air STsWAROESS - »'M s*o j T" 1 rANt'GO CfTA - SIMPLE CGAZN AOOUT THIS’ JOO - A i ON'(OUfZ- . J |f— MES 'tAkTI/sG HIST OrzCH£Vfi2A Tm KILLED I'M , ' I I WAS ONLN l-rs A 'SYIELL CHANCE lE> MEET all I \ mAIOEN VOYAGE ? DON'T" f xfo HOLLYWOOD to male, a All - ml\ SEE -THAr all CPooninS Picrur?E PRE.TTN r | ! ' . * HE PASSEN<3EiaS ' SAFBrI *- uc>yl ■ i ‘MM '■— ll ' ' —""* * 11 *"'" ' '"' "'"" " ~ ~ "" 11,11 ■ ■ ■■■!■ ~~ ~ ~ " ~-- I - ----- - ■ - - - -II mmmm * "" THE GUMPS —O HAPPY DAY _ i —■>— . i - "■■■ ■" mm ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmm 1R ITT \/ WE’XE AN )KJs>ONCTIOM\ HOW MARVELOUS ! T ~~] T NWE SMOULOWO Rjx f-wESMOULb FROAa JME C OUT ACjAINSY BIM 6UAAP- ) \ MAVBE THAT'LL BRIN6r HIM ' A-x ( \NE SHOULD SUE A B»J V RUSHES THE DE )HE CANT TOUCH A PENWY 7 J To HIS SENSES- > . \TEN MILLION COLLARS - HOORAY ATTORNEY, OVER TO /OF H*S MONET NOW, / HE'LL fcE &EOGXN67 US ] /^HO HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATtffI, TUESDAY, MAY 29,1934 ' _ OUK YESTERDAYS When Bobby Leach, Adventurous Stunt Man, a Went Oyer Niagara Falls in a Steel Barrel Leach as he appeared in 1924. Bobby Loach and barrel, above. i>e falls, where he made descent THE MOSTYdaring man of the day back in 1911 was the adven turous Bobby Leach, a stunt man 'and thrill provider, who became the (first man to go over the Niagara Falls in a barrel and live to tell the ■tale. Bobby was the first man to [accomplish the feat, but not the [first person. * That honor went to jAnna Edson Taylor, who dropped lU. v gr_ the falls in a barrel in 1901. «IG SISTER Be Careful, Beth By LES FORGRAVE OONTVIE.O, USPOREI >OOR | AK'n n,n W r .c, s. „ ■ssa 3J HOO€,VAT SOTO °-) r MO ' T . mvme: ? nvvne. to keep ? ( twem JO I BAD T\NO 4rEAL\JY) O,KAR.HOYT x HOns3 A YOO C 2 PV OP/ 3ETH! DARA-UAG! I’VE /XVi HAS)E XT FOR ( SETW! \ / ANAJPUL. Xu- J GOOD HACH °t=_3 THERE’S ] • FOR PUs\S UKE / TASTE. j pear f* Nevertheless.-; Leach was toasted and glorified for hu bravery, and virtually became a human wonder of the world. Bobby accomplished the feat on the afternoon of July 25, but not without trouble Warned of the attempt, police lined the banks of the Niagara river near the brink in an effort to prevent Leach from making the dangerous drop, which had proven fatal_ in one previous try But Leach! climbed into his steel barrel about! a mile up the river, and floated 1 down to the brink, out of reach of, the police. ■ At exactly 3:13 p. m.j the barrel reached the cataract and : plunged over. A few minutes later, the barrel was sighted and pulled! ashore. Aside from numerous cuts' and bruises. Leach survived the orij deal unharmed./ ' PAGE SEVEN Dispatch WANT ADS ©«t Results FOR SALE AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES 2 Dining Room Tables, 2 Rockers, 5 Straight Chairs, Oil Stove and other household furniture at 510 E. Montgomery Street. 29-lti VISIT OUR DISPLAY OF ELECTRO cal refrigerators. Compare npa chi. es compare pGoo*. Lowest in terest charges in entire city. Loughlin-Goodwyn, phone 118. 10-ts FOR RENT—TWO OR THREE" rocm furnished apartment, 85 Young Avenue. Sue Kelly, phone 652-W. 28-2 ti J. C. CHAMPION’S RESIDENCE for rent, South Garnett street. 7- room house with all modern con veniences. Apply to W. H. Flem ing, Citizens Bank and Trust Co. 28-2 t! FOR SALE KELVINATOR, PIANCL Victrola and Victrola cabinet, all in good condition. Can be seen at my residence. Mrs. E. G. Watkins, 299 Gholson avenue. 28-2 ti FOR HEMSTITCHING. PIOOTING, dress making, suits, ladita coat?. Everything made to measure. Satis faction guaranteed. See Estelle Wal ston. E. G. Davis and Sons Stiw Phone 141 Mond-Fri-tf LET US CLEAN YOUR RUGS NOW. Our skilled workers with knowl edge of colors and fabrics, take great care in the cleaning of all all rugs. Even the finest rugs may be safely entrusted to them. Phone 464. Valet Cleaning Co. 29-lti AUTHORIZED AUTOMOTIVE RA diator service. We clean, lepair oi recore any make of raditor. Motol Sales Co. 28-tl VISIT “THE PLACE OF VALUES’" for Asphalt Shingles, Pine Shingles, 5-V Crimp Galvanized Roofing and Roll Roofings. Alex S. Watkins. “Where Quality Tells and Prices Sell”. 29-lti GROCERY STORES, FISH DEAL ers and others can save money on their wrapping paper by buying old papers for 10c per bundle at the Dispatch office. Also fine for kind ling fires. 19 -ts ADMIN Its! IIATOH’S NOTICE Having qualified before the Clerk of Superior Court of Vance County as administrator of tne Estate of James W. Wilson, deceased, this is *o notily all persons holding ela’ms against said estate to present them duly veri fied to the undersigned on or before April 30, 1935, or this notice will Do plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This ADril 30, 1934. L. L. WILSON, Oxford, N. C. Administrator of the Estate of James W. Wilson FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power contained in a Deed in Trust executed by Irby D. Smith and his wife, Ila Mae Smith, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Vance County in Book 169, at Page 24, default having been made in the payment of the debt therein secured, on request of the holder of the same, I shall sell for cash, toy public auction, at the Court House door in Henderson, N. C., to the highest bidder on the 23rd day of June, 1934, at 12 o’clock noon, the following described property: Begin at a stake on the Dabney road J . H. Brodie’s corner, run thence along the Dabney Road In a Wester ly direction, twenty-five feet, thence in a Northeasterly direction parallel to Maple Street one hundred and fifty feet to the Oxrord and Hender son Railroad right of way, thence along said right of way in an Easterly direction twenty-five feet tri j. ; H. Brodie’s corner, along Brodie’s line ir a Southea«iorly direction one hundred and fiftv feet to th3 begin ning. Same being lot conveyed by S. J. Lane, Jr., to D. D. and Panola J. May, and recorded in Book 91, Page 224, being a portion of lots 120 and 121, Block 9, Map Book A, Page 9, Vance County .Registry. 2nd Lot. —On the Henderson-Dab ney Road adjoining the lot above de scribed, being lot 119, block 9, Map Book A, Page 9, said lot facing on Dabney road fifty feet and tunning back to the right of way of the South ern Railroad right of way. Being lot conveyed by J. H. Brodie and Panola J. May and recorded in Book 89, Page 352, in the Register of Deeds of fice of Vance County. JASPER B. HICKS, Trustee. Henderson, N. C. May 22nd, 1934. Special Low Round Trip Fares Henderson to Niagara Falls, N. Y., $26.05 June 8, 15, 22, 29, July «, 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, September 7, 14, 21. Atlantic City, N. J., $17.60 June 15, 22, 29, July fl, 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, September 7. 14. Tickets Limited 18 Days—Bates To Many Other New Jersey Seashore Besorts. Stopovers Allowed. For Information See O. T. PRIIXAMAN Ticket Agent H. E. Pleasants, Dl’A, Baleigh, N. C Sealxiaid 41* UMS lAULWAk