OCR Interpretation

Henderson daily dispatch. (Henderson, N.C.) 1914-1995, May 30, 1934, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068401/1934-05-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for PAGE THREE

-h.rc’B fop upon the water,
And a stillness you can feel,
tvhile in and out the silent gray
The sea gulls veer and wheel.
-v.re’s peace upon the water,
Ind silent, circling flight,
ind dories loonrng dimly
Through a wall of soft gray light.
j love the foggy weather,
TVhen the ocean peaceful lies,
With gulls the only motion
In earth, or sea. or skies.
Charles Hayden Baker.
Visit Relatives
Mr? H H. Harper o#>d Miss Mado
jin Harper spent Tuesday in Durham
with relatives.
Visiting Grandmother
Miss Bobbie McKewn, of Orange
burg' S. C.. is visiting her grand
mother, Mrs. C. M. Cooper.
Expected from Raleigh
Miss Ann Stevenson was expected to
day from Raleigh, where she has been
attending the finals at St. Mary's
Visiting Parents
Malvern G. Powell, of Charlottes
ville. Va.. is spending several days in
the city with his parents on Davis
Shop in Durham
Mrs. J Finley Courtney and her
house guest. Mrs. Frank Courtney, of
Baltimore. Md., spent Tuesday in Dur
ham shopping.
Returns from Richmond
Miss Maria Parham returned from
Richmond. Va., last night, where she
iiad been at the bedside of her mother,
Mrs. Asa Parham.
Visiting Heree
Mrs. H tv Hudson and little daugn
tpr, Judith Ann, of Richmond, Va..
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Wood at their home on the Oxford
Visiting Here
Mr. and Mis. Will Shaw, of Mt.
Vernon. X. Y., and daughter, Miss
Harriett Shaw, a student at Sweet
Briar College, Sweet Briar, Va., are
visiting in the city. Mr. Shaw is a
former resident of this city, beeing a
brother and Mrs. R. J. Corbitt anC
E F. Shaw, of this city.
Mrs. Wester Has
Bridge Club Meet
Mrs. M. VV. Wester was hostess at
six tables of bridge at the regular
meeetinq of the Bridge Luncheon
Club this morning at 11 o'clock in the
the West End Country Club.
Mrs. C. Glenn Patterson was the
winner of two decks of cards as high
score prize for the meeting.
Mrs. J. H. Wheeler was named as
hostess for the next regular meet
The out-of-town guests at the meet
ing were Mrs. D. Morgan Cooper, of
New York City; Mrs. Ray Garman,
of Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. Young
Cheatham, of Richmond, Va.; and
Mrs. L. D. Robinson, of Wadesboro.
Music Club Holds
Meeting Week Ago
The Mendelssohn Music Club held
its last meeting last Wednesday with
Misses Frances and Dowena Daniel
or. the Oxford Road.
The president, Miss Frances Daniel,
Called the meeting to order and the
minutes were read and approved. The
usual business was discussed. It was
decided that the club should continue
the next year, hut the officers were
not elected. The club studied the
different families under which each
instrument is classified. Each mem
ber had composed a piece and these
*ere enjoyed by everybody. The club
hiked down to Willowood Park for
a picnic supper. The meeting adjourn
ed. • . ,
Those attended the meeting were
Muses Anna Mae Bruin, Frances
aniel, Rowena Daniel, Sarah Mc
nell, Ann Nichols, Ada Page, Agnes
aHerson, Gladys Reams, Helen Roy-
Helen Teiser, Ruth Goodrich
orrifi,:. Jane Thompson, Ellen Trog
en ' p| °rence Whaley and Mrs. Park-
l r visitors were Mises Ada Rose
uw, Louise Teiser, Jackie and Vesta
fester, Elvira Qfceatham, Dorothy
and Carolyn.
Doing Nicely
' 'v Asa Parham was said to be
-j' n * very nicely at a Richmond hos-
W^e,e S * le J® undergoing treat-
@ Vicks
Vor atone
a better mouth-wash
Eases Headache
In 3 Minutes
neuralgia, muscular aches
Pains, toothache, earache,
nodical and other pains due
r . lQor S a ni c causes. No nar
otlC3' 10c and 25c packages.
TELEPHONE 610 ft ft ft 3 3 ft ft ft ft !: r : cr; ft ft [, 3 g a HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON
Mrs. John Harris Clay of Paris, Ky., right, and Miss Joe Claiborn*
Bowling, icft f daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Bowling, socially
prominent Virginians, in the gowns in which they were presented to
Geoige V and Mary at the British court witli other American women.
Mrs. Clay is the niece of Mrs. Robert W. Bingham, wife of the
ambassador to London. (Central Press)
THE FOLLOWING facts show
why no textbook ever has or ever
will cover all Important situations
which are encountered in actual
play. The dealer may hold any one
of 635,013.559.600 different hands.
With the particular hand held by the
dealer, second hand may hold any
one of 8.122,425.444 different hands.
With the two particular hands held
by the first two bidders, third hand
may hold any one of 10,400.600 dif
ferent hands. The first three hands
being fixed the last bidder can hold
just a single hand. The possible
combinations between the four hands
amounts to 53,644,737,765.488.792,839,-
237,440,000. Playing 300 different
hands a day, it would require 5.797.-
210 years to play just the hands com
ing a single player.
It is bunk to state 'that partner
cannot be forced, after he has passed.
No player expects his partner to re
fuse a force when an inforuiatory
double Is made. Provided you hold
forcing bid strength, partner must
respond, whether be has or has not
previously passed. It is your busi
ness to see that partner is not forced
unless you have game, provided he
will keep bidding open once, until
you show him two makes. The
forcer must agree to another bid
when partner responds.
Suppose partner deals and passes.
Second hand bids 1-Spade. Let the
bidder sit South, and hold either of
the two hands shown.
A A K Q 6 3 ♦ A 7 2
V 8 4 4PP4
By Frank Howard Richardson, M. D., F. A. C. P.
Unhealth Friendsnips
What does the psychologist mean
when he uses this term to describe
unduly ardent attachmentts that some
times occur between two girls, or be
tween a man and a boy? These are
apt to occur with special frequency
in situations where one six or the
other dominates, such as boarding
schools, the army or navy, boy choirs,
etc. Isn’t this sort of friendship a
beautiful thing to be encouraged
rather than looked at askance?
Such friendships *are to be judged
rather by their results than by their
surface appearance. They are unde
sirable when they cause those who
are pre-occupied by them to remain
at this immature stage of emotional
development; and thus interfere with
the normal progress toward a more
adult interest in memibers of the op
posite sex.
A certain amount of sentimental at
tachment among girls in school we
shall always have. But when an
older girl, or teacher, comes to be rec
ognized as one for whom many of
these so-called “crushes” are develop
ed —especially if they tend to inter
fere with the good work and the peace
mamasnauN, in.op uAinrdispatch, Wednesday, maj^o^i93^^
♦KQ J 6 3 ♦A 7 2
VB4A K 6 4
You sit West and hold either Hand
6 or 7 (which complete the series of
hands began yesterday).
♦s♦ K Q
A None + 3
f AKQB 52 A A Q J 8 7 3
As dealer you would make an
opening bid of 2-Hearts, on either of
them. Knowing that showing two
suits gives odds of 82 to 18 that
partner can better support one than
the other of them,, you would insure
being able to show partner both
suits, by using a forcing bid. Al
though your partner has passed, and
South has opened the auction, you
still must force. And to be in posi
tion to force when necessary, you
must ask partner to accept a force,
even if he has passed.
You have become accustomed to
the negative no-trump, to keep bid
ding open on almost nothing over
partner’s opening bid of 1. Now be
come accustomed to keeping bidding
open with 2-No Trumps, or even
3-No Trumps, although you are
trickless and without stops to an ad
verse suit make. But only do this
upon the knowledge that partner
never will refuse to overcall your
no-trumps if he has forced your bid
over an opening suit call. Bid
3-Hearts over 1-Spade. Whatever
partner responds, whether a suit or
3-No Trumps, bid your 4-Clubs.
Allow partner to choose between your
two suit calls. It will pay you well
in the long run
of mind of the girls who become un
duly interested in such sentimental
episodes—'the situation had better be
carefully studied by someone who
understands such matters. It may
be charged with emotional dynamite.
Study Courses To
Start On Sunday
B. Y. P. U. study courses for New
Sandy Creek and Carey’s Baptist
church will get underway in the re
spective churches next Sunday after
noon at 3 o’clock, it was announced
today by the pastor, Rev. L. B.
The faculty at Cary’s will be Paul
Berry, of Chase City, Va.,; Miss Cook,
of Castalia; and Miss Modlin, of Wai
renton. At ew Sandy Creek, the
faculty will be Miss Brown, of Cullo
wee, and Luther James Matthews, or
Rose Hill.
- All B. Y. P. U. workers in these
churches were urged by the pastor to
take advantage of this study course.
Townsville News
Miss Hazel Peck was the guest of
Miss Lucille Gupton Saturday night.
Miss Frances Hunt Tarry, a mem
ber of the Erwin faculty, has return
ed to her home in Townsvrile.
Friends of Miss Susie Alston are
glad to learn that she is steadily im
proving after receiving treatment at
Maria Parham hospital.
Miss Meta Kennison is visiting Miss
Luna Mae Fleming in Norlina.
Misses Sarah, Panthea, Mary Alice
and Frances Boyd and Miss Alice
White of Drewry accompanied Mrs.
Geo. E. Harris of Henderson to Dur
ham Friday. 1
J. E. Boyd was the guest of J. E.
Carroll Saturday night.
Misses Mary Grace and Zella Dew
Woody have returned home after visit
ing relatives in Hicksboro.
Walter oßyd of N. C. State College
spent the week-end with his mother,
Mrs. N. D. Boyd.
Miss Dorothy Kimball visited Miss
Elizabeth Tarry this week.
Wlaifand Sparrow entertained a
number of friends at a party given at
his home Saturday night.
Hicksboro News
Eleven members of the Woman’s
Missionary Society and seven visitors
met with Mrs. C. H. Sned on Thurs
day afternoon, to study a mission
book, “Seedtime and Harvest,” con
ducted by Rev. Van Stephens.
Hope more of our members can be
present with us at the next meeting
on Thursday after the first Sundey,
with Mrs. G. B. Shotwell.
The farmers will finish planting to
bacco here on this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bullock of
Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. H. S. Woody.
Miss Laura Gill had for her guest
Sunday. Misses M<iry Lyon Shotwell,
Blondie Stovall and Margaret Gill of
Misses Mary Grace and Zella Woody
of Middleburg returned home Sunday
after spnding several days with their
aunt. Mrs. M. D. Woody.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Breedlove
little daughter Nell, were Sunday
night guests of Mrs. W. J. Woody.
Mr. and Mrs. Alice O’Quinn of San
ford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Woody.
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hicks entertain
ed a number of the young people with
ice cream on Thursday night.
Robert Edward Shambless, who
has been in school at Wake Forest
this year, returned home Friday.
Mrs. M. A. Tippett of Henderson,
snent several davs with Mrs. Charlie
Tippett and family, the past week
Miss Elwyna Gill of iStovall is
spending some time with her aunt,
Mrs. J. E. Jones. •
Miss Annie Burton Shearin, who
spent the past winter with her aunt,
Mrs. J. P.> Gupton and attended
Townsville school during the past
session, has returned to her home in
Richmond, Va.
Miss Meta Kennison is visiting Miss
Luna Mae King of Norlina.
Clyde Gupton spent the past week
with relatives in Danville, Va.
Miss Joyce Currin of Middleburg is
visiting Miss Mary Tucker.
Wayland Sparrow entertained a
number of friends at his home last
Saturday night. ,
Miss Ethel Newell is visiting Miss
Elizabeth Fleming at Wf. C. U. N. C.
in Greensboro.
Lucille Gupton celebrated her six
teenth birthday Monday. May 21 1934.
She entertained a number of friends
at her home on Monday night.. Two
contests were given and Wayland
Sparrow and Annie aßldwin Purcell
were the winners. A number of
games were played. Then refresh
ments were served to th guests?.
Clyde Gupton is now visiting rela
tives in Richmond, Va.
Highway Surplus Will Be
'Drained To Pay Road Debt
(Continued from Page One.)
on the April 1 figures. This doees
not take into consideration the regu
lar operating expenses of the State
Highway and Public Works Commis
sion nor the reveneue collections ex
pected by June 30. But even with the
additional revenue expected, indica-i
tions are that the net surplus as of
June 30 will not amount to more than
But this will be only a book surplus,
since at the present ume the State
has borrowed $2,515,694 from the
(highway fund for general purposes,
so that the actual cash (balance likely
on July 1 will not exceed $5,000 000.
Yet a good many people and even
some of the newspapers in the State,
have interpreted the book balance as
of April 1 of $10,913,576 as meaning
that much cash is now on nand in the
,highway fund and will still be there
July 1. Miss Harriett M. Berry, sec
retary of the North Carolina Good
Roads Association and ardent .fighter
for the preservation of highway
.funds against diversion to other pur
•*poses, took notice of the misunder
standing with regard to the highway
fund surplus today and said:
“I have noticed from editorials in
some of the newspapers, notably The
Charlotte Observer and The Wlinston-
Salem Journal, that statementts are
being made about an $11,000,000 sur
plus in the highway fund and advo
cating its use for schools and other
purposes. I would like to correct this
impression. The facts are that large
bond and interest payments have to
be made July 1, leaving a surplus oi
only about $6,900,Cik)0 or $7,000,000.
This is not a cash surplus, however,
but only a hook surplus. And it would
not have been in existence had not
highways not been ibled white by the
the maintenance fund for the State
1933 legislature, which appropriated
only $6,000,000 for the maintenance of
all the State and county roads com
bined. As a result, we have already
lost much of the original value of our
“Any money that is diverted from
the highway fund reduces the ability
of the highway commission to render
good "service in maintaining the roads.
This makes it impossigie ror the peo
ple who have nott shared in the gen
eral road service to share the genefits
to which they are entitled. Thus any
sudplus that may exist in the highway
fund July 1 should be used in bringing
the hard surfaced roads back up to
a standard grade of maintenance or
for the rebuilding of roads thatt are
worn out.
Here are some addition facts with
regard to the State’s highways that
are regarded as geing worth consid
This yeaer and next year, undere
the appropriations act of the 1933
General Assembly, the Highway Com
mission can spend only $1,680,000 on
maintaining the nearly 7.000 miles of
State highways and only $4,320,000 for
maintaining over 50,000 miles of
county highways. In former years
the State has spent about $6,000,000 a
year maintaining the mate highways
while the counties formerly spent $9,-
000,000 a year maintaining the county
If present highway funds are di
verted to the extent that the State can
no longer maintain both the State ant*,
county roads, the cost of maintaining'
the county roads will have to be re
turned to the counties, which in turn
will have to levy additional property
taxes for their maintenance, as was
the case prior to the enactment of the
present highway law in 1931.
If the present highway fund surplus
is allowed to accrue to be expended
for maintenance and reconstruction,
all State and county highways can be
adequately maintained without any
property tax for county road mainten
ance and without any increase in the
license or gasoline tax.
Unless the highway surplus is pre
served for highway purposes only, the
State will be unable to match Federal
appropriations for highway construc
tion, and thus lose millions of dollars
in Federal aid funds it otherwise
could get.
Washington, May 30 (AP)—
Chairman Fletcher, of the Senate
Banking Committee, today pre
sented to the Senate the formal
conference agreement on the stock
market control bill, and announc
ed he would try to get it approved
Roosevelt Speaker
At Gettysburg
( Continued rro/n Page One/) v ,
jected all talk of a recess; In briefer to
carry on a drive for adjournment. ; »
Hundreds of ceremonies .of tribute,
parades and the placing df wreaths
were arranged throughout the na
En Route with President Roosevelt
to Gettysburg, May 30. (AP) —Presi-
dent Roosevelt traveled "to eGttys
burg, Pa., this afternoon to deliver a
Memorial Day address after spending
a busy morning in Washington with
the war debt and the industrial strike
The chief executive hoarded a spe
cial train soon afteer noon, to carry
him to the scenee of the greatest bat
tle ever fought on American soil. He
plans to go on to New York tonight
and to review the United States fleet
Before leaving, he conferred with
Word had come from London that
Great Britain planned to make a new
offer. !
Two Perish As
Flaming Plane Falls
(Continued from Page one.)
into a nose dive and crashed into a
Yost said Rutherford jumped from
the plane before it crashed and was
killed in the fall. Wolverton’s body
was consumed in the flames.
Bethel, Conn., May 30. (AP) —Seven
United Air Line passenger plane,
persons weer injured and five other
groping its way through a heavy fog,
cracked up during a forced landing in
a patch of woods. }
Four of the nine passengers, the two
pilots and the steweardess were ad
mitted to the Danbury hospital. But
with the excepetion of Lorenz Letson,
of Chicago, the co-pilot, the condition
of none was believed serious. Most of
the others suffered (bruises, lacerations
and abrasions.
Letson’s both legs were fractured
"I am 71 years old and have used
Thedford’s Black-Draught about
forty years,” writes Mr. W. J. Van
over, of Rome, Ky. “We are never
without it. I take it as a purga
tive when 1 am bilious, dizzy and
have swimming in my head. Black-
Draught relieves this, and helps me
in many ways.” .. . Keep a pack
age of this old, reliable, purely
vegetable laxative in your home,
and take it for prompt relief at the
first sigh of constipation.
marian martin pattern
Girls aren’t what they used to be!
Os course they are still pretty and girl
ish themselves—but just try to get
onel of them to take a frock that has
those two qualities—alone—and see
what happens! They want chic —and
really there is no reason why they
shouldn”t have it when it is so charm
ingly simplified as this. The jacket is
absolutly plain—but how it fits! And
the little bodice has just a ffew simple
details—but aren’t they smart? See
the little sketch
Pattern 9960 may be ordered only
in sizes 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. Size 14
requires 2 7-8 yards 36 inch fabric and
3-4 yard contrasting.
Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or
stamps (coins preferred) for EACH
MARIAN MARTTN pattern. Be sure
to write plainly your NAME. AD
SIZE of each pattern.
A beautiful, complete collection of
Summer Clothes is shown in the NEW
t>ook will hNn voti plan a stunning
vacation wardrobe Clever b»acH -
semble.s. charming costumes for the
gardener, style suggestions for the
Summer biide and her attendants and
sun suits for children are among the
special features. SEND FOR YOUR
Send your orde: to Henderson Daily
Dispatch, Pattern Department. 232 W.
18th St., New York, N. Y.
above the knees. He also suffered a
possible fractured skull as the ship,
bound for Newark, N. J., from Cleve
land, Ohio, landed between two trees
at 1230 a. m.„ eastern standard time,
after narrowly missing a row oi
Miss Agnes Pugh, of Chicago, ste
wardess, said ‘the fog was almost im
possible to penetrate, and we flew
blind for hours. Pilots Wolf and
Letson did a marvelous job in bring
ing us down so safely”.
Claims Daughter
Victim of Killer
And Not Suicide
Sacramento, Cal., May 30. (AP) —
With the aid of E. O. Heinrich,
Berkley criminologist, who arrived
here today, State Treasurer Charles
C. Johnson, began an effort to prove
that his 22-year-old daughter, Virgi
nia, whose burned body was found in
a local garage Monday night,,
murdered by a friend”. And,ndt %stti-:
cide victim as claimed.by Authdritiese.
Heinrich arrived: at-theiohnson' -home'
durng the morning and was' immedi
ately closeted with the s t ate-t f easjj re r.
Johnson previously had outlined mis
theory that Virginia could not have
wandered three blocks away from
her home carrying a gallon of kero
sene and a handful of matches, as the
police and district attorney claimed,
selected a strange vacant garage,
poured the kerosene over herself, ig
nited it and then lay quietly upon the
floor while the fierce slams took her
Continues to Improve
Continued improvement has been
noted in the condition of MrS. W. M.
Young, who has been ill for some
time . 1
Moon Theatre
Ralph Forbes—Adrain Ames
Admission 11c To Ail
I Before Advertising I
I 2 1 /2%-Penalty-2 1 /2% I
■ Will Be Added To All Unpaid I
Not Paid On Or Before
I Friday, June Ist I
I. To be followed by advertisement
and sale of property.
Past due street assessments must also be paid
now to prevent foreclosure suits.
City Clerk and Tax Collector
l * l ”Tf 111 niwßagaßaßOi
Today And -
Tomorrow /t if
tarry "Bu«ur" Crabbe
Joan Marsh
Adrienne Amßs^|
Added Walt
Dizney Cartoon
.Screen- Novelty
Admission 10-26 c
“3 On A Honeymoon”
Zasu Pitts—Sally Eilers
Double Progoram
“Flying Down To Rio”
“Rainbow Riders”
With Ben N’ Bud
Western Stars
The following pictures will be
shown at an early date.

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