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' HENDERSON gateway to central CAROLINA TWENTY-FIRST YEAR- ZOLUCOFFER ********* * * * * * Arms Meet, Near Fai Roosevelt Offers Debtors Chance To Negotiate Here For Revising Obligations INVITED TO STATE CIRCUMSTANCES IN MING PAYMENT President Wants To Know if Resources Are Being Spent for Recovery or Wasted MUCH SIGNIFICANCE SEEN IN STATEMENT British Note on Debt Ques tion Is Expected Here Any Time; Ambassador Under stood To Have Hinted At White House for Debt Dis cussions Washington, June 1. (AP) —Presi- dent Roosevelt in a report to Congress today on war debts, held out a4>romise Jord iscussion for a revision of present funding agreements to any European debtor naton to ask and present "spe cial circumstances to means and methods of payment”. He indicated that “special circum pha -ing that factors would be whethet stances" would be consideflfed by em the nations were utilizing their re sources for “recovery purposes”, for making a "reasonable payment” on the debt owed or spending for “unpro ductive nationalistic” purposes. In some official quarters, the Presi dents statement concerning possble conferences was considered significant as a p: elude to Great Britain’s note on the debt question expected here any time. 1 Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British am bassador, is understood to have made overtures to the White House for a dscussion. The Presidential message in the main fas a factual recording of the debt status as to default,, token pay ments and the like. At the end, however, he emphasize that the debtor nations have been told again and again” that they have full opportunity to discuss their problems with this country”. Big Textile Strike Still Is Menacing Walk-Out"*of 300,000 Workers Hinges on Conferences Called by NR A Washington, June 1. (AP) —Whether 300.000 cotton textile workers would strilc« next Monday hinges on the outcome n f e conference of NRA officials with representatives-of tlß© worker's union and the manufactur ers. r onfronted by the strike ultimatum f tom Thomas F. McMahon, president f ’t the United Textile Workers of America. Hugh S. Johnson, NRA ad ministrator, culled McMahon and his sides into conference with George A. Sloan, charman of the cotton textile f ''de authority; Division Admnstrator Harry o. Kng; Robert Bruere, chair man of the Cotton Textile Industrial Relations Board and Donald Richberg, ch! es of the NRA legal division. The strike threat resulted from an * HA order curtailing production in the cotton textile industry by 25 per for an indefinite perod, starting Monday as a safeguard against over production. While the hourly wage would not altered, union leaders asserted the mder would actually mean a 25 per reduction in wages as a result of the short workng week. i lipititrrson ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED Parole For Luke Lea, Jr. Is Approved By Barnhill Supremacy of Law for All C itizens Alike WTU Be Dem onstrated by 60 to 90 Day s Service, Trial Judge Thinks; Finds No Evidence of Disease Rocky Mount, June 1 (AP) —Judge M. V. Barnhill, who presided over the tria lof Luke Lea and Luke Lea, Jr., in Asheville, in 1931, has recommend ed that Luke Lea, Jr., be paroled fronj State’s Prison, where he is serv ing a sentence of two years, after he completes a ter mnot “to exceed sixty or ninety days/’ Judge Barnhill's recommendation was made in a letter to Edwin Gill, State parole commissioner, made pub lic here today. Referring to letters sent him by Tennessee physicians who treated young Lea, Judge Barnhill wrote that “there is nothing in these letters which indicates with any dgeree of certainty that Luke Lea, Jr., is now suffering from any disease, alignant or otherwise. Therefore, I cannot recommende executive clemency bas ed on his physical condition.” Judge Barnhill, discussing evidence offered in the trial of the Leas in CANNI-REYNOLDS GUARDIANSHIP UP Grandmother of Infant Chal lenges Bank’s Handling of Trust Fund Winston-Salem, June 1 (AP) —The complicated Cannonßey-nolds guard ian case entered a new phase today. In superior court Mrs. Annie L. Can non, grandmother and co-guardian of Anne Cannon Reynolds 11, daughter of the late Z. Smith Reynolds, chal lenged the method of the other co guardian, the Cabarrus Bank and Trust Company, of administering a trust fund of $1,000,000. The fund is divided between the child and ittf mother, the former Anne Cannon Reynolds Smith, and was establish-, ed when Smith Reynolds divorced his first wife. The bank seeks to have this trust set aside in order that the daughter may share equally in her father’s $25,- 000,000 estate with his son by a sec ond marriage, Z. Smith Reynolds, Jr., born to Libby Holman Reynolds al most seven months after his father’s death on July 6, 1932. Mrs. Cannon filed a motion asking for a superior court ruling on a judg ment signed three years ago by Judge John M. Oglesby, of Concord, creating the trust fund. She charged that the bank failed to observe its duties and obligations to herself as guardian of the infant. REVENUE LESS State Pay# Less Than, Two Percent To Get Its Money Paid In Dali? Dispatch Barm In the Sir Walter Hotel. BT J. r OASKERVILL. Raleigh, June 1. —The cost of col lecting the States revenue has been reduced more than one-third as com pared with a year ago, and in spite of the large increase in the amount of reveneue being collected now as com pared with a year ago, the cost of col lection has been reduced one per cent as htween April and May, 1933, and April *nd May, 1934, it was learned Jrom authoritative sources in the De~ (Continued on Page Four.) abased wire service of the associated press. HENDERSON, N. C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1, 1934 CLAIMS SECOND PRIMARY i at. ****** v. u .. .. Asheville, said that “young Lea con ducted practically all of the volumi nous nessee end which was involved in the transactions connected with the con spiracy for which he was convicted. I would not credit young Lea with so little intelligence as to say that he did not know or understand the na ture of the transactions he was hand ling. I am sure that he did, and that his conviction is fully justified.” Judge Barnhill explained that he imposed a fine o nyoung Lea when he was assured the fine would be paid, but later found “it was necessary to hedge with a prison sentence to exact good faith.” Judge Barnhill added that in his opinion a short term to “demonstrate the supremacy of the law as against all citizens alike will meet the ends of justice insofar as this prisoner is concerned,” and recommended a pa role after 60 or 90 days. Cuban Army Held Ready For Action Government To Put Down Disorders in Series of Anti-Amer ican Outbreaks Havana, June 1. (AP) —The Cuban government held its army in readiness today to combat further disorders as a series of anti-American outbreaks showed no signs of abatement. Grave concern was felt by authori ties!, their responsibility increased when President Roosevelt signed the treaty dismissing the United (States’ privilege to intervene—the Platt amendment. Colonel Fulgencio Batista command er-in-chief of the army, ordered all soldiers at the Matanzas garrison to be -held in barracks. Attached to rocks, notes reading, (Continued on Page Seven.) MAXIOFFERS FIGURES ON TAXES Revenue Commissioner Says Attorney General Got Mixed Up Dally Dispatch Barcas In the Sk Walter Hotel. ItY J. *' BASKERVILL. Raleigh, June 1. —Commissioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell does not pose as an authority on legal matters nor attempt to explain actions of the at torney general. But he is conceded to know something about the State’s rev enue laws. A few days ugo Attorney General Dennis G. Brummitt issued a statement saying that the sales tax “recaptures from the great mass of the people the taxes or which they were relieved through the reduction of their property taxes” and charged (Continued on Page Six.’) WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA Generally fair tonight and Sat urday. StatUi itspatch IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIKHNIA. ************ * » ». * .« » ft • lure, Adjourns To Wednesday CHAIRMAN STATES SITUATION WORST SINCE FE811932 .# T Arthur Henderson Says Im passe Canmk Be Hand led Merely by Mak ing of Speeches s LITTLE PROSPECT ON REAL RESULTS Sir John Simoin, British For eign Secretary, Extremely Pessimistic, Starts Back to London; Delegates Given Time for Reflection Few Days Geneva, June t (AP)—Because of the gravity of the disarma ment situation, Arthur Henderson, president of the arms conference today adjourned the parley until Tuesday and later announced that it would be necessary to postpone its next session until Wednesday. Shortly before Henderson’s an nouncement, a British spokesman said privately that Sir John Simon, British foreign secretary, sees little prospect of achieving anything im portant at present in Geneva. Sir John purchased railroad tickets and prepared to return to London to night. Henderson’s announcement was made just as the conference session opene4--4oday. “-" 4 . He tol(| the assembled delegates that, owing to the “extreme gravity” of the situaiton in the conference, he would adjourn it until Tuesday to give the delegates time for reflection and tContinued on Pace Five.) STOCKMIRTIL PASSES IN SENATE House Must Concur in Change Before It Goes to President, However Washington, June 1. (AP) —Senate acceptions of the compromise stock market regulation bill, a Presidential report on war debts, more tariff argu ment and a filibuster complaint, com bined to make this day a day of con trast at the capitol. ! Only House agreemen is needed now o send the exchange control high with its securities act modification to the President. Whenthat will come depends some what on Rep. Byrns, the Democratic leader, who termed Republican tactics designed to delay adjournment past June 15, when the war debts again fall due. Attempt for a Senate vote on the reciprocal tariff bill before the week end faced an uncertain future. The House, meanwhile, sought to dispose of legislation dealing with prison industry, but ran up against some Republican parliamentary ma neuvers in opposition. Dispatch To Give Election Returns Returns from the primary elec tion tomorrow will be broadcast in the evening by the Daily Dis patch, as usual’ A large amplifier system is to be installed by George V. Jenkins as a courtesy to the Dispatch in announcing the re sult w. Arrangements will be made with city authorities to rope off the space in front of thee Dis patch office on Young street so that the crowds may be provided for. Instructions have been given election officials in tsie county by Fred S. Royster, chairman of the Vance Board of Flections, to count the congressional vote first, and it is understood that is being done throcghout the district. The Dispatch will have connections to obtain the results in other parts of the fourth district and will also have access to the reports to Vance’s Candidate For Congress sgP'S H • aass> JSrL Hnp VBif jj||l|P^, fßjgL - I min' ) jjj| * Bk m wLt Jh || jHggBH Jjm — JERE P. ZOLrLICOFFKR r IMPARTIAL BELIEF PUTS ZOLUCOFFER ' UP WITH LEADERS Contest for Fourth District Seen by Some as Toss-Up Between Three High Men VANCE MAN SHOWS SOME RAPID GAINS His Supporters in Raleigh Say He Will Lead In Con test; Pou Forces Say Zolli coffer Gains Costly To Cooley; Cooley Attack May Hurt Him Dnlly Dispatch Barfua, In the Sir Walter Hotel. BY .1. C. BASKERVILL. Raleigh, June 1. —The contest for the nomination to Congress) from the Fourth District is conceded iby most observers to be getting too close for comfort. The backers of each of the three leading candidates are, of course, maintaining that each will be (Continued on Page Seven) the Zollicoffer campaign headquar ters here. The county vote is more Com plicated, and is expected to be slower coming in. All informa tion will be announced, however, as quickly as it is received. There will be a number of a work ers in the office, an those not di rectly concerned are urgently re quested not to come into the of fice during the evening to create congestion and confusion in com piling the vote County election of cials are cooperating with the Daily Dispatch in gathering the returns, and the job will be done as quickly as possible. The Henderson Band will be an extra added attraction at the re turns here tomorrow night, play ing at intervals between the re-, turns, thus assuring plenty of en tertainment for those who attend the Dispatch’s “party”. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY # Leaps from Plane To Certain Death Richmond, Va., June 1 (AP) — The crushed body of Alexander Luke, 30 year old Charleston, S. C., business man, who leaped to hifc death from an airplane here yesterday was found today in a* ravine about 15 miles from Rich mond. The body was on the property of Frank C. Wood,Richmond ad vertising man, not far distant from his house. Several limbs were broken from a beech tree which Luke’s body struck, after a 4,000-foot fall. E. S. McMillon, of Carroll Coun ty, Va., member of the Roxbury CCC camp, found the body. He was among the 50 CCC members who aided in the search. The body was found in the wooded ra vine only 20 minutes after the CCC workers began their search. mm issue ~ IN THERMION May Be Decided in Nomina tions of Candidates to the Legislature Raleigh, May 1. (AP)—With several thousand ipatfi didates contesting for (hundreds of offices, ballots of North Carolina voters on June 2 may record the fate of the State’s three per cent general sales tax. From sunrise until sunset, this usually Democratic State wiil select its party nominees tomorrow. The Republicans nave no State-wide con tests. The G. O. P. will hold one solicitorial primary and a number of county elections. Since 190 a Democratic nomination to a State office has amounted to elec tion, and in the banner Democratic year of 1932 the gubernatorial nomi nee got 497,657 votes in the general election to 212,561 for ns Republican opponent. Once once, n 1928, snee 1900, has the State gven ts electoral vote to a Republcan. The only State-wde Democratc con test is between Stanley Winborne, ap pointive incumbent, and E. C. Macon, of Asheville, for the nomination as utilities commissioner. Principal interest, therefore, is cen terining in congressional and legisla tive races, and as scones of members of the last legslature are not seeking re-election, th fate of the sales tax is believed hanging in the balance. 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY PLACE WILL POLL TOTAL ms, 15,000 Votes Will Be Suffi cient To Assure Hint Getting Into Run- Off Election PROSPECTS bright all over district Numerous Pledges of Sup port Received in Past Few Days; Last Address Made This Afternoon at Youngs ville; Rumor on School Is sue Is Refuted Jere P. Zollicoffer, Henderson man ,-who is a candidate for the Democra tic nomination to Congress in tomor row’s primary election, will poll a total of 18,550 votes and will be as sured of a place in the run-off aec pnd primary to be held June 30. .J C. Kittrell, his district campaign man ager, announced here toda£. Whether that figure will be attained in its en tirety, Zollicoffer will certainly get as many as 15,000 votes, believed neces sary to put him in the second elec tion, Mr. Kittrell estimated’ The manager said Zollicoffer would carry his home county of Vance, and the neighbor county of Franklin, and would get a large vote n the other fiVe counties of the district. Mr’ Klttrell’s forecast by counties was: Vance 5,000. Franklin 1,90. Nash 1,750. Johnston 1,500’ Chatham 1,400. Wake 6,000. Randolph 2,000. Reports that have come to Mr’ Zol licoffer and his managers in the past few days have been highly encourSg*- ing, and indicate a pronounced switch to the Henderson candidate, it was (Continued on Page Six.) MRS. T. L. BLAND IS DEAD AT RALEIGH Raleigh, June 1. (AP)—Mrs. T. L. Bland, 52, wife of T. L. Bland, prom inent hotel operator, died at 5:20 this morning at her apartment aiter a long illness. Funeral service will be held hers tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock from the residence of Mrs. Bland’s son. .dßONN.Ticmfwy shrd luetaoin .. .. Revenue Os State Less Than Budget 11 Collec tions Exceed Last Year’s $13,832,750 by $6,000,000 !)nilr Dispatch Bures*. In the Sir Walter Hotel. BY J C. BASKERVILL. Raleigh, June I.—Revenue collec tions for the first 11 months of the present fiscal year through May 31 for the State general fund and not including highway revenue, amount to $19,786,256, according to figures releaeh ed today by Commissioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell. General fund coileo tions for the corresponding 10 months of last year, and before the sales tax and a few other additional taxes had beer, imposed, amounted to $13,832,750, or approximately $6,000,000 less than the revenue so far this year. Sales tax collections in May amount ed to $569,268, bringing the total col lections for the ten months to $5,447,- 219. The reason the sales tax collec tions are for only ten months, while the others are for eleven, is because the sales tax did not go into effect until July, 1933, the first collections not coming dueu ntil August. This is also one reason why the sales tax this first year will not yield as much revenue as from now on, since there Will be but 11 collection periods this first fiscal year, while there have been jCertinuad on Page Five.) % j