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HENDERSON GATEWAY TO CENTRAL CAROLINA TWENTY-FIRST year ROOSEVELT PLANS TO HOLD INFLATION FOLLY IN CONTROL Refrains from Becoming an Anti-Inflationist to Hold the Rabid Element in Line WHITE COLLAR MAN IS BEING CRUSHED Set* Himself Intimidated on All Sides and His Stand ards of Living Declining; Roosevelt’s Biggest Job Is To Satisfy Divergent Ele ments Rv CHARGES P. STEWART (Central Press Staff Writer) Washington. Aug. 20. President Roosevelt evidently Is deiermined not |ot currency inflation get beyond control and overdo itself Hp does not say so. for the equally bnvious reason that inflation (more of •,t than he seems to believe in) mani fp.q]y is n mighty popular idea in manv parts of the country. If he were to give the impression that he is an anti-inflationists, infla tionaiy forces in Congress might pro ceed to inflate “ah lib" in spite of him By acquiescing in just a little inflation now and then, however, he Ins succeeded thus far in keeping •hem. if not exactly satisfied, at least from taking the bit in their teeth and running entirely away from him. This, to impartial nonpartisan eco n,.mists <1 have talked with many of them), appears to be the purpose of his recent silver nationalization pro zram. All agree that it does no* real ly inflate much;; still, it has some slight effect, and. moreover, is a placatory gesture toward the infla tionists. * * * Senator Elmer Thomas of Okla homa is Congress’ chief inflationist; he ha. an agricultural constituency. A farmer is a natural inflationist anyway. If he is a good farmer, he producer, the bulk of everything he requires on his own land, and does net have to buy much. Consequently high prices are comparatively imma terial to him, as a purchaser. Essen tially hp is a producer; is a producer; high prices for what he has to sell principally concern him. Unluckily, however, the farmer did tun heavily into debt during the war period He was getting maximum figures for hi.s crops then, and was doing his utmost to expand, in order to produce more, and thus make still (Continued on Page Two) Says ‘Dry’ To Oppose Mr. Bailey Giles Sees Undoing of Senator for Fav oring Repeal Cause Last Year UnJly Dispatch Bureau, In (lie Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Aug. 20. —Former State Senator D F. Giles, whose infrequent trips to Raleigh always carry muen politics, says United States Senator J W Bailey will inherit opposition in s he 193* primary. Mr Giles, who voted against re- P ea '. thinks that Mr. Bailey, who vot ?d for it, will draw his opponent from ’ h * anti-repealers rather than from New Dealers. Ass popular as President Roosevelt is, Mr. Giles fhinks it would he harder to run oui hifi champion and beat Bailey with than it will be to trim the Sleigh man with a good; prohibition ■sts. The MacDowell Democrat askea a 'so about Senator Bob Reynolds who with having attached the Marion lawyer to the 107,000 majority ,p ceived in 1932. Being for repeal not hurt Mr. Reynolds, Mr. Giles seems to think. He expects it to ruin Mr Bailey. ri, e lawyeb does not admit chat he y l ' get into the race against Mr. ailey, but there is something of th& alley militancy about him. It was the senator’s passionate demand that ’’cnator Simmon’s have opposition which eventually landed Mr. Bailey imself into the thickest of the battn*. Chief Justice Stacy, Associate .Lstice Brogden, Ex-Governor Me or almost any other man been y !? ng to try Mr. SimmonS that •.onvn*e and not Mr. Bailey would been sitting pretty in Washing y Mr. Bailey never got off the yinline—opposition to Senator Sim yons. He just had to have it and M Bailey to furnish it. r Giles talks that way now. on Pago Tw*-) ibmfterenn Batin Btauairh Hitler Fights For Support Os Foes In Sunday Election Huey Says It With Gestures H BgKllb, #jgT’ . ; 4a . . 9 jrf M msmSA |||||F 11 K gif i| - <| JMi J 0 i he fiery “Kingfish," Senator Huey Long, addresses a special session oi the Louisiana legislature on behalf of his “spite" bills that may cripple the power of the anti-Long city government of New Orleans. (Central Prenn) Food Merchants To Help Keep Living Costs Down Family’s Grocery Bill Is Climbing Washington, Aug. 20. (JP) —Gov- cri inent figures show that Amer ica’s average family paid 51 cents more on July 31 for a month’s supply for 14 foods than it did on April 24. The Farm Administration don., sumers* Council said today that Db cause of the drought prices rose from sl7 75 to $18.26. Ranks with Best of Them and is One of Only 14 Over SIOO,OOO Daily Dispatch Bureau. In the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, ug. 20— Mecklenburg paid more than three quarters of a millin dollars in sales taxes the first year of its operation, almost doubling the next highest, barely failing to treble the third high county, and contribut ing more than 400 times as much as Clay county, the smallest of them all. The department of revenue has compiled the figures) itemizing the payments of 100 counties into the fund of $6,011,700.16. Only 14 coun ties gathered a total of SIOO,OOO each, but Mecklenburg with its $772,696.66 paid more than 12 per cent of the en what they are about, Mecklenburg’s tire fund. And if the observers know 1935 delegation, with full knowledge of the burden borne by that county, will be less hostile to that tax than the 1933 Mecklenburgers, who put up 100 per cent fight against the enact ment of the emergency measure. Guilford with Greensboro and High Point, the biggest pair of cities and county claims, paid $399,- 643.19. No other county came within SIOO,OOO of this mark. The immense business done by Forsyth and Guil ford is but partially reflected in figures, Forsyth’s massive merchan try in tobacco naturally being scat tered all over the world. Clay county collected only $1,838.81 Camden is next low with $3 996.58. The Piedmonters do the heavy pay ing. The eastern cities, relying eo much on agriculture do not match the western, which do much more trading, he Treport will furnish an interesting basis for coming leg islation. The 14 counties which paid SIOO,OOO or more were Alamance, Buncombe, (Continued on Pa*© Pour) only daily L “£hS D a!2£?. SERVICE of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS HENDERSON. N. C. MONDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 20, 1934 Prices to Consumer Rising More Rapidly Than Prices Paid to the Producers TO WAGE CAMPAIGN UPON PROFITEERING Roosevelt’s Move To Get Feed for Livestock To Be Hut Into Effect; Southern Farmers To Profit Big If Price of Cotton Goes Much Higher Washington, Aug. 20. (/P) —Food merchants promised today to help the government half the growing spread between the prices the farmer gets and the consumer pays. The drought effect on the cost of living has aroused several United Utates agencies. Officials indicate ♦hat the prices the housewife pay r across the counters of stores were rising even more rapidly than prices paid to the producers. The National Food and Grocery Distributors Code Authority pledged its support to the Agriculture De (Continued on Page Two.) Tobacco In Georgia Is Lower Now Approach of End of Selling Season Sees Customary Slump In Averages Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 20. (JP) —The av erage price paid for tobacco in Geor gias' 14 bright leaf markets during the week ended August 17 mapped to $14.38 per pound, H. K. Ramsey, sta tistician of the State Department of Agriculture, announced today. The average price for the second week of the season was $20.45 per hundred and for the first week was $22.62. Sales during the third week totalled 6.893,032 pounds, compared to 20,053,- 604 pounds last year. The average price per pound during the third week in 1933 was 9.80 cents per pound. During the opening week this year -6.966,738 pounds were auctioned, and the second week saw sales of 15,247,- 178 pounds. » Sales to date ranged around the 30,- 000,000 pound mark. The government maximum production allowed Georgia for the year is around 40,000,000 pounds. w , i Must and Will Succeed In Winning Them for Na. tional Socialism, He Declares WANING POPULARITY IS SEEN BY MANY Sunday’s “No” Vote More Than Twice Number Cast Last November; Also Greater Than jn Reichstag Vote; 35 Major Districts Increase Opposition Berlin, Aug. 20. (/P)—Adolf Hitler today took cognizance of the one out of ten votes in opposition in yester day’s plebiscite, with tned eclaration: “We must and wll succeed in win ning over the last 10 per cent of the people for national socialism”. Hitler thanked the Nazis for “yes terday’s glorious victory, for which all sections have done marvelous work”. “We shall,” he declared, “carry on with fresh courage. We must and shall succeed in winning over the last ten per cent of the nation for national socialism. That will re our last and crowning victory". INCREASING OPPOSITION IS SEEN AS SIGNIFICANT Berlin, Aug. 20. f^PV—Germany has given Adolf Hitler a 30,000,000 vote “ja”. . The Sunday’s one-m»u election, called to let the people say by ballot if they approv’d Chanecllor Hitlr’s ac tion in making himself upon the death of President von Hindenbrug as presi- i dent, too, the vote was: “Ye5’'—38,362,760; “n0”—4,294,654; “invalid"—B72,296. Some see in these preliminary of ficial figures a waning in enthusiasm for Hitler pointing out that yester day’s “no" votes were more than twice the number as were cast in last No vember’s plebiscite. Attention is also called to the sharp decline in the volume of Nazi party votes as com .pajod with the November voting. In the November plebiscite, there were 43,453.000 “ja" votes. In the November Reichstag vote the Nazi vote was 43,453,000. With but few exceptions the 35 major voting districts produced in yesterday's election fewer “ja” votes than were cast in November. Some observers sees this as a failure of the German voters to respond to the ap peal of Nazi orators during the past few days that a large affirmative vote be cast so that the woHd might know the nation is solidly behind President-Chancellor Hitler. John D. Waldrop Critically 111 In New Bern After Auto Injury New Bern ,Aug. 20. (/P) —John D. Waldrop, chief engineer fqr the State highway department, continues to lose ground at St. Luke’s hospital, where he was taken Saturday for treatment of injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Dr. S. F. Patterson, at tending physician, described Wal drop's condition as “very grave” but has not yet given up hope for his re covery. Waldrop has been unconscious since the accidenj. C. J. Hayes, whot ravels for an ad vertising concern, and who was driv ing the car which collided with Wal drop, is under SSOO bond pending the outcome of the latter’s injuries. WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA Generally fair tonight and Tues day; slightly cooler in north and west portions tonight. Insull Denied Separate Trial From Colleagues Chicago, Aug. 20. (JP) —Samuel In sull, Sr., was refused a severance to day and ordered to stand trial with his 16 co-defendants September 18 on the charge that they used the mails fraudulently in marketing Corpora tion Securities Company stock. Insull had asked to be tried sep arately, assuming responsibility for the conduct of the investjnent house, and its calamitous crash, arvs pleading that a trial lengthened by the multi plicity of defense might endanger his health. _ SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIICTNIA. Called by Death - Wm - iw r -M^r' - m PfL H / m H |k. ' Wmm. i npjuffß* m I ; itlllf Speaker Henry T. Rainey, one of greatest leaders in Congress, died sud denly of an attack of angina pectoris, or heart attack, in St. Louis early Sunday night. BMHOMEAGAIN AND PUT TO BED His Wife Meets Him In Ra leigh on Leaving Train Bringing Him from Nashville FOUND SATURDAY IN TENNESSEE CAPITAL Visitors to His Home Could See Him Lying on His Back in Bed Being Fanned By Women in Household; Un certainty of Disappearance Cleared Up Goldsboro, Aug. 20. (JP) —Rev. R. H. Askew, who turned up in Nashville, Tenn., after a bizzare disappearance from his home here last Tuesday, was brought back shortly before 2 p. m. and was put to ©ed immedi ately. Mrs. Askew, who met the preacher (Continued on Page Four) Hindenburg Last Will Falsified Paris Newspaper Says Aged Presi dent Recommended the Kaiser’s Return Paris, Aug. 20. (JP) —The newspapei Paris Soir charged today that the will of the late President Paul von Hin denburg, of Germany, had been falsi fied so as to eliminate a recommen dation that former Kaiser Wilhelm should succeed him. The newspaper said the last section (Continued on Page Two) U. S. District Judge James H. Wil kerson himself raised the question to day of the continuation of tfifi trial if the elderly defendant be too ill to attend. Well now to vnture out to the Worlds Fair occ«© sionally, Insull’s physician, neverthe less, have pronounced his condition fragile because of a weak hand diabetes. It was intimated the court might sek a precedent or establish one by allowing Insull to absent himslf from the trial when his prsence is not ac tually necessary. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON ; EXCEPT SUNDAY„ SPEAKER RAINEY’S FUNERAL WEDNESDAY IN CARROLLTON, ILL. Preacher Is Freed 9k I HI gill 111 l mm.. M. The Rev. R. H. Askew Asserting kidnapers had tossed him out of their automobile after bring ing him from Raleigh, N. C to Nashville. Tenn., the Rev. R. H. As kew, above, of Goldsboro, N. C., walk ed into the police station at Nasn viUe last Saturday morning. Shortly before his appearance at Nashville, a letter to Aimee Semple McPherson. Los /Angeles (evangelist, demanding-’ $25,000 ransom for the young Caru lina preacher of the “four square gospel,” was turned over to police in liLos Angelea« 'Askew, lurgder questioning, admitted he may have had a nervous breakdown, ard latest advices are Askew was reported to have stayed at a Nashville hotel last Friday night. More and More Work Piled on Laborers Without Increased Pay SYSTEM IS DENOUNCED Francis J. Gorman Calls it “Device of the Devil;” Says It Is Ensiav slaving Workers, Making Wrecks of Them New York, Aug. 20. (JP)— I The pri mary object of projected general strike in the cotton textile industry, set for “about Labor Day”, was dis closed today as a fight “against the machine". Francis J. Gorman, head of the re search department of'the United Tex tile Workers of America, described it as a battle against the “srtetch-oui system”, under which more and mor« speeded up machines are assigned to each worker. "A true device of the devil," Goi man termed the system in his report to the biennial convention of tir« union, just ended here. “It is enslaving our workers, mak ing nervous wrecks of them and bringing their usefulness to a prema ture end.” Gorman and, other union leaders charged the system is a device to in crease production without increasing the employed man power or tue wages of the workers. DOCTORS FFIGDI FOR ALLEN’S POST Want Industrial Commis sioner Who Won’t be So Unfavorable to Them Dnily Dispatch Burenn, In the Sir Walter Hotel, Raleigh, Aug. 20.—North Carolina doctors will take a hand, perhaps a very velvety one, in the election of the successor to Major Matt H. Allen, chairman of the North Carolina In dustrial Commission. Os course, it is not an election by any other than tj?e governor’s vote, but what seems likely to happen is just this: Governor Ehringhaus prob ably will receive 10,000 letters of en dorsement for one or another candi date. The executives will read them, probably will suffer a relapse that nullifies all the good of his vacation, and then take his own vote on all these boosts. The doctors are anxious to get a (Continued on Page Two) 6' PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY Body Will Leave That Morn ing From St. Louis, Where He Died Sun day ofAngina HOLD SERVICES IN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Senatorial and Congression al Funeral Committees To Be Named Tomorrow; Byrns, of Tennessee, Is Talked as Successor In The House Speakership Washington, Aug. 20. (A*)—The fun eral of Speaker Henry T. Rainey will be held late Wednesday afternoon at Carrollton, 111. The body of thd speaker, whod ied last night in St. Louis, will leave that city Wednesday morning for Carrollton. The funeral will be at the Episcopal church and burial will foe in the Carrollton ceme tery. The plans were made known, here today by Mrs. Rainey in a telephone conversation. The senatorial and congressional funeral committees will be named to morrow. DIED SUNDAY NIGHT FROM ANGINA PECTORIS ATTACK St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 20. (£>)— Henry T. Rainey, picturesque speaker of the House of Representatives, is deau. Apparently on the road to recovery from an attack of bronchial pneu monia, he suddenly developed angina pectoris last night and died at 7:50 P< m., as three physicians, hastily summoned, stood by unable to aid him. Today would have been his 74th birthday. The speaker’s unexpected passing brought expressions of deep sorrow from .political leaders from all parts of the nation. President Roosevelt called him a “humanitarian, whose fine patriotism thought first of all what he conceived to be the well being and interest of the common man”. , His predecessors as speaker, Vice President John N. Garner, was “shocked speechless”. Leadership of the next House is in doubt as a result of the death of Mr. Rt iney. but Representative Joseph W. Byrns, of Tennessee, who helped him put through the “must” legislation of President Roosevelt’s program in the last Congress, is prominently mentioned as his successor. New Air Maps For . Navigating Planes Being Worked Out Washington, Aug. 2& (JP) —When airplanes fly over the Carolinas In the near future pilots won’t have to automobile maps as they now have to do in some instances. North Carolina and South Carolina were included among the states for which $508,000 in PWA funds-' waa made available to rush completion of the “master series” of navigation maps of thei nation. The fund will foe administered by the aeronautics branch of the De partment of Commerce. Chain Store Magnate Is Threatened J. J. Scurry, George town, S. C., Re ceives Letter De manding SII,OOO Georgetown, S. C., Aug. 20. (/p) — Authorities revealed here today that J. J. Scurry, well-to-do chain store operator, had received a note threat ening him with death unless he paid SII,OOO. The note, left in Scurry’s mailbox Saturday night, but not postmarked, said: “Bring us SII,OOO at 316 High Mar ket street at midnight or you will be killed”. The envelope enclosed a picture of a man’s head which had been punched full of holes. Sheriff H. B. Bruorton and Chief of Police E. E. McLeod posted men at various points in the neighborhood, but for two nights no extortionists appeared. The address given in the note is only three, blocks from (Continued on Page Pour) y