They Are Hoping and Pray
ing Supreme Court Will
Bar Vote in the No
vember Election
faced with sure
Lifting of Income Tax Limi
tation and Classification
of Property Looked Upon
as Provisions That Have
Turned Public Definitely
Against It
Daily Rnrrnn,
In the Sir Walter Hotel,
lly J. C. Ilntikervllle.
Raleigh. Sept. 19—The proposed new
constitution is on the toboggan and.
its friends are hoping, if not actual
ly praying, that the Supreme Court
will rule either today or tomorrow
that it can not be submitted to a vote
of the people in the approaching No
vember election, according to much
current opinion here. If the Supreme
Court does rule that the November
election is not “the next general elec
tion" after approval of the new con
stitution b ythe 1933 General Assem
bly. as it is expected to rule, the
friends and advocates of the propos
ed new basic law for the State will
heave sighs of deep relief. For even
its most ardent supporters already see
defeat if the new constitution is al
lowed to b evoted upon this fall. But
if they can prevent its being voted
upon at this time, an opportunity will
thus he reserved “lor its mddTTiftatloiT'
by the 1934 General Assembly. If cer
tain changes can be made in it by
this next legislature to appease its
more bitter opponents, It is hoped
that it may then be submitted to the
voters in the general election of 1933
and have a chance to be adopted.
It has been learned here within the
last few days from persons who have
had a good deal to do with the pre
paration of the proposed new consti
tution. that during the 1933 General
Assembly an effort was made to get
the opponents of the new document
to agree to certain changes in it that
would make it more acceptable and
(Continued on Page Four)
Plan Fleet
Mimic War
In Pacific
Maneuvers Next
Summer in Puget
Hawaii Area, Swan
son Says
Washington, Sept. 19 (AP)—Secre
tary Swanson announced at a press
States fleet would hold war maneuv
oon ference today that the United
ers next summer in the Puget Sound-
Alaska-Hawail triangle, in line with
the navy's policy of connecting fleet
problems and concentrations in areas
contiguous to American territorial
Swanson said the exercises would
"simulate war as much as possible,”
and he added that it was the purpose
to prepare the fleet to repel any at
(Continued on Page Four)
France, Britain Plead
South American Peace
Geneva, Sept. 19 (AiP)—France and
threat Britain denounced the war be
tween Paraguay and Bolivia as a de
bacle which must stop.
Louis Barthou, French foreign min
ister, told the Council of the League
of Nations that the time had come for
action in the Chaco dispute, as "this
conflict threatens to affect the pres
tige of the League.”
Lord privy seal, said that the war
iirttitrrsmt tlatht TEltsunfrlt
Here are the first photos of the
dedication of the Dafoe hospital
for the Dionne quintuplets, which
has been erected on the Dionne
farm at Corbeil, Ont., by means of
hundreds of subscriptions from
Bankhead Act Might Be
Abandoned This Season
Because Os Short Crop
Secretary Wallace May Ask President to Act in View of
Determined Opposition by Cotton Belt Congress- ,
men; Production Is Far Under Fixed Limit
Washington, Sep.t 19 (AP) —Out-
spoken opposition of some cotton belt
congressional leaders to operation this
year of the rigid Bankhead cotton
control act brought forth the possi
bility today that Secretary Wallace
might ask the President to defer or
modify operation of the act this sea
Contending that the reason for the
act, designed to prevent and over
production of coton, had been remov
ed by drought conditions and volun
tary acreage reductions, making the
1934 crop one of the shortest on rec
Bids Will Be Opened Then
on 13 Projects Scat
tered Over State
Daily Dispatch Bureau,
In the Sir Walter Hotel,
By J. C. Baskerville.
Raleigh, Sept. 19—The next high
way letting will be held by the State
Highway and Public Works Commis
sion September 26, at which time bids
on 13 projects will be opened, W.
Vance Baise, acting Chief highway
engineer, announced otday. This let
ting will include projects in Bun
combe, Durham, Rowan and a num
ber of other .counties. The projects
are as follows: j.
Durham county, 5.8 miles of bitumi
nous surface construction on Route
54 from Nelson towards Chapel Hill.
Buncombe county bituminous sur
facing of the relocation of “Dead
(Continued on Page Two)
had lasted too long and the League
must act.
Salvadore de Madariaga, of Spain,
urged the warring nations to declare
an armistice.
Coincidence or design placed Maxim
Litvinoff, Russian foreign commissar,
beside the empty chair which Japan
had quitted when he attended his first
session of the Council. The vacant
chair was at his right. Loland’s rep
resentative was at his left at the
horse shoe table.
IK 'iw|
t. ,»V T
all parts of the continent. Built
primarily to house and protect the
tiny Dionne girls who have con
tinued to astound the medical
world with their lusty growth, the
institution will also serve as a
ord, a group of southerners appealed
to Washington to suspend the law
for this year.
Just what action Wallace wil take
probably wil depend largely on the
outcome of a conference he has ar
ranged for Saturday with a group of
congressional leaders, including Sen
ator Bankhead, Democrat, Alabama,
co-author of the law; Senator Russell
of Georgia and Representative Jones,
of Texas.
The Bankhead act limits 1934 pro
duction to 10,460.000 bales, but adverse
weather conditions have smashed
the prospective crop to 9,250,000 bales.
Interest and Other Charges
so Much Profits Are
(Central Press Staff Writer)
Washington, Sept. 19.—Critics of de
ministration economcis are increas
ingly complaining that credit costs
too much; that folk with money de
mand more, for the use of their cash,
than folk who desire to use money
can faford to pay for it.
In other words, the critics say, en
terprsiing individuals! with insuffi
cient capital, can’t get the capital
they need to turn thur enterprise to
productive account, except, upon terms
that will leave them les sthan no
(Continued on Page Two.)
Spike Rumors Os
Violent Death Os
Captain Os Liner
New York, Sept. 19. (jZP) —Rumors
that Captain obert R. Wilmot, who
died several hours before his ship,
the Morro Castle, was swept with fire,
had met with foul play, were spiked
today by an officer of the liner.
Howard Hansen, fourth officer of
the liner, told the Department of
Commerce board investigating the'
disaster that he had been summoned
to he dead captain’s room, but he
had tried to revive him unsuccess
fully. I
"And were there any marks of vio
lence on Captain Wilmott’s body ask
ed Karl C. Nielsen, hull inspector,
“Not that I saw,’’ was the answer.
Rumors that Captain Wilmott had
died from unnatural causes, probably
through poisoning, were responsible
for analyses on his charred remains.
hospital for the nearby region.
Above, part of the thousands who
came to inspect the new hospital;
inset, Dr. A. R. Dafoe, who at
tended the birth, speaking *r
Wise oins i n * Progressives"
Trail With Republicans
as Democrats Get Ma
jority of Votes
But Former Governor Is Far
Behind Governor Sch
medemann on Democra
tic Ticket; Progressives
and Republicans Have
Fought Together in
Former Years
Jackson, Miss., Sept. 19 (AP)—(For
mer Governor Theodore G. Bilbo’s
lead over Senator Hubert D. Stephens
was raised above 5,000 today with ad
ditional returns counted from yes
terday’s Democratic run-off primary.
Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 19 (AP)—
The Democratic State ticket, strong
ly in support of President Roosevelt
and the New Deal, apparently polled
the biggest vote in the Wisconsin pri
mary election Tuesday, leaving the
new LaFollette Progressive party and
the Republicans behind at the rate of
about 1 Bvotes to a precinct.
This was indicated by returns from
more than half of the State precincts.
Governor Albert G. Schmedemann
had a heavy plurality over two op
ponents for the Democratic - guberna
(Continued on Page Four)
State Decides to Proceed
With Road Through
Smoky Mountains
Dally Dispatch Bureau,
In the Sir Walter Hotel,
By J. C, Baskerville.
Raleigh, Sept. 19.—Consruotion of
the Soco Gap road, from Soco Gap to
the Cherokee Indian Reservation in
Swain county, to connect with Route
107, the State highway that extends
through the Great Smoky Mountains
National Park to connect with the
Tennessee highway system at New
foundland Cap, will start just as soon
as award of the contract t othe low
(Continued on Page Two)
Generally fair tonight and
Thursday; not much change in
Another Still in Charlotte
Hospital Very Seriously
Wounded, jfiut Will
Likely Recover
Band of Vigilantes Formed
at Belmont to Restore
Law and Order After
Trouble Tuesday; Solici
tor Carpenter Addresses
Strikers, Urging Quiet
Charlotte, Sept. 19 (AP)—The death
toll from the textile strike in the
Carolinas rose to nine today as Ern
est K. Riley, 40, of Mount Holy, died
here of a bayonet wound received
last night as several thousand pick
ets “rushed” troops at Belmont, N. C.
J. P. Brown, 34, of Belmont, re
mained in the hospital here with a
serious wound, which, however, was
not expected to prove fatal.
Approximately a dozen other pick
ets received treatment at Belmont for
bayonet pricks. The violence and
death today had made Gaston county
the “high tension” center of the
strike area. Crowds of pickets re
mained about several mills, taunting
National guardsmen, of which 12
companies were on duty.
Coroner George Riddle announced
he was investigating reports that sol
diers had been drinking prior to last
night’s clash, and said an inquest in
to "Riley’s deatK would be held imme
diately. He was accompanied here by
Solicitor John Carpenter, who ad
dressed a mass meeting of several
hundred strikers, urging law observ
ance* •* 1 !*li;
Other speakers at the meeting said
two mils now operated in Belmont
would be forced to close again and
warned against what they termed
communist agitators.
At a mass meeting last night, 300
Belmont citizens organized a band of
Vigilantes at Belmont, donning badg
es, and announced that they were de
termined to restore law and order in
the community.
Each member pledged himself to
give his active support in defense of
the "inalienable right’ ’of a man to
work and support himself and family.
Farmers, merchants, preachers, mill
workers an dofficials were said to
have attended the Vigilantes organi
vation committee meeting,; .which
was said to have been called as a di
(Continued on Page Four)
Trading In
Tobacco Is
Under Way
New York, Sept. 19. {lP)— Trading in
tobacco futures was inaugurated in
the Tobacco Exchange of New York
today, providing for the first time a
futures market for this commodity—
one of the richest cash crops produc
ed in America.
The first transaction was the pur
chase of a contract of 10,000 pounds,
United States standard flue-cured,
type 12, B4F, for January delivery at
a price of 29.05 cents a pound. The
buyer was Samuel T. Hubbard, of
Hubbard Brothers, and the seller was
James Eolen.
Raging Lion Breaks From
Cage In Richmond Parade
And Terrorizes Populace
Richmond, Va., Sept. 19 (AP) —Cir-
cus guards today shot to death a rag
ing lion after the beast had broken
open his cage in a circus parade, pull
ed down a wagon horse and scattered
crowds in terror.
Leaping across the raditor of an
automobile, the lion loped up the
street and turned on a circus horse,
sinking his teeth into the animal’s
Then Patrolman John Robert Paul,
advancing almiost under the hoofs of
the agonized horse, shot five times.
Angry and hurt, the big jungle beast
bounded down the street, finally tak-
Strike Committee Takes
Hot Fling At Talmadge
For Ordering Soldiers
Drinking Report
“Outrageous Lie”
Gasonia, Sept. 19. (AP)—Colonel
Robert B. Scott, cofnmandlng offi
cer of the troops in the county,
today said regarding the drinking
“You can say for me it is an
outrageous lie. Every man in every
company has been informed by me
and his officers thta hey positively
have nothing to do withliquor
while on strike duty. I know hey
haven’t done i. I was in Belmont
last night, not right at the time of
the shooting, but I know it is a
National Guardsmen Order
ed on Duty After Clash
at Lockwood Mill
at Waterville
Mediation Board Report Ex
pected During Day, With
Possibility of Cue for End
of Struggle; Conflicting
Reports as to Number
Now at Work
(By the Associated Press)
Rioting broke out in Waterville,
Maine, today, a new scene of violence
on the textile strike front.
National Guardsmen were ordered
to duty in Waterville after a bitter
affray outside the Lockwood Manu
facturing Company mil.
Police fought a hand-to-hand battle
(Continued on Page Two)
Strike Is
A Struggle
On Poverty
Salisbury ,Sept. 19. (/P)— Norman
Thomas, Socialist leader .addressed a
crowd of more than 1,090 persons, a
majority of them strikers and mill
workers, here this morning, his ap
pearance having been delayed more
than an hour because of a speaking
enaggemen at Lexington.
Thomas declared the textile strike
was a struggle against the crime of
poverty in a land of plenty, and said I
increased purchasing power of the
workers is essential to the of
prosperity. Succes sos the strike de
-pends on the srength of the workers
to hold their lines and maintain their
organization, both now s.nd after the
strike, he asserted.
ing refuge in the Hankins-Johnann
sheet metal works.
The crowd was terror-stricken as
the lion broke open the cage and
leaped to the street. Before men and
women and many children had an
opportunity to start running, the
beast swung on the neck of the horse
and dragged the animal to the ground.
A great risk to himself, Patrolman
Paul rushed in close and fired five
times from his revolver and the lion
released the horse and started down
the street, apparently not seriously
(Continued on Page Two).
Georgia’s Governor Objec<
tive This Time of Gor
man’s Attack on Con - , •
duct of Strike
Tells Talmadge He Has
Proven Himself Arch
Enemy of Labor by Using
Armed Forces of Georgia
“To Drive Men Back Into
Starvation Conditions”
Washington, Sept. 19 (AP) —The
Textile strike committee today made
public a telegram sent to Governor
Talmadge of Georgia, which declared
“you are writing a record which is
(Francis J. Gorman, chairman of the
committee, denied in his telegram a
accusing the textile strikers of pro
statement attributed to the governor
moting, encouraging or participating'
in violence, and added:
“You have proven yourself an arch
enemy of labor by using the armed
forces of your state to drive men back
into starvation conditions, and abso
lute subservience to mil owners. Your
troops have destroyed civil rights and
made a mockery of State laws. You
do not seem to even be aware that
the United States Constitution exists
or that there are Federal laws which
guarantee to workers of your state
and all states the right to organize ih
to unions and bargain collectively
through those unions with mil m«n
“The first violence in this strike
occurred in your state, because it was
in your state that armed and irresist
ible agents of mil managements open
ed fire on defenseless and law-abid
ing workers. You are writing a rec
ord that is inexcusable and that re
cals the terrors of the Middle Ages/
when workers were serfs and slaves,
either in bondage or ownership.”
fffifl s.
Correspondent Thinks
Should Be Igonred
for a While
(Central Press Staff Writer)
Boston, Sept. 19.—nevitably columns
become personal. AH news is a re
actio nto impacts in a reporter’s mind,
of cretain occurrences.
This column is personal today.
The writer and his wife had begun
a vacation—then rioting* began in New
England. \
Soon he was arranging for papers
to get pictures of the events, in thd
speediest possible manner. (You see*
the writer is somewhat of an editor,
too). It was a regular “fireman's
Then oemeone remarked: “Why
dno’t you go to get the opinions of
the Big People on hese new events?" 1
And somebody else! said: “You
ought to be getting the story of the
mob from the mob itself”.
And still somebody else
‘flren’t you goin gto investigate tti«
* * *
Is This Correct?
Oh, the writer, I’ve interview*
ed so many, many persons through
the years, and I have “covered’’ so
many, many stories, I believe I could
put down everything that eevrybodyj
on all sides would say—and I’d only,
heighten the bitterness. We’d be n<*
further ahead.
Besides, he writer continued, thesd
days when I go out to interview per
sons .they are the questioners,
“What’s going to happen—what will
Roosevelt do? What do you think?*
They ask.
Why. therefore, shouldn’d I inter
view myself—and, perhaps, get near
er to the truth than all tho)3 excited
• * •
The Interview
Well, what do you think of that
riot at Woonsocket, R. I.?
Oh, that was to be expected.
Really ?
Yes, you see, there comes a definite
period when the average young fel
low says: “This mess isn’t being set
tled at all by htose old guys’. What
(Continued on Page Two).