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PAGE TWO BARKS OF THE BULLDOGS A Paper to Keep tba Public Posted on Happenings in Henderson High School. Vol. 3 Henderson, X. C., Oct. 29. 1934. NO. 4 'l’lir Official Orsmi of fl. 11. S. .lame*; Jenkins Editor-In-Chief Parham . Assistant- Edilor Pauline Jenkins .. Typist S. M. Crowder Sponsors MiivWie J’aylor II || S. KEEPS sti;j» The tme business of education is to mnk" evoiy hoy and girl into the ftnnm citizen that he or she can pos sibly become. With the ever-chang tnf conditions, high schools are real ising that secondary education is noi a *MToparation for Life hut labora tories jo which ihc pupil should re ceive practical examples of the “Bus iri.tas ol Living." Possibly ihc chief aim of .-a condary education is the tr*i’ ine and development of citizen ship By this we mean that through hts classes, .his assocations. his extta ctvlettlsr activities, his moral and so cial life in hiph school, he will be de veloped into i.he well-rounded person v-bo can meet ’.lie problems of the fu ture and thins solutionr through in a logical and reasonable way. When chi can b*» flone for every high school pupil we can lie assured that the "Cit iiens of ’loruortov.," can take their places ano fulfill (heir tasks what ever limy may. be, in whatever they may lean. following the trend and realizing that the course ot study prior to this region, has provided so little oppor tunity for the boys and girls ol H. 11 S. 1.0 receive ari\ practical and tisefu. training in ihe ‘‘Business of Living 4‘.»\rLain changes and additions are he ing made to rhe curriculum. lr has been .‘aid that the world needs not more armies, navies, or im piemcnls of warfare, but simple les sors in the business of undersiandinj. the other fellow and forgetting ou hatreds and prejudices. More ernpha sis is being given to the study of so cial problems by the introduction oi Sociology into our high school as ai elective course for Seniors. The first objective of all educatioi: is “Health”. iblu rt Spencer ha. called it "self-preservation." Every moth ct knows that a healthy baby is a pood baby. From the cradle to the grave a healthy !if<* i.- a. good life. To il a’ ’s conditions demand a much great er degree of physical, mental and mo ral fituc'S than was formerly neces sary. Good habits of mental and phy sical hygiene influence general sue opsh and happiness. A course in “Homo flygicne" for girls is therefore being off. i d bv the lied Cross to Junior uni Senior girls and “First Aid” will be. offered the Senior boys. far too long have the high schools of the laud made it their business to train for college, ignoring the fact that very few pupils ever enter col lego. Our thought, energy and effort j hate too long neglected the thousands of boys and girls who can never at tend college, and those who have no business in a college. The mathema tics course 111 nigh school was plan ned and has continued to function as • if every pupil were to enter college. But with revi. ion. through the present syrtem every pupil will receive broad fundamentals and basic principles, j nouesfati to produce a real citizen j and three who need advanced and I prefe.'-. training can get theirs I 3.1 BO • X. P. Barks of the Mastiff j Editor: VI Wester THANKS, MRS. PEACE, .UR. COOPER When having a party there has to he a place., Bur. not always i> there a kind face. When ark in " for iioip, some of them soy. "Run alone, hoy- pet out of my way.’’ But "they'’ loaned us their building without any fuss. T» e.3« humble thanks now we dp give | To Mr.. Onotper and Mrs. Peace-long may you live'. A I,SO HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH We walked into a building and closed the latch This was the house of the Daily Dis patch. We talked to n man who was jovial and hearty- A.ud he was so kind, he helped our party. He wrote us up, he invited you down. ‘‘Come to the carnival Everybody in town!” NOT TO FORGET DOC WOOLAJtI) When people are not rich, but have sonic money. To have nowhere to put it, is not even funny. Quick Relief for Chills and Fever i and Other Effects of Malaria! Don’t put up with the suffering of the teeth-chuttering chills and the burning fever. Get rid of Malaria by getting the infection out of your system. That’s what Grove’s Tuatcless Chill Tonic does destroys and drives out the infection. At the same time, it builds up your system against further attack. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic con tains tasteless quinine which kills the infection in the blood. It .also con* •tains Iron which builds up the blood nod helps it overcome the cffc.cts of Malaria an well as fortify against re infection. These me the effects yoti want for COMPLETE relief. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic is pleasant to take and absolutely safe, even for children. Mo hitter taste of quinine. Oof a bottle today and be forearmed uf.ainsl Malaria. For sale at all drug stores. Now two sizes—soc and sl. Tho $1 size contains 2 1-2 times as muoh as the 50 r size and gives yon 25 per cent more for your money. •lard there’s where “he” helped us—he . was a kind man. I for we felt safe with the money in his hand. } Twas late at night when he entered his store, j Kept our money till next morning, behind a safe door. 1 And so to Doc. Woolnrd. we do j thanks extend. J Forever and forever remembered as a frlend SCOUTS AT THE FAIR Wo, the Senior Class are very proud to have so many loyal helpers j n so many organizations. We’re sure j you were all inspired by tho sight of i our <or rather, some of our) most j handsome Senior boys grabbing iiok j ets at the shows and rides of the In j cal fair this past week. JI. M. Row t land. Clyde I-light, and Meredith | Watkins were among the most nut • standing. Folks, If you will look around yon will see lots of “us" at all the affairs — we like to assist people. Growls of the Terriers Josephine Martin Editor Associate Editors; Nell Howland Mary E. Toythress Sponsors: l.ilj Kyle G. VV. Crawford HOME HYGIENE COURSE There are only four Junior girls eking the Home Hygiene Course this year. We wish that more were tak i : ng it. l.vtvoon PREMIERE Many of the Junior boys and girls :ook part in the Hollywood Premier mid at the Stevenson Theatre Mon lay night. J. H. Hicks and Bon Blue won third prize. Other Juniors taking part were: Betty Knott as Joan Blondell, Nell Rowland, as Del lies Del Rio. Josephine Martin as Marlene Dietrich. Mary Elizabeth Poythress as Evelyn Venable, Mary Jills Petty as Adrienne Ames, Esther r’alkner as Marian Nixon, Mary Bunn as Ginger Rogers, Tommy Crudup as j lames Cagney, E. V. Bunn as T.eslie j Howard, Fred McGee as George Raft, j Peggy Cawley as Joan Marsh and Maxine Aulbert as Kate Smith. i Yelps of the Pugs Editor: Frances Dana j Associate Editors ' Alice Whitmore Maurice Capps Sponsor: Miss Athlecn Turnage “Patty Makes Things Hum”, the Sophomore Play. Will he presented on November sixteenth. The try-outs were held last Thursday afternoon and the judges were Miss Evelyn Ricklev and two members of the Dra matic Club. The persons trying out were judged by their pronunciation, their actions and their interpretation of the character whom they were rep resenting. Their cast will start work immediately and the play will ho the best ever produced by the Sopho mores. The Sophomores throughly enjoyed he Golden Belt Fair last week, espe cially on Wednesday which was “School Day." Several of the Boy Scouts in the class were on Civic Duty j it the fair grounds and the class wishes to thank Mr. W. D. Payne, and Mr. E. M. Rollins for the holiday which was given us Wednesday after noon. OH!!! There is a little red headed sopho more girl who is receiving a lot of let .ers from a hoy down in South Ame rica. Who is tno brown-eyed sophornorfe 2'h'l who has her eyes on a brunette junior that lives on South Garneti .Street? : \ Do you know the pretty blue-eyed sophomore who has her eyes on a sen ior that, lives on the corner of Jean ette Avenue and Chestnut Street? The conceited Sophomore of Bur well Avenue has a right to he con ceited because he has throe Sopho more girls on his trail. They are the ‘Blonde Venus,” the brunette of the Grove, and the Sophomore who lives in the. big yellow house on Rowland Street. Our blue eyed actress has a crush on a Sophomore boy that lives on Oholson avonue. Yips Os The Puppies Editor: Billy -Dennis Associate Editors Edgar Edwards Tommy Jenkins Sponsor: Miss Evelyn Binkley •PUPPIES PATRONIZE golden BELT FA llt Very large crowds, including many freshmen, attended the Golden Belt Pair, which was held just, outside of ihe Henderson city limits for four days and nights, last week, October 23, 24, 25, 20. The exhibit hall was well arranged. Some of the exhibits were agricultur al booths and cooking and canning displays. The Midway was enjoyed by every one and some of the rides were the Chair-Plane, Caterpillar, Linyy Loop, Tilt-a-Whirl, and two iForris Wheels. The sideshows and other entertainments were placed around the midway. Free acts and fireworks, given every night, also drew many people. A few of the Freshmen boys who belong to the Boy Scouts stayed at the fair grounds all the time *hat. it was possible. They helped take up tickets for the rides and shows, pa trolled the grounds, and did other things to make the fair a success. PLAY GIVEN BY HOME ROOM THREE A play, entitled "Call It a Day,” was presented in chapel by most of the members of home room three on HENDERSON, '(ln. CJ DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1931. Friday, October, 26. Miss Morton, the room teacher, was the director. The play pictures a day in a doctor’s of fice when his assistant is sick, so he gets his wife to take the assistant’s place. During the day, all kinds of patients coitie into the office and they are all telling their troubles and past operations. Those in the play were as follows: Billy Hester as Dr. Culver, Rowena Daniel as Mrs. Cul ver. About twenty other members of Home Room 3 took the parts of pat ients. Annie Hyman Bunn presided As Army Mule Showed Heels To \ ale Bulldog Army is in forefront of country’s elevens, it showed the power of its attack in 20-12 victory over Yale at New Haven. It kept ball in Yale territory constantly, and the Bulldogs were con stantlv in such tight positions of this, in which Yale oack is seen kicking from between g'Oal posts. A blocked punt on the one yard lino gave Army its second touchdown. O/ts B€bncte Cbuntadd, fU >. J -—(s|— 'by Herbert O.Yardley 7!E i n tttis rinar: I’li tin JOEL CARTER is secretary lo XA'I IIAMEL C R LEX LEA E, head ot the L. a. “Black Chamber ”, when’ much of the real wartime se cret sen ice work is done, she dis til.,.< CO l XTESH TII on LUX D, wife of the Scandinavian ambassador, icho wants to ivork with G reenlcat. One of Greenleaf’s assistants uncovers a letter which is belie red to have a •onessane written in • invisible ink. CA RTA IX lilf.l. MARTI \ remains atone at the Black Chaniher . scektnp to penetratt its secret. lie calls Grc.cnleaf to tell ot his success but sudden!a a shot is heard over the phone. , (sow no ox w ith v he storyj fc’HAPTER 10 FIFTEEN .MINUTES later Green leaf. white and disheveled, and Plane, gun in hand, tried to enter the door to the Black Chamber. There was lio sound within but from under the tloor came a thin wafer of light. “Door's bolted,” said Greenleaf.! “\Y e'll have to go in by the secret ; entrance.” Downstairs again and up another j stairway, a flashlight turned on the j secret lever which opened the door ! “My God,” exclaimed Greenleaf, 1 •It's been used!*’# Blane held Ids electric torch close. The secret entrance had not been tightly shut. Someone had come and ; gone iii those irreparable minutes. Greenleaf, guessing, what would confront him, pushed the door open j • gnd entered. The room was bright ly lighted! .. The vessel over the Buh t sen burner still gave oft’ its brown fumes which were sucked into the ventilating hood above. Across a desk on tho farther side of the room, the telephone receiver clutched 'n liis d'end hand, lay the body of Cap tain Bill 'Martin. “Dead,” said Blane after a swift Inspection. "Right through the brain, jle never knew what bit him.” Greenleaf said in a still voice, "He saw it coining and tried to give me the rest. The message broke off. That’s when he saw the gun. He Said two words and then I heard the shot, and the crash of the fall.” Carefully he searched around and under the body and in the pockets. “Os course, the letter is gone. That’s what they were after. But who, Blane, knew about that en trance? I never told even Bill or Jake. ' You and J, so far- as 1 know, are the only ones who knew of it.” “Evidently,” ,< said Blane, “we , kidded ourselves. Smart work on ; the part of someone.” Greenleaf nodded sombrely. "That's so. Wo know now what we're up against." Blane began to swear in a low hor rible voice. Greenleaf listened im patiently. “Sure we’ll All them full of holes. If we ewn. or bring them before a firing squad which will he belter. But—” He looked at Blane. “Yes, what?” Blane asked. "We’ll have to shut this up some how. We’ll give it out that Bill was called away on some secret commis sion. We can't have our work upset and clues spoiled. What do you think?" Blane nodded gloomily. "His wife?” he asked. "She’ll have to know, of course, but we can ask her to keep it quiet for a while. Patriotic duty, it is a patriotic duty.” Blane cleared his throat. He said huskily, “you’re right, of course. But 1 hate —he was game—he ought to have credit. Everyone ought to know.” Greenleaf nodded. “Yes. 1 feel that way. Later we ll do him all. the honor we can. Now it’s up to me to retrieve a mistake. It’s my fault. 1 ought not to have left him alone. But l hadn't a thought of danger. I should have, I over th assembly. Devotions Vs 'were jjronriucted by James Peck. Tv vo~ | cal selections were given, one by Livy j Harris and one by Reginald McFar ! .land, both accompanied by Annie H. i Bunn at (he piano. Appendages Editor: Ellnrd Vmv I EXTRA -CCRRICT ear ACTIVI TIES ,o BE organized ON \ POINT SYSTEM In the high school some pupils are taking part in more activities than they can carry and do their regular xy.ork well; others arc not taking part ih'any, therefore not getting the full ; value-ol" high school work. In an es ! fort to regulate ihc extra-curricular activities of the individuals a point i system is to bo organized. Pupils will •be limited to a certain definite maxi They saw the body of Captain Bill Martin but 1 didn’t. And there was this ! cipher to bust. I had to go at that. It was of the first importance—” “Take It easy,” said Blatie. “You’ve got no call to blame your self. It's one of those things. We have to take our chances, all of us." “But preventable things—” "Yes," said Blane, “and if you'd been here they'd have got you both. Then where'd we all be? Have you thought of that? Pull up. We'll make it up to poor old Bill. He won't hold it against us that we didn’t know everything, couldn’t foresee everything.” * * * Joel's new party dress was a mul berry colored silk. She laid it ten derly on the bed and looked at it with affection before she put it on. Os herself in it she was more critical. Too dark, she thought. Beside the countess she would seem dark in deed. But probably she wouldn’t be beside the countess except perhaps for a moment. It. would be a swell affair, no doubt, with a lot of the Washington bigwigs and no one would look at her, except perhaps Mr. Greonleaf. And if he looked at her at all it would be as a secretary only. She rather wondered why -*e had accepted the invitation, for she guessed that parties, dances espe cially, bored him. No doubt it w r as to catch a glimpse of the countess. And she a married woman. A woman was only interesting to some men when she was married, a rather improper state of affairs. she thought, though perhaps interesting for the women. I She was all dressed and ready i when lie called. He’d not like to | wait, so she was down the stairs two [•minutes after the maid inelegantly | announced, “He’s come. Miss.” Greenleaf was standing contemplat ing a bad portrait of one of Mrs. Harris’ aristocratic ancestors. He carried a broad-brimmed felt liat in his hand, and her heart sank. He turned, and she saw that he was in evening dress and looked better than she had feared. Someone should tic his ties for him , though. His was slightly askew. She thought of of fering to straighten it but decided hotter not. "You’re prompt.” he said. “Effi ciency." r He did not smile, however, and his ’ 'voids seemed mechanical, as though his thoughts were somewhere els®. The beautiful mulberry silk via mum number of points, and it is hop ed, as soon as possible, to require a minimum number for the *pupils to graduate. The purpose of the point system in our activities would be to develop a talent in particular phases of extra curricular work without straining the mind or body of the individual, and to enter into school activities. The de tails of the plan will be worked out. by a committee. THE GIRL’S GLEE CLUB With all the promising material the ' Girl's Glee Club has, it is certain to have a very successful year. This ■ > ear the club, as a whole, is going 'to ; have more voice in its precedings. The j officers elected arc: President. Alice 1 LTarrison; vice-president, Anne Mills; I Secretary, Josephine Martin; Librar i ians, Jeanne Dunn, Margaret Candler. ! The club consists of thirty-four girls H-ifaily wasted on him. He helped her into the taxi, di rected the driver, and got in beside her. Why didn't he say something- Instead he sat preoccupied. She made conversation because she was ill at ease. • “Sorry Captain Martin has been called away?” he repeated after her •‘Oh. yes. of course.” He looked out of the window' and was silent. Then, “Fn this business a man’s likely to be called away any time." “It’s a secret where he’s gone?” she asked. He looked straight ahead ae though he hadn't heard. She thought it rather foolish thal she shouldn't know where Hill had gone. As though she would tell Probably it didn’t matter anyhow and was just a part of the official way of doing things. Men seemeo to like that sort of thing, it was a con\ ention of the game they played. Jake said war was a game, too, and she had been patriotically indignant. Yet his words had stuck in her mind. She wondered what he would be like at a. party. Awkward probably, but he would be entertaining. Greenleaf said abruptly, “Sometime tonight, if I stand In a doorway and nod to you, 1 wish you’d make your excuses to your partner and come out of the room. I may want you. It will be late probably.” She wondered what his vagueness might conceal. He answered her thought. “Business, official business,” he said. “Even at parties we have it with us. But I hope you have a good time before that.” “I’ll gladly give up the dancing,” she began. But he said brusquely that she shouldn’t. It was part of her job to dance. j She resented that. To appear at the dance as an official duty was quite another thing than to go for pleasure. She felt rather dashed. Yet it was a part of the way things were done in Washington. All these functions were only the glittering surface. The young people prob ably liked them, but to older people they were only official duties. She’d never be like that, never. When she ceased to enjoy dancing and the in toxication of bright lights and that sort of thing, she'd know life wa» over. 1 ctq ms oosTOfjjspm - as follows: Firsts Maxine Aulbert, Ruth Burton, Peggy Cawley, Rowena Daniel, Jeanne Dunn, Lucille Finch, Livy Harris, Alice Harrison. Frances Harrison, Elisabeth Jenkins, Bessie M. Johnson, Josephine Martin, Doro thy McDuffie, Ethel Miller, Becky J. Mills, Rebecca Patterson, Ada Rose }Yow; .Seconds: (Margaret Candler, Margaret Faris, Betty Knott, Ada Page, Mary S. Petty, Dorothy Stain back, Ann Watson, Jessie R. Stewart; Thirds Lucy B. Adams, Frances Dan iel, Annie S. Dunkley, Nellie Kittrell, Anne Mills, Juanita Stainback, Ann (Upchurch. OXFORD ON FRIDAY Light Workout Today For Bulldogs First Since Fri day’s 12-0 Win A light workout will be passed out this afternoon by Coach Hank Powel] to his high school Bulldog football eleven as he begins preparing his charges for their annua! battle with Oxford high school the next Friday afternoon. The team came through the Littlo ; ton game in fine shape, no injuries to amount, to anything. The Littleton team cut weighed the local but ITen- I derson made up in fight what they lacked in weight to win 12-0. Oxford lias a mighty fine (earn this ; year and will he all sel for the Bull doge; when they come over Friday. GRID GAME FEATURE FOR COLORED FAIR The Henderson Institute Panthers will play Fayetteville Normal here on Friday afternoon al 3 o’clock at the fair grounds as a feature of the Vance County Colored Fair. Friday’s visitors are noi a confer ence foe for the Panthers, but is rated | superior to the local Negro team. The ■ Institute team defeated Fayetteville i Negro high school Friday at Fayette ■ ville 27-0 in an easy fashion. ALLOTMENTS UPON COTTON GREATER Raleigh, Oct. 2ft. —Cotton allotments for 19 ; ’’5, under the adjustment con tracts, will be 25 per cent, larger than they were this year. This year a grower who had a base of 10 acres was allotted six acres to plant. Next year he probably will be allotted seven and a half acres, ac ! cording to Dean T. O. Schaub of State i College. The increase in allotments to be al : lowed is due largley to the fact that IF YOU DON'T LIKE CREAMS ” 1 1;-.. j; 1 . . y" 11 y./:'o : . ■ . ■' " -! m . •? *T "-» y .i.ijpimwimW YOU'LL NORRIS I WHIMS A box of candy without a single cream . . .. It has crisp, ... '. ... ..v:y 'i.'v; 1 .., . .V■ whole Brazil nuts.. freshly roasted almonds. . light fluffy nougat.! rich cream caramels . . crunchy nut brittles .Sfc caramel and nut combinat?ons / all enrobed in chocolate es pecially blended to bring out the full flavor of the centers All Packages in Hallowe'en Wrappers Order Yours Today. Page-Hocutt Drug Company Phone 408-404. A GIFT WORTH GIVING U. N. C. - Ga. Tech FOOTBALL GAME ATLANTA, GA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD. ' SPECIAL PULLMAN Nov. 2 Leave Raleigh, Southern Railway 6:25 P. SI. Nov. 2 Leave Durham, Southern Railway 7:12 F. M. Nov. 3 Arrive Atlanta, Southern Railway .. 5:50 A. M ROUND TRIP FARE From— Coach Unrestricted Raleigh $12.60 $16.90 Durham ~ 12.28 16.40 Round Trip Pullman—Lower §6.00; Upper §4.80 RETURN SCHEDULE Lv. Atlanta, 7:45 PM 12:01 AM 8:10 AM 12:20 PSI Ar. Durham, 8:30 AM 1:10 PM 7:50 PM 2:10 AS! Ar. Raleigh, 9:15 AM 2:05 PM 8:45 PM 3:00 AM The Special Pullman will return on the 7:45 PM train November 3rd. J. S. Bloodsworth, D.LA, Raleigh N. C, Phone 621 SOUTHERN RAILWAY the cotton program has most of the surplus cotton resonsible for the low prices of J® and growers can now start produ •• as much cotton as is consumed ' year, the dean explained. The exact size of the allotment will not be announced, Schaub acUk , until the AAA cotton section fj n : - ’ its study of the cotton situaion eluding both domesic r .nd markets. DEMAND INCREASES FOR FARMING LAND I Columbia. S. C.. Oct. 29. | ing the growing demand for | lands, the Federal Land Bank pc r, " i umbia received in the first o / j weeks of October contracts for ' j sale of over $600,000 worth of ; lands, acquired by it in the past','. 1 11' 1 j oral years, J ulian H. hearborou'w I president. announced today f ’ I farms are located in the four j served by the bank, North Caron- South Carolina, Georgia and Flor . Contracts for the sale of sf; fi worth of land were received on <, day, Tuesday. Oct. 23, Mr. s c ..-, r .j' cugh saiu, and inquiries conthur \, pour in daily from prospective pu , j chasers. The prices being received |tl , ; Hie land are ihe best in five v p . ; he said. 1 Rev enue of State Showing l j> Well In Current Month liail.v Dispatch Ttui'ena, In ihe Sir Waller Hotel Ity r. Kaskort iil<>. Raleigh. Oct. 27.—Collections of venue for the State general fund for October through yesterday amounted to $1,191,773, and was still pouring in today. Os this amount, more than half or $ "3129 came from sales i.,v collections made so far it, Octohet! With five niore days yet before t.hc end of the month, it R hoped that collections will amount, to at 1,-au $1,500,000 for October. Dolled ion.s in September amounted to $3,053552 ;1 compared with collections in Septem ber, 1933, of only $962,222. The rea rm for this difference, however is that ’:ho State collected $2168102 in fran chise taxes in September this year hat were not collected until October ’nst year. Collections in October, 193?, amounted to $3,535,000. Despite the fact that collections in October will be some $2,000,000 Fas than in October a year ago because of the difference in the time of col lection of the franchise taxes, indioa a’’" R‘at collections for the first four months of thi<? fiscall ? cul be irom 16 to IS per cent in ov cess of collections for the. same p»> ~iod last year.