iperience the real spirit of Christmas unless there are
i and those delicious chocolates for the grown-ups.
am, chewy and nut centers—so appropriate as gifts
[y. lhis year they will sell more than three million
o nourish the system.
• 1-2 lb. assorted chocolates, pkg lUC
assortment oi chocolates in •% g| j
m Santa Claus box, package *vC
Bon Rons, in distinctive white box, oa
ribbon tied box ZU£
; sso iteu creams and comtessa box chocolates, i pound ,
assorted chocolates in bright colored
T ■ \ box, cellophane wrapped, box
ing value, box 4it/C
Dates I Family package 5-lb. ox assorted chocolates
Bin appropriate Christmas box,
ribbon tied box M JMf
illy treated |ll i
i I IfC I FRUIT and NUT CAKE—each in OA
net .. A W I rod tin cakc box ZJC
hristmas novelty numbers
Candy Canes, m cellophane. 2 for 5c
U. Canriv Canes m cellophane each 5c
ol ~ i .
gp t_.nini.ney i oincr package, cadi .......... r>_
i almonds, filberts, )&■ Candy Filled Stockings, each 5c
Ort Jji Big Peppermint Stick, each 5c
4avV- Cellophane pkg. small sticks, each 5c
w OF- Bags of Gold, each 5c
i/e. lb fcivC Checkers, with prize, each 5c
le Are to Be Found at Rose's,
t Consists of:
Sleeping Eye Doll, rubber
/V pants, nicely dressed, cry
*X 3 ing voice* composition ®f|jr* byJi
4 si.oo mm
Wis Large 10-inch Doll with i1
vML natural hair, voice and
W slwpincr *•. AA
\ f' eye*, each .... tPi.W
Baby Dull with flirting
eyes, equipped with voice
£\ all<l 18 1 A A
ly dressed, each vl»vv
inch, in height. Most at-
Large Baby Doll, 21-inch, tractively dressed, made
a remarkable value. This of \cry best material,
item is equipped with Very natural and lifelike.
/ voice and is attractivelv lhis doll has mamma
ressed. Our special for I voice. sleeping eyes, j
\ " IsL 1954. at dj| |||l eydashes and Laeth. 11
HL ; each JI#UU F nu outstanding value.
\- '-/rn . and you will certainlv
Negro Doll, with plaited want to inspect it \vher
hair, fully dressed, this is »n vi«dt. our store. We
a novelty doll number that offer this attractive doll
has been one of OF at Hie very low f^O
our best sellers v 1 •***} price of. each
l ea Set*
lm Tea bets, 3 Li. de Pigo
design, 7 piece j to
box .... lQc t.)X
Mickey Mouse Tea Sets, 7
pieces to box 10c Jo^
lin lea bets. 12 to 15 pieces
to box. very attractive
design. 20c mu' 25c.
Mickey Mouse Laundrv Set
With wc-h r. •. TVs ?, \ '
11 . _a (
aim accessories, e;uh set
in box, set .... |q c
Kiddies Cook Set, set . . loe
Juvenile Baking set sot 10c
6-pier.e Aluminum Tea Set,
each set in box, set .... lOc
d-pieco Aluminum Tea Sets,
(large pieces) box .... 20c
( l»oking and Baking Set,
1 aluminum toys, set 25c
Aluminum Percolator Set, 1L
pieces. in alf.racti\e box 50c
20-piece Aluminum set, with
new drip-o- iatur Un t will ac
tu«i 11\ make coffee, each set
iii brightly colored box 79c
Small Alum num
Toy Iteirs
Cmwev {? auce ?■ n and
Cou i each . . loc
lea Kettle, each iOc
Double Boiler, each .... 20c
Clear Drip C >ffee
Maker, each 25c
b 1 !!?, ‘ »>d I 1-1 { ' r* i.
Will* Utlv. V_ v. c j
1 eJlopban#* wr.'ipper.'. 10c set j
Elackboar :1s
Easel Blackboard. Very use
ful and pl actic J toy
number, each 23c
Toy Sad Iron niekcl base,
colored iop. with black
enamel handle, each 10c
Slate Set with era. w and
chaik, each set ir box 25c
•ixnx «'-h r> O fvv *■*, <r? a <r , v <?*
I — i <i
Miscellaneous Toy
Push Chimes, red handle 10c
Push Chimes, with large
colored wheels, 25c
Toy Telephone, standard and
French styles 20c
Play Rattles, with teething
ring. e>'Cii ii* cellophane »
envelope . ioc
Chime Rattles. A very col
orful and tuneful item 10c
Celluloid Rattles, assorted
shapes and styles 10c
Doll in High Chair .... ioc
Slab and Counting
Frame K)e
Music Box, beautifully
v colored 10 L *
Mosiac Game, each in box 25c
Plush Animals, assorted
elk, bear and dog .... 25c
Rubber Dolls, asst, styles 5c
Rubber Dolls, asst, styles 10c
Celluloid Dolls, various
styles 5c
Celluloid Dolls, both joint
ed arms and full jointed,
painted hair 10c
Bisque Dolls with diaper 5c
Bisque Dolls, silk dress,
each in box 5c
Risque Dolls, standing shk
wif.h jointed arms, paint
ed hair * 10c
Nursing Sets 5 C
Bath Room Set, 3-pieces 10c
Vanity Dresser with ,\br
ror I.v
1' urniture Set, 7 pieces in !
box ..... lOc 1
3-piece Kitchen Set. includ
ing range, kitchen cabi
net and refrigerator ..10c
i;i" 1.- of ( !),,, { jr> ,1 >\/e
bi-'-k with hatid
pointed design*; .... 10c
Biso’— T)o||g, with dog in
carriage 10c
Kis««.»o Dolls in wood
cradle 10c
Nursing Sets 10c
Rubber DolC, minted
arms and assorted
dresses 25c
Large (Tlluloid Dolls, ioiut
pd arms and assorted
dresses 23c
Sewing Set with Doll and
sewing accessories, each
set in box 10c
Toy Trunks and
Toy Trunk, with lock and
key, large enough to really
doll ? n]otb(iy Of)oV*
Overnight Chases, with hinged
back, nickel fastener and grip
handle, in assort**d
colors, each .... 25c
Toy Ihunks, attractively
designed, each . . 10c
Kiddle Boxes and Vanity
Boxes, very realistic ea. 10c
1 *ii n* . i _ i
large size, a
splendid value, each 25c
China Tea Sets
China Tea Sets, made of im
ported china, finished in
high luster and brightly de
corated. These sets are
worthy of your consideration.
10 piece China Tea Sets,
set 10c
13 piece China Tea Sets,
set 25c
17 piece China Tea SMs,
set 50c
23 piece China Tea .sets, j
set 50c
97 »,»aaa (" .fn TV,.. 0.,-., J
* v # 1 D
(large? pieces), set SI.OO
23 piece China Tea Sets,
(large pieces), set SI.OO
Playtime Glass Tea SetsT 8
pieces to box . . ' 20c bjsx
Playtime Water Set. 7 pieces
to box, 20c box
Doll Carriages
Doll Carriages, with rubber
tires, nicely finished. Come
in assorted colors. Very at
tractive value at £2.00 each.
Doll Carriages, made of all
metal, equipped with rubber
tires and all me**B hood.
Special .... SI.OO
Doll Sulky, brightly
finished, eacli 50c
«<Y'iY <
Novelty Items
4- Dog Set, one u-go
dog and 3 pups > lc
5- Chicken Sel co. sist
ing of 1 lien, 1 roostei and
3 small chicks .... I c f
Swan Flower Bowls, fin shed *
in while glaze I e
Pollyanna Night Lamp as
sorted colored bases. Very
union? -well ?« use >1
item. 2oe
Copper Night Lamps, with
copper shade . . 50c
A, B. C. Block;
4. r?. ({.•i p.. ,•) !•....
box, brightly end >osse 1 10 c |
A. B. C. Blocks, end ossed
with numerals, letter; and
designs. 20 blocks to F’~hL
colored box or
A. B. C. Blocks, in trailer
truck, a new and i»» r >«<jjs <pm
Has real play value . . 25c
Checkoi - Men, brightF pol
islH'd. large size. !5 re ; and
15 black, in 2-piece box . 10c
Dominoes, with wb e
‘tots 10c „
Dominoes, colored dots 10c |
i (
fia i BBBlis I
& sv'lb ‘jv r-iM/a '
W4ktf% ft
**** . MfßßtSx- m
Toy Furniture In lew
M > ;;le Finis!
This new style furnitu: • will
certainly appeal to 1 lie { own
ups as well as the child n. Tt
is differ; w from r-r toy
fundi U < ■. r , <} l,f- ~.
i i\ £ilf V* 1 t‘M tit If! *A 0
Straight Chairs to mat* h. 4
each 25c.
Rockers, each 25c
Toy Beds, each ...... . 25c <
T6.V CoJohia) typ ,
very attractive, ne 50c
Sto-iiiging.Cradle, Be 4 *re t<r
see this number, each 50c
Bassinett. with drop sides. *
very large. An ext a 1
value at. each .... U.OO |
\ " "
Toy Cradles, maple i'ir'sh.
each . 10t
Toy Cradle.?. maple- Hr h.
each 2(k
Dinette Set, consistin', of
one table, and two
set 25c
Other Toy Fu*u r lure t
•Straight Chairs, green
each 25c *
Rockers, green (large
size), each 50c
I able and two diai;to
match, firished in reen,
m-'kinr a r t at 1 r dive |
set. each s 31.25 1
T .» - r tr rr* t
v\>v 1 % . - id. A 'jx t I Vj
ish, to match above able.
each 50c
Bureau, with ova! simp mir
ror, new design, ear; 79c
Dresser, in ivory finish with
green trim, each ... 79c
Wardrobe, very atti ctive
t-'± , .;Cv- Oi b r , Jli .V t,
match, in ivory and reen
each 79c
- *ih
full Hr® * / sewing ae *.s
sories m carrying bae 20c
Special Music;)] Tops, itho
grar»Pp/1 in bright cc >rs
and design ....... 2bc
• » s .* • -■■■ u- **B ;.i«j
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