liJijr? «nr«-m,
y lit »ti«‘ Sir Wnllrr Hiilrl,
It}- ,j. Itiixkmillr,
Ualeigh. Dec. li Details sot the |
closer coordination oi the prison and
Hardware Gifts Os Utility
Y Santa Can Find It Here - A-
I Sleds!! sieds °^ riages ***<*»<» Full Line of Needful Gifts for , iY , iVA , tVA , ix Toy Automobiles |
U 1M Y Z\ZL WJ bXprS Small Mother and for Home jdgSfc Ju * m<e . ,-eai «*- g
I $1.49 up $2 n 8 and others A Range—full size Universal Electric Ap- » . | $7.98 up to $37-50 |
___ “ ‘ “ | 1 oys pliances of all kinds ff, , jj-1 .. 0
I Scooters ! ! and enamel- Chip proof enamel ware, SgfLl Wagons! Wagons! Wagons! §
5 chair to match 1 „ . .
s®v nicely finished. inch d* CT Q rn! Icy Hot Thermos Bottles, I 98c, $1.79. $1.95, |
§ -* A Lef’fo?
1 --S'"’”' ll0 ' ; ’ 5 »H ~~ , .*>- 29 “‘= 1 ’ Auto With Lj?i 8
6 children. each Special * up 4*
«- Doll House and Toy Autos Siren, “ ~ I T %
» Kiddie Bikes ! ! Furniture /ft W Ife. Toy Steam Engines g
r —r> • i qq f rt —I P r i ce£ l 49c 25c each ift/t ts up to $2.00 *. , » , "i
9 Y Pnced 98c i and others J, #P cl Just the engines *
I K*s*a*w J|-sa £yv» *»**» 'M J""1
• tmm <£&m 49c «* .m fS-SA 79.upi051.9s j
5 . #s:«Bu ism, 1
M 7 ‘— A large red coaster wagon—Speeiaf'" ' to no —1
‘ff « < < t A Set Rogers Silver full size—red enameled all steel, each _ so.vo m & £
m ; —— : —— Tools tor w
i Electric Trains—Complete—with transformer _ __ ..... $3.95
f Electric Train* Complete with transformer $3.95, $4.50, $7.50 I
§!, ivogers Silverware will make a use- r mi/rrin „„li
% ful gift—Open stock. * LOWEST CASH PRICES See This New Tool Line $
m 1 $
« £
1 Watkins Hardware Company j
| hone Henderson, N. C. |
1 engineering division:-., in vord.’iiM
will l the resolution adopted h\ the
State Highway and Puhlie \\'«nl<-'
j Commission last week, with a v.ew
of obtaining greater efficiency Don l
ihc prisoners, were worked out here
Monday in an all-day conference be
tween Assistant Chairman C. M. !,y
--• lick and the various division engi
' neers and prison division heads.
Under the new plan of organiza
four division engineers will have im
' lion, as tentatively decided upon, the
meidate supervision over and be re
sponsible for all the prison camps in
i t'lci l divisions, ns well as tor work--
i iitg the prisoners in these camps on
the roads. They will decide how
iliaiiv pri:oners will he worked each
day and wire re. Iran-mil these re
qnirements to the head ol the prison
| division, who in turn will inst ruct the
various prison camp superintendents
how many men to supply on certain
jobs every day.
The four division supervisors, form
i erlv attached ro the prison division.
now become the assistant division
1 engineers in immediate charge of pri
son work and supervision, Waynick
explained. Hut the division engineer
will be the executive heads with full
authority over the working of the
prisoners and with full responsibility
for getting efficient work from them.
They will also he responsible for
guarding them while they are out at
- work.
i “The prison division henceforth wall
i have charge of the discipline of all
prisoners, as in the past, as well as
the feeding, clothing and guarding ,
of them,” Chairman Waynick said. ;
But the engineering division will
have full say-so as to when, where
juul how the prisoners shall work and
will he entirely responsible for them
while they are at work. In other
words, there will * ,fl no more divided j
responsibility in the handling and
working of prisoners.”
1918— End of the 80-Cay armistice j
World War.
rare newspapers
books are added
Chapel Hill, Dec. il. —Among the I
‘ recent: additions to the collection of
! valuable books in the University L-v
--brary is a group of poemr? written by
a Chapel Hill Negro slave, George '
j Hortin, and a rare 1722 edition of
John Lawson’s “Carolina."
A collection of North Carolina
1 newspapers of the reconstruction pe
riod and a valuable genealogical col
lection compiled by Stewart H. Hill,
j of the University’s class of 1896 con
| stitute other rare volumes added to ,
the Library’s archives.
Candy! Candy!
See us now for
Christmas Candy
R. E. Satterwhite Co.
Wholesale Phone 170
North Carolina:
i Vance County:
Notice is hereby given that 1 have
qualified as administrator of the pj
tate of B. F. Wade, deceased
persons having claims against ’
decedent, will exhibit same to me ■[,'
1 Henderson, N. C.. within one ye ai .
! from date hereof or this notice Vih
be pleaded in bar of recovery. All ne
sons indebted to said estate at/re
quested to make immediale paymer'
This the 19th dn\ of November '
| D. 1931.
Administrator of the Estate or
l B. F. Wade.