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! SCOTT’S SCRAPBOOK - - By R. ~J. Scoti~\ ■ h ■ I ANN E P KE.V HIDE AND H GENERALLY CONSIDERED MO 1 | /!•> P fc. HC)M I N AT) O K RQ M I,lhidi| ftp AT M»DWOM — (i*v~'' * >*ilAW'l <\ A.kH ; N. Hy. * l v )'2 0 ('op> i ijjiit. i<*j& u> (..eiiii.ii im.. w.., Ju ul . in, *•" . _Vi.W '*" h * i-iH^ THIMBLE THEATRE Starring POPEYE A Good “Kid” By E. C. Segar 1 * ?. P 1 rv 'h' T Fcou: WE'D I OOtvVT BE SILLY, HAGCbV,THEY) T TUJ6N*V THGUSItAIa IBV THE uUPW, l BEUCVe \KNOuTI'I fV\eY, poPFYt: ujimPY'S OUT ) • v ' 1" '^ D• | HuBOT VlßfrcK v OOR ! CA\Jt M£N tsouJ-J POOE.V! DON'T hjHY YOU STOUJED AUJfVY ON j THERE Palling GROUND ' /' M TOftR N / L N a > aBONFS: ! ^ El - T OP J Me LRUGH-TRftSft NW ftND VOOR. ( UOITH TH&T MOKSTCR-J— --' •c ; ;- ,V PfwLki iisilV \\~ I "^3^' BIG SISTER To the Finders By LES FORGRAVE r v,z*b ■■-vs lv sood)none op os would oh, loois! no i . i > Y'ves,BEth,you and mow, buddy, old pad, '\ so vo u'rl do hayd ETTi OF VOU TO GET 06 WA.VESEEM IT IF IT no! IT WOULDN'T MUST TAKE. IT. VOURE THE ONE WMO STUCK \- BAG OF GOLD NAOME.V WE FOUND / oLE. THE, TREASURE, MADMT SEEN FOR BE RIGHT FOR , ) LOUIS WANTS IT OUT TILE THE TREASURE V IM THE TRUNK 1 . , _ -_ -K LC US. 1 THINK I'D YOU TWO, THIS IS ME TO TAKE IT! ' YOU TO HAVE ll| ■ VJAS FOUND'. T.fflffiLHl ? X "'" OM* HAVE GONE CRAZY JUST A BIT OF IT -,■• ---t — 1 fmm\ s F 1 ll \\ / / SOL > cp \ : hadn't gotten! i want too j ( lemme tT i r ==:= =sa AV;;Kx ' /Man | Ts Pa —I / / kJcTTi A , 1 ' ~, ,||,, —I Ih THE GUMPS —SOUP’S ON vn«lli. v,am- ~ / ou just wait till Na, bowl of chicken broth-\I T iLL &£ T 'jlkJ’LL. \ ryohS£E V^T ! SHER£* Zj NICE TH.CK LAMB -/ )‘LL \ OPE.N'jug [XX)R NOVsl- j ( THE J _J AKiti \ YOU F»K4b OUT •( • \ N\C:tST LITTLE / \ , A £PSc Ee STAKvkr l VUE HAVE FOR J \ SURPRISE FOR / % VLE/AON CREAM RE - ) Y oN/y v you v — > I V> OPEK THE \ X t A HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1935 THE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY f LOOK, OTEvTV-n V, ‘ / ITS THE PURTIESt\ /S FUNKY ERNIE ) O ME ) EVER <SOT- ) (ff \ fat \ lIS THE ONLY i IT MUST O COME \ 1' FROM THE CITY-y / S VvlHO HAS J r A11 ,?6 I HAVEN'T SEEN ) W )^>K N TO T AH" % ANY , N OOR TOWH J « "I, ER-MIE H ICKS A LSO <SOT KICK OUT OF VALENTINES PAY WHEN HE DISCOVERER HE HAP ACCIDENTLY^ switcheo ENVELOPES | ITaNa£ V CEH ITi;AL PRESS -1 A- -3G CROSS WORD PUZZLE | 1 2. 3 4 S £T 7 8 _ “■ | 14 |pj; IS ““ -“~ 29 3o 'ii “=™*=^=- 32"" "“ “““ ““ 33 ““ ““ I nziirr 37 “~ ““ II 75 ACROSS l—Seized m—A metal pin 11—Uncultured 1 - A kind of shellfish 13—A smithy H—A priestess of Aphrodit# 16—Preparatory (abbr.) li Hacks for wood sawing 21 —A Turkish weight £3—Order of Merit (abbr ) £s—Main axis of plants 27 To bring about 28— Sodium bicarbonate 30—Grandfather of Priam 22—Xot fresh 33 A deputy 34 Greek letter 3ti—A spice 37—Died sooner than DOWN 1— Measure of length 2 Pertaining to the noetrd? 3 Coronets 4 Part of the arm 5 Company (abbr > t!—Supports i ~ A little tower f CONTRACT BRIDGE t WWfTIN FOft CENTRAL By t V. 4 SHEPARD j FAMOUS BWtPOi TEACHEK £ HOW MANY CAN SOUTH MAKE? SOUTH PLAYED tlie liand at 8-Diamonds, doubled by East. The opening lead was the 2 of spades. How many can South make with :Hat opening lead, against the best play of his opponents? 4 A 10 8 1 A 10 5 4 A 5 4Q7 5 3 45432 A K Q 6 *0643 iV. ¥ K 8 7 2 >' ui 47 3 4 o a 4 s 4 J 10 9 8 4* 6 4 J 9 * Q J 4 K Q J 10 6 2 4A K 4 Bidding went: South, 1-Diamond; North, 1-Spade; South, 3-Diamonds, to insure at least one more bid from partner; North, 3-No Trumps: South. 5-Diamouds: North, ti-Dia monds, which East doubled. As North had bid spades and his partner had doubled the small slam, West decided his best opening lead was a spade. _. Dummy's Ace won the trick. The next 6 tricks were won with trump forcing 4 .discards frotp dub} my and from East. What West did-Jfoefe not matter as he never was aide so win a' trick, no matter what the others held Tor the last, 6 tricks. Dummy let go 3 spades and tlie 5 Preparing for War *■■ \ J| s N IJhejse men are frankly looking ahead to a war in the Facitic, and drgin# preparations for it in hearing before House Military Affairs Umnutm Anthony J. Dimond (top), delegate from Alaska, is seen P° AlMfca’s defense needs Rep. Wilcox, Fla. (left) and Bng. Gen. Cherltfc | (si#ht) MTe ndvwwtiag stronger oheui of PAGE FIVE jffij B—Borders8 —Borders 03 9 —Profound 15 —Jests . , 18— Great heat "A 19— Male sheep. 20— Idle talk 22 —Mailed 4 '24—An engine 25 A. preparation of vegetafdtfr -- 26 A Greek letter 27 A dolt 29—A fruit of the palm tret, 31—Pastures 35—Account (abbr.) Antwer to previous puzzle j| o |~pJe^RT}m1 1 c u <h. s_ §| Nt Ni €|| £ "9' N\ 2-I.l' is|s ncT O U T E CAR. p. .LiiiEfElifEl: "&Z5 1 ®L e N iLfL.I T Mft h. ™ i-HH s fi.lL^ o is'fS Il-Ll Ml .e|fti|e|c[er|o|els» c]e g j of heat Is. while the declarer ran off j his last 4 diamond tricks. East lei | go his Q of spades and 7 of heartjr. j Then his third discard was the 8 of clubs. The diagram below shoe's I the holdings of the first three piay | ers, a tier South has led his ■ta?r trump. East has to discard to tht last diamond trick. What will you have him let go? ¥ A 10 4Q7 5 3 *96 4 3 . ♦K. 2 £’ Vj fK * 42 s. *nor| 4 J ¥ q : 4A K 4 East Is In a box. Jf he lets go Ll* K or spades. South will play hia of that suit, arid Flast must then let go either tlie guard to hia K ot hearts or allow North to win 4 club tricks. If the .1 of spades is mad* good, when it is led, dummy will dla« card, the 10 of heaits. If East un* guards, his K of hearts South wilt win' 2 heart thicks and 3 c}nb trljik*. If Easj l\is cluljs thejd|* clarer will win 1 heart tipcl} ,anjfl'-,4 club tricks. •'* { East's best defense is ,to let j go one of his clubs. Four qlub.tncEs then can be won. but the declarer cannot then return To his own By hanging on to his 2 hearts and | letting go bis high spade Fast .can jiold the declarer to 6 odd