OCR Interpretation

Henderson daily dispatch. (Henderson, N.C.) 1914-1995, April 27, 1935, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068401/1935-04-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FIVE

marriages PARTIES
,1 bower the air is strangely
e'ear ,
q,.J across some cajgyon
\t !( " u
V b tinoUK , i the dusk and filled
trhisKeu 1 ,
' tho valley here
v.i luie-s- and a pleasant little
With D ,9K "
~‘uiUi t»ie evening settling quickly
A- '*
, ini. trteen swells eastward on
. r j,>h H
Die plain
tj U S t|, r pasture and the liaw
.iiot'ii bouijh
.... hlv washed by hajf an hour
(jreen. «>*- •
(if rain
, west above the foothills’
AnJ 1,1
Turner sky comes break.
A \ lc through
i ..i.iwim: amber and a silver
liiitt-i H’loss a wash of gray and
\Vhll e high above xj half mon on
11 r ppt *i oieh a night as onlyl comes
in spring
Allen J,. Fisher.
In Richmond, Va.
~r an ,i Mrs. J H. Hinton and
children are spending the week-end
\ A Hicmiond, Va.
Sunbeams to Meek
•Hie sunbeams of tbe First Baptist
u urc r, v ill meet tomorrow morning
,t fho oi'tirch, and all members were
iirg**"d t'' be present for the class.
\ii\ibnry T«» Meet
, ( , e Wonian's Auxiliary of the First
~ p (•lunch will meet Monday even
• n p a | n o'clock in the church. All
membprs were urged to be present.
Miss A\saie to Wed
Mr. \V;iller in June
The following announcement of en
jagpnient will be of interest here
Mr and Mm. N. H. A.vscue, of Kit
tled. route 1.
£ni>um*‘ the engagement of their
Sally Lou
Mi Phillips G Waller,
ot Cambridge Md
jha ffpiJdliig to take place on June
1. 1935.
•M Paul's M. P Church,
Cambridge. Aid."
Somsis Club lias
Meeting Thursday
The mu sis Club vvas most delight
fully entertained Thursday a|fternoon
by Mi- H K Chavasse at her home
in South Henderson.
Tiic hom° was beautifully decorated
with -pt ii>s flowers.
The meeting vvas called to order by
M>- .lam*-; Gardner chairman of tbe
program committee, In the efjyence
of the piesid°nt and vice-president.
Th* roll call was answered by each
member, giving the name of a famous
The Hijbje.'t of the afternoon’s pro
gram was Gardens."
Mr« \\’ It Blacknafl gave a most
interesting account of "The History
of Gardens since Babylon.”
Birds in i lie Harden" was the sub
pu of an interesting paper by Miss
Cornelia Clary.
A poem. "Tbe Concert." by Anne
was read by Mrs. Eric
Too most unique fealtute of the aft
•inoon’s program was the presents.
*i"n by Mrs Bui well of plants from
i"i own flo.vei garden to each club
member an 1 guest.
At the conclusion of the program.
~' e hostess served a delicious salad
beto if-., ans ) cakes to the club mem
rr : epd the following guests: Mrs.
Robards, Mrs. Norwood
Thomas, of Oxford. Mrs. R. E. Cle
me"|s. M rSi J of ,| t. Cheatham, Mrs.
Arlt»»i Alston and Mrs. Henry Morris.
Childrens Colds
Yield quicker to
d° u bl e action of
43 visas
4 Big Days
Ist to 4th
Drug Store
* son IT V N EWS s
TELEPHONE 610 BO BBS ™ » 9 > « BJJ l 9 3 B B II HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON
- i'
E| |MMF b I 1
B <-. SE 4| I Mb i
■ <?w> HHel^ E <~w JF
L-—yy JjpSM|W--
° p — r _. ; - iy sh--
] jßteMgfr WIB* Jw L x , \
\ WZ CU Ml " //l: - l
Wii\. CCiQ
r &3B&IE
LUZMEnI J)ees Quinn Alics w&olLCgtt.SniitiJ
Sponsors N. C. State’s Frolic
’jM ■■ " n V .+jsmL
PoßsiQr/f Grunngq. Muq/bl Bi4CHh/000 noise. Carr ft wn
College Station, Raleigh. April 27 —
Collegiate Society for the Carolinas
are eagerly anticipating the annual
spring Frolic of the Kappa Sigma-
Kappa social fraternities of State Col
lege which will take place next Satur
day. May 4.
Flmil Velazco and his Orchestra,
which has hen heard during the past
season over the Columbia network
from the Taft Hotel in New York City,
will furnish the music for the dances.
His Orchestra is /eatured with a port
able organ and Edna Day, noted voca
The Spring Frolic includes a tea
dansant and a formal dance Saturday
afternoon apd night, and will be held
in the Frank Thompson Gymnasium
at State College. The Gym. scene of
all outstanding social functions, will
be beautifully decorated for the oc
casion. The color scheme will be car
ried out in blue and white festooning,
and the center decoration will be a
revolving crystal ball. The Orches
tra pit will be banked with palms and
spring flowers and the coat-of-arms
of both, lodge* will be placed on the
side walls.
The tea dansant will be held from
4:30 until 6:30 and the formal dance
will take place from 9 until 12 o’clock.
An intric to figure will feature the
evening dance and will be participated
in by members of both organizations
The sponsors for the dances and
their dates are as follows: Kappa Sig
ma —'Roberta Brunner. Ruthford. N.
J., with Harrie S. Koch, west Engle
wood, N. J.; Murirl Blackwood, Ra
' leigh, with Walter 1,. Flournoy, Ra
leigh: and Jean Gray Scott, Graham,
with George R. Ross, Raleigh. Kappa
Alpha Eloise Carrav/an. Columbia
with Walter L. Smith. Raleigh; Kath
' erine Harris, Raleigh with Gordan
j Smith. Jr.. Raleigh: and Jean Poe. Ra
! leigh, with Charles Aycock, Raleigh.
I In the past the Kapna Sigma-Kappa
Alpha dance set his always attracted
wide attention, and it is expected that
this year's dance will be one of the
most outstanding social events of the
spring season. A. host of friends and
alumni members of the lodges will at
tend the gala event.
Wife Preservers
A mother says she cuts out the
large letters from empty boxes that
have contained soap chips, cereals,
etc., and labels on soap, and her
children have fun arranging them
to spell words. This also helps a
small child to learn to spelL say#
this mother.
State College's eighth annual Mili
tary Ball to ho held in the Frank
Thompson Gymnasium Friday night.
May 3, under the auspices of the R.
O. T. O. Cadets will. be sponsored
by the young ladies .. Gtured above.
Miss Ethel Rowland of Raleigh as
"Queen of the Regiment" will lead
•lie dance figure with Cadet Colonel
John Stanko, Steubenville, Ohio.
Other leaders and their dance . part
ners will be Elizabeth Dees.. Raleigh,
with Cadet. Major Hayes McCulley.,
1 -noire: Bobbie Quinn. Raleigh, with
Cadet. Major W. E. Barnes, Raleigh;
Alice Woollcott Smith. Raleigh, with
'~’adet Major Waiter T,. Smith. Ra
leigh- Frances Ross. Burlington, with
Cadet Captain William Frige. Bur
lington- Doris Surley, .Dunn, with Ca
det Captain Romulus Stephens; .Jr,.
Apex; .Tassamine Bland. Raleigh, with
Cadet Captain Ravmon d Redding. De
lator, 1H ; and tfelene Kerr. Sehenec
lady. . Y.„ with Captain j’’ L,. -Sum
mera, Schenectady. N Y.
Emil Velazco end ids <tichestra will
furnish the muscj for this fiance will
be a dress uniformed affair;
Mission Society
To Attend in Body
At Baptist Church
Members of the Missionary Society'
of the First Baptist church are re.
minded that the address by the supei
intendent of the Baptist liospital in
Win-tonTsaJerr., which will be given
during the church hour -Sunday morn
ing. will take the place of the usual
monthly meeting of the society.
The section of the church nearest/
Ihe W.yche street entrance will be re-*
served for the circles and members
are asked to make note of their at
tendance as the secretary will call for
if el*, a later date.
May is hospital month in the State
Baptist circles, and the address is
being sponsored by the society so that,
all may become better informed about
the work of the Baptist hospital.
Senate Declines To Side
track Its Lynch Bill Fight
tContinued trnm Page One.)
anti-lynching law advocated by Sen
ators Costigan, Democrat. Colorado,
and Wagner. Democrat. New York.
Undiscouraged by a one-vote set
back in a preliminary skirmish which
*failed to provide a clearcut test, they
moved to continue tb°ir three-day fili
buster against consideration of the
An attempt by Senator Robinson, of
Arkansas, the Democratic leader, to
have the Senate adjourn over the-week,
end was defeated by a 34 to 3 vote
yesterday. . ......
Had adjournment been voted,- the.
anti-tvnehing legislation might have
lost itc tdace at the top of the Senate
calendar. * ' • •
Senators agreed. however, that sent
iment regarding the proposed lynch
ing curb as not the only factor which
influenced voting on thp Robinson
motion. Foes expressed confidence
they would he able to block consid
eration in a direct test,.
Even Senator Capper, Republican.
Kansas, an advocaJe. in a. statement
•yesterday expressed regrets that “ap
parently the Senate is not to be given
an opportunity to vote on the bill.
Senator Bailev. Democrat, North
Carolina, denounce*! the hill as an ef
fort. to “restrain the Constitution and
tie into it powers not contemplated
by its framers.”
What power has Congress over a
sheriff of North Carolina?” he de
manded. “He is not responsible to Con
gress. but to the people of his com
munity. When the responsibility is
destroyed, you destroy free govern
ment in (bis country;” ; -
Physical Examination of
Both Se>es Sought in
Senate Measure.
Unilj- liispnti-h Barena,
In the Sir Walter Hotel.
Raleigh, April re
strictions would aga/in be laid around
marriages in North Carolina if the
.State Senate has its way'. Reenact
ment. of the 1921 law which remained
*M effect until 1933 is proposed in the
bill now before tire Senate, offered
j by Senators Dunn, of Rowain, and
Griffin, of Franklin.
As originally offered the bill mere
*V added to the present law a re
quirement (hat male applicants for
marriage licenses make an affidavit
that they have never been adjudged
mentally incompetent by a court. Un
der the existing law women are re
quired to make no affidavit concern
ing health before a license is issued
i but men must make an affidavit that
they are free from venereal diseases
and tuberculosis.
Passed by the senate on second read
iug , by a vote of 21-15, the Dunn.
Griffin bill was amended so to to
restore, the 1921 law which required
that both male and female applicants
submit to a jf\vsical examination and
receive a certificate from a licensed
physician in tbe county in which the
license Is applied for a prerequisite
Jo, issuance of a license. The certi
ficate would have to show that both
applicants are in good physical con
dition free from venereal diseases,
tuberculosis, and mentally well.’The
bill, if enacted into law, would go in
effect next August 1.
Holiday For Mexico
Banks Is In Effect
d‘n!ittmiert trom Page Onai
sylem to prevent Mexican silver cur
rency from being sold abroad for com
mcrcial use, in view of the sharp rise
in world silver prices, following the
action of the United States treasury.
Tbe decree also limited the emis
sion of new t ank notes in Mexico to
| a maximum, of double the amount of
monetary reserves. To . avoid specula
tion with the metal content of coins,
it also, prohibited the melting of
coined silver.
The purpose of tbe mnetary shake.
; up was to maintain a favorable in
ternational exchange rate.
1 Tie price rise occasioned hy the
action in Washington carries the
value of the Mexican pesos to the
point where it would have been pro
fitable to melt .silver' coins and mar
ket them commercially.
ER A Shake-Up Due
To Some Friction
• Continued from Page r>n**,)
there friction and. dissatisfaction with
in the organization that is only now
beginning to .come; to light? ! . it
These questions have been asked
more and more here for the past sev
eral days as one resignation after an
other has become known. The three
nounced from Washington several
more importan* resignations were an
days ago hy Mrs. Thomas O’Berry,
State administrator, although there
had been rumors current here for sev
eral days that these resignations had
either been submitted or would be
very soon. The first to resign was
Ronald B. Wilson, director of sur
plus commodities, and who for seve
ral months was acting relief director
in the State before Mrs. O’Berry was
finally appointed. It is generally con
ceded that Wilson probably knows
more i<bouf the relief problem in j
North Carolina than any one else, not j
evefp excepting Mrs. O'Berry. For
many years he was executive secre
tary to the secretary of the State
Board of Health. He was later chief
assistant to Dr. Fred W. Morrison
wheri Morrison headed the State re
lief set-up under former Governor O.
Max Gardner. He was then named
acting director of the State’s relief
program by Governor Ehringhaus
after Dr. Horrison resigned to go to j
Washington. Most people believe that |
but for the fact that he did not have
quite the proper political backing he
w r ould have been named State relief
administrator instead of Mrs. O’Berry.
Mrs. O'Berry was vice chairman of
the State Democratic Executive Com- i
mittee when she was appointed as
State relief director. Later on, when
the Federal government, took over the .
administration of relief in the State]
through the ERA. Mrs. O'Berry was',
retained • as ERA administrator
When it was finally announced that
Wilson had resigned, those who were
familiar with the backgrounds/...,t;be
situation at mice began to SUrmlse
that, all was hot Well within the ERA
organisation here.
'Then George Ross, head of the rti
fal rehabilitation division of the ERA.
resigned. This caused even more
.speculation and talk, since Ross had
resigned' his post as superintendent of
State farms, in which job he was in
charge of all the State-owned farms,
ipcludittg ail ’ the. prison and institu
tion aD farms, in order to accept this
position, at the invitation of Mrs.
O'Berry. It has now been learned
that Ross submitted his resignatton
as secretary and treasurer of the Ru
ral Rehabilitation Corporation back
about the middle of March and that
he was asked to stay on a while long
er. He submitted it again about April
12, but is still serving as special mar
keting agent with the ERA, but no
longer as head of the rural rehabili
they by Van B. Swift, of Caswell
tation work. He has been succeeded
The third important resignation has
beenr'thar Os Miss Pearl Weaver as
Marland Martin Pattern
.High, wide and handsome, this cape
with its perfectly tailored detail about
tbe neck, is just the jaunty addition
every sleeveless sports frock needs
for its “Street Scene!” The pointed
neckline of the dress cleverly con
forms with the cape trim and tlio ut
ter simplicity of the sleeveless yoke
( small sketch) is just one more point
in its favor! The yoked skirt panel
gives you the trimmest looking hips
- and the low placed inverted pleats
make for an easy stride. Made, up in
shantung, sports silk or a now cotton
you re ready for the office, tea or the
whole ensemble in less time than it
takes to toll! Complete, diagrammed
Marian Martin Sew Chart, included.
Pattern 9332 may lie ordered only
in sizes 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 30. 32. 34, 30
38 and 40. Size 16 requires 3 7-8
yards 36 inch fabric.
Send FIF CILEN JENTS ?n coins or
stands (coins preferred) for EACH
MARIAN MARTIN pattern. B*» sure
to write plainly your NAME. AD
SIZE of each pattern.
Send your order to Daily Dispatch
Pattern Department, 232 W 18th St.
New York. N. Y.
head of the transient division of the
ERA. Sh e lias been succeeded by ,T.
B. Moore.
Mrs. O’Berry. When questioned by
this; bureau. said that these were
merely routine resignations and that
she did not regard them as being sig
nificant. When asked why she an
nounced them from Washington in
stead of from here, she said that she
had no thought of them as being of
news interest until asked about them
in Washington by a reporter there.
She said further that Relief Admin
istrator Harry Hopkins knew nothing
of these resignations, since they were
purely a Stale matter.
Reports current, here, however, are
to the effect I hat for many months
friction lias been developing in the
ffJRJA organization here, especially
around J. M. Coleman, chief ERA
engineer, and as such also director of
the works division and head of the
purchasing division. In fact. Cole
man is generally regarded as being
most powerful individual in th*
ERA organization and as the domi
nating influence in it. He is a for
nu>r Raleigh contractor and engineer,
having at one time run for office
for city commissioner here.
in the kind of role that made you
about ”lt Happened One Night”
"The Gilded Lily )
1 A Paramount Picture with f
\ Fred MecMurray • Ray Milland /
\ C. Aubrey Smith • idwnrd Craven /
Monday’s Guests: Mrs. C. s. Tip
pett and Mrs. E. T. Alston, Jr. f
Matinee Jr Night
10 25c 10-3,5 c
I lus lax Plus Tax
Hear Bing sing “Swanee feA*
River” “Soon” “It’s
tjl Fijfcfo jU
pr —-x »,
Moon Theatre
1 1 P M -Showing
Admission | 25c
Admission 11-16 c

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