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Newspaper Page Text
S ORANGE DRINK New Orange Drink Made From Pure Orange Juice anti Bottled at Dairy Plant '-hli; and citrus fruit juices have • been associated as of M'Miet recommended by dieticians V a ith authorities generally. Mvw realize how closely these t«*c r . c ,f public well-bein" are allied •'n preparation and distribution. “o n e of the outstanding Vasiness -■ r ,v«ses has been the rapid growth JV the sale and distribution of Biro. 1 v - 5 Orantreade which is prepared. Pitted and delivered by milk dealers •• r rough our the country. 'Mr J T. Nrlson of the Brookside p p ‘. . v distributors of Bireley’s O-anceade in Henderson has selected ‘>-0 Henderson Daily Dispatch to Mtv an advertising campaign on p,‘ lfVi Orangeade. Mr. Nelson Mre« \hat the advertising manager Vs putev’s ill California lias recom r ended nev-sirnwr advertising as the t _,u medium for acnuainting the pub 'r;o with Birelev’s Orangeade. T l ds real fruit beverage is distri buted nv over a thousand milk deal eT./,n that many cities. The major i;y 0 f these have used newspaper ad vertising and feel that it has played jprsrp part in increasing s he sale of Bit lev's Orangeade to such an ex tort that at this time it is the largest gc-yng fruit beverage. According to Mr Nelson, of the Brookside Dairy citrus fruit juices and milk have manv things in com mon Both are semi-perishable, both must be handled by refrigeration and with care: because of this. Birley’s originated and developed the dairy production and distribution for their product. The orange iuice from which Bire ]?v’s Orangeade is made is extracted from selected oranges of standard Qua litv at the Bireley plant in South ern California. Special equipment, operating under immaculately sani tary conditions, makes it only a mat ter of moments from the time the juice is taken from the fruit until it is packed in hermetically sealed, ena mel lined tins ready for shipment. No artificial flavoring or preservatives are used. Lemon juice is also added in order to give the beverage a deli cious tang. Mr. Nelson states that the real fruit beverage is delivered to the rrnne and stores in quarts and is also sold by al ldealers of beverages in in dividual bottles. The professor found a live goose occupying his chair as he entered he said, "that you have a competent the class-room. "I see, gentlemen,” instructor, so I’ll leave you to your studies” and out he went. Get Rid of Malaria! Banish Chills and Feverl To conquer Malaria, you must do two things. (1) Destroy the infection in the Hood. (2) Build up the blood to over come the effects and to fortify again# further attack. There is one medicine that does these two things and that is Grove’s Ta.-teless Chill Tonic! The tasteless qui nine in Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic de stroys the malarial infection in the blood while the iron builds up the blood. Thou sands of people have conquered with the aid of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. In addition to being a noted rem edy for Malaria, it is also an excellent tonic of general use. Grove’s Tasteless Chili Tonic is pleasant to take and con tains nothing harmful. Even children like it and they can take it safely. For sale by all drug stores. Now two sizes—soc and Sl.’The $1 size contains 2J4 times as much as the 50c size and gives you 25% more for your money Summary Os Uniform Annual Budget Estimate ! Os Vance County, North Carolina For The. Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1935, And Ending June 30, 1936. Published in Compliance with Requirement of the “County Fiscal Control Act” Sec. 7, Ch. 146, P, L., 1927 — Column! Column 2 Column 3 Column! Co,umn 6 Column 7 ( ° l,Unn 8 * Estimate of „ , - /oil 1... m\ 2) Uncollectible (Col. 3 plus Col. 4). Estimate Estimate of Tax Rate Totai Estimate of (Col. 1, less. Col. 2.) unconectiDie Total of Property Tax Rate of Last FUND Budget Revenue to Be Tax Levy To Taxes, Commis- Amount of Valuation on SIOO Preceding Requirements Available other Balance Budget sions on CoUections Tax Levy Estimated Valuation Levy Than Tax Levy ana iax A * Fayers’ Discounts 1 $16,000,000 r , , n ol rw, _ __ . $33,605.80 $14,405.80 $19,200.00 $4,800.00 $24,000.00 Do. .15 .15 County General Fu - _ . 16,868.57 5,476.57 11,392.00 2,840.00 14,240.00 • Do. .09 .10 Poor Fund •• , . _ 17,500.00 17,500.00 ' None None -99 u a 9 uu Un n ’ 9,756.00 3,356.00 6,400.00 1,600.00 8,000.00 R°’ ‘99 - 99 Health Fund c 12 000 ‘ None 5 120.00 1,280.00 6,400.00 Do. .04 .04 Countlf Fund ------ -•- / 27,857.74 $12,497.74 15!36o!oO " 3,840.00 19. 200 - Q0 Do - !! ill Tntal I $110,708.11 $53,236.11 $57,472.00 $14,360.001 $71,832,00 Do - ~ 45 - 48 Estimated “Special Township Levy” $475,000 Townsville Railroad Bonds - * V**» » N °” e * T4lM* * * T>WM * . *** Approved by aSalfS! “^Vd’ofCommfsi^rf'vLe Count,, N. C 17,1935 S Attkt H M Robinson, ‘ Clerk of the B oard of County Commissioners of Vance County, N. C. Curley Hits Nazis I a m -Jm. M Governor Curley Baron von Tippelskirch When Baron Kurt von Tippel skirch, German consul general at Boston, advised Leverett Salton stall, speaker of the Massaehua* etts house of representatives that an adopted resolution protesting racial and religious persecution in Germany was “unwarranted and unpardonable interference,” Gov. James M. Curley was quick to re spond that the legislators had “expressed the secret opinion of Americans generally.” Tito gov ernor’s reply called the Nazi pro gram “abhorrent to right-think ing men and women the world over.” Governor Curley, top, and Baron von Tippelskirch, be low, are pictured Joe Crosson Will ) Fly Funeral Plane To Seattle Today (Continued irom x'age One.) would then bg placed in a vault in Lcs Angeles with interment later at Claremore, Okla. Pqst's widow has decided that his body will be buried in a memorial park near Oklahoma City. At the hangar here, Pilot Crosson, Co-Pilot William Knox and Radio Op erator William J. Gleason remained inside for sometime after arriving. Swooping down from the north, Cros son made an extremely fast landing, airport attendants said. He did not circle the field, and his propeller was still turning over when the plane reached the hangar. Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 19.—(AP) — The funeral plane was poised here to day for the last lap of its flight from Alaska barrens with the broken forms cf Will Rogers and Wiley Post- Joe Crosson will fly the ship into Seattle some time today—the exact hour was guarded closely in an el fort to ward off a crush of the cur ious at both airports. Crosson brought the Pan-American Airways transport plane into Van couver unexpectedly last night after a 1,500-mile flight from Point Barrow, most northerly American outpost, HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, AUGUST IS, 19SJ ’* where Post and Rogers fell to their deaths Thursday night while on a leisurely vacation jaunt. The ship was pushed quickly into a hangar and a provincial police guard was set. Crosson, long a friend of Post’s and admirer of Rogers; and his two as sistant son the arduous journey, were little inclined to discuss it, or what they saw and experienced in the northern Alaska waste lands. They were unable to add to the meagre previous reports of the crash which was witnessed only by an Es. kimo who ran 15 miles to Barrow to tell that the motor had misfired ai an altitude of only 50 or 60 feet. COMMEMORATIVE STAMP IS SUGGESTED BY OKLAHOMANS Oklahoma City, Okla., Aug. 19 (Ap)—Oklahomans suggested simple memorials today, to honor Will Rogers and Wiley Post, the .two ta Chesterfield ... the cigarette that's MILDER Chesterfield ... the cigarette that TASTES BETTER 1935,: Liggett & Myb* Tobacco C». .. mous sonsg of the “Sooner” States, who died in an Alaskan airplane crash. Olahoma Philatelic Society tele graphked President Roosevelt, Post master General Farley and Members of the Oklahoman congressional de legation urging a Rogers-Post com memorative stamp to be issued. SEATTLE AWAITS COMING OF THE ARRIVAL HEARSE Seattle,. Walsh., Augi 19.t— (AP) This city scanned the skies today and waited for Pilot Joe Crosson to roar his aerial hearse across the bordei with the bodies, of Will''Rogers am: Wiley post. Italy entered the war on the Al lied by declaring war on Austria- Hungary in May, 1915; she did not de clare* war on Germany till 15 months later. Signing of Relief Men Is Lagging (Continued from Page One.) 142,533 giving a balance of 62,53*. An intensive drive will be made all (his week to get as many of the yet unregistered relief cases on the re employment service rolls as possible Mrs. Evans said, and , relief workers of the NCERA will assist the NRS in every county of the State in get ting all those on relief who have not yet registered to do so. “An effort will be made this week to control every relief client not yet registered and to get them to regis ter,” Mrs. Evans said. "This will be the final effort of the reemployment service to get the relief clients to re gister and in which the registration will virtually be carried into the homes of the relief clients. Hereafter those who do not register this week will have to visit the registration of. fices of their own volition. We will continue to register both unemploy ed and relief cases just as long as th*s Relief Administration in Washington directs us to But we expect that be fore long a deadline will be set after which no additional relief cases will be registered. Four Tickets For President Talked (Continued from Page One > to current sentiment in that area— and yet Glass is strong. Senator La Follette (a Wisconsin progressive is pro.“soak everybody” on the taxation program. J3ens®ors Borah and Norrts (rs*. spectively of Idaho and Nebraska), old-time “buddies” of La Folletta PAGE THREE break with him on the “soak every body” program. * Every alignment is split. It would not necessarily tatke a 1-2-3-4 split to throw the 1936 presi dential selection into the House of Representatives. A 1-2-3 split could do it. Not a few politicians think that this may occur. With more than two tickets in the field,; presumably President Rooser velt will have a plurality, but he may not have a "majority over all” —which is required. In such an event a small flop eas ily could decide the presidency. An early Father o fthe church could claim as one of the boons which the world would win by accepting Chris tianity. that Christian nations would win by accepting Christianity, that nations would never engage in war against 1 each other.