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SCOTT’S SIRAPBQOK j g^Qjj m L niff in h i i „n; f\ of 'Tobacco c- ?| ml |j i .._ —v cherry <REES/ I *° ' <rlE BLOSSOM'S OF 1 mgg|— — NA<| H,CH Tw" f o OF JAPA N AN E> OK EL "the Trip Throuqb The old Same VARiETy as'Those CAHHL FROM ftLBANY, Qtt THE. HUDSON !N WASHiMqTo-M , BEAR R\VER,TO BUFFALO, OH LfVAE. FRlc., |ja fdißip l F^rnY* fooA 3T TRE. CANAL WAS COUPLE- N ° P 1 ~ J ‘ r-rr D . U lOL’o at A CCSr* 0F^ 7602. CGC I — —— T 1 ■»•>:::. - te* ..... jm .nreoeiat .a. !.:.•• j>-.9 THIMBPE THEATRE —STARRING POPE YE The Poor Ported By E. C. Segar /ME SHEEPS Mf\KE [TgetTo HfND Oh'voOß WM (T\ L\ki PTgo TO \ POOGV'i , > J rKOH Ht ; j \ (ME FE£L HRFUL! PEOPLE 1 k\KE TO KICK ig CRMV HE&DS AM' I’M ) AU' 'TELL A.HCA V / YOU E 05!*. c x ./ ** gag^fe&s V THE'/ IRKS ME / ‘EMUM OCEAM*. AN* I'MH JUST THE GOV u)KO / MOB LOHPsT TC AA \ ALL YOG C PAXV \ / LIKE UOQOOV W JUST THE \ CAH DO IXTOO! j — 7 THIMR‘. OH» 6 uYf/ PEO\Ac/G0 KISS A ] // ‘ — *—- —"' soMftOl ■: EHA KEn > by PAUL ROBINSON ITT ISBTin .»KEEP HIM eusO r 1 losses APE THE S T, nG imHfpc I/ f' irjmfl \u riHHH."SLiPourT JIG* SISTER r— by LES FORGRAVE v*T VS CLEARY' SUCH I*s "TJ fwv-AfXT I; TO ALL TvAAT I CASE,KAQ.NMAII. LET VOOR PATWER ACCEPT S=S : AWO | TvAvs eSTACTE \TOMIV QEM. AvNS MV OFFEP-.YOO O M LEAST j~b=3 ; SAWTME FAPNA AS ! LtCALV:v fALLS -TO«eCO«.0 WWeWOWME iVOOCAME / T PYYLY' f i - y,//£ GU M P S—HER COMEBACK -, Lw ~T' '“—'-l ! ’ AND Vl—* BET IT SNORKED, T“ T I \ ''WXhk f L-AJsiO-A I DID \ A / IT ? VU. BET SHE WONT pi _ / l MPJP / TOLD A\H 1 V4ENY Jj ATTA B6V/ 1 pORGET IN A HORRY THAT r \ \ HOyj t HOME AND PUT on the BlCa ATTA TOY. V AROUND THAT SWE \ 5Lr uy? > 7 AAA * !' LAST KiiOWT- LA‘D IT I GOOD FOR YOU- NOUSK- WO\N DtfD # TOOK ir \ Zrl '*.—' ->_Y.: iOH Trie UISIP THAT'S \ HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1985 | THE OLD HOME TOWN by STANLEY | j T THAT C o oops X J / SToRB TEETH \ ( HUH.-NOBoDY\ e» J ( CLICKING-THEY J / Ch 4 "THE WIRE- \ ' j; / K> ; UcNT MESH X v 1 VS/AS SLREj °< \ V j*//? / ~ O RISHTV. y /» HEARD MY i ''' ('" A 6UM-CHEWMS STRAN6ER AT THE DEPor X r=C?OLEP STATION ACCENT O/LD KEYES <c several Times on his tele<skapk CALLS To — —— —— ■■ — l ——■ . ‘ floss’ LEE W. STANLEX CEALTR/Vi- PRESS fl -)-3 5* ( k Ail i CKC2S WORD PUZZLE i 7 fg aI, TT , T! -,"" ‘ T ""* 7779 x i/WZ ° i> * 4* S & ? irurirm^ >2 '* ||p is ~ Ife 3 17 |p£ Uj 19 2.0 L) * ~- ”‘ 22~ 23 IT” “ __—|p—ii fe —, 2-5 26 27 23 29 a 3 I _____ 33 :sa tep L i 11 1 ■"" ■—■" PT *' H |j||3B 33 ACROSS I—A1 —A sliding bar for a door s—Besmear5 —Besmear y—Appropriates 12—Pronoun 14 — Uncertain 15— Thus 16 — Common 18 — The armpit 19— A medicinal plant 20 — Acme 22 —Long ton (abbr.) 24—A letter of the alphabet 26 A stripe 27 — An excuse 30 — Surname of “Lighthorse Harry” 31— Place for sale of milk prod ucts 32 — Suffix to form nouns of agency 33—A negative ion 35 Old English "you” 36 Smaller 38— Hog thighs 39 Heroine of Wagner’s "Lohengrin” DOWN B—Wealthy 10— Rear guard (abbr.) 11— A practical joke 13—A play house 15 —Bondage 17 — Eric (abbr.) 18 — Part of verb 2—River in W. Siberia S—Amiable 4 Ensnare STo make into two thick, nesses 6 Reverence 7 Pronoun ' CONTRACT BRIDGE, WHITTEN FOR CENTRAL PRESS By L V. SHEPARD 1 1 pv FAMOUS BRIDGE TEACH* B J& MASTERING BRIDGE (14) A BRIDGE expert excels through ;reat natural aptitude and constant practice with his peers. lie does not pretend to be a reliable instructor in all cases. On a particular feature, like informatory doubles, be hardly would venture to lay down rules of procedure without careful study of ihe subject. Textbooks usually con tain little practical information on this particular topic, although its im portance merits full particulars—far more than short articles can cover adequately. Under ordinary conditions the informatory double announces possession of a minimum of all re quired to fulfill a responsive con tract, provided doubler’s partner can win not less than 3 tricks in his own hand. In case the doubler can win >ne trick more than shown by his louble he raises the responsive call if the doubler’s partner can win one trick more than 3 he can raise his own bid. In case the doubler’s part ner can win 2 tricks more than ex pected of him he may respond one trick higher than required by the double. At normal score the hands shown below justify informatory doubles of the opening calls noted beside each holding of the doubler. 1-Club— *A732 41x852 4KJ 7 6 ' AO 1-Spade— *9 , ♦£.73 2 AJ 3 2 w, 4KQ3 2 ' *49 aA J 5 2 3-Hearts — 4AK32 4 K Q 3 2 4 9 « A Q 10 3 11;;\ ;ngr doubled with the hands Where Bodies Were Taken Dr. Henry VV. Griest, who cared for bodies of Will Roger.. i..nd Wiley Post after they were taken to medical mission at Point Barrow, also shown. (Central rr«M/ PAGE SEVEN small quan tities C3—To direct a remark A pronoun ta!—A state of the U. S. , (abbr.) 57 —K eeo; ding secretary (abbr.) "to be” 21 —To enroll fer jury duty 23—ltidicules 25 A groove 26 — A note of tlie scale 2S —Lithium (symbt 1) 29 —Ahirmativo votes 31 —Dispense Li Answer to previous puzzle ale. I\/ |&TCllfi. QFISjZ s" b\j er. Nj|pEf?! o uA F 5" I Jr! CjL j d 1 1CT if A W J_ E ijffih’llLSiSE ' SSjE. Sf\N\ o C'_]L_ Ps TjE ■i v WM | y_ H e_ s r]h.'d / cel d i1 ~.?„2L above, through amity to ruff oppon • cut’s suit each hand given above jus tifies raising the responsive suit cuL once. 4J 0 5 % 4 Q J 10 4 487 G 2 /.J Hi I ♦ 3 —T7 — 48 4 2 4 A K 8 3 Y. ,496 • 4KQJ4 ♦lO 6 A A K 8 4 cs\ 49885 8 2 4 A K Q 10 7 6 47 5 2 v 4A 9 d *Q West doubled South’s opening bid of 3-Spades. Partner bid 4-Clubs, which West raised to game, not being ■ vulnerable. The opening lead xvas the K of spades. Dummy ruffed the Q of spades lead. Two rounds of winning 1 trumps followed, pulling all adversely 1 i held clubs. The K of diamonds was I led, giving opponents their second arid last defensive trick. | Dummy’s last trump was ruffed out with a third, spade lead. East gained entry to his hand by means of his 10 of diamonds. His hand contained no more losers and was spread for inspection, just fulfilling its game contract. Had Norths hand been held by idoubler’s partner, instead yf v\ East really held, the response vvoujd have been 4-Hearts, instead of. i • Clubs. Gani* would have resulted from the Informatory double If v<fu will leave the South and West liolfl j injcs ns given, then carefully ahufile I md deaUthe rejiiaining 20 ci :*da. ' OU i will find results both interesting and . i instructive.