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ASSOCIATED PRESS AND CENTRAL PRESS Weekly Trade Day During Fall Season Is Proposed Merchant Members of 25-15 Club Are Asked To Ex press Opinion on Procedu e So That Plans May Be Started At Once If Such Program Is Desired A weekly trade day for Henderson through the tobacco season until Christmas is being referred to mer chants who are members of the 25-15 club for a decision on their part. If the response is favorable, plans for putting on the program, once each week, presumably Wednesday, will be pushed at once. A letter nas been sent to the mer chants by J. R. McDuffie, secretary of the club and sales supervisor for the tobacco market, asking for an ex pression. The letter follows: “It has been suggested from several sources that it would be rather a splendid idea if the merchants ot Best Values in Town |9?4 Plymouth Coupe 193 i V-8 Ford Tinier 0 —1934 V-8 Ford Pickups. 1931 Chevrolet Coach 2 —1933 1 IJ> Ton Trucks 1 —19.31 1 I-'* l>odrre Truck I —Model A 1 1-2 Ton Tni' k 1—1930 Model A Ford Trailer 4!so olher roak M s and models Used Cars in good condition Clements Motor Co. Phone 437 1 Name Henderson’s 1 | Newest, Largest and Most Modem I THEATRE | And Win A Prize X We want a name for Henderson’s new theatre (the former Rig -9 gan Theatre) to be opened on or about September 19, and offer |j the following prizes for the three best names submitted: I FIRST PRIZE—S2O IN CASH —And a one year p ass to the Theatre —- ? SECOND PRIZE—SIX MONTHS PASS S | THIRD PRIZE—NINETY DAY PASS 4 Every one is invited to offer one or as many names as they desire 9 In case the same name is submitted by more than one person, the first name received will be declared winner. 9 Prizes Will Be Awarded From I the Stage On Opening Night || Please write clearly and put all names on one sheet of paper. 4 Hurry and get your names in at once. Name contest will close 9 September 15. Mail entrys to — | Birchfield-Rochelle Theatres, Inc., h P. O. Box 155, Henderson, N. C. Henderson, through the tobacco sea son or certainly until the Christmas holidays, would inaugurate a Trade Day, preferably Wednesday of each week, at which time they would, if they saw fit, advertise and place on sale certain bargains from their va rious stores. “Properly publicized and with suf ficient individual advertising by the merchants themselves it is the opinion of those with whom the matter has been discussed that it would very greatly ad to the advantage of the merchants and to the tocacco mar. ket generally. “If properly conducted, the advant age to the merchants is obvious and the advantage to the tobacco market lies in the fact that farmers would be prevailed on to bring their tobacco to this market on Wednesdays in or der to obtain advantage of the bar gains which would be offered on each Wednesday during the season. If the farmers could be induced to bring their tobacco here on Wednesday it would relieve the usual block of the market, which records show usually takes place either on Fridays or on Mondays, at which time it is neces sary for some farmers, whose ori ginal intention was to sell their to bacco here, to take their loads else where for sale because they could not he accommodated on the first and last days of the week. Any trade which would have resulted from the sale of their tobacco on this market was lost to the merchants, so the general idea is to relieve this unfortunate condi tion by making Wednesday a more attractive day of sale than either of the two other days. “Quite naturally, before the 25-15 Club would attempt to give publicity to such a movement on the part of the merchants of Henderson, it is very nece sary that an expression be obtained from those merchants who have so generously contributed to and co.operated with this movement, and Henderson Daily Dispatch G. W. FURQUERON, Post Commander who are stockholders in the enter prise. "Won’t you please be kind enough to let us have an expression from you as to your reaction to this idea, stat ing definitely whether it would have your sanction and if you would co operate? It will he necessary that quite a number of the merchants take an active interest if the plan is to be successful. “Please let me have your answer immediately either by telephone or by mail. This idea is offered to you nere'y as a suggestion and, of course, the combined wish of the merchants themselves will be followed.” TABERNACLE STARTS REVIVAL ON SUNDAY Rev J A L’.ailcy, Methodist min ster <:.t Middiebu’-g. announced a re vival today for Tabernacle Church he,’’inning Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Rev. T. G. Vickers, pastor of the Methodist church in Oxford, will assist the pastor beginning Mon day evening at 7:30 o”clock and for i.he remainder of the week. Legion Officers e* f^agi H. E. WHITE, Adjutant JEWELL CONVICTED ON WHISKY CHARGE Former Henderson Man Charged With Selling ABC Liquor at Carolina Beaeh Resort F. A. Jewell, former Henderson man who v/as one of the three men convicted in recorder’s court at Wil. mington last Wednesday morning on charges of re-selling ABC store whisky from their stands at Caro lina Beach after the legal stores had closed. All were given heavy sen tences by Judge Alton A. Lennon in recorder’s court. Jewell, described as operator of a refreshment stand and a Carolina concessionaire, was fined $4 - 090 and the costs, according to Wil mington news stories, or given the alternative of serving tw 0 years on the New Hanover county farm. He noted an appeal to New Hanover Su perior Court, through his attorney. W. L. Farmer, and bond was fixed at 3500. TRAFFIC CASES AND DRUNKS ARE TRIED Traffic cases and drunks were tried at today’s session of Municipal court before Mayor Irvine B. Watkins. Roy Harris, white, paid $5 and costs for being drunk in a public place. Robert Moss, Negro, was fined $lO and costs for careless and reckless driving and speeding. Poorest Jdnes, white, was charged with indecent exposure, prayer for judgment was continued and the costs consolidated with another war. rant in which he was charged with being drunk in a public place. On the charge he was fined $5 nad costs. M. W. Britt, white, was discharged on a count of driving through a red light at Chestnut and Granite streets and for not having proper brakes. Billy Vaughan, white, was fined $1 and costs for driving through a red light at West End School on Septem ber 3. NEGRO REVIVAL TO CLOSE WITH TONIGHT Dr. P. W. Wade, a Negro reviva list. who claims himself a graduate Howard University. Memphis, Tenn will end his revival that has been conducted in the Negro Masonic Hall iio' 1 r the jail for some weeks tonight. He stated today that Rev. J. B. Mullen. white Holiness preacher, would preach tonight. Text for the final service was an opd as “O Ye Dry Bones, Hear The Word of the Lord.” Around Town Recorder Idle—There were no cases scheduled for trial at the morning session of Recorder’s Court. No Marriages—For the sixth day In succession, there were no marriage licensee issued by the Vance Register of Deeds. _ ' CAN YOU ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? Set- Ho. fir t'ovr 1. Who was Sir Sidney Colvin? 2. What is another name fo.r the American puma? 3. In v/hat year was the first U. S. Census taken? 4. Where is the University of Wis consin? 5. What material is used to reinforce concrete? G. Who wrote “Paradise Lost?” 7. What is a haik? 8. Who was William Motherwell? 9. Where was the call issued for the formation of the Woman’s Chris tian Temperance Union in 1874? 10. What Strait connects the Atlan tic with the Mediterranean? Fairbanks-Morse Stokers. See Tan ner Roofing Co.—Adv. CREDITORS NOTICE This is notice that the undersigned has qualified as Executrix under the will of the late Ed Harris. All per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make prompt settlement. All persons having claims against said estate will file same, duly verified, with the undersigned Executrix with in one year from the date of the pub lication of this notice; otherwise, this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. This the 23rd day of August, 1935. MAMIE HARRIS, Executrix of the Estate of Ed Harris. Gholson & Gholson, Attys. INSTALL LEGION’S OFFICERS TONIGHT All Members of Local Post Urged To Be At Hall at 7:30 O'Clock New Officers of Henderson Post. -To. GO, of the American Legion, will >e installed by radio by State Com mander Hubert Olive this evening, with exercises at 7:30 o’clock. All members of the post are urged L o he at their hall before 7:30 p. m. Rxact details of the radio installation have not been learned, but Command- Olive, wl will speak over Station VUBT, Charlotte, will announce the orocedure w r hen the broadcast begins. G. W. Furqueron will assume his luties as post commander, to which iffice he was recently elected, and H. E. White will again be installed as post adjutant, an office which he has already held for several years. Mr. Furqueron as post commander will succeed E. L. Brantley, who has served in that capacity for the past year. OFFICERS LEADING JUNIORS’ CONTEST At the meeting of the Junior Or der held last night the officer’s team led by Captain Clyde Finch, over whelmingly defeated the member’s team, under the leadership of J. R. Wilkerson. There were more officers present than members, and such a heatedd iscussion arose over the method of counting points that a com mittee v/as appointed to revise the system. Captain Wilkerson said that he intends to send out a S.O.S. call to each one of the members in the form of a card as he is very much dis appointed at his team s showing. He strongly urged each member to be present at the next meeting which will be held September 12, when all the officers of the twentieth distric* will meet with the local lodge. It is planned to have refreshments at this meeting and the address of welcome to the visiting officers will be de livered by Mayor Watkins. SCHOOL PROPERTY COVERED BY DEEDS Two deeds were filed with the Re gister of Deeds of Vance county yes terday, covering part of the North Henderson school site. The Highland Home Realty Co., through Joel T. Cheatham, receiver, conveyed to the County Board o' Education two lots for $2,000 and in a quite claim deed transferred two more lots for the school property. These were the only realty trans fers. Henderson ’s Best Case BUSY BEE OFFERS YOU THE BEST BEST BEST FOODS SERVICE EQUIPMENT We Specialize in Sea Foods of All Kinds Prepared and served like you want it. New booths and refrigerator plant of the newest types just installed. I All meats, vegetables and other foods served here are the very best that can be bought, selected for their high quality and freshness, and prepared by expert chefs. Try our foods and service and you will see that nothing but the best gets by at the— I BUSY BEE CAFE Look for the Neon Signs—You Can’t Miss Us. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1935 terms Buy on i by * ri f k disc <>unts from padded price lists. You can i buy a genuine Goodyear our time pay- the yvorl(i s uws * popular j tlre _ for j ust as lUtle money. ment plan. DOUBLE GUARANTEE on Goodyear Tires against papHHaßggSappßia road injuries and defect. —aaMßirwaß Henderson Vulcanizing Co. DISTRIBUTORS—Phones 408 and 409. Good Used Cars 1935 Chevrolet 4-Door Touring 1934 Ford DeLuxe Sedan 1933 Pontiac Sedan 1933 Plymouth Coupe 1931 Ford Sedan Motor Sales Co. Pl.ona 832.