OCR Interpretation

Henderson daily dispatch. (Henderson, N.C.) 1914-1995, October 31, 1935, Special Coca-Cola Section, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn91068401/1935-10-31/ed-1/seq-12/

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Thumbnail for PAGE FOUR

Huge Bottling Machines in Coca-Cola Plant
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These big machines are in clear view in the new Coca-Cola plant on the national highway south
of the city, which the public is invited to inspect tomorrow evening.
STo The ff
Bottling Company J|
of Henderson, Inc.
Consolidated Cork Corporation
Brooklyn, New York
t iTi - Jinn- TT---I -II Win I■ ■ ■ ——n —I 11 , | IBM WIIB—II —M—i— MiLiiii —iiiti .T«aJWi Hirca-rfraniiwn" M ,, — i| a—mm——— mm■———■
Jackie Coogan Has
His Millions, Then
Ponders on future
T »lrvonrt, Oct. 31 (AP)—“Jackie”
Coogan. who lived his lis p backward
'V achieving fame and fortune as a
small boy, blossomed out Saturday,
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To The
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
fit llcildciSOHl
We are indeed glad to have had a part in the building of this modern
plant. We feel that the deep well pumping equipment and storage sys
tem which we have installed can be expected to deliver
safe and pure water.
Sydnoi Pump A Well Company
Richmond, \ifginaa
his twenty-first birthday as an em
bryo millionaire in search of a career.
He wants to start at the bottom
and work up in some field —prefer-
ably the movies perhaps in law.
Just now he is a center of the
social activities of a younger group
of movie players.
At 15. he had traveled the span of a
lifetime’s career, having earned g'eat
wealth and fame. At 21 he is faced
with the problem of starting a second
His birthday brought the first por
tion of the fortune h e earned, as a
child movie stm., giving him legal
po' v ' r, .s<Hon of part of an estate un
officially valued at SI,OOO 000. In time
it all will come into his hands.
Several years ago, when he was at
Santa Clara University, Jackie said
he intended to study law.
Later, he came back to Hon • ~
and starred in a “Western”
tives said it would be a te<a
ability and popularity. Tbo h:s
was guardedly Ascribed
modern success.’” ° r a s a
Put. whatever ito ~p. p
work apparently crystallize ’■ f 1 U ’ c
determination to stait
reer in pictures. n?1 ca-

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