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crO^ S i Cr<AF3QQK by R. j. scon, §>OHe.MIAN CSENE.RM., j£|[r ALTHOUGH TotALLy ■ UAPANESE. BLIND , LED HIS AS AM UNLUCKY COUNTRY To WAR NUMBER VICToRY OVER. , BE-CAUSE- Oermaric Forces 'is ' <TIH2-0 <0 'ftE WORD she" FOR DEATH I /fHE BLOOD- j United states post ornce CURDLING SNARLS ,i.ft By LEOPARDS IK tiki MAIL/ movie junole Scenes IMM v are said To be u 1 ffj «* r^ii I f A /'jSST in \ . v Y~ A RARE- Pioneer Airmail rak tLictflik ( HANDBILL sought after \vf|Pk V£* BY AIRMAIL COLLECTORS <oD,V; t 1 ! /t* Copyright, i«35, by Central Press Association, Inc IQ ~SI THIMBPE THEATRE —STARRING POPEYE Heavy Artillery By E. C. Segar 7/TT «nA!i ROT S) 1 fw \ 4 V ) V E^ BQ . QK ~~~ J / TELL POP (ILL HA I { BRCX O /.M \\ Noo FONNY-LOOKIUb fre&k* MV vo^ Rb A SPV i (Rigw nouo S VOO 1 y >aere‘. / 1 A\ Sk» hao to hioe * W%fa SWTIBU SP j) V fwA > ' Sgl 4J V 1 B voM C7 P [S 'f *| pit j£% S BIG SISTER _ by LES FORGRAVE u AREN'T A illllf the RfMM I Tv4 AV4VC COODKiESS f YES, AMD (HOT | ITT fsßoSx 'Sf' •Sfuh'ksCTT -SO T \NfeAT ARE W T OONI KNOmO &OT :iG. iETOLEAMe CAWE OP NNtOCJTTO \T Aa M\MOTE TOO L.OAOOF MEJN, UDOD. *3TA>/O .7 f TvAEV OOMG M TvAEVRE. KEEPING '7O coat amo naaoh before mewsdqbt IM M1,,,, oonmilK lst * PRiv/cte sruhv \i 17 \ CAN'T LET MlWc T 1 / OUI day < T* I THE CHANCE OF A UFE- I P'J NiA-VX- E STUDY- \ ( K LoW l-Ns iNTERESTEB l ( VWv LOOKING TOR -A 1 k 'TOML—ANp PT» HOT I / HOVW VD viU'ST LIKE ( MONM AL.U THE \ REPORT FRO/A HIS COMFI bEHTIAX. I ffl EViEM - | CAN T 17 TO OrET ONE PEEP \ T/AES SAIt> l ) ALL ABOUT FLJEXI&LE ; \ HE SAIE* SO HIIASELF*. * ( At those \*iIRES - / \CI LASS PREFERRED- ) I I'LL TAKE AOVANTAOE OF ) HE OjETS Every / BUT IF ICOULO ONLY \ ) THIS Vi»y rc: \xjuaT BIAA ( VK * HAVE TO RAISE Vlw£~ WB2®B®ry l#EirSy HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31,1935 Rai_ photog>rapmeisS flashlight OF A <SANQ OF HALLOVsIEEN PRANKSTERS' \NHH OTEY ANTI DAILY CROSS Vv'C .. siiZZLE mr i* * rrr m !_b ... ” i rir \z »3 14- f*“f is Ifc 1 ' r7 “ 21 22 23 24 ZG~‘ 27~ |2S> [29 " J I 30 B» 32 ' 1 j ” 33 ““ “““ 34“' ‘ ~ 3fe~ “ _ __ ggz 37 3a I ESgS lUfl 1 I I m I i 1 Life ACROSS 1— Tibetan positions priest 19—Dispatched s—Progressed 21—Stop rapidly 25—Ahead 9—Two thousand 30 —a strong pounds smelling, 10 —Dancers edible bulb cymbals 32—A helmet 12 —Fruit of the 33—Habit oak 34 —Stop hold l 14— An island of 35 —Sensitive the Dutch 30 —Precious Antilles stone 15— Shakespeare. 37—Assistant an character tabbr > 17— Broader 38—Greek god 18 — Literary com- of love DOWN 2 Particles 8— Passage 3 Peninsula in money Greece II —Separate 4 Bothers ! 13 —Cosine tabbr ) STo surfeit 15 —Masculine 6 City in Texas aam# 4- —Escape f CONTRACT BRIDGE T WRITTEN FOII CENTRAL FREES 1 ly t V. SHEPARD 1 §0 FAMOUS RRIPOe TEACHER Jk BAD TACTICS EAD TACTICS on the hand which follows cost dearly, through decep tion of partner, as will be seen. It was too bad, as bolh sides were vul nerable and opponents won rubber on the next hand. 4K9 6 4 4 10 4 4AK Q J 2 4 Q 6 472 4 5 3 4 J 8 5 3 , f 9 ♦ 963 £ 4 10 874 4 A K 10 S- 4J854 7 3 2 4 A Q J 10 8 4AKQ 7 6 2 45 49 When North dealt and bid 1-Dia mond, South quite properly showed slam probabilities, by jumping the bid to 2-Hearts, but when North bid 3-Diamonds, instead of showing his second suit by bidding 3-Spades, £hen jumping to his small slam in the major suit raised by North, South rebid hearts. North bid 4-Hearts, which South jumped to 6-Hearts. West doubled. West took the first club trick. De clarer ruffed the second lead of clubs. There were 3 in 4 chances that hearts were established, but South struck the one chance when a de fender held 4 of the suit, resulting in going down one trick. Os course the hand is a spread for a spade small slam, clubs being the onlv sub IT’S HALLOWE’EN TIME AGAIN fl nr- 1 A ■< _J ■ 1 5 r< A' ] * / .muKK/Mgm \ jgL - i S IKKlP^“£stiß9P 1 - 4* J| ill h&\ <*•» mm: itgm fh *&i&A&mmm i A v\ « Pr v -aUr * MWpiX, f Xs3 t *JI ", y ' •/ ‘‘‘''. ‘ ~ r '"F' y '> -*^ Talking it over *‘How do you like my pumpkin?” the little boy on the left asks the one on the right. “It’s pretty good,” the one on the right answers, “but you haven't any mouth cut open yet.” Anyhow, these two boys have the right idea. It’s Hallowe’en time, and what would Hallowe’en be without pumpkins and cornstalks?^ PAGE SEVEN 20 Employ 28 Designed 21— Sixty minutes <abhr ) 22 — Answer tab.) 29—To reckon 23 — Deceivers tune 24 Roman 31— Salamander* mantles like am. 26 Fluctuate plubian 27 — The poplar Answer to previous puzzle ak» h {t\jr ["v a ‘TTa m A o e» £ W HMh rH 5_ |L. * E ieJt T' E R NJ jgHjE ||| i m|/\ F O R CL O Rj O f\ * j N R. u ‘L.hb Iff ~r C- E. L) E. D gjgjr'A f\ Jo K N 1 \/ » CjO k\ In which South must lose a trick. The mere fact that North opened the bidding by no means insured -a small slam to South’s unusually pow erful hand. North might have opened upon a diamond suit headed by A-Q, , with a side suit of clubs headed by K-Q, and still South might have lost a club and a spade. Even worse than that, North might have had tv.p very long minor suits ?och headgd by K- Q, without having tlie K of s;>. -des, so that a small slam might have gona down two tricks. In that. case, how ever, a less impetuous bidder than South should have discovered from his partner’s bids that probably even a small slam would be impossible. The moment that a player insisla upon a fixed rule that bidding shall not be opened upon fewer than 2V6 quick tricks, he shuts himself out ol too many opportunities for game. 4Q J 5 46 4AJ 9 7 5 4 A K 10 7 4AK944 10 8 7 5 ! 2 nvri 3 4K J 8 5 Ui 4 9 4 46 * s 48432 48 6 2 4 9 4 4 None 4 A Q 10 7 3 2 4 K Q 10 4Q J 5 3 North is declarer. The contract 5s 6-Diamonds. The opening lead is the 5 of spades. Before tomorrow see how many tricks can be won against!, .the best defense of East and Yv'tnsU .•**? * •' ■ v"v |