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lIINDLILSON L uhWAYTO CENTRAL ( \ROUNA rWKNTY-SECONI) YEAR Japan Maneuvering For Franco-Italian Support On Parity Common Upper Limit of Naval Tonnage Revised To Include Those Two Nations. NEW PLAN LIKELY TO PROVE FAILURE French and Italians, Omit ted from Japanese Propos als Before, Are Now Ex pected to Give More De tailed Views; Arms Parley adjourns Until Monday. I.o.litn, Dec. 13 (Al*) —.Japan «• rant •' 1 fb*vict Russia (lie ritjlit (il , perl ripial to its own in nrgu- j (l ,. i,,r tonnage (‘quality for all ua lj,,iis in loro tin* international nav §ll i iiiitiTonoo, authoritative quart ers (Ii■ Hosed today. I Ins widening of the scopo of m's position was regarded its dm hI the most significant deve- Infiuii ills of (In* five-day old cun frrence. tin* delcgation from Tokyo dc- M'lopr ! the theory that a single standard should apply to all na tions indiscriminately, regardless ol their defense requirements or ■ iiiniiial commitments, otlii‘r dele ”«finns reported. London. Doc, 13 (AIM —Japan’s ; (Irleuat ion to the international naval j coiifi i cnee maneuvers today to win | :L,• stippori of France and Italy in j Asiatic Empire's demand for sea ]i(i\vi r ecmality. Tile Japanese revised their request ] for a common upper limit of naval ! • a ire to include the five powers j t ! ,|inii, the United States, flrcat Bti* ! •,a in, Fiance and Italy instead of iL, fi: a three only, as previously i iI. ..... | ,/t fin Froiieh mid Italians opposed the .1; pan. ■■ demands yesterday because 'iiev we re not included. However, in- j fuiinri! ;■oiirecs said they did not con- j iilcr the new tactics, would prove nil fill, although they will bring ' French and Italians more into • general dehatc. A,, a result, of the new Japanese the French and Italians are cx ii to present more detailed view- Ih i i:. • when the conference is rc : tiiiii il Monday. Tie Monday meeting will be for tie- leads of the delegations only, Oli nvets saw significance in this limitation, and said they believed ii me,nit the delegates would thresh out Mr Japanese equality demands and < 1 i -1 11 future possibilities at that. Morchead Harbor Improvement Work I ,et On Contracts Washington, Dee. 13. (AIM \iany engineers said today Jl $200,- I’.HH contract for Morchead City, \ (~ inlet harbor improvements had been awarded and work would he started immediately. The contract, awarded to the (•ahagan Construction Company, brnoklyn. calls for dredging an ■ (•can vessel channel inside the Mi.rchead City inlet to the ler iiiina.l now under construction, and a turning basin at the ter minal. The project is a part of the sL lio Public Works Administra tion project under construction I here. ■o\ months was the time esti mated to lie required for com pleting the procct. S. C. HOUSE VOTES TROOP WITHDRAWAL i Joins Senate in Special Ses sion in Request to Gov. Johnston Columbia, S. C., Dec. 13 (AIM By a vote of 108 to 2, th South Carolina House of Representatives today align 'd itself with the Senate in request ing (Jovernor Johnston to withdraw I I oops from the State Highway De portment, hut did not suspend legisla -1 ion pending such action. i'hr vole was taken after Reprc ' native Neville Bennett, of Marlboro, nOst it uteri a modified resolution for om introduced by Representative Ar (ow.smith, of Williamsburg, and the 'overiior was quoted on the floor as :ivil| H it "was not objectionable to 'A ivh Hie Senate already on record the withdrawal of troops holding "" State Highway Department, the “ * ou SG of Representatives moved p \ 'Ii 012 T^iaJ lintilrrsmt tiatly Sit swatch ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA * 1 mm l 'k L ’ , XV IKE SBRVIC B OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS. Old Age Pensions Start in January Washington, Dec. 13. (AIM Striving to got tin* non-eontrihu t«»ry old age pensions system into effect soon after New Year’s of ficials disclosed today they have sent a questionnaire to all states. it is a final check-up by the so cial security hoard to determine which states will participate in the system at the beginning. Board officials expect to he ready to put the plan into opera tion as soon as Congress provides the money. They hope it will go a long way toward helping care Tor ’unemployahles” cut off Federal relief rolls as of December 1. The Federal government will grant sls a month for eaeli needy individual 05 years oil nr over, provided a similar amount is granted by the states. BLACK WILL CARRY NEW DEAL DEFENSE Alabama Senator Chief Re liance in Senate of Presi dent Roosevelt. WILL PROD BUSINESS Plans To Dig Deep Into “Influence” by Pressing Lobby l’rohc; Hugo Is Said to Have Plenty of Ammunition % By CHARLES I*. STEWART Washington, Dec. 13. President Roosevelt inevitably must depend lar gely upon Senator Hugo L. Black of Alabama for his defense of the New Deal against the big business and fi nancial group which declared war on his administration at the recent con vention of tiie National Manufactur ers’ association and affiliated bodies in New York. Black's task, as chairman of the Senate’s lobby investigating commit tee, will be to make out so overwhelm ing a case of the pernicious influence of business in government as com pletely to nullify the assaults of busi ness upon Rooscveltian policies. The Alabaman made a vigorous start on this campaign at the last ses sion of congress, but indications are that this will be looked hack on as trifling, in comparison with what is to come. IMPLACABLE The assumption is that the Presi dent would have preferred to placate business men with “breathing spell'' (Continued on Paire Two.) Japanese Troops Occupy Key Town In Chaliar Region Kalgun, Chahar Province, China (Saturday) Doc. 14. — (AH —A small detachment of Japanese f.roons entered Ihis gateway city of the Chinese northwest today while the populace and Chinese so'dirrs gaped in wonderment. Not a shot was fired and not a voice was lifted in protest. It was the first appearance of Jap anese armed forces here and the “in vasion” was viewed as a manifesta tion of the Japanese army’s deter mination to clench its hold on North. . China by acquiring military control of strategic centers Where the troops came from and what their immediate purpose might be was not disclosed, hut the arrival of 20 Japanese buses from Peiping was thought possibly to indicate <in expedition deeper into the interior. Hostilities between Manchukuo and Chinese forces in southwestern Cha har province, meanwhile, lulled. 9" shopping days until. HENDERSON, N. C„ FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 13, 1935 LIBERAL GOVERNOR OF KENTUCKY MAY AID DR. M’DONALD Democratic Radical Played Havoc With State Ma chine in Blue Grass State. OUTSIDER MIGHT BE OBJECTED TO HERE McDonald Himself is Not North Carolinian; Graham And Hoey Backers Say Happy” Chandler Would Not Help McDonald Much Even if He Came Here. Hail j- OiM|»jt|(-h llurc.-m In Tin* Sir Waller llotci ID J. < . MASKERV 11,1, Rnleigh, Dec. 13. If Governor Happy (A. B.> Chandler, of Ken tucky, the exuberant and youthful Democratic "radical” who opposed the sales tax and fought the old line Demon at ic machine” in Kentucky, and as a result won the governorship, comes to North Carolina in January !o help Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, of Winston-Salem, his North Carolina counterpart, open his campaign lor tuc Democratic nomination for gover nor, ho. will undoubtedly get a crowd No one seems to know for sure yet whether Governor Chandler is actual ly going to help McDonald in his cam paign here or not. But some one who claims he heard it from some one who says he knows absolutely that it is a fact, has let it slip out that Governor “Happy” Chandler will open McDon ald’s campaign for him here early in January. At any rate, even the rumor that Chandler may come here and help McDonald is giving the boys on the other side of the political fence from McDonald the jitters. They know only too well what kind of havoc Chandler played with the Democratic machine of former Governor Ruby 'Laffoon of Kentucky, and the bricks he heaved into it, with the result neither all of Buffoon's colonels nor all of his ac mirals could put it back together again after Chandler got through humpty-dumptying it. They also know that McDonald is running on almost the same platform in North Carolina that Chandler ran on in Kentucky— opposition to the three per cent sales tax and to the present Democratic administration and so-called “ma chine.” About the only difference is that McDonald has trimmed and re decorated his platform to fit with the other aspects of the North Carolina political picture. It is also pointed out (Continued on Page Six.) Argentine Price Boost Puts Wheat Up Above $1 Here Chicago, Doc. 13.—(AIM—World wheat prices shot higher today following announcement that Ar gentine had fixed a minimum price for its grain 20 cents above the ruling market. Wheat futures in Chicago jumped the five cents per bushel limit permitted by trading rules. Trading at the opening here was very excited and both De cember and May wheat contracts were lifted above the <lol!.ar-a hiisliol level for the first time in recent weeks. Values in all intornational mar kets rose swiftly with the opening. Liverpool reflected the bullish Ar gentine news by jumping around five cents. Winnipeg was up the three cents daily limit allowable. The Buenos Ayres market scor ed one of. the sharpest, wheat price advances on record by open ing 19 cents a bushel above the previous close. Push Your Sales Now Take Advantage of Best December Business in Years, Babson Advises By ROGER W. BABSON Copyright 1935 Publishers Financial Bureau, Inc. Babson Park, Mass., Dec 13.—Busi ness is the best for any December since 1929! Factories are running night and day; employment is in creasing; profits are better and sales are speeding up. Total busi ness, as measured by the Babsonchart although still thirteen percent below normal, is twenty-five percent above a year ago and fifty percent above the depression low. Building Faces Recovery Not since the early days of 1929 has there been as much drive behind a business upswing as there is in back of this current advance. The most encouraging angle is the pick up in building and other heavy goods industries where unemployment has teen the most severe. These indus tries ere shoeing - -a: stent- of u ?lls _ MIDWEST FEARFUL EAST MIGHT RUIN G. 0. P. S CHANCES Terrific Blasts of Big Busi ness Scaring Farmers And Workers Into FDR’S FOLD LIVING COSTS AND HIGH TAX MAJORED At Least That is What Mid west Party Chiefs Desire; Even in Wall Street Is Pro test Against “Big Business” Program; Administration Silent. By LESLIE EICIIEL New York, Dec. 13.—Republican midwest leaders evidently are becom ing fearful that Eastern leaders and Wall Street are ruining Republican chances even before a campaign gees under way. The terrific blasts of Big Business from New York against the New Deal are scaring farmers and workers straight to the Rooscveltian folds, midwest leaders arc said to believe. It is significant that the Roosevelt administration has not answered. But one of its commissions did issue some figures of high salaries (from SIOO,- 000 on up to $365,000) paid to business executives who are critics. In many papers that received a larger play than did specific criticism of the New Deal which originated in the Congress of American Industry in New York. Furthermore, there now are rumors in Washington that Senator Hugo Black’s investigating committee will be busy through the year. And the Progressives plan to see that election campaigns are thoroughly sifted. Republican leaders, in the interrJr of the United States say they could come near winning on a high-cost-of living campaign, even a high-tax cam paign. but when the social accom plishments and socwf'J security aims of the Roosevelt administration are at tacked and the inference is left that they would he revoked should the Re publicans gain power, the Battle be comes difficult. EVEN IN WALL STREET There is a protest even in Wall Street. Under the heading, “Doth Protest Too Much,” the Wall Street Journal remarks, ip part: “In their eagerness to defeat the New Deal, a good many business men appear to be in danger of allowing their indignation to get the better of their judgment,.. One reads and hears with it* creasing regularity charges from in (Continued on Page Two.) SIOO,OOO Blaze In Government’s New Postal Structure Washington, Dec. 13.—(Al*) — The $8,000,000 post office building which stands on Pennsylvania Avenue four blocks from the White House today was scarred by an interior fire which blazed dangerously through early morn ing hours. All the capital's fire apparatus was summoned to battle flames in the new structure, from which volumes of smoke billowed. More than a dozen firemen were overcome temporarily in their ef forts to reach the blaze. When government employees went to their offices today, the fire was reported out, although apparatus still was on hand a waiting a final cheek of the dam aged structure. One semi-official estimate —and that admittedly rough—put the re placable damage at “more than $100,000.” tained revival hut despite the big gains, operations are still averaging less than fifty per cent of capacity. With the tremendous deferred orders which have piled up since 1929 and the hugh credit reserves available, we may be approaching one of the most active industrial periods in our history. The current upswing, unlike some of the other “boomlets” since 1933, seems to be a natural pick-up supr red on by activity in the motor in dustry, the death of the NRA, and the realease of orders which could no longer be postponed. With advancing security and commodity prices, there has qome a very healthy change in public morale. As 1 make my rounds among merchants, bankers, manufac turers, and salesmen, I find a won derful improvement in sentiment. In 'Centime* cn *t>~. > British Parliament Bitter Toward African Peace Plan; Ethiopia Calls On Geneva Anglo-French Proposal Would Give Italy Near Two-Thirds Os Ethiopia Plan Being Examined With Care by Mussolini, Ital ian Government Chief Says. LEAGUE COMMISSION WOULD BE ADVISOR But no Member Would Be Citizen of Interested Pow er; Various Frontiers Would be ‘Recitified’ Und er Plan, Published in Rome For First Time. Rome, Dec. 13 (AP) The Franco- British plan for peace between Italy* and Ethiopia, made public today, would giye Italy sovereignty or con trol over approximately two-thirds of I Ethiopia. An Italian government spokesman said his government could make no comment on the proposals at pre sent, but that “they are being exam ined with care.” Tbtere arc five points to the plan, as follows: 1. Italy would get sovereignty over Tigre province, already conquered by her military forces, except for the sacred city of Aksum and a corridor connecting that city with Ethiopia. 2. The Banakil frontier would be “rectified” so as to give the Assua re gion to Ethiopia in full sovereignty. 3. The Somaliland frontier would be I “rectified,” running from the Kenya- Somaliland boundary intersectional to Gorahei. 4. Ethiopia would get a free port on the sea, preferably Assab, and a cor ridor leading to it; France and Great Britain would undertake to get from Ethiopia guarantees against the im portation of arms and munitions. * 5. France and Great Britain would agree at Geneva to urge Emperor Haile Selassie to grant Italy a zone of influence running from the new Somaliland frontier established un der point three and extending all across Ethiopia from the 35th to the 15th longitude and northward to the eighth parallel. Emperor Haile Selassie would have sovereignty pver this zone of Italian influence, but would have an advis or who might or might not be an Italian. There would be a League of Na tions Commission to advise the mon arch on internal affairs, but no mem ber of this cpmmission could be a cit izen of any other interested power. RICHMOND COUNTY SCHOOL IS CHOSEN Columbia University Picks Ellerbe as Outstanding In United States Dully lli.s|iiili-li Ilnri'dO, In The Sir Waller Hotel, My .1. C. HAS KBit VIM, Raleigh, Dec. 13. —Selection of the Ellerbe school in Richmond county by Teachers College of Columbia Uni versity as one of the outstanding rural schools in the United States and as a laboratory for the study of rural education, was warmly commended { here today by Llyod E. Griffin, exe cutive secretary of the State School Commission, also by Claude F. Gaddy, assistant secretary. That this school was selected by Columbia University from among all of the rural schools in the State is regarded as a distinct tribute to County Superintendent of Schools L. J. Bell, who has been su perintendent of the Richmond county schools for 36 years, both Griffin and Gaddy pointed out. “We have long regarded Superin tendent Bell as one of our ablest and most far-seeing county superinten dents —and apparently Teachers Col lege of Columbia University agrees with us,” Griffin said. “I am confi (Continued on Page Six.) WEATHER FOR NORTH CAROLINA. Cloudy, preceded by light rains in north and west portions; cold er in east and central portions to night; Saturday partly cloudy, siierbtly warmer in west portion PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY. FDR Is Trying To Extend Neutrality Washington, Dec. 13.—(AP) — Continuation in some form or other of the temporary neutrality law will lie proposed to the next Congress by President Rooscvct. He told his regular press confer ence today that the present neu trality Jaw enacted last August, ex pires next February. Obviously he is trying to get something to take its place. * Mr. Roosevelt said it would be a couple of weeks before his pro. fiosal on neutrality is put into final form. AAA Seeks Farm Views On Contract Attitude of Growers on New Agreement And Court T e s t Asked F irsthand. Washington, Dec. 13 (AP)—Several ranking officials of the AAA cotton section traveled into the South today seeking reaction of farmers to the new cotton control contracts and to litigation before the Supreme Court involving the Farm Administration. The officials were said to he con cerned chiefly about, the attitude of the farmers toward the Bankhead law and the operation of the cotton pro gram without this enforcing act. The AAA officials privately ex pressed th opinion the Bankhead law would be invalidated eventually and the cotton program would depend on voluntary adjustment contracts. The Bankhead act provides a penalty for farmers ginning cotton in excess of allotments. Because of this possibility and pend ing Supreme Court action on the case, more importance was attached in some quarters to this southern trip to the AAA executives. Approximately 90 per cent of the South’s cotton acreage has been cov ered by adjustment contracts. Secre tary Wallace said he believed this percentage would not fall below 80, even if the Bankhead act were declar ed unconstitutional. STATE MAKES BIG PROFIT ON BONDS Securities Held in Sinking Fund for Years Sold to Chicago Bank Daily Di.«*|isil<‘h llumiti, In The Sir Walter Hotel, l!j- J. V. UASKFKVTM, Raleigh, Dec. 13. —The State of North Carolina made a profit of $54,- 527.75 when the State Sinking Fund Commission sold $528,000 worth or North Carolina bonds which have been held in the sinking fund for some years, and which will mature in 1944, 1945, 1946 and 1947, State Treas urer Charles M. Johnson announced today. The sale was made yesterday, the State receiving $582,527,73, which was $54,527.73 above par—hence the profit. They were sold to the North ern Trust Company of Chicago. This was the first time a middle-western bank or trust company has ever bid on North Carolina bonds. The $582,527.73 received for these bonds will be re-invested in other North Carolina bonds which will give a better yield to the sinking fund and hence be a more desirable investment from the standpoint of the sinking fund, State Treasurer Johnson said, “The sale of these bonds shows the North Carolina bonds are more de sirable than ever bfeore from an in- rvn P?Six,) 8 PAGES TODAY FIVE CENTS COPY CABINET CRISIS IN LONDON LIKELY IF PUN IS ACCEPTED British Constituents Protest To Commons Against Concessions to Mussolini. POPE PIUS ACTIVE IN SEEKING PEACE Meanwhile, Ethiopia R e* ports Rout of Italians Near Makale; Many Smaller Na* tions in League Opposed to Anglo-French Offer Tq Slice Ethiopia. (By The Associated Press) Emperor Haile Selassie asked the League of Nations to call a special meeting of the League Assembly on the grounds that the Franco-British peace plans violated the spirit of the League covenant. The plan, which it is understood of fers about half of Ethiopia to Italy in exchange for peace, already has re sulted in a call for a session of the Council for next Wednesday. Many of the smaller nations in the League were represented as opposed to • ihc plan on the ground that it would give Premier Mussolini his ob jective in East Africa. Rebellion against the Franco-Brit ish proposals for peace threatened in the House of Commons today as the impression grew in Geneva the plan would be turned down. By letter and telegram British con stituents protested to their repre sentatives in Parliament, against the war settlement suggestions which would give laly part of Ethiopia. An official communique from Addis Ababa reported the defeat of an Ital ian post north of Makale by a strong Ethiopian patrol. The Italians fled, burning villages behind them, the communique said. The opposition from the British countryside led to comment in Parlia jmentary '{mils threatening to oust Forcign_j>ccretary Sir Samuel Iloare unless the League of Nations vetoes the peace offer formulated by him and Premier Pierre Laval of France. A mutiny in the British cabinet was brewing, informed sources said, under the leadership of Neville Chamberlain, chancellor of the ex chequer. Unofficial advices from Geneva pre dicted the failure of the proposal be fore the League Council next Wed nesday, when that body begins its consideration. Authoritative sources at Rome said Pope Pius, through the church’s wide diplomatic channels, was influencing the attempts for peace. Three papal nuncios in France, Poland and Aus tria —were named as having played important parts in the movements to brjng the war tp an amicable end. N. UEGjSLATORS Refuse to Allow Gov. Hoff man to Call Session To Investigate Him. Trenton, N. J., Dec. 13. —(AP)—Leg- islative leaders turned down today Governor Harold G. Hoffman’s offer to call a special session to investigate his activities in the Bruno Richard Hauptmann case. The investigation was suggested by Assemblyman Crawford Jamieson, Mercer, Democrat, who criticized the governor for his death house visit to Hauptmann. Jamieson said he believ ed a plan existed to subject the peo ple of the world x x x x to a series of recurrent explosions that will carry this celebrated case into the press at intervals until the Republican Nation al Convention meets in June. Governor Hoffman has been men tioned as a possible candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. The governor discussed with lead ers today the need of a special ses sion to discuss emergency relief and social security legislation. They con cluded no session was necessary for those purposes, and when the gover nor also offered to reconvene the leg islature to investigate him they re jected that proposal. Senator C. C. Barbodr, Republican, majority leader, one of the conferees, termed Jamieson’s suggestion “in solent.”