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MARRIAGES, PARTIES SOCIAL ACTIVITIES I»KKY DAY is MARKET DAY. IA n yone romps lo Vanity Fair Willi something to sell or l>uy A shaggy beast or a woven holt, ,\ liiiimllp «>f plants or a long-tailed coal, \ fattened pit* from the stye, >,,u tame bv starlight, ami what did you hay? Apples or turnips, a bouquet or ring-, Early In the morning? All Hi* world in Vanity Fair < > eillales up ami down Si dtiny, buyers, crying their goods Sampling side .shows. It) suit their moods, l ».r/,ed by ihe din of tin* town. You who came late, what hindered you ? Now find your buyers, or what will you do. penniless in tin* morning? Twilight falls on Vanity Fair, I,amps are lit in the streets, Ami shine on rags and offal anti j slime, All kneaded into the mass that tlmej Wiiti its rvMintlless hammer still! ! mis - N,.\v hie yon home with the last of I the light 1,, Vanity Fair who stays all night j l tioinel \ss in the morning. J V H. Zxh Vance Class To Present Play ii., senior Class of the Zeh Vance )1,,,|i School will present “Dust of the j Vi, fha drama in four acts, in <I, n school auditorium on Tuesday i, 1 December 17. It is a drama cd full t>f pattios, humor, and r.uina" interest. \/;,1*11 gthe characters, we find the p,' isc»ther, the village gossiper, the a,\ i.rious Mr. Torn, and of course ", old darky, all of whom work lo th, i to give an interesting even in entertainment. There will he mu. if and stunts between acts. j Moon Theatre SUNDAY NIGHT 0 P. M. ■ Jack Benny— -5 ITia Merkel — I Nat Pendleton —in I “IT’S IN THE AIR” i MONDAY TUESDAY ft Znsu Pitts — .James Gleason —in I “A HOT TIP” H Comedies and Novelties STEVENSON SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Doors Open Sunday Night at !l O’Cloclt fit jßy Uis Last Ami -Jf- the glorious romance ./ROGERS [IN OLD KENTUCKY , l i *k DOROTHY WILSON yZfc IfA RUSSELL HARDIE CHARLES SELLON henry 1 uM J ALAN DINEHART-<V+^i^>< Hfl}; BILL ROBINSON ,v “.tack Downey Orcli" TfR .-i'Tfll % • aUwm i’athe news ‘(Flowers for Madame” COMING WEDNESDAY Boris Karloff in—“THE BLACK ROOM” Jack I'ot Night at 8:45 Extra Thursday Only Year's Most Sensational Picture “THE GREAT MANTA” Thrilling love drama of the ISea and the world’s most monstrous creature —“Great Manta” Also in Person Never before seen in civilization. FRIDAY ONLY KATHERINE HEPBURN —IN— “ALICE ADAMS” Guests Monday—Mrs. T. 11. Weldon and Miss > SOCIETY NEWS >• LEI HONE (.10 * * * * * * * * HOURS 9A.M.TO 12 NOON Home From Washington Miss Alice Rose, student at Martha Washington Seminary, in Washington, is at home with her parents, Mr mid 1s • B. Hose, for the holidays. Pinner Party Was Lor Miss Watkins Honoring .Miss Rebecca Watkins anil Roy O. Rodwell, whose wedding will he solemnized Tuesday evening at the First Presbyterian church, Miss Janie Wortham, Miss Helen Royster, j Miss Betsy Bass and Miss Sadie Belle I Boyul were hostesses at a dinner party last evening at the Hotel Norlina, at Norlitia. Covers were laid for twenty eight a I I In* long banquet table. Arranged along the table in the Center were festive decorations of holly, mistletoe, and burning red candles. The places ot the honored couple were marked ; with a novel minaliire bride and | groom. A delirious com* course dinner was I served to the following: Miss Rebecca Watkins. Roy (). Rodwell, Mr. and | Mrs. A. W. Gholson, Jr. Mr. and j Mrs. Alex S. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. j Irvine B. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. ! Graham 'Parry, of Townsville, Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rodwell, of Warrenton, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Watkins, Mrs. W. T. Watkins, Mrs. Alton Mrlver. Miss Nannie Guy YValkins, Tom Gil liam. Miss Bass, Travis Credle, Miss Wortham, George Leggett, Miss Boyd, Charles Tanner, Miss Royster and Robert B. Taylor. Reported Improved. James Madron, son of Rev. and Mrs. S. E. Madrcn, Epsom, was said to he much improved today at Maria Barham hospital, where he has been undergoing treatment. mmmm A Daughter Mr. and Mrs. James T. Duke an nounce the birth of a daughter, Peggy Delores, on Thursday, December 12, at their home in South Henderson. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy shown us during the illness *and death of our dear wife and mother. 1,. S. GILD and CHILDREN. HENDERSON, (N. C.) DAILY DTSPATCH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935 Lovely Dinner Party Was Given Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Evans and Mrs. Sarah B. Gholson gave a beau tiful dinner party at the West End Country Club Wednesday evening in honor of Migs Rebecca Watkins and Roy Rodwell. Christmas decorations were used in lhe club. tu each corner stood a lighted Christmas tree, a profusion of holly was used over windows and (tie man! le, beautiful red crepe paper lie lls shaded the center lights and the soft glow of red candles made a very festive scene. The bride’s table had red roses for ‘•he centerpiece on a lace cloth, the mses flanked by silver candlesticks. On the individual tables holly was hanked around a silver candlestick with a red candle. A delicious four course dinner was served. Complimentary to Mrs. Gliol son, Mr. and Mrs. Max Bryant and Gerald Bryant played beautiful music for the guests during the dinner. Spe cial music was played in honor of the bride and groom, hostess and host, amt many guests requested selections and sang with the orchestra. The mu sicians received much applause and appreciation and the music was en joyed by everyone. Among (tie guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John 1). Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. S. Davis. Dr. Vance Rollins, Miss Betsy Christmas Meeting Os Garden Club Thursday The Henderson Garden Club held their Christmas meeting Thursday at the Country Club. The hostesses were I the Program Committee, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mrs. J. C. Cooper, Mrs. Kate Watkins and Mrs. Upchurch. On entering the club, the Christ mas spirit was apparent by the de corations and the great stone fire place, with glowing Yule logs and large boxwood wreath tied with a red how hanging above the stone mantel. The Club was beautiful with Christ mas trees, evergreens and red can dles, making a lovely background for the Christmas tables arranged by the members. About seventy-five guests assem bled to hear Mrs. McMillan of Ra leigh talk on “Christmas Suggestions.” In her talk, she asked that everybody show the Christmas spirit by giving and by decorating, saying that no matter how small the gift, the spirit , of the Christ Child comes only w 1 giving. She urged everyone to deco- Baptist Y. YV. A. Has Monthly Meeting • The Y. W. A. of the First Baptist church held its regular monthly meet ing Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. S. Hale with Mrs. Hale and I Mrs. W. K. Phillips as hostesses. In the absence of me president, the meeting was presided over by the vice-president, Mrs. Charles Sellars. The minutes of the last meeting were i read and approved followed by the j roll call with seventeen members pre ! sent. The Society welcomed two new I members, Miss Ellen Trogden, and Mrs. Frank Joyner and Mrs. Bee Averett as a sponsor for (he new year. ! Business was discussed and the fol I lowing officers wore elected to serve, for the new year: President, Miss Kathleen Fogleman; vice-president, Miss Inez Murrell; secretary, Miss i Dorthea Woodlief; treasurer, Miss j Grace Woodlief. The personal service I committee is composed of Miss Mamie ! Rose Daniel and Mrs. James Early; | program chairman, Miss Helen Fogle man; group captains, Miss Hallie Frank Mills, Miss Bernice Satlerwhite and Mrs. Floyd Daniel; typist. Miss Virginia Aycock; pianist, Miss Ruth Hughes. During the social hour an interest ing contest was held with Mrs. Char les Sellars winning the prize. Every one received a gift from a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. The hostesses served a delicious ice course with nuts and mints. Number Children Attend Story Hour Between forty-five and fifty chil dren attended story hour at the H. Leslie Perry femorial Library yes terday afternoon. Mrs. George Black burn told two Christmas stories, “The Lucky Boy of Toy Valley” and “The “Little Engine That Could,” and “The Snow Queen.” The story hour was the last of the fall series. KITTRELL JUNIORS PLAN BIG MEETING Kittrell council No. 130 of the Junior Order plans a most enthusias tic meeting next Monday evening at Kittrell to which State Past Councilor Charles F. Tankersley, Jr., Hender and District Deputy J. L. Watkins, of Oxford, have been invited. Attendance of one hundred per cent is being sought by the lodge, and a prize is being; offered to the junior that brings the largest number o. J members with him to the mooting, it was stated. Strong Governments were necessary after the war but Russia, Germany and Italy Overdid it. Bass, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gholson, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. ||. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wester, Mrs. Alex Cooper, Miss Janie Wortham, Mr. and Mrs. S. E- Jeanette, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Peace, Dr. and Mrs. I. H. Hoyle, Mr. and Mrs. Joel T. Cheatham, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Cle inenUE, Mr. and Mrs.. Robert L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cooper, .1. C. Kittrell, Miss Sadie Belle Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. T. S., Kittrell. Mrs. Paul Cummings, Mr. ami Mrs. A. J. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. William Cor bitt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hunt. Wil liam Royster, Miss Lillian Gholson, Miss Helen Royster, Robert B. Tay lor, .Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Furman, Mrs. C. M«»ore, Jr.. Miss Elizabeth Singleton, Mr. and Mrs. James O’Neil, Mr. and Mrs. (). T. Kirkland, Mr. and Mrs. J. Allison Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris, Mis. D. McO. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. W. I*. Gholson, Miss Annie Herbert Lamb and T. P. Gholson. Those at the bride’s laLle were Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Gholson, Miss Watkins and Roy Rodwell, honored couple, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rodwell. of Warrenton, Mr. anil Mrs. S. M. Watkins, Tom Gilliam Mrs. YV. T. Watkins, Mrs. J. Alton Melver. Miss Nannie, Guy Watkins, Robert Taylor, and Congressman and Mrs. John H. Kerr.-- Reported. rate their homes for Christmas, and said that it did not matter how little or how much you had to spend on il and that sometimes the least expen sive decorations were the most e tive. Mrs. McMillan suggested the use of the star at Christmastime a symbol of joy and hope to guide the strife torn world to the Christ as : guide the Wise Men of old. At the conclusion of her talk, she demonstrated the making of the old fashioned pot pourri of our Grand mothers’ time, giving one to the Club President, Mrs. S. T. Peace, and one to Mrs. Allison Cooper, her luncheon hostess, and promising to send one to Mrs. J. H. Brodie, Garden Club, Chair man for this District. The North Carolina Garden Clubs are sponsoring the revival of these pot pourri, which are very appropriate at Christmas time, as frankincense and myrrh are used in them, these being two of the gifts brought by the Wise Men to the Christ Child. The guests were invited to the tea table, lovely in its white lace cloth, with a. large minor, in the center of which stood a crystal candelabra with red candles with red crystal grapes around it. At each end of the mirror were two smaller candelabra, and a silver service at each end, where tea was poured by Mrs. Alex Cooper and Mrs. S. T. Peace. Lovely white cakes with tiny red candles on them were served, with many other delicious cakes and candies. The Henderson Garden Club will give prizes this year as in previous years for the best decorated small house, the best decorated large house, :he best, doorway, the best Christmas tree. The prizes wil! bo pink oilgwood 1 roes. THE VANCE THEATRE “Offering 1 Henderson’s Greatest Entertainment Value” t ' r *) i | 1// » • Wednesday Night—-9 P. M. /m T/iftif f/*% —} f. .( Broadway Handicap *' ~ MgBSP' m C^UTl<Uep£S T -$40.00 Stake S! >' ,<ll(> AH IMUATION'iUFE - W With Baby Jane, Alan Hale and many others. j)jj3Sjjjß| | ■■HHHMaMHnHMHH ~ Z— * 1 Marland Martin Pattern WTjy~ Write Your Letter and Outline Why it Profits To Trade in Henderson (Continued fror* Page One.) valuable prizes offered for your ef forts. Complete rules will he found on pages four, five and six of today’s paper, together with a list of the iprizes offered Read all the ads carefully and he sure to answer the questions asked. If you desire, you may call the merchant for the answer of his question if you do not know it. The co-operating merchants will be glad to give you any assistance you may desire in writing your let ters. The Dispatch would like to take this opportunity of expressing its ap preciation to the Henderson business firms taking part in this contest and to assure them it stands ready at all times to cooperate with them in mak ing Henderson the very best town in North Carolina. Following are the concerns parti cipating in the contest: W. D. Massee. Central Laundry. S. Hayes. Henderson Business School. Wilson Electric Co. Otto’s American Tourist Camp. Hardee Funeral Home. May Smith Cleaning Co. Arlene’s. City Fuel Co. H. C. Anderson. Vance Cleaning Co. S. H. Watkins —Coal. E. G. Davis &. Sons Co. H. & R. Clothing Co. PATTERN 9871 With Holiday festivities so near at hand, give a thought to t’ ose whose successful entertaining, for the most part, depends on heavy kitchen duty. So get busy, and make up a supply of gay covery aprons for yourself and those who “lend a hand.” And as in expensive Christmas gifts, there’s nothing more practical, or more ac ceptable! They’re mighty easy to make, 100. Clive a cheer for Shoul der straps that are fashioned in one piece with the back for they can’t slip! Apron “A” can cook up the surprises— given the free dom of the kitchen, and works best in sturdy gingham *>r percale that’s been pre shrunk. Self ruffling trims dainty Apron “B” crisp and femin ine in swiss or dimity. Complete, diagrammed Marian Martin Sew Chart included. Pattern 9871 may be ordered only in sizes small, medium, large and extra large. Small size requires 2 1-2 yards 28 inch fabric for each apron. Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins or stamps (coins preferred* for EACH MARIAN MARTIN pattern. Re sure to write plainly your NAME, AD DRESS, the STYLE NUMBER and SIZE of each pattern Send your order to Dally Dispatch Pattern Department, 232 W. 18th Bt. New York, N. Y. Kernel* Drug Co. Gholson’s Jewelry Store. J. E. Johnson Garage. Tyler’s Photo Studio. Efird’s. Henderson Vulcanizing Co. Lane Nehi Bottling Co. M. G. Evans. Evans Bakery. Dickson & Co. Busy Bee Case. Ray W. Goodrich. Ideal Cleaners. Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. Miles Pharmacy. Hill Top No. 2. Southside Drug Co. Henderson Granite & Marble Works O'Lary’s Garage. English Tavern. Bridgets—“The Florist." Alford’s Print Shop. Milady Beauty Shop. Tanner Roofing Co. Page-‘Hocutt Drug Ct. The Vance Theatre. Teiser’s Dept. Store. Parker’s Drug Store. Hester Motors. Rose’s 5-10-25 c Stores. The Stevenson Theatre. The Moon Theatre. Tucker Clothing Co. Flynn’s Dept. Store. Henderson Book Co. White Bros., Drug Co. H. A. Clopton. Homo Building & Loan Asso. Economy Auto Supply. B. H. Mixon. Valet Cleaning Co. W. C. Hight Co., Inc. The Industrial Bank of Henderson. Peoples Drug Store. Omni Cola. Bottling Co. New Auto Plates Are Put on Sale (Continuen nom rage One.) motor vehicle bureau, and the other departmental officials to handle the license sale with a minimum of de lay to the purchasers. Additional em ployes have been added and car own ers are assured of the quickest serv ice possible, whether they buy their licenses in person or order them by PAGE THREE CHURCH SOCIETIES ANNOUNCEMENT -mail. It is very essential for every car owner to have his license application card when applying for a. license in order to avoid serious delay, McLaugh lin pointed out. This card contains all the information needed for the suance of a new license, including th> cost of the license -much less this year than last —also the motor num ber, serial number and other neces sary information. If these application cards are not presented when a car owner goes to buy his license, much time is required to look up alt (he Information necessary, it was pointed out. Those who wish to buy their lic enses by mail need only to make out check or secure a money order, made payable to A. J. Maxwell, Oommis sinner of Revenue, for the amount shown on the application card, attach the check or money order to the ap plication card, mail it to the motor vehicle bureau of tbe Department of Revenue here, and t lie new license plates will be sent by return mail. Since only 12 business days remain in which to purchase new licenses, all car owners are being urged by Di rector McLaughlin to buy their new ice use plates as soon as possible. A M TTs E M E STtIT Stevenson TONIGHT AT 11 O'CLOCK 10WL - MM 6^COMEDY STARS IN THE YEAR’S SCREEN RIOT! the wpf with Ted Healy YRV Una .Merkel Nat Pendleton Mary Carlisle A Metro-Goldwyn-MayerPicture* Added Novelty “P’S AND CUES”