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. - ■ IST • "~ W A ,(f\ Color expert-; -- L'— ~ MjfiLift _ C|ft ' N r ecoc;ni2.e v. : " j * (£v*, j \ 1 W/li-D ASS AND A. \ \ w- .VM IA-N AoRMAII-. ) |\ :,Vv* (l - The air wap ' v 'TT* ...A-, !•; or will- . „>>-! \ C P " * °J*Vlii l lit*. I*v (Vfillitl AAiMM'intii>n lfio. | \*J | THIMBPE THEATRE —STARRING POPEYE Piece by Piece By E. C. Segar U-.AV V 7 - -N «*. v ' THEV CMI \ r Tf-< lift- 1 I vJANTb TO SEE. \HI aOMiRAL lW R. _.. >.c ShIUORI QUn'”shOOTlN AH OS j”V •• ~R \ X N S G L7 HfNT ’-. / ' /I] 7T OH - Vou 00.00 YOuTT"’ LUHO\>PW AINK WjUAS, ONE 106 AWT REftDV *IFYA > :.- Htolf'i .J Blast 'em) \ 'Qr'> - V ,\\ / 7 of the joc\Es 30VS: j — 1 ' dont lav off itl take y _ U’AL isez. they jW\ j \ 7 VASA U /iohca ' w -- ter blasted M.ui.M-iu ) SECANT ,0® Ha— il VOO ; rylv 40R BATTLESHIP. fL’ V <iR» e A ( cc+4^^'t^ yf : ~ ~’Ar-T--- 1 I 7 ( 'r* -m v >: ' IS ' LR by LES FORGRAVE v-' -, MAY ‘SUCVOF, TSyjTT All TRyqv-VT,' YOU CAM corwe 1 STAV WERE’T\L TvAEY GET j TvAOS’E mew ARE GOIVJQTO ~l§sl r* , V CART STOP FVU.ST AkPTER. bAC\< ’. VTO~T T \~r f NEtiO VA'EL.P. AMO I CAN WHLP Jwfl ,' f/ . ~o NONN;hUMT! VT'S w TOor V_ ME f TtlAt MIGHT SH f® 'EM A LOT IF I GET OUT jH , v - jf n V-VOue 1 .- . : ..' i.. _' y-i THE GUM PS —DRESSING AND DRESSING DOWN * ’■ ? * «KIT', /"". tmaic ooniijiDTi v p I ARE iD/ ANP jWE ATPorrn ( AT n^7ro DER J I^tt.m^oki \ 1- VOLI nut WOULD HAPPEN-IT'S ALL I YOU'VE TRIED FOR Rbc PTED VWE PRESS FOR PINNERJ -^?X^cJ?r'^mightB vmtowm YOUR DOINCr-1 DIDN'T I MONTHS TO GET rr : r„^ ENEROUS —\ WANT TO COME HERE IN % PACK INTO tq BIM'S GOOD RENDERSON (N. C.) DAILY DISPATCH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1935. \ THE OLD HOME TOWN *«««».trs.*.»<<»«« by STANLEY » _ / —-,-^n, 1 /V /''B£ MORE CAREFDL-) ()F ANY > J ( COME ON, DL)ice, \ V SPOS//si' he HAP //even walked I } '7™ UST ° BEEN I i7^ A f, NC q\A WEAK }\ AN ACCIDENT- j f , L SLAMO X X 7 / STEW. HE MUST ) *( IT PROBABLY j J p UDDIAiG lo' HAD Hip 7 ! ( NNILC NEVER ' - \eOOTS Onl/ , , DUKE BOOPCE. OYSTER. STEVY^Scdi^t; Found two oysters ;m mis bowl' TODAY AND FAINTE.D /N MARSMAI OTEV WALKERS ARMS U.T CeNTK,< L- PRESS 12-1-1- '’F DAILY CROSS WORD PUZZLE I \ 2. ** S to 1 & -'j |\o LIIII ~ I \S VA VS 'to ” p ** I {'• m 21 ||pj 29 2,0 2 3,2, 7A- mmmammmm aHWOU ■■■bbwu saKsaaßS amsraMß .wratirm;, aauuofcxtt; «a. • rna»aa; 2>7 SB -1 Iffell 1 -y ACROSS 23 Near 24 — Short skirt, as worn in Scotland 27—Also 31—Scar S2—A cottonwood tree in Texas 34 —Rapidly 30 —Stalled In the mud 37 Fumes 38— Dumpy ana fat 30 —Rear down upon 2-^Surmise <3—Wet and heavy jll—rA spring month 12 —Musical form of the dramfc JS —Prostrate 14— A small island l £—Goddess oi dawn 16 — To tint 17 — Accomplishes 15— of the verb "to be ; ' 2C—A shelter DOWN , i—Opened the mouth wide ■; Exterminate Appearing as if gnawed r—An iniquity > —Kille «*.— T .:ji J ; CONTRACT BRIDGE WM7HH PO« ONTRAL PCSS | By E. V. SHEPARD 1 * fa parous mood riASMsa A iviA?TrF.::.'-"- -EiUDCjE (42) | 71'J AVERAGE eQconcy of blind $ ' :xi'j against sJI calls may be | :■• r.ked as fellows, from: 1. fjc!J<2 '• suits (either those having o op honors in sequence, or hav ir.g ins four top honors); Suita of any length exceeding * r cards, when headed hv A-K-Q: Truncated suits, or solid se a> jccs (K-Q-J, Q-.T-iO, Q-.1-JO-9. _-U'-9-8); M Sequences of three or more cuds. If headed by even a low honor; £. Sequented honors in long suits 'is Q-X-X-X, Q-.1-.X \-X, .I-10-X-X. XA): •i. intermediate sequences (J-9-8-7, | ’,O-8-7-6); '!. Fourth best card from a suit not I headed by Ace or K, or by a ienace; ' S. ‘Top of nothing leads (10-6 3. ' j-7-4-2, 8-:,); { ;>. Singletons, iower Ilian llie K. * 'l'lie foilrlli tie‘•l lead is only a J choice of evils against trump makes. «• it evidently was ml rod need directly ( from whist into bridge, without due * consideration of 1 lie value ala game ' when the declaring side lias deliber f at.ely picked a suil in which i1 has £ great strength. Had as they are, (lie f top of a suil headed by Q-J or .1-10. ’ or even top of nothing leads, are preferable to fourth liesl Pads against trump calls. Ilemeniber. it you lead a supporting card from a long suit, as the 10 from 10-9-6 3, the next time the suil is led or played to follow down, instead of playing the lowest card, as if you ’ held a double!on, as a l aid of the 10, fol WILL BROTHER CARRY ON ALONE? O. P. Van Sweringen, left, and the late M. J. Van Sweringen, and Terminal Tower, Cleveland headquarteri of vast Van Sweringen interests. The financial world is wondering whether 0. P. Van Sweringen, left, will carry on alone with the vast Van Sweringen railroad interests » now that M. J. Van Swjeringen has died. The Van Sweringens ob tained new capital recently to regain securities of theirs that New York banks had held as collateral for loans and financial interests r looked for the brothers to continue with their various railroad mariip- illations, handled from their officee !n Cleveland Terminal Tower. 10—Civil war governor of Illinois 18 — Timid 19— Writing fluid 21— Sites 22 Crush 23 Meals fur - nished regu larly for pay Answer to previous puxzlc pr-rj- F L ' T |*r jjSßj"*x KA g~|HV - rajfm V R[ElI Si I " ft uR. h1 i I'M *r Ki |* 6 to ( -. f , .... !„ m - 7 Goddess or Harvests 8 — Removes the old comb H orn a beehive a—a coio .lowed by tin. 8 would no mors of that suit. The longer ibe suit i he less defen sive value it lias in proportion to its offensive value, when plr yed against, a suit call, duo (o the i?.creased lia bility that declarer or dummy will ruff. A singleton Acq lias four in 1,000 chances of being ruffed on ils lead. There are 10 in lon chances that the doublelon A Is will be ruffed * not later than the second round, i'lie trebleton A-K-Q lias an ave.age value of only 2.31 (ricks. II m.a \ go unruffed for time rounds, bill d<< not expect it lo win more than Iwo de fensive tricks. A solid live-cant soil's average defensive value k only I 84 tricks. The valm drop: lo li. < 10, ,a six-card suil, and lo i 27 lor a seven -card soil. When doubling ! l ump calls I lu" e liabilities lo br I lifted mil:.l I" nil, id's ei. A 0 5 1 :i 2 VK J 7 ♦ A 10 X i o a 2 ♦ K Q J !> 7 r*n ** V '•> >• ui <■* !i 4 3 ♦ KQJS " c ♦ » 4 8 2 C 5 L ~ ' — XKJ 7 4 A A 10 A Q 10 8 2 X 7 XAQ 8 5 3 l South plays 6 Men; Itefor# Monday think what is Mu' I. • I open- I itig lead and wjicllin Ikie i iml i act I can i-e fullillt' l agsinsi !»;•,.! dcfen.aa. PAGE SEVEN 2'—ldol 26—A lock o. hair 28 — A medley 29 'T.uffalo Rill 30— Musical inst i umeni: S3 —Feminim name 35 —Equivalencei